Chapter 935 The Previous Era: The Era of Witchcraft
In the depths of the Fallen Evil Valley, the evil spirit became more intense, and even the Law of the Great Luo could be melted in an instant, and even the Law of the Golden Immortal would be corroded.

Ohh Ohh ohh.

In the evil spirit, there was an extremely vicious atmosphere, as if a big devil in the universe had issued the most vicious curse to the sky.

This is the essence of decay, decay, and death, combined with the most evil witchcraft in the last chaos, and a kind of evil spirit derived from it.

This kind of evil energy is extremely terrifying and complex, even if it is the way of the end, it can only absorb part of it, and the remaining resentment will directly destroy Su Li's body.

Under such endless darkness, even the peerless Golden Immortal would lose his way.

At this moment, Wang Yan, the head of Tianquanmen, looked at Su Li, wanting Su Li, a man of great luck, to decide where to go.

In such an environment, if the treasure cannot be found immediately and quickly, it will be a huge loss for everyone.

"Mirror of Ancestral Witches, Era of Witchcraft."

Su Li didn't hesitate, and guided the Tianquan Gate to a direction, while he himself remained calm and activated some of the magical functions of the ancestor witch mirror in the Eight Buddhas.

All those resentments were sucked into it by the Ancestral Witch Mirror in an instant, and transformed into the pure source of witchcraft, which caused some changes in the treasure of the Ancestral Witch Mirror.

Originally in Su Li's hands, the Ancestral Witch Mirror was not of much use, it was only used as the first layer of the eight stupas, but after the Ancestral Witch Realm got so much resentment witchcraft, some of the past appeared in this layer of heaven. The rules of the times, the universe, the world, billions of time and space.

Among the rules shown in the mirror, some human beings are born very tyrannical and have the ability to communicate with the world, but each of them has a short lifespan. There are some pioneering existences whose lifespan is only a thousand years. The laws of heaven and earth are completely different.

The current law of heaven and earth, the stronger the power, the longer the lifespan. A realm like Su Li can live for tens of millions of years even in the heavens.

The rules of the universe in the Ancestral Witch Mirror are different. The more powerful an existence is, the more bound it is by the rules, and it cannot be shot at will. Unlike this era, in the current era, as long as the power reaches the level of a heavenly monarch, what are the rules of the heavens.Hundreds of millions of time and space cannot restrict your cultivation, you can do whatever you want, whatever you want.

The laws in the last cosmic epoch have a more balanced nature.

Su Li just watched the last universe in the Ancestral Witch Realm, the last thing before the creation of the world, all the tyrannical creatures, human beings, witchcraft, and demon gods all appeared one by one, changing like a horse on a horse.

In the end, an aura of the five declines of heaven and man appeared, all living beings would perish, and the universe was filled with the aura of despair.

The sun disappeared, the world was dark, and the entire era came to an end.

Suddenly, boom!

A portal descended from the sky and was born from nothingness. It was unknown where it came from and where it was going to reach. It shattered the entire dark universe, and then chaos was born, a chaos, and the world was re-evolving.

"The Gate of Eternal Life!"

Su Li saw that the portal that shattered all the rules of the previous cosmic era was the gate of eternal life, this gate of eternal life.The reincarnation of heaven and earth has been recreated, and the current various rules and the Three Thousand Ways are all passed down from the portal.

This scene actually appeared in the Ancestral Witch Mirror.

"The era of shamanism, the left way of the sky. The vitality of the ancestral shamans destroys all dharmas."

Su Li woke up from the scene just now, and the laws of immortality around him transformed into a kind of ancestral witch energy, and the aura and evil energy in the Fallen Evil Valley all showed a surrendered look.

Originally, the evil spirit of falling not only contained the true meaning of decay, decay, and death, but also contained the most popular witchcraft in the previous chaos, which was extremely vicious, and even the peerless golden immortals would be eroded. But now, the evil spirit of falling is very important to Su Li. , has become a great tonic.

His current strength is much higher than before he entered the "Falling Evil Valley".

The Da Luo law in the body is increasing at an incredible speed.In a short while, his Da Luo Law increased by tens of thousands.

