Pushing the heavens horizontally starts from the wind and clouds

Chapter 925 Only stupid people die in this world

Chapter 925 Only stupid people die in this world
The seven or eight true immortal disciples of Zhenlingzong walked on the ground like flying, heading for their sect.

Su Li had already learned that the woman in charge was named Liu Yue, and her current cultivation base had reached the peak of a true immortal, with half a foot in the realm of a celestial being, and she was still short of comprehension and aura of origin to step into the realm of a celestial being.

Of course, this is not an easy task for a small sect.The heavens are full of pure yang qi, but if you want to get the qi of Yuanshi, you have to wash the sand like a big wave, and try to find a trace from the high void, or refine it from the veins of Yuanshi.

However, ordinary sects will not have Yuanshi mine veins, and those mine veins have been occupied by the major immortal sects, and ordinary monks have no access to them.

So like Liu Yue, a true immortal with one and a half feet stepping into the heavenly fairy, and the other foot wants to step into the heavenly fairy, I don't know how many years it will take.

"Senior, the mountain gate of my town spirit sect is just ahead."

After walking for about half a day, the great sun in the sky felt like it was about to end, and a mountain palace appeared in front of Su Li.

Finally arrived at the mountain gate of Zhenlingzong.

The gate of Zhenlingzong is built between the rocks, with several palaces standing above it, and in the sky, there is a large-scale prohibition. Obviously, there are still masters sitting in Zhenlingzong.

Of course, this kind of aura is incomparable to the power of a huge sect like Taishang Jiuqingtian in the secular world. Hundreds of thousands of ancient sacred mountains are floating in the void, covering the star fields, which is a bit like a feather. The original appearance of the door, two or three big cats and kittens.

However, in the heavens, the material structure is extremely stable, and the spatial rules are solidified. The power to move a mountain peak is equivalent to the power to arrange and combine thousands of star fields in the world.

"Senior, I will report to the seniors in the sect immediately."

The leading woman, Liu Yue, bowed respectfully, and then went to report to the palace.

"It's up to them. I still have some things to ask you. Of course, I won't ask in vain, and I will naturally reward you."

Su Li waved his hand, moved his lips, and a puff of white air spewed out, like a real dragon, like a spirit snake, falling into the bodies of these young men and women.

Those young men and women were startled and wanted to resist, and then a look of joy appeared on their faces.

"This... is this the way of experience in cultivating the Supreme Immortal? And the Qi of Yuanshi? This is too rich..."

A look of joy appeared on Liu Yue's face. She had gained the experience of cultivating celestial beings and the aura of Yuan Shi, and almost immediately wanted to retreat and comprehend the way of celestial beings.

And the other six or seven men and women, who got the spirit of Yuanshi, also showed joy on their faces. This time they got huge benefits, and maybe they may have the possibility of breaking through the realm of celestial beings in the future.

Immediately, those six or seven young men and women bowed respectfully and went to report to the palace.

Only Liu Yue was still respectful and stayed by Su Li's side.

"A fairy is actually nothing. If you can let me understand everything, let alone become a fairy, even a fairy is nothing."

Su Li spoke lightly.

"Senior, aren't you a Celestial Immortal?"

Liu Yue was startled. In her eyes, the celestial beings were already big figures. As for the existence beyond the celestial beings, they were old antiques in the sect, sitting in the gate of the mountain, and the supreme existence that could never be closed.

"Heavenly Immortals are nothing, Immortals are nothing, even Xuanxians are nothing in my eyes."

Su Li said lightly, "Okay, where is this generation in the heaven, and what forces are distributed here."

"Immortals are nothing, Xuanxians are nothing..."

Listening to Su Li's words, Liu Yue couldn't help trembling in her heart, but Su Li had a kind of supreme majesty, which made her dare not show any disrespect.

This is the aura of a great man.

"Senior, our area is called Mang Mountain. It is rumored that there are [-] ​​billion miles, and there are thousands of immortal sects, large and small, forming the Manggu Immortal League. Our Lingling Sect is the one in the Manggu Immortal League. As for how big it is outside of the Manggu Immortal League, I, a little true immortal, can't know it. It is rumored that there are many big people in the heavenly realm, but only the immortals have the possibility to enter the world."


Su Li nodded, sketching out the whole situation of Mount Mount in his mind.

Hundreds of sects of Immortal Dao formed a Mongu Immortal League, which became a huge system of interests.

"You Zhenling Sect should have some classics, please introduce this area and show it to me."

Su Li continued to speak.

