Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1127 Jingshui 2 Lang Jun, for the sake of beauty, pull a brother

Chapter 1127 Mr. Jingshui Erlang, for the sake of beauty, give my brother a hand

Under the archway in front of the gate of the Jingshui Mansion, a handsome white-clothed Taoist priest stepped on Yu steps, muttering something, and then waved his hand, and a talisman appeared at his fingertips.

"Tai Shang Lao Jun is in a hurry, like the law, go!"

With the voice, this talisman flew out of his hand, and hit the gate of the water mansion straightly.

One minute later, I saw a clear water demon with two clam shells behind her, holding a talisman in her hand, and quickly ran towards the main hall of Jingshui Water Mansion. When the clam girl ran halfway, a She seemed to be in her 1s, and a man with oily hair and pink noodles suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Wanlu, where are you going in such a hurry?"

"It turned out to be Mr. Erlang..."

After seeing this man, Clam Girl stopped immediately, saluted him respectfully, and replied.

"Chang'an Taishi Bureau's current Taishi Ling Qingwei Daoist flies to Fushui Mansion, and the servant girl is planning to send the talisman to Lord Long!"

"What's the matter with Taishi ordering Feifu to come to my water mansion?"

After the man named Erlang heard the clam girl's words, he murmured to himself with some doubts, and then he stretched out his hand to take the talisman from the clam girl's hand with a straight face.

"Aye is currently practicing, so don't bother him. Give me this delicate talisman. After Aye's cultivation is over, someone will give it to Aye!"


Although the clam girl instinctively felt that there was something wrong with the man's behavior, after all, the other party was the most beloved son of Jingshui Longjun, and he always liked to interfere in everything in Jingshui Shui Mansion, so she didn't think too much about it. , but after handing over the talisman in his hand, he bowed and withdrew.

"Let someone come and see, what is this Qingwei looking for from Aye!"

After the clam girl left, the man weighed the talisman in his hand, then reached out his divine sense without hesitation, activated the talisman in his hand, and the next moment, a gloating smile appeared on his face.

"I didn't expect that Wu Zhenjin, who usually looks like an honest guy, would have the guts to fight a Taoist priest from the Taishi Bureau in Pingkangfang, and even tie back Xiulan's female history... What should this guy do?" It must be obsessed with sex!"

As he said that, the man turned his head and pointed at a crab water demon who happened to pass by.

"You... that's right! What a certain person said was Ni, do you know Wuzhenjin, the water monster patrolling the river?"

"Back to my lord..."

After hearing the man's words, the crab water demon immediately bowed down respectfully and replied.

"This servant knows Wuzhengjin!"

"That's good!"

The man nodded, then waved his hand at him.

"Go to Wuzhenjin's house now, call him over, and tell him that I have something to ask him!"


After the crab water demon agreed, she turned around and walked towards the front hall of the water mansion. After less than a quarter of an hour, she saw that her wound had been treated and she had changed her clothes. Aside from being a little ugly, the water demon Wuzhenjin, who was no different from usual, appeared in front of the man.

"Wuzhen Jin pays homage to my lord!"

"Get up!"

After seeing Wu Zhenjin appearing, the man didn't make any foreshadowing words, but said straight to the point.

"Wu Zhenjin, I thought you were honest before, but I didn't expect you to be so daring. Not only did you compete with the Taoist priests from the Taishi Bureau in Pingkangfang, but you also snatched back the most famous lady in the Hualou ...

You are doing this with the style of a certain year! "


After hearing the man's words, a look of surprise appeared on Wu Zhenjin's face, but he immediately covered it up.

"Lang Jun, you made a mistake, how dare I compete with Taoist priests from the Taishi Bureau in Chang'an City, let alone rob someone..."

"Stop pretending!"

The man shook the talisman in his hand, and smiled at Wuzhen Jin.

"The Taishi ordered Qingweizi's flying talismans to Jingshui Shuifu, and I want Aye to hand over you, the criminal who murdered and kidnapped, and send it to the Taishi Bureau for punishment. You still pretend to me..."


After hearing the man's words, Wu Zhenjin's complexion, which was a little lacking in blood, instantly turned pale.

"Lang Jun, did you say that the people from Taishi Bureau have chased after Jingshui Shui Mansion?"

"What do you say?"

The man looked at Wuzhenjin with a half-smile, and then pointed to the front door of Shuifu.

"They are waiting in front of the door for you, a criminal!"


After hearing the man's words, Wu Zhenjin exclaimed instantly.

"Has that Qingwei chased to the gate of Shuifu? How is this possible? How did he find me so quickly?"

"Why, now you know you're afraid?"

The man chuckled, and looked at Wu Zhenjin playfully.

"Why didn't you know how to be afraid when you were jealous of the Taoist priests from the Taishi Bureau in Pingkangfang? Oh! I know. At that time, you were blocked by Xiulan's beautiful face, right?"

Speaking of this, the man's crossed Erlang legs inadvertently shook twice, and continued.

"But the opponent's flying talisman has already been intercepted by me, and I didn't tell Aye about it, so you don't have to worry about Aye arresting you and giving it to Qingwei."

After hearing the man's words, Wu Zhenjin's flustered mood after hearing Taishi Bureau's Qingwei appeared calmed down, and he also keenly discovered a place that could be used in the other party's words.

"My lord, you are so right!"

Wu Zhenjin bent down, nodded humblely towards the man, and said in a low voice.

"That coquettish...Xiulan female history is indeed too good-looking, so at a certain moment, I didn't control myself, and it turned that I know I made a mistake, and I ask you, for the sake of my usual respect, to extend my hand Pull one!"

