Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1118 Your Majesty, there is only one way to wake up Sleeping Beauty

Chapter 1118 Your Majesty, there is only one way to wake up Sleeping Beauty

"Special warning, a powerful threat has been detected approaching..."

Just as Tiannvqing jumped up and flew towards Yunzhong City at a leisurely pace, a hurried mechanical sound sounded in the command center of Yunzhongcheng, and then the screen flashed on the big screen, and Tiannv appeared. Green figure.

"It must be dealt with immediately! Repeat, it must be dealt with immediately!"


After hearing what the house robot said, Twenty Niang, who was sitting in the command center, got up instantly and made a decision without hesitation.

"Contact Shending Baoyi immediately and ask her to increase the output of mana. I must ensure that my Yunzhongcheng guardian array is not lost!"


After hearing Shi Niang's words, a certain phone fox sitting on the side immediately agreed, and then picked up the microphone in front of him.

"Baoyi! Baoyi...don't play games anymore, the master wants you to increase your mana output immediately to ensure that Yunzhongcheng guards the formation..."

When this telephone fox contacted Bao Yi, Twenty Niang's head had already turned to an Almighty Fox on the other side.

"31. Immediately control the house robot, float the Cloud City City, and temporarily avoid the edge..."


31 Niang agreed, and then quickly tapped on the keyboard with both hands, and then the foxes present felt that Yunzhong City, which was floating in the air smoothly, began to slowly rise.


Immediately afterwards, Twenty Niang looked at another monitoring fox.

"You should pay attention to the monitoring. If the lord does not make any action within half a minute, immediately send a message to remind the other party. After all, this person outside is the imperial concubine of Xuanyuan Huangdi. It is better for the lord to deal with it himself!"


Surveillance Fox 33 Niang agreed, then quickly picked up the microphone in front of her, staring nervously at the monitor in front of her.


After issuing three orders in a row, Twenty Niang pondered for a moment, then blinked her big watery eyes, and looked at the Big Dipper Lord Shi Zhixuan who was sitting diagonally across from her.

"Big Dipper, my lord has said that you are resourceful, do you think there is anything I have missed?"


After hearing Er Erniang's words, Shi Zhixuan blinked speechlessly.

Did you make a mistake!
The one outside is one of Xuanyuan Huangdi's imperial concubines, and our lord is the reincarnation of Xuanyuan Huangdi. Do you think that for such a person, besides resisting, running away, and waiting for the lord to solve it himself, what else can I do? what other way?

You can't really mobilize the golden light array to blast her down!

"I feel that you have thought about it very carefully, twenty mothers, and there is nothing missing..."

Before Shi Zhixuan finished speaking, he suddenly heard the excited voice of the monitoring fox 33 Niang.

"Half a minute is up, send a message to the Lord!"


"Two fairies, do you have any good ways to wake up this celestial girl?"

When Tian Nuqing was heading towards Yunzhong City, Kong Qing who was standing on the floating island below looked up to the sky and asked hesitantly.

"It's fine if she destroys the secret realm of Kunshan. If she does the same thing in Yunzhong City of Pindao, then the loss of Pindao will be great. If nothing else, just re-arrange the mana guide rails all over the city. One time is also a big project!"

"Feel sorry!"

After hearing Kong Qing's words, Nine Heavens Profound Girl shook her head slightly and said.

"Since Younger Sister Qing'er can't even hear Xuanyuan Sword Fairy's loud cries, it means that the other party's primordial spirit cannot be awakened by ordinary methods, and there is no good way for me to do so!"


After hearing the words of Nine Heavens Profound Girl, Kong Qing immediately showed a helpless look on his face.

Can't wake up the other party, what should I do?
"His Majesty!"

After seeing Kong Qing's troubled expression, the Jiuyou plain girl in black rolled her eyes and said slyly.

"Actually, this matter is very simple!"


After hearing Jiuyou Sunu's words, Kong Qing left and turned to look at her.

"Suxian, what do you say about this matter?"

"Your Majesty, the reason why Sister Qing'er's soul has not woken up is because the pressure she feels is not strong enough!"

Jiuyou Sunu stretched out her hand and pointed at Tiannvqing who was still slowly rising.

"Your Majesty, as long as you go up and give her a hard lesson, preferably after she can feel the threat of death, her primordial spirit will naturally wake up!"


After hearing Jiuyou Sunu's suggestion, Kong Qing almost rolled his eyes at the other party.

What a joke!
Co-author Su Nu, your good idea is to let the poor go up and destroy flowers!
You have to know that this young lady was trying to help the poor... No!To help Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, he was reduced to this state. Although Huangdi imprisoned the other party here for thousands of years, it was too much, but it is still understandable. If you go up and beat him violently, and make the other party feel the threat of death...

