Chapter 441 Heavenly Dragon Headmaster
Su Li felt an aura of impenetrability from Tathagata's cassock.

Although he has already practiced the Great Five Elements Technique, general Taoism and supernatural powers cannot break through his Five Elements defense at all.

But the Tathagata cassock gave him a new feeling, that is, wearing this cassock can prevent all dharmas from invading.

Regardless of whether the cultivator's realm is the secret realm of the physical body or the secret realm of supernatural powers, once he obtains the cassock, he will be invulnerable to all dharmas.

Of course, there are spirits in the Tathagata's cassock, and they will only be attracted by the way to the other shore, and only the great practitioners who help the Tathagata's cassock to the other shore will be selected by the Tathagata's cassock. Those practitioners who want to get the Tathagata's cassock , It's almost a dream come true.

"Congratulations, master, for getting the Tathagata cassock. This Tathagata cassock is the treasure of the other side of the Holy Emperor Yuan! It is rumored that this cassock records the legendary scriptures-Maha Vajra Prajna Paramita, which is created by Yuan according to his own supernatural powers. The principles derived from leading the people and governing the world are supreme Taoism. After wearing the cassock, all evils will not invade, and all laws will not be broken, and you can be called invincible in the world.”

Bai Ziyue finally woke up from his previous comprehension, and at a glance, he found that Tathagata had recognized the owner of the cassock, and a look of joy suddenly appeared on his face, and he hurriedly congratulated Su Li.

"This is indeed a good thing. Having Tathagata's cassock will also be of great help to my Dao. However, the general outline of the Tathagata Sutra is not on the Tathagata's cassock, but in the barren land."

A lot of mana condensed out of Su Li's body, turned into an avatar, and immediately flew towards the wild land.

As for his real body, he looked at the Tathagata cassock on his body, and all kinds of mysterious breaths flowed. He felt extremely powerful power on this cassock, which seemed somewhat similar to the Dragon-Mu Star Core, but not exactly the same.

The star core of Dragon Jupiter is still pure power now, a star core that was condensed by a star for hundreds of millions of years, if it is not taken out, it will turn into a star in ten thousand years, and the terrifying light will shine on the star field .

Therefore, the power of the dragon-wood star core is unimaginable. It is a top-grade Taoist weapon when it is born. As long as you spend time cultivating it, it will evolve into a top-grade Taoist tool. The power of the world is running, and various terrifying powers of the Dao will gradually appear. come out.

As for the Tathagata cassock, its power seems to be the power of the Dao.

What is the biggest in the world?
Makes the most sense.

Now the Tathagata, the Tathagata's cassock, contains the breath of the ancient holy emperor, and the powerful power comes from the Dao itself.

"In this world, there are two great treasures of the other shore. The Taishang Dao has an eternal kingdom, and the Dao of Creation has a boat of good fortune. I must also have a treasure of the other shore. It is just the Tathagata cassock. What should my treasure from the other shore be? Is it a bell, or a tripod, or is it a ship like them, or... a door?"

Su Li felt the dragon-wood star core and Tathagata's cassock, and he wondered if he could combine these two treasures, using the terrifying power of the dragon-wood star core and the great truth of the Tathagata's cassock, to refine it into a treasure of the other side that belonged to him.

If it can be refined successfully, it will not be a loss to come to Yangshen World this time.

"We continue to go to a place called the Dragon Cemetery, but before we go to the Dragon Cemetery, we have to go to Yunmeng to meet the head teacher of the Yunmeng Tianlong Sect. The Dragon Cemetery is hidden in time and space Deep in the turbulent flow, if there is no token, it is difficult to reach."

Su Li opened his mouth and said, mana wrapped Bai Ziyue, and it was another big teleportation!

The two went from the former site of the Great Chan Temple to the easternmost edge of Yunmeng.

"The great teleportation technique mastered by the master is really a good tool for finding treasures."

Bai Ziyue could no longer be shocked anymore, because he felt that he had used up all the shock in his life not long after he met Master.

If he remembered correctly, today was the first day he met his master.

That is to say, in one day, he met Master, worshiped Master as his teacher, then went to Fang Xiandao, gained another fellow disciple, and moved directly to the former site of the Great Chan Temple, where he got the dragon dragon. The soul and the Tathagata cassock moved one by one, directly to the easternmost part of the Yunmeng Empire, the Dojo of the Tianlong Sect!
It would take at least dozens of days for ordinary people to do such a thing.

Moreover, even if they spend dozens of days, it is impossible to do such a thing?
Who can make him pay homage at the first sight, and hastily become a teacher?

And who can make Xiao Anran, the head teacher of Fang Xiandao, say that he is also a Taoist disciple and hopes to be a teacher?
And who can directly move it to the former site of the Great Chan Temple with great magic power, and get the robes of the Tathagata?

There is no one else but Master!

Even Meng Shenji and Hong Xuanji are impossible!

And now, his master has arrived at the location of the Tianlong faction in the east of the Yunmeng Empire.

The Yunmeng Empire, the largest sect, is the Holy Land Xuantian Pavilion.

The second largest faction is the mysterious Tianlong faction.This sect is extremely mysterious, located in the deepest part of the Yunmeng Prairie, in a place where no one lives.

Among them, the head teacher is even more indifferent.

Even a fairy like him doesn't know whether the head teacher of Tianlong Sect is a man or a woman.

However, Bai Ziyue knew that the Peacock King, one of the Eight Great Demon Immortals in the world, was somewhat familiar with the Heavenly Dragon Taoist Master, because the Peacock King sent his daughter to the Tianlong School to study.

This also shows the strength of the Tianlong faction.

The Peacock King, vaguely the head of the Eight Great Demon Immortals, did not teach his daughter himself, but sent him to the Tianlong School to study. It can be seen that the headmaster of the Tianlong School is very powerful.

"Where is the leader of the Tianlong Sect?"

Just when Su Li reached the grassland deep in Yunmeng, the place where the Tianlong Sect's dojo was, he still sacrificed his own heaven and earth dharma.

The entire heaven, earth, and dharma expanded, covering an area of ​​hundreds of miles.

As soon as the terrifying aura of heaven and earth was magnified, it immediately became extremely terrifying in the eyes of the world.

Some Yunmeng people who were grazing on the grassland suddenly saw this divine and demonic figure of heaven and earth, and immediately knelt down in fright and worshiped.


"Sir Demon God!"

"Don't kill us, we are just common people!"


"I don't know where the master came, but I was far away to welcome him."

At this moment, a figure broke through in a void.

A girl in a red silk gauze appeared in the void.There are actually two elegant dragon horns on her forehead, bright red, like blood coral, exquisite and delicate.

This is obviously the head teacher of Tianlong Sect, a dragon girl.

When she looked at Su Li, there was a look of shock in her eyes.

"That's the Tathagata cassock!"

(End of this chapter)

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