Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1102 Sir, I am in a good mood today, I can promise you anything

Chapter 1102 Sir, I am in a good mood today, I can promise you anything
Qing Tongjun pushed Mrs. Taiyin's plan to make a promise with her body, but it still failed in the end!
It's not that Mrs. Taiyin doesn't want to, the key is that Kong Qing is an upright person, a noble person, a selfless person, a person who is out of vulgar tastes, and can't do such a thing of repaying favor...

That's right!

The matter was pure and simple, and had nothing to do with Mrs. Shangyuan who heard the news and came to disrupt the situation. It was simply because Kong Qing was a profound Taoist scholar, that's all.

This is what everyone says!
Of course, the return of Mrs. Shangyuan also means that the Taoist extermination of Buddha has come to an end from a certain point of view.Those secret realms that were breached by Taoist immortals are nothing more than that, even if they survived by luck, their vitality will be severely injured, and the casualties will be heavy.

It is no exaggeration to say that Kong Qing’s operation of provoking the Taoist sect to destroy the Buddha has almost wiped out the high-level power that the Buddhist sect has accumulated for hundreds of years. As a result, the number of earth immortals that the Buddhist sect now has in Shenzhou may not even be there. There were many before Kumarajiva translated the scriptures.

This is hundreds of years of hard work, returning to the pre-liberation overnight!

"Okay, then as long as Pindao unplugs Ye Motian again... No, it should be said that if we take back Pindao's secret place of Kunshan and get rid of those thief monks living in corpses, this time the Buddha will be destroyed It's done."

Holding a cup of tea in both hands, Kong Qing sat in his yard with a contented face, imitating Qingxiazi, let his eyes fall on the distant sky, and muttered to himself about what would happen next .

"After taking down Yemotian, Pindao will not have to worry as much as he is now. Instead, he can cultivate the gods easily and calmly, and at the same time absorb those earth immortals who have nowhere to go. The two roads are separated..."

Thinking of the excitement, Kong Qing couldn't help chuckling.

"At that time, the Tang Dynasty will not be like it is now, but the yin and yang will be orderly, the world will return to the world, ghosts will return to ghosts, gods will return to gods, and earth immortals will return to earth immortals. A more clean and efficient court..."

"Suck it!"

Thinking of the excitement, Kong Qing couldn't help but picked up the teacup and took a sip like Qingxiazi.

"Hey, even if you think about it casually, Pindao has to admire himself for being able to transform this dark world into such a bright place!"


Just when Kong Qing was holding a teacup and imagining the beautiful future, with a sound of the door, the door behind him was deliberately opened heavily, and then he saw a man in red and a man in red. Kong Qing from Tsing Yi appeared in front of the door together.

"Okay, I don't want to transform the dark world anymore, you should hurry up and transform the enchanted rifle with the two of us!"


With a loud noise, a pillar of fire instantly shot up into the sky, and the blazing high temperature burned and distorted the air around the pillar of fire.


At least one kilometer away from the pillar of fire, Kong Qing in red repeatedly looked at the enchanted rifle in his hand, except that the barrel was slightly hot, with an uncontrollable smile on his face.

"No matter what Pindao said, it will be fine this time!"

"I'll take a look!"

Kong Qing in Tsing Yi also had an excited expression on his face, he snatched the enchanted rifle from the other party, looked it up and down, and threw out several identification techniques in succession.

"The internal structure of the gun chamber is normal...the propulsion circle is normal...the body of the gun is not damaged...the inside of the barrel is slightly worn, but it is within the normal range! Well, it actually shot the 1.5 made by the three of us. There is no problem with the Vulcan Ray with a coefficient of five, it seems that this gun is really no problem and can be mass-produced!"

"You two, don't be too happy!"

Kong Qing in white at one side reached out to take the enchanted rifle from Kong Qing in Tsing Yi, and pushed another 1.5 water god thunder bullet that was also jointly produced by himself and himself.Then he aimed slightly towards the target, and pulled the trigger with his finger.

"We haven't finished the extreme test yet!"

After a soft sound, there was a flash of lightning, and a black water column rose up not far from the fire column. The icy cold air surrounded the water column, and when it touched the hot ground, it sent out a sneer. sound.

However, Kong Qing in white didn't care about the scene of ice and fire in the distance, but raised the enchanted rifle in his hand, and looked intently at the appraisal interface on the side of the barrel that had already been covered with a thin layer of frost. .

"Well! The other positions are fine, there is nothing serious, only the barrel seems to be a bit unable to withstand the ice and fire. I estimate that this kind of extreme ice and fire can hit ten bullets at most. One barrel is useless."

"It's just scrapped, it's not a big deal!"

On the other side, Kong Qing in red was also intently looking at the appraisal interface next to the gun barrel, and replied casually.

