Chapter 937
Su Li stood there, enveloped in a sense of freedom and legend, even the peerless golden fairy Tianquan sect master felt that even a golden fairy like him would find it difficult to deal with a half-step golden fairy like Daoji .

His heart was full of emotion, and he was amazed by the luck of the man of great luck.

At this moment, Su Li looked at the master of Tianquan sect, and said, "This time I got nine king-grade elixir, and I can give away one king-grade elixir, and the sect master can let half-step Jinxian take it." , to be promoted to a Golden Immortal again."

While Su Li was speaking, he sent out a king-grade elixir.

"What, we can also get a Wangpin elixir?"

Wang Yan, the master of Tianquanmen, was overjoyed, and grabbed a gourd with his hand.In the gourd, sits a world-shaking pill.

It is indeed a king-grade elixir, as if fake.

"Okay, little friend Daoji, I have written down your kindness. I think you are only short of Yuanshi Qi from being promoted to Jinxian now. I can give you ten billion yuan Shidan to help you .”

After Wang Yan got the World War God Pill, he showed a look of great joy on his face. After thinking for a while, he sent a gourd over. The gourd was filled with extremely rich Yuanshi Pill.

Ten billion yuan Shidan.

Logically speaking, it is impossible to buy a World War God Pill with [-] billion yuan Shidan, but for the Tianquan sect master, this [-] billion yuan Shidan is already the largest amount he can take out.

As for the Yuanshi Qi in the Ancient Spring of Life, it is naturally much more than the [-] billion Shidan, but it is impossible to bring it with you.

"Little friend Daoji, I will go back now. No matter when and where in the future, little friend Daoji will be our most honored guest at Tianquanmen!"

Wang Yan got a king-grade elixir all at once, and he didn't have the intention to stay any longer. Although there may be other treasures in this Fallen Evil Valley, the most urgent task is to promote Tianquanmen to another golden fairy.

With two golden immortals in one sect, the position of Tianquan sect is extremely stable.

That Xitu oscillated, suddenly broke through nothingness, and disappeared without a trace.

"This day, the master of Tianquanmen is a person who accepts as soon as he sees it."

Su Li's body also disappeared in an instant, appearing in the deeper part of the Fallen Evil Valley, and the evil energy pouring into his body was absorbed by the Ancestral Witch Mirror and the Holy Gate of Ending.The two vitality alternated, becoming more and more vigorous.

The only downside is that there is no spiritual vein in the Fallen Evil Valley.

However, Wang Yan gave him [-] billion Yuanshi Pills this time, which would allow Su Li to further improve his cultivation.

While absorbing the evil energy of falling, Su Li absorbed the alchemy of Wangpin's elixir, refined the Golden Immortal Law contained in the alchemy, turned it into the Law of Great Law, and improved his Law of Great Law, while continuing to wander in the Valley of Fallen Evil, He always felt that the treasures in the Fallen Evil Valley, not only the nine king-grade pills, should have other benefits.

It would be good if Su Li could find a batch of treasures and sell them in exchange for Yuan Shi Dan.

In this Fallen Evil Valley, there are countless time-space kingdoms, countless time-space wormholes, tunnels, and ancient witchcraft in some places, which is very dangerous. It's like his palace, very carefree and comfortable.

In the end, countless ancestral witch auras in Su Li's hands condensed into an ancestral witch mirror, which radiated light, and no time and space could block the radiance of this light.

"Huh? In that space-time kingdom, there seems to be a faint law of immortality flickering."

Suddenly, Su Li saw a little bit of immortal law flickering in a seemingly ordinary time and space, and he immediately noticed the clue that Da Luo's real fire was burning, and that time and space suddenly collapsed, revealing a cave.

This cave was blocked by a black mist.

The black mist is still the evil spirit of falling, but it is thousands of times stronger than the evil spirit of falling. Even if the golden fairy comes, it may not be able to enter, and the law of the golden fairy will be corroded, but Su Li sacrificed the ancestral witch mirror. The fog entered the ancestral witch mirror one after another, and immediately turned into Su Li's nourishing holy product.

As soon as the black mist broke through, the dense law of immortality in the cave immediately appeared. It was a huge universe. In the universe, streams of immortal energy turned into galaxies, and streams of thunder pierced the sky.

The violent power shook the universe.

"Get rich."

Su Li looked over and saw that there were more than a dozen sacrificial altars placed on the cave. On the altars, there were a series of talismans suppressing more than a dozen magic weapons.

There are a total of fifteen magic treasures, all of which are intertwined with the Golden Immortal Law, obviously they are middle-grade fairy artifacts refined by using the Golden Immortal Law.

Among them are a few middle-grade fairy artifacts, like evil soldiers, like a mace with spikes on top, but they are blue, as if they have been tempered by ancient poisons, and they have witchcraft. The magic skill depicted a large formation of runes, which was filled with a strange color of pitch black and dark blue at first glance.

But the lethality is indeed astonishing.

Fifteen altars, fifteen magic weapons, apart from the mace, there are serrated knives, skull staff, snake sword... everything is very evil, it doesn't look like a righteous way.

But their value can be imagined.

With great effort, Su Li merged the two big worlds into two low-grade immortal artifacts to refine two middle-grade immortal artifacts, and used the alchemy of king-grade immortal artifacts to refine two middle-grade immortal artifacts. Now, he only has four middle-grade immortal artifacts.

And during a treasure hunt, he actually found fifteen middle-grade immortal artifacts!

Even if you don't use it yourself, you can sell it for a good price if you sell it to become Yuan Shi Dan.

Without hesitation, Su Li flashed the Wings of Freedom, and fifteen phantoms appeared at the same time, suppressing all fifteen middle-grade immortal artifacts in his natal universe.