Naturally, the first thing to do when you come to the fairy world is to know where you are. Of course, the most convenient way is to use the divine sense to investigate, but his divine sense can clearly see anything in a big world in the secular world, but in the heavenly world, the gods Thoughts are suppressed.

Of course, the most important thing is to be low-key when you first come to the heaven, and you can't use your spiritual thoughts to scan out. If you directly encounter a few golden immortals, it will be very difficult to deal with.

There are crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and golden immortals in the heavens. Unlike the lower realms, there is only one child of disaster who refined the great world of cultivation and became a golden immortal in the world.

"Yes, senior, this is the secret policy of Manggu compiled by my Manggu Immortal League, which records various forces of various sects, and even some situations outside Mangshan Mountain. If the senior has any questions, the junior must know There is no end to words.”

Liu Yue became more and more respectful.

Su Li took the book, and it contained the vast Heavenly Heart Consciousness. He glanced at it, and quickly knew the general distribution of forces here. At the same time, he also knew that this was a barren land in the heavens, on the edge of some small corners. .

The real prosperity of the heavens is still outside the mountains.

And the records about those big figures, such as the residences of ancient celestial beings, such as disaster celestial beings, eternity celestial lords, extreme dao celestial lords, thunder emperor celestial lords, etc., are not things that can appear in the secret strategy of Mongu.

How big is the heaven?Even the Holy King of Ending and Chaos Heavenly Monarch don't know about it.

Su Li looked at it for a while, and the time flow in the heavenly world changed from day to night. At this time, the big sun in the sky disappeared, and a bright moon hung high, which was also huge and unpredictable.

The bright moon hangs high, the silver glow falls, and the moonlight is like water. This moonlight is absolutely different from the moonlight in the world. It is mixed with a touch of fairy energy, and the ancient yin brilliance, and there are mysterious laws and ideas that no one can understand. , seems to contain an eternal and immortal idea.

The cold moonlight sprinkled down from the moon, bringing a lot of cold to the night in the heaven, even the true immortals felt a bit cold.

Indistinctly, the roars of some monsters could be heard from the distant mountains outside.

Su Li already knew that there were many monsters and fairy beasts in the depths of Mount Mount Mountain, comparable to the existence of gods and gods. Some disciples of the sect broke into it, and they might encounter danger.

Liu Yue once encountered a demon beast at the level of a fairy in the mountains, and almost died.

For the immortals in the heavenly realm, it is too dangerous if they have not practiced to the realm of the immortals.

Su Li stood here, his spiritual thoughts went to the surrounding void, and he could feel that there were some large formations inside the Lingling Sect, absorbing the primordial energy above the nine heavens, and at the same time, a mysterious spiritual vein in the ground also seeped out The Qi of Yuanshi.

This is obviously a blessed place opened up by the ancestor of Zhenlingzong to speed up the cultivation of disciples.

"Yuan Shi Qi is condensed into Yuan Shi Dan, which is the main form of currency in the heavens."

Su Li got this news from Manggu's secret strategy.

In the secular world, the elixir used to trade between monks is mainly pure yang pills, but in the heavens, pure yang qi is everywhere, so the pure yang elixirs have lost their role in trading. Only Yuanshi pills are bought by the heavens. The main currency of things.

However, if you don't cultivate into a celestial being, it is impossible to absorb the qi of the beginning of life from the vitality of the heavens.

Even a celestial being needs to breathe in a place where the primordial qi is abundant.

In some places in the heavens, the qi of Yuanshi is abundant, and it is twice the result with half the effort to practice, while in some places, the qi of Yuanshi is barren and thin, and it is difficult to practice.

Among Zhenlingzong, the pioneers of Zhenlingzong set up a gathering formation, and there was a Yuanshi spiritual vein under the mountain gate, which made Zhenlingzong develop and grow, and established a sect.

If someone came to Zhenlingzong and wantonly absorbed the Yuanshi Qi in Zhenlingzong's mountain gate, they would be attacked by everyone in Zhenlingzong.

Naturally, Su Li would not absorb the Qi of Yuanshi within the Zhenling Sect. His divine sense penetrated directly, rushed up to the high sky, received the spiritual energy from the nine heavens, and descended to purify the Qi of Yuanshi from it.

The primordial aura in this place is very thin, but Su Li has condensed a few of the most treasures of the thirty-three days, such as the stealing claw, which is a peerless treasure that reverses the rules of the heavens and steals the secrets of the heavens, and contains endless mysteries. As soon as the power is circulated at will, all the primordial energy is swept away.