For many half-step golden immortals, this is like a dream, unimaginable.

For them, it may take days or even months to condense a law of Da Luo, and it is impossible to condense tens of thousands of laws of Da Luo in a short time.

"Sect Master, I have already felt some mysteries, but first we will go to a few Jedi places and trap the few golden immortals who follow us."

Su Li's kung fu for a while guided the master of the Tianquan Sect, the Peerless Golden Immortal, to fly to another place.

"Huh? Good. Just hope it doesn't trap us."

Wang Yan, the master of Tianquanmen, watched Su Li, and felt more and more shocked. Those half-step golden immortals were already numb. They watched Su Li's strength continue to improve, and even cultivated a kind of magic in the Fallen Evil Valley. The extremely advanced exercises made them all feel a great threat.

It's also fortunate that Daoji is on the same boat as them now, otherwise it would really make them feel extremely troublesome.

Xitu shuttled through the endless space-time universe in the Fallen Evil Valley, and soon reached a desperate place, and then disappeared immediately.

The next moment, a tyrannical kingdom of golden immortals descended on this evil Jedi.

In the kingdom of golden immortals, hundreds of half-step golden immortals united together to form a large formation to drive away those "falling evil spirits" and reduce the ability to erode.

And the leader of the Golden Immortal used the law of the Golden Immortal to prevent the evil spirit of falling from entering.

The person who came was actually the leader of Fangcunshan, the peerless golden fairy Sun Kuidou.

In his Golden Immortal Kingdom, he brought all the masters of Fangcunshan, and many half-step Golden Immortal powers.

"Huh? What's the matter, I came with the old guy Wang Yan just now, and I wanted to share a piece of the pie with him, why there is no trace now, no, what is that?"

The peerless golden fairy Sun Kuidou was looking at the scene in front of him, and found that something was not good. Countless fallen evil spirits seemed to have life force, rushing in crazily, especially there seemed to be more than a dozen large-character talismans here, each of which was winding like a dragon and a snake. Twisted, elusive.

Seeing someone approaching, the evil energy on the talisman actually bloomed black lotus flowers. On each black lotus flower, there was a dry old man like a barbarian. They exuded a powerful witch energy. Each played the supreme hand formula of ancient witchcraft.

In an instant, a torrent of witchcraft rushed out.

Witchcraft is completely different from fairy art. There are no three thousand ways in each witchcraft, but a mysterious force that can penetrate and recognize the body and soul.

Every witchcraft is not weaker than the Great Immortal Technique, and even surpasses it, but there is no gorgeous light and shadow, but simple and unpretentious, full of ancient atmosphere.

This is almost equivalent to the full blow of several golden immortals.

Hundreds of millions of black lotuses bloom in the sky, like the power of witchcraft to destroy the world, piercing the world and destroying all directions.

"No, this is the Heavenly Wu Immortal Destroyer Formation. Annihilation Wanfang, how could there be such a powerful formation!"

The peerless Golden Immortal Sun Kuidou felt an extremely dangerous aura in an instant, and the Golden Immortal Kingdom suddenly burst, and a trace of evil spirit rushed in, contaminating the bodies of some half-step Golden Immortals on the spot.

The bodies of these half-step golden immortals immediately burned up, turning into something like a devil, and they themselves melted in the flames, becoming a kind of evil spirit.

In an instant, more than a dozen half-step golden immortal powers died in the golden fairy kingdom of Fangcun Mountain.


Sun Kuidou was furious and tried his best to restore his Golden Immortal Kingdom. At the same time, he displayed his real power, just like a scorching sun exploding, countless golden lights ignited a billowing Daluo True Fire, melting everything and forcing the fallen evil spirit away.

But this time the loss was really too great.

Every half-step golden fairy is a pillar of the sect, and now more than a dozen of them have been lost at once, and the face of this peerless golden fairy seems to be squeezed out of water.

"Tianquanmen, Wang Yan, it's abominable!"

Sun Kuidou immediately charged this account to Tianquanmen.

Tianquanmen actually dared to deliberately lead the wrong way, causing them to suffer huge losses.If he encounters it next time, he must seek justice.

