Chapter 736 The Taoist Rainfall
On the fourth floor of the Rage God's Key, many ancient high-grade Taoist artifacts and middle-grade Taoist artifacts formed a large formation to attack Su Li.

But Su Li didn't care about it, he just sacrificed the Great Five Elements Technique, four top-grade Taoist artifacts and one immortal artifact to suppress the heavens, and at that moment, all the high-grade Taoist artifacts and middle-grade Taoist artifacts were completely suppressed, and they could no longer presumptuous.

Su Li stretched out his hand and grabbed a high-grade Taoist artifact in his hand. It was a stick called the Ape Demon Mixed God Stick. It was originally the magic weapon of the Immortal Demon King Yuan Zhenhong, and it existed for [-] years. Tens of thousands of years ago, this Xuxian was defeated by Panwu Xianzun, so the top-grade Taoist weapon, the ape-demon hybrid stick, was included in the key of the wild god.

The violent ape before was the spirit of the top-grade Taoist weapon.

Su Li ran the law of heaven for a while, and felt a Monkey King wearing an ancient bronze chain mail and a purple gold crown appeared in the void, holding an ape-demon mixed god stick, fighting the sky and the field, and an invincible figure. With a stick in his hand, the demon ape was almost like a god blocking and killing a god, and a Buddha blocking and killing a Buddha.

This is the shape of Zhenhong, the ancient immortal ape, and it was also figured out by Su Li.

The calculation ability of the law of heaven is unparalleled, and it is the source of wisdom. According to a little fragment, countless things can be calculated.

Su Li continued to walk forward, under the canopy of the Five Emperors, all the high-grade Taoist artifacts were suppressed, and countless magic weapons collapsed to the ground, all of which were stored by Su Li.

"So many babies!"

In the Babu Stupa, Taoist Longmu was adjusting his vitality and continued to refine the Babu Stupa. The endless Qi of the Babu True Dragon enveloped him, increasing his lifespan and mana all the time. Down a lot of baby.

The lowest ones are also low-grade Taoist artifacts, and the others are either middle-grade Taoist artifacts or high-grade Taoist artifacts, especially those high-grade Taoist artifacts. At first glance, the finished products are very good treasures, and it is impossible for him to refine them now.

Immediately, Taoist Long became joyful, with an excited look on his face.

"With so many Taoist artifacts, what benefit did Immortal Su Li get? God, I think we had a low-grade Taoist artifact after working hard for thousands of years. Now the low-grade Taoist artifact is the same as the lower-grade dumplings. Dao artifacts, high-grade Tao artifacts, are everywhere."

Mu Taoist also exclaimed happily.


All are Dao artifacts!
Low-grade Taoist artifacts, middle-grade Taoist artifacts are fine, after all, they can also be refined now, but this time there is actually a high-grade Taoist artifact, especially the stick, which is the best of the high-grade Taoist artifacts. After being obtained by him, his strength will be greatly increased.

Anyway, now he has enough pure yang vitality, so he is not afraid that he will not be able to exert the full power of that high-grade Taoist weapon.

"It's really great. Each of us is equipped with high-grade Taoist artifacts and middle-grade Taoist artifacts to increase the power of Su Li's eight stupas!"

Fuyunsou, an ancient giant, also spoke. He is now wearing and carrying middle-grade Taoist artifacts, and he also has a high-grade Taoist artifact in his hand.

At this time, Fuyunsou was extremely devout, and used the great blessing technique of the gods and another three thousand ways of refining treasures. On the one hand, he sacrificed the eight buddhas, and on the other hand, he also sent Su Li the power of supreme blessing.

"That's true, fellow daoists, quickly convert them all, distribute the Dao artifacts, and return them to their places!"

Among the eight pagodas, the giants of the ages were roaring, and those Taoist artifacts that entered the eight pagodas were almost instantaneously converted and distributed to everyone's hands.

The powerful ones take the high-grade Taoist artifacts, the weaker ones take the middle-grade Taoist artifacts, and the ones with the ninth and tenth levels of the mysterious realm of magical powers take the high-grade Taoist artifacts.

Outside of the Eight Stupas, Su Li had already arrived at the depths of the fourth layer of the Rage God's Key.

His face was calm, and all formations and illusions were shattered by him, revealing the true void of the fourth layer of the Rage God's Key.

This is a very large place, with dozens of powerful magic weapons in total, which have transformed into human shapes. Among them, a woman in red has a heroic spirit between her brows, and she is incomparably sassy.

At a glance, Su Li could tell that the original form of this woman was a crimson flying sword, which was forged from ruby ​​mixed with sky crystal stone.

Her aura is good, and she has reached the point of a semi-unique Taoist weapon, with the power of the world in her body.

After many years of practice, this woman might be able to cultivate into a peerless Taoist weapon.

"What is that? Yandi Fire Dragon Cauldron, Black Emperor Tidal Banner, Sanghuang Giant Wood Clapstick, Wuyue Zhenling Dao, and Killing Immortal Absolute Heaven Sword, the treasure house of Panwu Immortal Venerable has all the peerless Taoist artifacts. You succeeded, and the Sanghuang Giant Wood Cutter, the Wuyue Zhenling Sword, and the Killing Immortal Absolute Heaven Sword have already been taken away by someone, and you have also obtained them. Since you have already obtained them, these five superb items Why do you need our treasures?"

The expression on the face of the woman in red was extremely shocking, but there was also a sense of arrogance and unyielding attitude.

It can be seen that when the five peerless Taoist artifacts appeared, her expression was extremely shocked, especially the Yandi Fire Dragon Cauldron gave her the feeling that it was like a world of fire, and she could be completely wiped out with any movement.