Su Li didn't even need to do it himself. When Yuanshi Qi felt the stealing claws, it was like a bee encountering a fresh flower, and there was no need to refine it.It is attached to the treasure.

Su Li suddenly sacrificed the map of the king of the ten thousand realms. This great fairy artifact contains many fairy artifacts refined from the world's great principles of the tombs of the gods, so more primordial energy descended.

At the same time, in Su Li's body, the Tai Chi ball in the Rage God's Key accelerated its speed, and more Primordial Qi overflowed.

The Tai Chi Divine Ball is very mysterious, it seems to be merged with some kind of source in the heavens, Su Li can't comprehend it yet, but he can be sure that it should be the treasure of the source Taoist, and left it to Pan Wu Xianzun.

The Three Thousand Ways, the Great Origin Art, Pan Wu Xianzun inherited the supreme Dao and inheritance of the original Taoist, so he became a Tianjun in the Xuanhuang World, just like the Yellow Spring Emperor, he received the inheritance of the reincarnation Taoist and cultivated to become a Tianjun Same.

However, both Immortal Pan Wu and Emperor Huangquan have fallen, and now the Tai Chi Divine Ball is in his hands, the Huangquan Dzi Bead refined by the Taoist Samsara is in Fang Qingxue's hands, and the disk of reincarnation refined by the Taoist Samsara is in Fang Han's hands. hands.

At this moment, several rainbow-like rays of light flew up from the hall in the distance and landed in front of Su Li.

"Unexpectedly, my Zhenlingzong has a distinguished guest. I really want to see and see."

Changhong landed, and the sound came from the air.

"Liu Yue, your courage is getting bigger and bigger. Now is an extraordinary period, and our Mount Mount is not a safe place. What if there are evil spirits and heretics sneaking in?"

"Don't argue, this fellow Taoist doesn't know where he came from, what should he call him?"

A voice full of aura, with a touch of majesty rang out, and it was directly heard by Su Li. It actually implied the mystery of space operation and shook the space rules of the heavens.

This is a fairy master.

Su Li looked around and saw that one of the monks was wearing a red robe. He was a middle-aged man. He actually had a fairy clothes on his body. His brows were like swords, and his hands were empty. His slender fingers could kill someone's life at any time.

Beside him, there were six celestial beings, each looking at Su Li with wary eyes.

There is no doubt that this is the elite of Zhenlingzong.

"Who are you, and why did you sneak into my Zhenlingzong, tell me quickly."

A cultivator at the level of a fairy suddenly took a big step, with a cold expression on his face.

"Father, this must be a spy of the devil's way, catch him!"

A young man suddenly said that this young man was also at the peak of a true immortal, his eyes flashed with a cold light, and then he passed on his divine thoughts to his immortal father. "Father, I haven't broken through to the realm of celestial beings for a long time. No matter how many elixirs I take, it's useless, but now, if I can refine a celestial being and obtain all his celestial laws, [-]% of them will be promoted to celestial beings and reach the sky in one step. This Opportunity not to be missed!"


Hearing his son's voice transmission, the celestial monk who took a step forward took another step forward. "Since you don't want to say it, then I have to capture you first, and then let you spit out the truth. Just recently, the leader of the Mongu Immortal League sent an order to let many of our sects investigate, saying that there has been a loophole in the rules of the heaven recently. You sneaked up here secretly, and once you are caught, it will be a great contribution, I think you are secretly ascended from the lower realm!"

While speaking, the celestial monk made a move.

As soon as he made a move, countless circles appeared on his hand, and he directly grabbed Su Li, and there were fluctuating air currents everywhere in the void.

This is actually a move formed by combining the three great immortal arts!

Su Li just moved his eyes, and the triple-layer capture of the great immortal technique composed of countless circles was completely broken, and the celestial monk also instantly burned, even his immortal law.

All the Zhenlingzong masters were taken aback, all of them were on the verge of breaking out, especially the immortal master, his complexion turned cold, and the vigor of his body shrouded him like a sky net.

Every silk thread of the sky net is a great fairy technique, which contains several three thousand ways and thousands of supreme supernatural powers.

"This is the net of suppressing spirits, the ultimate move, and the master has actually mastered it!"

Many characters were shocked, as if they didn't expect that their fairy masters would actually practice such a killer move.

However, at the next moment, Su Li still only moved his eyes, and the big net was completely shattered, as if it was destroyed.

And Su Li's eyes fell between the eyebrows of the master.

"In this world, good people will not die, and bad people will not die. Only stupid people will die. What do you think?"

 Continue to fight against the epidemic.Two updates today!I've been so busy recently!
(End of this chapter)

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