"The Peerless Golden Immortal is the Peerless Golden Immortal. In such a desperate situation, he can still protect himself."

In one time and space, Su Li seemed to perceive everything that happened there, and guided the Tianquan Gate to continue to move forward into the depths of other time and space.

In Xitu, all the half-step golden immortals of Tianquanmen were shocked when they looked at Su Li.

What is a person of great luck?This is.

For them, the Jedi is extremely threatening, but for Daoji, it is like their own back garden.

All kinds of Jedi can be clearly distinguished by this Daoist, trapping several peerless golden immortals who followed.

Up to now, apart from Tianquanmen, other sects have suffered damage.

Half a step of Jinxian's power, if you say you die, you will die, without any resistance.

Even Wang Yan, a peerless golden immortal, now relies more and more on Su Li, and he knows that he must not offend this man of great luck.

"Let's go!"

Su Li once again led Xitu forward, the time and space in front of him changed, and an extremely ancient cave appeared in front of everyone.

The cave is huge, with a radius of thousands of miles.

At the entrance of the cave, there is a pitch-black gate. On the gate, three ancient talismans are engraved, which are elusive and exude a powerful evil spirit.

As if sensing someone coming, black lotuses bloomed on the three talismans, and then an extremely dangerous torrent of witchcraft rushed over.

Immediately, the face of the peerless Golden Immortal Wang Yan, the master of Tianquan Sect, changed.

"let me!"

Su Li's whole body shook, and a wave of ancestral witch vitality turned into a huge mirror, which was the ancestral witch mirror.

The Ancestral Witch Mirror is very large, covering ten thousand square meters, and it is immeasurably large. It reveals the atmosphere of the previous era, which is incompatible with the laws of the entire heaven.

However, hundreds of millions of witchcrafts that could seriously injure the Golden Immortal were blasted behind the Ancestral Witch Mirror, like a mud cow entering the sea, and all of them penetrated without causing any waves.

On the ancient dark portal, after witchcraft were absorbed by the Ancestral Witch Mirror one after another, the runes on the ancient portal seemed to sense something, and slowly flew in, and merged with the vitality of the Ancestral Witch Mirror, condensing into three There are big characters, which look like they were born in the mirror.

And just as the three runes on the dark portal flew out, after entering the ancestral witch's mirror, all the attacks dissipated, and then the dark portal suddenly opened.

The ancient cave, the evil cave, unfolded in front of Su Li.

"Look! What's that!"

As soon as the dark portal was opened, the contents of the cave appeared. The first thing that caught the eye was the bones, all kinds of corroded bones.

However, in the depths of the cave, on top of an altar, there are nine transparent gourds, and the gourds seem to be one by one cosmic kingdoms.

A elixir sits upright in the center of the cosmic kingdom, like a big Luo Jinxian soaring and changing in it.

Even when these elixirs were sitting upright in the center, the medicine qi emitted from their bodies condensed into low-grade elixir, middle-grade elixir, top-grade elixir, and top-grade elixir.

Countless elixir sang praises to this elixir.

"Wang Pin elixir!"

Su Li was overjoyed.

These are exactly the king-grade elixir, which contain infinite golden immortal laws, and the quality seems to be many times better than the "Eternal Ancient Holy Spirit Pill" he refined before.

After all, the "Eternal Ancient Holy Spirit Pill" he refined is a tonic that simply incorporates the Golden Immortal Law, not a royal product in the true sense.

But now, among the nine gourds, the king-grade elixir, whether it is the content of the Golden Immortal Law or the tyrannical aura, far exceeds the ancient holy spirit elixir.

This is the best of the Wangpin pills!

Every pill of king grade exudes a majestic aura that is like a great sun in the heavens, which is eternal and immovable. Surrounded by countless golden immortal laws, it exudes an aura that can shatter the heavens.

Su Li even had a feeling that if this king-grade elixir went to the Longevity Realm, God's Tomb, Zhetian, Xuanyuan Sword and other worlds, it could directly break each of these worlds.

"This is... this is the legend, the God of War Pill!"

(End of this chapter)

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