"Even after 1000 years, things like gun barrels or gun barrels are consumables. As long as we set the barrels to be replaceable, this problem will be solved."

"Yeah, my deity, you really think too much! This is an extreme test. We use the divine mine made by you and me. The difficulty factor has reached 1.5, while the bullets used by ordinary soldiers have a factor of 0.2. Or so, even those heavenly generals use only about 0.6, even the ice and fire fighting style should be able to last to more than 150 bullets..."

Kong Qing in Tsing Yi also nodded and said.

"And we can also arrange for those heavenly soldiers to use bullets with the same attributes when shooting, so that there will be no attribute restraint and unnecessary damage to the barrel!"

"Why don't we arrange for those heavenly soldiers to shoot according to the situation of the five elements coming together!"

Kong Qing in red said with a smirk.

"For example, if you fire a fire bomb first, then use earth bombs, then gold bombs, and finally water and wood bombs. In this way, not only will it not damage the barrel, but it will be equivalent to the maintenance of the barrel..."


Kong Qing in white held the enchanted rifle in his hand, and gave Kong Qing in red a speechless look.

what are you thinking about?

Also, if the five elements are born together, you are not afraid of those heavenly soldiers shaking their hands at that time, and they will directly hit you with a five-element phase restraint, and the barrel of the gun will be useless for you in one reincarnation!
"Although there are still some flaws that are not considered flaws, in general, the enchanted rifle that the three of us have painstakingly created during this period is already a success!"

Kong Qing in Tsing Yi looked at the target area in the distance that was tossed by water, fire, wind and thunder, and said with a smile.

"Next, as long as we officially install this enchanted rifle, and then save the bullets for a period of time, we can send troops to Kunshan and bring all those monks who occupy the magpie's nest to justice!"

"Officially installed? Yuwei, you are overthinking!"

As soon as Kong Qing in Tsing Yi finished speaking, he heard Kong Qing in Hong Yi speak.

"The structure of this kind of enchanted rifle is relatively complicated, and the only ones who can refine the parts in the whole Quanzhen sect are the three of us with external Fenggang... Maybe Wei Boyang can do it too, but if we only rely on a few of us to refine it , when do you think it will be done?"


"Lang Jun, you came here, what gift do you bring..."

Mrs. Shangyuan, who had changed into a green frost robe, greeted her with a smile, and naturally took the arm of Kong Qing in white, and took a gift box from him very skillfully, her brows and eyes were full of concealment. Can't help smiling.

"Let the servants see what is delicious... Wow! It's actually a phoenix hairpin, so beautiful!"

Saying that, Mrs. Shangyuan stretched out her snow-white little hand, picked out the phoenix hairpin from the box, and looked at it over and over in front of her eyes happily.

"Hey! This hairpin is actually a magic weapon, sir, where did you get it?"


After hearing Mrs. Shangyuan's words, Kong Qing hesitated for a moment, and then answered honestly.

"This phoenix hairpin is a little thing that Pindao specially refined for Madam you some time ago. Although it is a magic weapon, it is actually not very useful. It can just ward off dust and make you shine all the time, Madam."

"Wow! Did you make this yourself, Mr. Lang?"

As soon as Kong Qing finished speaking, Mrs. Shangyuan's eyes lit up instantly.

"If I remember correctly, this is the first time you gave me jewelry, sir..."

As she said that, Madam Shangyuan casually pulled out the hairpin of the Eight Treasures inlaid on the top of her head, which looked like a precious magic weapon, and threw it together with the box in her hand to the maid standing beside her. Then happily inserted the phoenix hairpin in his hand on his head, and after inserting it, he pressed his hand on his cloud servant girl and turned his head left and right.

"Lang Jun, look, does this phoenix hairpin look good on my family?"


Kong Qing nodded without hesitation, and replied seriously.

"With your celestial appearance and national beauty, madam, you look good with any kind of jewelry..."


After hearing Kong Qing's praise, Mrs. Shangyuan immediately laughed out loud, and then held Kong Qing's hand even tighter, almost wanting to hold Kong Qing's arm into her arms.

"Lang Jun, you must have asked for such a big gift for this slave..."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Shangyuan raised her eyes shyly and timidly to look at Kong Qing, and her cheeks suddenly flushed red.

"Well! Seeing that the slave family is in a good mood today, sir, you can make any request, and the slave will agree to you!"

"Really? Then the poor will tell the truth..."

After hearing Mrs. Shangyuan's words, Kong Qing's eyes flashed with surprise for an instant.

"Ma'am, can you please borrow some more refiners from Kunlun, Pindao now needs to refine a lot of enchanted rifles, but there is a shortage of refiners at hand!"

(End of this chapter)

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