Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1113 It seems that I, Feng Gang, are doomed to lose one friend today!

Chapter 1113 It seems that I, Feng Gang, are doomed to lose a friend today!

"Om Mili Emperor Hum Pozha... I invite King Jundali Ming!"

As soon as he stopped drinking, there was already a burst of light on the subduing magic pestle in Kumarajiva's hand, and then the light surged up, wrapping his whole body in the middle, forming a four-faced four-armed body, with a poisonous dragon as a necklace, and a tiger skin It is a skirt, and there is a hideous shape of a majestic flame garland on the outside.

The next moment, the body of the transparent four-faced and four-armed King Daliming began to shrink towards Kumarajiva, and finally completely disappeared into his body. At the same time, Kumarajiva was already very powerful. The power began to skyrocket in an instant.

"Qing Wei!"

It may be because Kumarajiva is now very angry. After summoning King Gundali Ming to lean over, he looked at Kong Qing with an undisguised fierceness.

"Let your tongue shine like a lotus flower today, and this old monk will demand blood from you!"

As he said that, Kumarajiva's body quickly passed through the air and rushed towards Kong Qing's position. The escaping true energy was trembling outside his body like a flame, and it really looked like King Ming came to the world.

In front of the mighty Kumarajiva, whether it was the ripples in the air or the green lotus, they all shattered under the flames outside his body, as if a huge monster crashed into the lotus pond, completely unstoppable.


Seeing Kumarajiva's mighty look, Kong Qing raised his eyebrows silently.


With the voice, the full moon in the sky fell instantly, and it smashed towards Kumarajiva who was rushing towards him.

After a loud noise, the moon-shaped sword light collided with Kumarajiva's rushing figure without any fuss. In an instant, the moon-like sword light shattered, and Kumarajiva The forward figure also stopped for an instant.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Kong Qing suddenly felt a little surprised.

"Keep the sky and autumn moon bright, and your heart is like the blue lotus in the world." Whether those green lotuses or ripples before this pose, they are nothing but illusions separated by sword energy. Naturally, there is no way to deal with ordinary miscellaneous soldiers. Unfavorable, but to deal with some real masters, especially those who are prepared, it is a bit powerless.

But this round of bright moon is different. This is actually the sword light that was differentiated from his own Guchen sword.

As a result, not only was the other party not injured, even the clothes on his body were not damaged...

Although Kong Qing didn't use the sword energy in his lungs to amplify Gu Chen, nor did he use Taiyi Tiangang Sword Sha to bless him, but it was enough to show the power of the opponent's reinforcement, King Jundali Ming.

Very strong!


Seeing that Kumarajiva, who had strengthened himself, was able to strengthen his Guchen sword, Kong Qing immediately snorted coldly.

"Pundao doesn't believe that you don't have any weaknesses in your whole body..."

Following the words, Kong Qing's hand has already wiped a simple-looking ruler with cloud seal runes hanging from his waist.

"Nine-day ruler, open!"

After this magic weapon was activated, Kong Qing instantly felt as if he was playing a VR game in his previous life. Everything he saw in front of him seemed to have become a game interface. For example, when his eyes fell on Kumarajiva’s After being on the body, a lot of data popped up beside the opponent in an instant, such as the speed of the opponent, the direction of progress, the strength of the fluctuation of the true energy on the body, and so on.

"Okay! Now let Pindao take a good look at where your weakness lies..."

Kong Qing muttered something in his mouth, then turned his body slightly, and flashed a burst of force quietly shot by Kumarajiva.

"Hey! I found it!"

Following the voice, Kong Qing swiped his sword finger, and the sword light transformed by Gu Chen's sword turned slightly, following a strange angle, like a white horse passing through the gap, passing through within an unbearable distance, from Jiumo who was incarnated as King Ming Rosh pierced under the ribs.

"Ten steps to kill one person... Slash!"

Following Kong Qing's words, Kumarajiva's body, who was rushing towards Kong Qing, froze for an instant, and the next moment, a cold sword light had pierced his back, bringing A cloud of blood.

The abdomen was severely injured, and even Kumarajiva couldn't bear it, and let out a miserable howl.



Contrary to the howling Kumarajiva, standing opposite him with a clear face let out a satisfied laugh.

"Everything is number... What Pythagoras said really makes sense!"



A pipe of jade flute flew across the air, and the air flow vibrated the pipe, making a deep sobbing sound, such as complaints, admiration, weeping and complaints; Want to cry a lot.

