Chapter 674 Golden Immortal Inheritance
Su Li walked in the city of the White Emperor Chamber of Commerce, looking at the scene in the city with great interest.

This city covers an area of ​​one million miles, and there is a huge protective cover on it. Countless disciples are patrolling outside the mask, charging fees from the trading monks.

In order not to disturb Su Li's own White Emperor Chamber of Commerce, he directly paid the fee for one hundred Chunyang Pills.

Watching this scene, Bai Xi smiled wryly. The disciple of the White Emperor Chamber of Commerce dared to charge his master.

But Su Li didn't care. After entering the city, he saw shops one after another, like a market in the world. According to various plans, they formed formations one after another.

In the shop, there are all kinds of treasures, including pills, spiritual weapons, treasures, and various materials, and even among some crystals, there are monks' golden pills.

The voice Su Li heard earlier was that a shop owner was selling golden pills.

That golden elixir is not too powerful, it only has ten kinds of supernatural powers, except for five elements and five kinds of supernatural powers, other supernatural powers are also common.

However, several monks showed interest and tried to bid for the golden elixir.

A golden elixir, a golden elixir that has cultivated ten kinds of supernatural powers, whether it is taken back to refine and obtain the supernatural powers in it, or used to self-explode and kill the enemy, has a very good effect, so this golden elixir was quickly taken away. sold out.

Su Li even saw someone selling low-grade Taoist artifacts in a shop.

A low-grade Taoist artifact is hung in the shop openly like this, and it is not afraid of being snatched by others.

Su Li could see that the owner of that shop was a monk with eight levels of supernatural powers. He had just survived the catastrophe of fire and fire, and for some reason, he actually got a low-grade Taoist artifact.

And in front of him, who is interested in this low-grade Taoist artifact, is an ancient giant with a long life.

"This flying sword is called the Seven Killing Spirit Wind Sword. It is a wind spirit giant who has cultivated to the tenth level of supernatural powers. After being captured, he was refined into a low-grade Taoist weapon by an expert. It is extremely powerful. A lot of Chunyang Pills only need three million yuan, which is definitely high quality and cheap.”

This cultivator who had just survived the catastrophe was in a period of weakness, but he was not afraid of the ancient giant who would take it out and snatch it.

The ancient giant really didn't snatch it, but bargained for it, "Three million is too expensive, I have to save the previous year to save it up, and I bought it for a buyout price of two million."

"Come on, you are old, you should go to other places to have a look, maybe you can get two million low-grade Taoist artifacts."

The cultivator who was in a catastrophe shook his head, but anyone could see the contempt on his face.

"This is the rule of the big world of comprehension. If the giant of the longevity realm dared to do something just now, he would definitely not survive ten breaths."

The divine beast Bai Xi explained. "One hundred thousand years ago, the world of comprehension was also very chaotic. Maybe monks would be killed as soon as they bought something and went out. Later, all the chambers of commerce formed an alliance and formed a joint law enforcement team. Who would dare to make trouble? , direct suppression, so that the absolute order of the cultivation world can be maintained. Even if the existence of the king of the world makes trouble, it is basically certain to die. There is a [-]% chance of death in the mixed cave. As for the virtual immortal, he has to pay a heavy price , but the general Xu Xian is a person with a head and a face, and will not do such a thing."

Su Li nodded, it was true.The existences at the level of Xuxian are all dignified existences, and they will not come to the big world of cultivation to mess around, otherwise it will be difficult to go out in the future.

"Fellow daoist, please take a look, there are branches of major chambers of commerce. Among these chambers of commerce, there are shopkeepers who are at the level of virtual immortals, and some shopkeepers are at the level of real immortals. With so many virtual immortals and real immortals combined, who can do it?" You have to back away."

The divine beast Bai Xi continued to speak, and Su Li followed his gaze, and sure enough, he saw magnificent palaces, and there seemed to be many treasures in the palaces.

"As long as fellow Taoists have enough pills, you can enjoy anything. Here, it is not impossible to eat dragon meat, or even the meat of various beasts. Of course, the price is also very high. Even , if fellow daoists want to enjoy the witches of the demon clan and the dragon girls of the dragon clan, it is not impossible, there is a place in the world of cultivation called Happy Valley..."

"Let's forget about it."

Su Li shook his head. During the thousands of years in Thunderstorm City, his relationship with Fang Qingxue has become closer and closer. It would be impossible for him to go to places like Happy Valley as soon as he left the Xuanhuang World.

"Let's go, go to the core area of ​​your chamber of commerce. This time, I will be promoted to the Eight Buddhas."

Su Li glanced at Bai Xi, and some vitality flew out of Bai Xi's body immediately, transforming into his body.

Bai Xi Bai Huang appeared in the void.

"Meet the White Emperor Immortal!"

In the depths of Baihuang City, when all the disciples saw Bai Xi's figure, they immediately showed respectful expressions and saluted one after another.

Bai Xi nodded, and ordered his disciples to continue collecting some materials, while he led Su Li to go deeper into the White Emperor City.

"This is a treasure refining formation in my Baihuang Mall. It is called the Baji Golden Lock Returning to the Origin, Refining and Transforming Soul Formation. This formation comes from the inheritance of the ancient Baji Golden Immortal, the inheritance of a golden immortal. Lianbao is very beneficial."

When Bai Xi walked into the core area of ​​Baihuang Mall, Su Li saw a large formation.

This large formation, showing a mysterious golden light, has a very ancient pattern on it, showing a mysterious and profound aura.

In the center of the formation, many treasures were used to suppress it.

With a glance, Su Li saw knives, spears, swords, halberds... and many other weapons.

There are many weapons wandering in the formation, and every weapon is actually a Taoist weapon.

And strips of flames rushed out from the ground, jumping erratically, and condensed into flame figures one by one, which were the innate fire spirit primordial spirit.

The underground flames of the great world of comprehension, after being highly condensed, will produce the true form of a giant spirit.

If these giant spirits are real, practice Taoism, and break through to the secret realm of longevity, they can become natural gods.

These fire spirit primordial spirits are all existences in the secret realm of longevity, and they are used to temper magic weapons.

Su Li even saw the formation on top of this formation to defend against demons, and tempering magic weapons in it can defend against heavenly demons, earth demons, human demons, and demons of the heart.

And the aura of the law of time and the law of space circulated in this large formation, and Su Li even felt the aura of creation.

Obviously, this large formation can be directly used to refine high-grade Taoist artifacts, and even speed up time, making treasures take shape quickly.

And with the help of the divine beast Baixi, this great formation can refine the unrivaled Taoist artifact.

"The inheritance of a golden fairy is really good..."

(End of this chapter)

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