Pushing the heavens horizontally starts from the wind and clouds

Chapter 723 Unknown and strange, help me with a great curse

Chapter 723 Unknown and strange, help me with a great curse

From the Eastern Desolate Southern Territory to the Eastern Desolate Northern Territory, for most monks, it may take many years to fly.

As far as Su Li is concerned, mastering the laws of space and the great teleportation technique means that the world is so big that he can reach it all at once.

"This is the Northern Territory? It looks a bit desolate."

Ye Fan and Pang Bo are no longer shocked that they were still in the southern region, but now that they have arrived in the northern region, they already understand that this is the most basic skill of their master.

At this time, they looked at the scenery of the Northern Territory, and they could see that there was no world full of flowers, no bustling people, and even green plants were extremely scarce.

The land was desolate, and the red soil seemed unsuitable for any planting, and there was desolation and depression everywhere.

Looking around, this is a barren land, without any vitality, and I don't know what the people here rely on.

"This Northern Territory is really different from the Southern Territory. You can grow things everywhere in the Southern Territory, but there seems to be nothing in the Northern Territory. A place where birds don't shit..."

Pangbo looked around and didn't even see a living creature, so he felt a little unaccustomed to it.

Indeed, there are beautiful mountains and rivers everywhere in the southern region, like Lingxu Cave, although the scale is small, it is also called "Cave", and there is no shortage of all kinds of cranes, plants and trees.

"Naturally, the Northern Territory is different from the Southern Territory. The Northern Territory has sources. Sources are the essence of life. If there are too many sources in a place, there will not be much aura in this place."

Ye Fan seemed to know something about the Northern Territory, and his eyes were still looking around.

"I heard that there is a lot of money here, and there are places for gambling in many places. With your method, master, I'm afraid you can win a lot of money."

As Ye Fan spoke, his eyes lit up a little.

There are many sources of gambling in the Northern Territory, which are similar to the stone gambling on the other side of the starry sky, but the source of gambling is a matter of the practice world, while stone gambling is a matter of the world.

Each piece of the source is very mysterious, the source is wrapped in the stone, and it cannot be seen through by the practitioner's sacred stone, so gambling on the source can make the monk rich.

Ye Fan thought that with his ancient holy body, in addition to devouring all kinds of curses and poisonous arts, gambling could probably enable him to support himself.

After all, he wants to become stronger himself. Although the Chunyang Pill of Good Fortune Immortal Sect is wonderful, Ye Fan always feels that it is too unrealistic.

It is inconceivable that there are so many pure yang vitality between the heaven and the earth.

"Little Yezi, your idea is very good. Gambling in the Northern Territory, with our master's ability, I'm afraid it will make those people lose their eyes."

Hearing Ye Fan's words, Pang Bo immediately laughed too.

Su Li shook his head.

"We came to the Northern Territory this time to find the Great Emperor's Secret Realm and the source of gambling, so you can do it."

While Su Li was speaking, he moved again and came to a purple mountain.

Zishan is guarded by nine dragons, it is very majestic and vast, but it has a kind of magical power. Throughout the ages, I don’t know how many people have entered Zishan, but few people can come out.

Even if you are a peerless holy master or an immortal god king, you may never return when you come to Purple Mountain.

However, Zishan, who is not close to strangers, welcomed a group of masters and apprentices from Yuhuamen today.

As soon as Immortal Su Li arrived in the Northern Territory, he immediately came to Zishan.

The moment Ye Fan and Pang Bo saw Zishan, they felt a hairy feeling in their hearts. It seemed that if they entered Zishan, they would encounter something unknown.

"I feel the breath of the curse."

Ye Fan frowned, and a rune appeared all over his body, which was very evil and weird, but when this rune appeared in the void, many evil gray and white breaths appeared from the void, and were absorbed into the rune .

"My big curse technique seems to have been accomplished in a small way."

Ye Fan was overjoyed, and then became serious again.

"Ahhh, I want to practice too. Why am I still in the third level of supernatural powers? I think I can comprehend yin and yang, heaven and man, break through to the realm of heaven and man, and then practice more supernatural powers."

Pang Bo looked at Ye Fan with some envy. Ye Fan practiced another way, and could directly practice various supernatural powers, unlike him, who can only practice one kind of supernatural power now.

If he practiced different supernatural powers, he might explode.

"This is indeed a good place to practice the great curse technique. There are many curses here. Ye Fan, Pangbo, let's open the way."

Su Li looked at the various curses and ominous auras here. To the cultivators of the Shrouding Heaven Realm, they were extremely terrifying, but to my Immortality Law, they were food and grass.

Red-haired, cursed, unknown, devoured and refined, wouldn't it be possible to improve the cultivation of the great curse technique to a higher level?

Ye Fan and Pang Bo opened the way ahead, and various strange objects could be seen along the way.

Some creatures are two meters high, with wings spread out to a full four meters, with sharp claws like knives, shining coldly, covered with gray animal fur, and their wings are flesh wings.

This is the underground mephit, which lives underground. Any place where such creatures exist must be a place of great viciousness.

However, it seems that Pangbo has already cultivated to the third level of the Gangqi Realm of the Mystical Ability Secret Realm, so he doesn't care about these mephits who have not even cultivated their spirits, killing Dafa in an instant, with the Qi of Gengjin, and directly using all the mephits to be human.

Ye Fan's shots are not bad either, he is the Ancient Saint Physique, and his strength is much stronger than ordinary people, especially now that he still has the Xuanhuang Mother Cauldron, there is almost nothing that can stop him.

The two apprentices went all the way to the depths of Zishan, but the deeper they went, the more strange and ominous the atmosphere became.

In the end, you can see bones everywhere. Obviously, countless creatures have died in this place in the past years.

Everyone is still moving forward, but the inside of Purple Mountain is not as desolate as the outside, there are white and purple jade everywhere, and there are many palaces, which seem to be lived by powerful people.

At the end of this building, there are more than a dozen blood jade steps leading to a deep cave.There is the passage into the deeper part of Purple Mountain.

"God King Jiang Taixu strayed into the Magic Mountain and decided to take a closer look."

In front of the passageway, there is such a sentence written.

"Void God King, sounds very powerful."

Pang Bo was stunned, Taixu God King, and Void God King seem to mean the same word, but why does this God King have a dao name.

God King Taixu?

"Tai Xu doesn't mean that, Pang Bo, you need to read more..."

Ye Fan was a little speechless, and wanted to explain a few words, how beautiful, how mysterious, and how pleasant the word Taixu is.

However, it seems that the Taixu God King is indeed somewhat vain.

That god king, I don't know how imaginary he is.

"Jiang Taixu, we are the same ginger..."

Xiao Tingting's words sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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