Chapter 83
Su Li took the Temple of War all by himself. This magnificent and vast Temple of War finally turned into a small thing a few inches square, but Su Li could feel that as long as he wanted, he could continue to restore the Temple of War to it. original appearance.

The mystery of this God of War Temple was beyond Su Li's imagination. Although he had understood some of the forty-nine pictures, and condensed the image of a god in golden armor in his mind, he must carry forward the things in these pictures. , he had to break through to the mystical realm of supernatural powers.

Once he has broken through the fifth realm of divine powers, there are forty-nine pictures in the God of War catalogue, which can completely allow him to cultivate a few or a dozen supernatural powers, which can greatly enhance his strength!
The most important thing in the mysterious realm of supernatural powers is to cultivate supernatural powers. The cultivation of each supernatural power can make the practitioners in the mysterious realm of supernatural powers stronger.

Of course, there is also a saying that the greater the supernatural power, the greater the obstacle, and that is another matter.

Su Li doesn't need to worry about the problem of supernatural powers now, because his current strength is still the realm of the tenth level of divine transformation in the mystical realm of the flesh. How to achieve the realm of supernatural powers is the question he needs to think about.

The most important thing for the improvement of this realm is the process of spiritual transformation and transformation into mana.

This is the sublimation of the will, to go through all kinds of hardships, break the cocoon into a butterfly.

This is very difficult.

Therefore, many of the inner disciples of the Ascension Sect have reached the tenth level of the physical body, but they have been unable to step into the mysterious realm of supernatural powers for this reason.

Su Li felt that it was very difficult for him to cultivate to the mysterious realm of supernatural powers in the Tang Dynasty.

Gein is already very strong now, and no one can transform his spirit.

Two of the three great masters of the Tang Dynasty have died, and now there is only one left. Su Li decided that he should also send that one away.

The great master of Goguryeo is definitely not allowed to stay.

When Su Li returned to Taiyuan, the atmosphere in the field was a little subtle.

Everyone in the Li clan fell to their knees, and Emperor Sui Yang Guang looked a little angry, but the moment they saw Su Li, they all turned into surprises.

"I thought that I would never see the emperor in the future. I was so worried. Now that I see the emperor's return, what could be more gratifying than this."

Yang Guang came over, carefully looked at Su Li in front of him, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"This time, I had some adventures in the desert and understood some mysteries, so I came a little late, but Your Majesty must know that I will leave one day after all, and the affairs of the human world are about to be finished, only There was only one Goguryeo left, and he was pushed away."

Su Li had some emotions, probably didn't expect Yang Guang to show such a concerned look.

It is rare for an emperor to reveal his true feelings.

"Is the imperial teacher going to leave after all, I will make sufficient psychological preparations. This conquest of Goguryeo must be arranged immediately. Li Yuan!"

The Sui Emperor Yang Guang looked aside, and Li Yuan, who was kneeling on the ground, raised his head.

"His Majesty."

"I and you will prepare food and grass for ten days, and I will conquer Koguryo for the fourth time! I will not destroy Koguryo in this life, and I am uneasy!"

Yang Guang's face showed a cold and stern look. In today's world, Da Sui has returned to peace on the surface, and the threat on the bright side is Goguryeo in the northeast.

It is like a wild wolf waiting to be fed. It has not yet gotten up to eat, but the longer it drags on, the sharper its fangs will grow, and its tail will not be too big by then, posing an unimaginable threat to the Central Plains.

"Sir, obey the order!"

Li Yuan was about to refuse subconsciously, but looking at Yang Guang's eyes, his heart became cold, and he hurriedly agreed.

"Your Majesty, this time, I will not accompany Your Majesty. I will go to Goguryeo first."

Su Li remembered the march of the army, and also remembered that the preparation of food and grass would take ten days, so he spoke slowly.

"Okay, the emperor must return safely."

A sense of urgency rose in Yang Guang's heart, but he also knew that he had no way to stop the emperor's actions, so he nodded in agreement.

So Su Li left Taiyuan and went to Goguryeo alone.

The distance from Taiyuan to Goguryeo seems to be very far, but at the foot of Su Li's divine transformation realm, it is not that far.

He went all the way to Goguryeo, and no one could stop him.

Until a few days later, he had arrived in front of a sword house in Goguryeo.

Su Li then met the legendary Fu Cailin.

This is an ugly looking man.

He has an unusually narrow face, and the facial features on it are all flaws that no one wants to have.

The slender chin and the outer pocket are a bit of a waste, and the curved nose bridge is disproportionately tall and huge, making his eyes and mouth even smaller in comparison.

Fortunately, there is a long black hair with two shoulders, which reconciles the incongruity between the wide shoulders and the narrow face, otherwise it will add more awkwardness and weirdness.

However, inside and outside the Jianlu, all his disciples have sincere respect for this person.

For Da Sui, Fu Cailin made Da Sui's three expeditions against Goguryeo all fail with one person, and he was naturally the biggest enemy of Da Sui.

For Goguryeo, Fu Cailin, a grandmaster who has blessed Goguryeo three times by himself, is really the biggest martial arts hero in Goguryeo, and he is the object of worship by all.

He seems ugly, but is beautiful in the hearts of all Goguryeo people.

"The air between heaven and earth is changing, and the birds on the tree seem to be announcing this. I didn't know that I was going to die today until I saw you coming."

Fu Cailin's eyes looked over, and there were too many things in those eyes.

Su Li looked at Fu Cailin's eyes, and found that his eyes seemed to contain insight into all the breaths between heaven and earth. In particular, he seemed to be able to notice the most subtle details of a person. As soon as the enemy moved his hand, he had already guessed the enemy's next move. action, so make a move.

It is expected that the enemy will be first, and the enemy will be defeated.

This is the swordsmanship practiced by Fu Cailin. He uses his shrewd eyesight to master the opponent's martial arts, understand the opponent's foundation, and then make a judgment. First, block the opponent's moves before he can control the enemy.

Just like when you play chess, you must first understand the eternal rules of the chessboard, so that you can always take the initiative.

But when Fu Cailin saw the Qiushui sword beside Su Li, he knew that he had no way to defeat the enemy with the sword. When that sword came, it would be his death.

"After you die, Goguryeo will be destroyed."

Su Li didn't say much, the first shot was the Autumn Water Divine Sword.

Fu Cailin's expression finally changed, his whole body burst into unimaginable sword light, and the whole person was about to come over and perish with Su Li.

next moment.

All the sword light disappeared, and the Qiu Shui sword had passed through his throat.

Fu Cailin is also dead.

There were countless cries from the entire Jianlu.

(End of this chapter)

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