Chapter 572 Three Hundred Dragon Forces
God Son Yaoli and the six god emperors he led this time had no room to resist at all, so they were sealed by the emperor's pen and absorbed by the tree of the world.

On Su Li's World Tree, seven longevity fruits appeared directly.

The longevity fruit condensed by the God Son Yaoli in the Dongtian Realm is the largest. As for the longevity fruit condensed by the six immortal god emperors, they are slightly smaller, but each is several miles in size.

If such a large fruit is placed in the secular world, the average person can increase their life by several decades if they smell it.

"This is the new World Tree. When the Protoss invaded, my Xuanhuang Great World World Tree unfolded, and countless gods, emperors and kings of the Protoss turned into longevity fruits and supernatural powers. The world is salivating, but still can't succeed, of course the World Tree at that time was extremely powerful, but now it is still too weak."

The human emperor's eyes saw Su Li's World Tree at this moment. He saw that the World Tree had absorbed several god emperors and condensed into a longevity fruit. Protect the scene of the entire Xuanhuang Great World.

"The first wave of gods was not bad, but senior Renhuangbi, according to what they said, it seems that there are eight god emperors in command, Ziyue God Emperor, Doum God Emperor, all of them are masters in the cultivation world, we have to guard against .”

During Su Li's voice transmission, he stretched out his hand and swallowed the long-lived fruit condensed by God Son Yaoli. At this moment, the sound of the tide like hundreds of millions of galloping horses was conveyed from his body.

In his body, the cave world changed again, and countless mana entered into every particle of him. At the same time, the space law of God Son Yaoli, even the cave, was absorbed by Su Li.

The magic bag of God Son Yaoli and the magic lamp of the high-grade Taoist vessel were all refined by Su Li.

A feeling rose from Su Li's heart.

There are only several ways in Yaoli's body, one of which is the Great Puppet Art. After being absorbed by Su Li, his Great Puppet Art was immediately perfected.

As for the other avenues, such as the large cutting technique, the large collapse technique, and the large teleportation technique, Su Li has already learned it, so he won't be able to use it for the time being.

However, Su Li didn't waste it either. He sealed these kinds of avenues in the Eight Pagodas, and rewarded those who needed rewards in the future.

In addition to several avenues, Su Li felt that God Son Yaoli also practiced a kind of supernatural power, which is somewhat similar to the one that Tianfei Wumo once displayed.

That supernatural power is a cloud, and the cloud forms the scriptures. It uses the words of the gods to tell the beauty of the gods and the secrets of the gods. Reopening the heaven and earth and other supreme mysteries.

This supernatural power is exactly the peerless supernatural power once used by the concubine Umo—the creation of the gods, which was created by the first ancestor of the gods, the holy king, which is comparable to the first great destiny technique of the three thousand ways.

In ancient times, immortal kings coexisted.The great immortal kings are not satisfied with the first invincible position of the Great Destiny Technique, so they all have to create supreme supernatural powers comparable to the Great Destiny Technique. The supernatural power is the creation of the gods that Su Li saw in front of him.

This has surpassed the general three thousand ways, and it can be said to be the foundation of the magic of the gods.

Su Li carefully studied the rune, the protoss characters inside, and found that the protoss characters were indeed profound and profound, and this supernatural power was really difficult to study and not so easy to learn.

These are all normal things.

"Hongmeng Tiandao, the creation of the gods, are all supernatural powers that must be compared with the Great Destiny Technique. After my cultivation has reached a certain level and I have learned thousands of ways, maybe I can also try to create one that is comparable to the Great Destiny Technique." The magical power of the Great Destiny Technique is comparable to that of the Great Destiny Technique. As for the current state, he is not even a fairy..."

Su Li thought about it, felt it, and absorbed all the power and law of God Son Yaoli.

At this time, his magic power has increased again, and his power has actually increased from the power of [-] billion horses to the power of [-] billion horses.

This increase in power was not only due to the longevity fruit of God's son Yaoli, but also because Su Li's ability to absorb the laws of space in the void was greatly improved after absorbing more laws of space.

Countless immortal qi rolled down and was quickly refined by him, so his mana was raised to the power of [-] billion strong horses.

This kind of power is already comparable to that of ordinary practitioners in the Universe Light Realm.

This is also the horror of the Great Origin Technique. Practitioners who have practiced the Great Origin Technique have many times the ability to accommodate mana than other practitioners.

Therefore, in the ancient times, Immortal Master Pan Wu who practiced the great origin technique was extremely powerful, and all his disciples were also infinitely powerful. Fighting against people didn't even need magic weapons, they simply used force to overwhelm others.

"Eight Great God Emperors, each cultivated out of the world, such a god race has come to the Xuanhuang Great World? It seems that the speed of the catastrophe is constantly advancing, but they will not immediately attack the ten gates of the Immortal Dao, and the speed of your cultivation is even higher. Upgrade, upgrade, and upgrade again, if you cultivate to the Realm King Realm before the catastrophe arrives, there may still be a glimmer of life."

At this time, Renhuang's pen opened his mouth, and his eyes looked towards the direction of the Arctic ice field. Layers of spaces were broken in front of him, but the place he passed seemed to be blank.

There are no protoss.

This is obviously impossible.

"Su Li, your big banquet is about to begin. Huh? Did something happen just now?"

At this moment, Fang Qingxue and Feng Yaoguang walked over.

Fang Qingxue looked at Su Li, and she keenly felt that Su Li's aura was much stronger again, and seemed to be much stronger than her.

"Qingxue, it's not a big deal, it's just that a few god emperors sneaked into my Yuhuamen just now, and were killed by senior Renhuangbi. After I refined one, the power increased by another ten billion horses There is also the longevity fruit condensed by the six immortal god emperors, which may be rewarded to the disciples under the sect. Each of you can also have one."

Su Li looked at Fang Qingxue, smiled, and stretched out his hand, each with a longevity fruit.

"The Protoss? The Protoss has invaded again? It seems that your big banquet will not be peaceful this time. I will always tell my daughter that if someone dares to be presumptuous, he will immediately burn [-] billion pills. If it is not enough, Then burn a trillion pure yang pills and punish severely. Even if it is too emperor, he will not be able to eat it and walk around."

Listening to Su Li's words, Fang Qingxue suddenly showed a murderous intent on her face, but what she said made Feng Yaoguang and Ren Huangpen feel ashamed.

Take out [-] million, or even a trillion pills for Channannan to be ready at all times?

"As expected of the reincarnation of Tianjun Dianmu, your arrogance has already been revealed in this life."

The vicissitudes of human emperor's pen sounded.

"Thank you, Su Li, I will help you look after it later."

In Feng Yaoguang's body, a simple and simple mirror appeared, which seemed to be able to reflect the heavens.

"It's a pity that I haven't broken through to the Cave Heaven Realm, otherwise I wouldn't let a single person in."

Feng Yaoguang opened her mouth quietly.

The three immortal bodies suddenly became two immortal bodies and one immortal body, and the one immortal body was her.

She is the reincarnation of the emperor's mirror spirit, the empress dowager whose cultivation level cannot be lowered.

"Yaoguang, your realm is also improving very quickly. As for the Dongtian realm, next time you will catch a protoss in the Dongtian realm and refine it, you just take it."

Su Li said, comfortingly.

"Thank you very much, but I will try my best."

Feng Yaoguang nodded.

"Xianzun, the auspicious time has come."

At this moment, Fang Han flew over from not far away and said.

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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