Su Li looked further away, wanting to find a high-grade fairy artifact, but couldn't find anything, and even explored countless spaces with divine thoughts, but found nothing.

Relying on his intuition, Su Li felt that there should be a treasure in this Xiegu Zhi, but he couldn't find it.

This meant that the fortune had not yet arrived, even if he searched for a few more days, Su Li still hadn't found the treasure.

He finally left Fallen Evil Valley and was going to Zhongzhou Yuhuamen.

Zhongzhou Yuhuamen is a great sect of kings, it is countless times stronger than Tianquanmen, it also has many spiritual veins, and the spirit of Yuanshi is strong. The most important thing is that Yuhuamen is recruiting talents, recruiting some talented casual practitioners .

As long as they are talents, they can enter the Ascension Gate and be cultivated.

This is the news that Su Li got from Shang Ziluo's memory. He has decided to enter the Yuhuamen again and obtain an identity in the Yuhuamen. He can cultivate safely and obtain the Qi of Yuanshi. Show a little It will be a matter of time before genius qualifications are reused.

The Great Reincarnation Technique revealed streaks of brilliance in Su Li's body, reshaping his temperament and appearance. He still looks handsome, but a little more dull.

"What name should I choose for this appearance? Qingxue's surname is Fang, who has transformed into a feather, so I named it Fang Yu."

Su Li thought of Fang Qingxue and Yuhuamen, so he named it Fang Yu.

This name doesn't seem domineering, nor is it easy to be noticed by others. As for naming Fang Han, Gu Chensha, Yang Qi, etc., it doesn't make much sense.

"Going to Zhongzhou."

Su Li changed his identity, showing half-step golden immortal cultivation, calling himself Fang Yu, and he came to the ancient city of Quanzhou again.

This time it went smoothly. After paying a certain amount of Yuan Shi Dan, he entered the teleportation array in the ancient city of Quanzhou.

He didn't disturb the Tianquan gate either, but the Tianquan gate seemed to reveal a nervous atmosphere from top to bottom, obviously protecting it for a half-step golden fairy breaking through the golden fairy.

Su Li stood in the ancient teleportation formation, felt the direction of the underground spiritual veins, and guessed in his heart.

The ancient teleportation formation in Quanzhou is also operated by the power of the ancient spring of life, but it is guaranteed to make a profit, because every time you teleport, you have to hand over [-] pieces of Yuanshi Pill, and a teleportation can teleport tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands. monk.

With this ancient teleportation formation, it can bring countless profits to Tianquanmen every year and support many disciples.

The ancient teleportation formation in Quanzhou leads to another big state—Xuanzhou.

A state in the heavens has rich landforms and is extremely vast, with stretches of mountains, vast oceans, and dangerous areas like the Fallen Evil Valley. Being able to swallow and kill, some people can't move around at all, and can only use the ancient teleportation array to enter another city from one city.

Even monks who have advanced cultivation bases and are not afraid of immortals, beasts and monsters are unwilling to waste time because the distance is too far.

Just to fly from Quanzhou to Xuanzhou, it would take two or three years for Jinxian to fly half a step, and the flight could not be stopped in the middle. If the flight stops, it may take five years.

This also shows the vastness of the great state of the heavens. A single state is larger than the three thousand worlds in the secular world combined.

Fortunately, when the Heavenly Court was in full bloom in ancient times, countless saints set up teleportation arrays between the ancient cities of various states to facilitate travel.

Fang Yu, the incarnation of Su Li, traveled all the way from Quanzhou to Xuanzhou, and then to Wuzhou, Yinzhou, Xuezhou, Luozhou, Fuzhou... After experiencing a total of dozens of big states, he finally arrived. Zhongzhou.

Along the way, he saw countless scenery, met countless sects, and countless great figures.

There are peerless golden immortals in every big state, and there are even more than one peerless golden immortals in some sects, firmly occupying the territory of a state, and grasping the ancient teleportation formation of a state.

The size of the heavens even made Su Li feel like he was still a mortal, and he would have to trek across mountains and rivers to reach any place.


Finally, when Su Li came out of Zhongzhou's teleportation formation, he saw the city of Zhongzhou, and in the depths of the city, there were countless countries, countless spiritual veins, and countless spiritual mountains forming a giant king's faction!
Feather Gate!
There are heaven-like cities everywhere, and the cosmic kingdoms everywhere are paved with precious crystal stones, not to mention the ground.

Some of the buildings in the city are also manifested by combining immortal artifacts.

Obviously, this is a building used by the extremely powerful super faction to frighten the scene. Even Su Li saw some buildings in the depths of time and space, emitting the same aura as Xitu. have.

In addition, a street in the ancient city of Zhongzhou is longer than the [-] ​​billion Limang mountain range. At a glance, there are immortals everywhere, including the most common virtual immortals and true immortals, walking on the road honestly. Doing business, being a slave, there are also angels who are superior to others, flying around in the air.

As for the gods with higher status, Xuanxian, they shouted and embraced, a little majestic.

And there is no shortage of half-step golden immortals.

However, peerless golden immortals are somewhat rare.

After all, in the heavens, there are still many half-step golden immortals, and peerless golden immortals are extremely rare.

But in some tall buildings, there is still the aura of peerless golden immortals sitting in command, and the auras of many strong men cannot be concealed in front of Wings of Liberty.

Su Li mixed in the crowd of immortals coming and going, feeling his insignificance.

In front of this vast ancient city, there is indeed a feeling of insignificance.

"The ancient city of Zhongzhou, the place where Hua Tianjun forged, and now I am here."

Su Li's thoughts wandered.

(End of this chapter)

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