This feeling is so terrifying.

"Every treasure, of course, has its use. This matter is beyond your consideration."

Su Li looked at these powerful magic weapons and was in a good mood.

"Fellow Daoists have already obtained five unrivaled Taoist artifacts. There is absolutely no need to obtain us. I am originally a member of the Tianchi Sect. My body is a red jade sword refined by the Holy Mother of Tianchi. The Holy Mother gambled and was forcibly captured."

The woman in red didn't want to give up, but she didn't dare to resort to force, so she told Su Li her origin, pointing to some other weapon spirits and continuing to speak.

"These comrades all have great origins. This is the treasure of Yuan Zhenjun, the leader of the Zuma God Sect. It was captured by a disciple of Immortal Pan Wu and sent into the treasure house. This is the treasure of the great world of mother-in-law The magic weapon of a formidable person, because he offended a disciple of Immortal Pan Wu, he snatched it back..."

The woman in red said that every magic weapon has a big history, whether it was refined by the elders of the Promise Star Palace, or because of the powerful existence of the Zuma God Religion, there is also the great world of mother-in-law, the infinite world, Treasures refined by masters such as the Great World of Morality.

It can also be seen that Pan Wu Xianzun's horror back then was worthy of his great efforts to perform miracles. Even if he didn't make a move, his disciples could defeat those masters of the big world and seize the treasure.

"We are now in the key of the wild god, safe and sound, but once the key of the wild god is released, the owner of the magic weapon will sense us, and it will cause you great trouble at that time."

The woman in red continued to speak.

"Trouble? What's the trouble? The catastrophe of heaven and earth is approaching. You should stay in my eight pagodas, worship for me, and conquer the heavens. As for other things, don't even think about it."

Su Li was unmoved, and a pagoda rose up while speaking. The surroundings of the pagoda were densely packed with the shapes of heavenly dragons, which were very vigorous and simple. On the top of the pagoda, there was a dragon ball, exuding the aura of the prehistoric. The light that blooms surpasses the Great Light Art, and seems to be able to illuminate the heavens.

"Not only can you get the breath of the eight real dragons, but the Buddha's light from the Buddha world will also shine on you, increasing your wisdom and improving your ability."

Su Li moved again, and the talisman of the World Freedom King Buddha slowly rose up. This talisman seemed to open up an incomparably magnificent world, and countless Buddha lights projected down.

Those high-grade Taoist artifacts had almost no resistance to resist, and the semi-excellent Taoist artifacts also showed shocking expressions on their faces.

"The aura of the primordial ancestral dragon is actually the eight-part stupa, the supreme treasure of the dragon clan! And you have refined it to a semi-excellent level! God, how did you do it!"

"If this person goes to the Dragon Realm, he will get rich. With the power of the Eight Buddha Supreme Dragon Balls, even the Dragon King who has cultivated into a virtual immortal will be greatly restrained."

"If he can collect enough materials, sneak into the dragon's tomb, and refine this treasure into an unrivaled Taoist artifact, I'm afraid that ordinary immortal artifacts will no longer be its opponents!"

"What is that? That talisman is even more terrifying than the Eight Bud Buddhas, and it can open up the Buddhist world. Let's obey. With the energy of the eight real dragons and the Buddha power of the Buddha world, we can also get many benefits .”

After seeing Su Li displaying the eight buddhas and the talisman of the world's self-possessed king and Buddha, all the treasures were lost in thought, and soon a treasure like a washbasin came out and spoke respectfully.

"Since you are the descendant of Immortal Pan Wu, we are willing to follow you to conquer the heavens. I hope you will treat us kindly, and let us follow you to fight here and there, and make great achievements."

"Okay, if this is the case, then you count the number and put them all into the eight pagodas."

Su Li nodded.

"In our place, there are nine semi-perfect Taoist artifacts, one hundred and thirty-two high-grade Taoist artifacts, [-] sets of middle-grade Taoist artifacts, and [-] sets of low-grade Taoist artifacts."

Jin Hongyu opened the mouth and said.

When talking about semi-unique Taoist artifacts and high-grade Taoist artifacts, she used "bit" to describe them.

When talking about middle-grade Taoist artifacts and low-grade Taoist artifacts, she used "sets" to describe them.

A set of low-grade Taoist artifacts may consist of hundreds of low-grade Taoist artifacts.

For example, a Heavenly Star Sword Array is composed of sixty-three low-grade Taoist flying swords.

There is also the Asura Butchering God Formation, which is composed of one hundred and eight Asura Butchering Knives.

As for the high-grade Taoist utensils, there are only a few complete sets.

As for the semi-unique products, there is not a complete set, and all of them exist alone and powerfully.

These treasures all flew into Suli's eight pagodas, and countless precious lights flowed.

At the moment when they entered the Babu Pagoda, the light of the Great Purdue came down, and all the Taoist artifacts were transformed.

In the blink of an eye, among Su Li's eight pagodas, the power of wishes and blessings increased again.

The Artifact Spirit of a Peerless Taoist Artifact is comparable to a master of the Realm of Creation and Heaven, while the Artifact Spirit of a Semi-Perfect Taoist Artifact is equivalent to a master of the Dongtian Realm, or even a master of the Eternal Light Realm, and the Artifact Spirit of a top-grade Taoist Artifact is equivalent to an immortal body master.

Su Li had collected so many Dao artifacts at once, and suddenly felt that his strength was increasing again.

"It's such a joyful feeling."

 Work from eight in the morning to four in the afternoon, and then have to go to work at twelve o'clock. . . . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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