Then Pindao, the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, can directly change his name to An Jiahe!


This thing must never be done!
"Suxian was joking!"

Kong Qing forced a smile towards Jiuyou Sunu.

"What Pindao despises most in his life is the kind of domestic violence bastard, so if Pindao wants to attack someone who may be his wife, Pindao really can't do it!"


After hearing Kong Qing's words, Jiuyou Sunu laughed out loud.

"Your Majesty is still as benevolent as before! Well, since you can't do something like beating your own wife, Your Majesty, I have another idea here. Do you want to try it, Your Majesty?"


After hearing Jiuyou Sunu's words, Kong Qing suddenly showed some doubts.

"What method, Suxian, tell me!"

"This method is also very simple!"

Jiuyou Sunu winked at Kong Qing and said narrowly.

"Recently, Sister Xuannv and I watched a movie in Cloud City called Sleeping Beauty..."

Before Jiuyou Sunu had finished speaking, Kong Qing covered her face with her hands helplessly.

"Pindao really has nothing to say, so Suxian, your good idea this time is not to let the poor go up to beat people, but to let the poor go up to molest others, right?"

"Your Majesty, what you said is wrong!"

Jiuyou Su Nu said to Kong Qing with a smile.

"After all, Sister Qing'er is your wife just like me and Sister Xuannv. Kissing other women can be called indecent, but kissing us is different..."

Ding Dong!

Before Jiuyou Sunu finished speaking, Kong Qing heard a light ring from the mobile phone at his waist. With a flick of his hand, the mobile phone floated out from his waist, revealing a message from a certain search fox. SMS.

"My lord, hurry up and stop that celestial girl, she is about to catch up..."

"Stop her..."

Looking at the text message on the phone, Kong Qing suddenly let out a wry smile.

"Pindao also wants to stop it, but the question is how to stop it?"

At this moment, the little milk cat who had been quietly lying on Kong Qing's shoulder, who seemed to be thinking seriously, suddenly tilted his head and whispered in Kong Qing's ear.



A beam of sword light soared upwards, chasing after Tiannuqing who was flying in the air.

In the light of the sword, Jiuyou Su Nu held Jiutian Xuan Nu's arm with a smile and said to Kong Qing.

"Your Majesty, didn't you say that you would not attack Sister Qing'er? Then what can you do even if you chase after her... Sure enough, you still plan to adopt the idea of ​​the Sleeping Beauty who was born as a concubine?"

"Feel sorry!"

After hearing Jiuyou Sunu's words, Kong Qing resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the other party, and replied.

"Pindao didn't intend to adopt Suxian's good method!"


After hearing Kong Qing's words, Jiuyou Sunu immediately covered her mouth with her sleeve and chuckled lightly.

"Then what are you going to do, Your Majesty? After all, you can't beat him, and you can't wake him up by shouting... Oh! It really makes me feel a little dizzy when I think about it!"


Hearing what Jiuyou Sunu said was no different from gloating, Kong Qing glanced at her silently, then waved his hand, and a thing like a searchlight appeared in the sword light.

"Pindao is going to do this... little guy, do it!"

As soon as Kong Qing finished speaking, he saw the cute kitten on his shoulder jumped down and stood in front of the searchlight, which was bigger than it. He adjusted the direction of the searchlight very skillfully, and then Use your little paw to pat behind the searchlight.


Following the roar of the evil dragon, a straight ray of light shot out from the searchlight, passed under the sky maiden flying in the air, and formed a straight road leading to nowhere under her feet.And Yunzhong City, which was not far in front of Tiannvqing, quickly became blurred when it was illuminated by the light of this searchlight.

For this kind of weird thing, Tiannvqing, whose soul has not yet woken up, seemed a little puzzled. She looked around in a daze, then stood on the road formed by the searchlights and looked towards the cloud in front of her. Zhongcheng reached out and fished twice.But the Yunzhong City that originally existed in front of her seemed to have turned into a phantom in the mirror at this time, and she couldn't touch it at all.

Tiannvqing, who found that she had lost her target, seemed a little angry. She stretched out her hand and slapped the road that appeared inexplicably beside her, as if she wanted to break the road and enter Yunzhong City. It is composed of light curtains, but the very thin road is inexplicably strong, no matter how Tiannvqing tries, it cannot be shaken.

"Isn't that done?"

Kong Qing looked at Tiannvqing who was still futilely struggling with the road formed by the road lights, he let out a long breath, and then turned his head to look at the Nine Heavens Xuannv beside him.

"Xuannv, how long do you think this celestial maiden sleepwalks before her primordial spirit wakes up?"

(End of this chapter)

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