"It's not impossible to pull you!"

After hearing Wu Zhenjin's words, a complacent expression appeared on the man's face instantly.

"After all, this is Jingshui, and it's my territory, Aye, and the other party is not Qingxiazi... But XX has taken on such a big relationship for you, how should you repay XX?"

"Lang Jun..."

For this man's words, Wu Zhenjin seemed to have been prepared, he said without hesitation.

"When you went to Chang'an before, you should have seen Xiulan's female history. Her appearance is absolutely stunning. Not only is she good at playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but also the bed is very charming... I am willing to give her to you. How do you feel about it in return!"


After hearing Wu Zhenjin's words, the man suddenly laughed happily, and pointed at the other party while laughing.

"Wuzhenjin, you are indeed a smart person... Alright! For the sake of being so sensible, I will help you take care of the matter this time. Don't worry, as long as you don't leave Jingshui Shuifu, you will fall into the trap , you won't be caught by that Qingwei!"

"Thank you sir!"

After hearing the man's promise, Wu Zhenjin immediately nodded with trepidation, and then put on a flattering smile on his face.

"Then I'll go down and send Xiulan to your residence..."

"Well, let's go!"

After hearing Wuzhenjin's words, the man waved his hands proudly, then after thinking for a while, he raised his hand and called the crab water demon who had just gone to inform Wuzhenjin.

"You...follow Wu Zhenjin to the place where he lives, and supervise him to send Nvshi Xiulan to my place, understand?"


After hearing the man's words, the crab water demon immediately bowed and agreed.

"Slaves, let's do it now..."


A few minutes later, Wu Zhenjin returned to his residence with the crab water demon.

"Thank you brother!"

Wu Zhenjin brushed a stone bench in his yard courteously, and said to the crab water demon.

"You take a rest here first, and when someone goes in to help Xiulan female history clean up, we will send her to Erlang's residence..."

The crab water demon didn't refuse either, and sat down on the stone bench following the opponent's hand, then raised his head, and gave Wuzhenjin a word with some concern.

"Brother Wu, hurry up and tidy up! After all, we all know Erlang's temper, he's a quick temper!"

"rest assured!"

Wu Zhenjin curled his lips towards the other party, showing a ferocious smile, and continued.

"I've always been quick..."

Before the words fell, he had put his hands on the neck of the crab and water monster after brushing over the stone bench, and suddenly closed his hands, then turned left and right without hesitation, and then heard a click, and the head of the crab and water monster It was screwed down by him abruptly.

The next moment, Yasha Li Zhen, who was packing up his things in the house, also heard the movement and walked out of the door.

"Brother Wu, what's the matter?"

"A catastrophe is imminent!"

Wu Zhenjin took a deep breath and said to Yasha Li Zhen.

"Qing Weizi from the Taishi Bureau has confirmed the identity of a certain person, and now he is asking for someone in front of the Jingshui Shuifu..."


After hearing this sentence, Li Zhen instantly let out an exclamation like Wu Zhenjin.

"This is impossible. How did the Taishi Bureau confirm your identity so quickly?"

"Brother Li, you can't even figure out this kind of thing, so how could I know!"

Wu Zhenjin grabbed the body of the crab water demon, dragged him into the house, and threw him behind a screen.

"Fortunately, that idiot Jingshui Erlang was obsessed with sex. In order to kiss the beauty of this coquettish fox, he had the audacity to detain Qingweizi's flying talisman. Lord Long still doesn't know about this, so let's take advantage of this moment Get out now!"

"What brother Wu said is very true..."

After hearing Wu Zhenjin's words.Li Zhen immediately nodded his head in agreement.

"But that Qingweizi is blocking the gate of Shuifu, how do we leave?"

"Brother Li, don't worry!"

As soon as Li Zhen's voice fell, he heard Wu Zhenjin answer with confidence.

"There is a waterway in the Jingshui Mansion that can directly lead to the outside of the water mansion. It is very secret, and most people don't know it. Even a certain person discovered it by accident. Next, we just need to take advantage of that idiot Jingshui Erlang not to take advantage of our affairs. Before stabbing it out, if you leave without anyone noticing, you can go all the way east, straight to the East China Sea!"

"it is good!"

Hearing that there was a hidden waterway to leave, Li Zhen also had an excited expression on his face.

"It's not too late, let's go!"


Half an hour later, when Jingshui Erlang was still anxiously waiting for Wuzhenjin to send him the famous flower house lady Xiulan in Chang'an City, Wuzhenjin and Li Zhen had already walked along the road. The hidden waterway, with their previous savings, and the kidnapped Xiulan female Shi Erniang left Jingshui Shuifu.


After coming out of the waterway, Wu Zhenjin turned his head, looked at Jingshui Shuifu hidden in the river behind him, and let out a long breath.

"It's safe!"

"It's not safe yet!

Unlike Wu Zhenjin, Yasha Li Zhen still looked around suspiciously.

"Brother Wu, let's get out of here quickly..."

However, before Li Zhen finished speaking, a clear voice rang in the ears of both of them.

"Zhou Xing created a group of people by himself, silently and unconsciously from ancient times. There is no image, no form, hidden good fortune, and there are doors and households in the universe.

If color is not color, whoever is poor is not empty or empty.This way is not obtained from it, and there are thousands of words and comments. "

 The Jingshui Dragon King written by Mengxin is not the unlucky guy who fought with Yuan Shoucheng in Journey to the West, but the unlucky guy who died of his son in Tang Legend "Liu Yi Biography"... Okay!It seems that the position of Dragon King of Jinghe has bad geomantic omen!

(End of this chapter)

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