Chapter 583 The Last God
"Namo Amitabha, Namo Amitabha..."

A teenage girl was wearing a shrunken Tsing Yi Taoist robe, a bamboo hat, carrying a bundle, and a string of Buddhist beads in her hand. She was rushing forward at this moment.

However, although there seemed to be nothing in front of her, no matter how the girl moved forward, she still couldn't get through.

Not far from this girl, many ghosts stared at her bloodthirstyly, but because of the Buddhist beads, they didn't dare to get too close.

"Namo Amitabha, don't follow me, okay..."

The girl continued to read the scriptures in a low voice, and when she looked to the side, she saw a female ghost floating not far from her, making a creepy laugh, and at the next moment, it all broke apart and turned into countless ghosts. The bugs and disgusting bones seem to be rushing towards them.

"Namo Amitabha."

At this scene, the girl almost threw away the beads in her hand in fright, but she still firmly remembered the words of the expert and did not throw away the beads.

Because she knew that once she really threw away this prayer bead, all the evil spirits would rush up and eat her up.

"Is this the heroine of this world, Hua Qiangu, the last god in this world?"

In the void far away, Su Li saw such a picture.

The girl in the picture is the last god in this world, but her divine power seems to have not been developed in time, so that she has no way to face this most lowly ghost.

In this world, in the incomparably distant past, there were powerful gods and gods. Those gods were innately sacred, and they enjoyed boundless lifespan and powerful and boundless mana from birth.

However, the ancient gods lived too long with nothing to do, so they often fought with each other. As a result, countless gods died, and there were not many remaining. .

After the last god used her flesh and blood to mend the world that had been in ruins due to the war, it also died and was reincarnated as Hua Qiangu in front of Su Li.

As a result, all the innate gods in this world are equivalent to dying out.

Now in this world, there are no gods anymore. What exists in the world are the great sects of immortality that rose later and the ten artifacts left by the innate gods.

Each artifact has the power to destroy the world. They are Liuguangqin in the east, Floating Pearl in the West, Huansi Ling in the South, Buyuan Ding in the North, Immortal Umbrella in Tianfang, Xuanzhen Ruler in the Place, Yanshuiyu in the birth, Compassion in the Death in the Sword, The dead party is tied to the sky chain, and the hopeful party will not return to the inkstone.

The Oriental Liuguangqin seems to be somewhat similar to the legendary artifact Fuxiqin. It represents the way of "goodness" and "rebirth". It purifies Nirvana and comforts people's hearts. It can curb the evil in people's hearts. .

The Western Floating Bead represents the avenue of "destruction" and "power" among the top ten artifacts. With the Floating Bead, one can turn rivers and seas, destroy mountains and rivers, and even completely unseal the Floating Bead, which can move the sun, moon and stars.

This kind of ability is extremely terrifying. It can be said that possessing the Floating Pearl is no different from obtaining a fairy god. The power is endless, overwhelming people with force, and no one can stop it.

Nanfang Huansiling is the avenue of "love" and "obsession" among the artifacts of the ten directions. It can control people's hearts, control the emotions and six desires, and confuse people's minds. It is very similar to the Great Purdue Technique of the Great World of Immortality.

Possessing the Huansiling is equivalent to possessing the Great Purdue Technique. Even if millions of demons invade, the Huansiling can still keep one side safe.

The Northern Bu Yuan Ding represents the way of "suffering" and "healing". It is somewhat similar to the Shennong Ding that Su Li has seen in the past years. Of course, Su Li has never heard of anyone using the Shen Nong Ding to refine poison. In this world, if you use the Northern Bu Yuan Ding Refining poison, the refined poison is almost unsolvable.

The Tianfang Immortal Umbrella represents the way of "resistance" and "hate" among the artifacts of the ten directions, and represents absolute defense.With the Immortal Umbrella in hand, almost any attack can't break through this artifact, and it can double the terrifying attack back to the opponent.

This artifact seems to be somewhat similar to the emperor's mirror in the Immortal World.

The local Xuanzhen ruler represents the way of "despair" and "oppression". It is known as the absolute seal. Under the Xuanzhen ruler, people's cultivation and memory can be directly abolished and cannot be restored.

Shengfang Yanshuiyu represents the way of "love" and "hope". It is endless and resurrects the dead. It is somewhat similar to the Nuwa stone that Su Li saw.

And the sword of compassion for life represents the great way of "death" and "farewell". Under the sword of compassion for life, no one will be left alive. As for the word "compassion for life", it is because the sword of compassion for life kills people too quickly and makes people feel painless.

This sword is said to kill on sight of blood, even a god can't save it.

There are also the sky chain tied to the dead side and the inkstone of no return to the side. The former one represents the avenue of "fettering" and "shackles". It can block the space, create the strongest cage in the world, and easily destroy everything in the cage. It is said that the seal is completely sealed. When it is broken, even the sky can be sealed in it and refined directly.

The latter one represents "escape" and "pursuit". Not only can space transfer, it is said that after the seal is completely lifted, it can even control time and reverse time.

Whoever can grasp the Inkstone of No Return can grasp true freedom.

There is no obstacle in space, and after the unblocking is complete, there is not even any obstacle in time.

There is a mutual restraint relationship between the chain tied to the sky and the inkstone of no return.

In fact, there are many mutual restraints between these ten artifacts. For example, the Mercy Sword vs. the Immortal Umbrella, can the Mercy Sword penetrate the invincible Umbrella, or the Umbrella with invincible defense? Even the sword cannot break through.

Another example is Liu Guangqin vs. Huan Siling, who can control who.

Fuchenzhu vs. Shangxuan Zhenchi, it seems difficult to tell who will be stronger.

No one can tell clearly.

Because when the power of the artifact is countless times more terrifying than that of the monk, whoever can win depends on how much power the monk who masters the artifact can exert.

There is no comparison between artifacts, all comparison lies in the person who uses the artifact.

For example, right now, the Shushan faction, the great sect of the Immortal Dao, who possesses the magic weapon tied to the sky chain, seems to be encountering a massacre.

When Su Li looked at Hua Qiangu, he also saw the Shushan School in the barrier.

Many demon monks had already surrounded this immortal sect, and the barrier around Shushan didn't stop these demon monks at all, it was useless.

And on the square in front of the main hall of Shushan, an old Taoist looked at a monk wearing a mask angrily, showing an expression of disbelief.

"Yunyi, you actually betrayed!"

 In the world of Hua Qiangu, there are original novels and TV dramas, the world view is actually quite grand, in the novel, the Jade Emperor and the Three Qing Tathagatas have to respect Bai Zihua, dare you believe it.TV shows don't do that.Of course Hua Qiangu said in the original book that there are many gods in this world, but they are all gone.

  So in fact, there are really two versions of the TV series and the novel.

  Bai Zihua, who is stronger than Sanqing, can you believe it, there is no mana in the TV series that can't defeat Xiao Yao...

(End of this chapter)

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