Under the circling flute, there were three or four corpses of monks. Some of them looked sad, and some had tears in their eyes. It was obvious that they died when they were affected by the sound of the flute.

On the other side of the jade flute, the muscular monk Beidu circulated his true energy, tightly sealed his ears, and blocked all the lingering flute sounds, while waving his palms towards the person in front of him. The woman in white fell down.


The next moment, the woman in white who was hit by the monk Beidu had dissipated like a phantom, causing the monk Beidu who had exerted too much force to take a step forward involuntarily, and his body staggered.

Then, a warm sword light appeared from behind the monk Beidu, passing close to the ground, and when passing by the legs of the monk Beidu, the sword light rose slightly.

Monk Beidu, who had staggered just now, felt his legs go limp in an instant, and his body fell forward involuntarily.At this time, the warm sword light was already attached to the ground, flew to a place in front of Beidu and stopped, and then the sword light was straightened, just aimed at the throat of the fallen monk Beidu.

Seeing that he was about to voluntarily and consciously send his throat to the opponent's blade when he fell down, monk Beidu suddenly showed panic in his eyes.

"Do not……"

Before the words finished, Monk Beidu felt a sharp pain in his throat, and then his eyes went dark, and he fell to the ground and remained motionless!
The next moment, this gentle sword light had already pierced through the back of Monk Beidu's neck, rolled to the side, and surrounded another tall and thin monk who was trying to escape from this place.

"This great monk..."

At some point, another woman in white appeared in the field. She glanced at the group of monks in front of her with contemptuous eyes, and said.

"The concubine said just now that your opponent is my sister, please don't leave until the victory is over!"


As soon as the woman in white finished speaking, she heard a burst of crisp laughter from the side, and then the figure of the soft-looking woman in black appeared next to the woman in white, raising her hand to shake the jade flute flying in the air. Grasping it in his hand, he waved his hand casually, and the eight tones rang together.

"Sister, what you said, these great monks are not stupid. If they don't run away, are they going to wait here to die?"


"Feng Gang, don't talk nonsense here, what Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor reincarnated to destroy the Buddha... Such absurd things, poor monks will never believe it!"

The good-looking monk Shi Daoan gave a drink, raised his slender hand, and took a picture of Feng Gang.

"Big Heavenly Hand...covers the sky with one palm!"

On the other hand, in Feng Gang's eyes, Shi Dao'an's delicate hand seemed to grow bigger and bigger, as if covering the sky and covering the sky, making it inevitable for people to avoid it.


Feng Gang sighed silently, then raised his hand, and raised his hand towards the other party's overwhelming palm.

The next moment, Shi Dao'an's celestial hand collided with Feng Gang's raised hand, and there was a loud bang in an instant, as if a bomb had been detonated out of thin air. He and Shi Daoan's clothes chattered.

In the fierce wind, Feng Gang hung his hands and did not move a single step, while Shi Daoan on the opposite side couldn't help taking several steps back in a row, with a look of surprise and uncertainty on his face.

"This is impossible, Feng Gang, why did your strength suddenly increase so much?"

"Is this..."

Feng Gang raised his head and glanced at Shi Daoan.

"If you have been like a certain person in the past two years, if you eat all kinds of potions and pills that increase your cultivation base, you can do it too!"

"Eat all kinds of potions and pills that increase your cultivation?"

Shi Dao'an looked at Feng Gang, and blinked with confusion.

"How could such a thing happen!"

"Yeah, if someone hadn't experienced it personally, someone wouldn't think that such a thing would happen in the world..."

Feng Gang sighed and said something, then raised his head and looked at Shi Dao'an with emotion.

"But it happened! For example, my master Xuanyuan Huangdi successfully found the fairy world and became a real fairy. For example, his old man was successfully sent back to this world by the Taishang Taoist ancestor, and he was reincarnated. It is said that my master also brought back a portable fairy world, the aura is more intense than Kunlun and Dongji..."

Speaking of this, Feng Gang sincerely spoke to Shi Dao'an again.

"Monk Dao'an, you and I were friends in the past... Yemotian is doomed to be destroyed today, you listen to a certain piece of advice and leave Buddhism!"


After hearing Feng Gang's words, Shi Dao'an immediately waved his hand and refused without hesitation.

"I will never be sorry to my teacher, Buddha Tucheng, and I will never leave Buddhism..."


After hearing Shi Daoan's resolute words, Feng Gang immediately sighed again, then slowly raised his hand, aiming at Shi Daoan in front of him.

"Forget it, it seems that XX is destined to lose a friend today!"

(End of this chapter)

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