Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1131 Even if you are the Dragon God of the East China Sea, you must hand it over to someone

Chapter 1131 Even if you are the Dragon God of the East China Sea, you must hand it over to someone

Just when Kong Qing's white-golden sword energy rushed in front of Jingshui Longjun with irresistible momentum, a high-pitched dragon chant suddenly sounded in the Jingshui mansion, and then Kong Qing saw a huge The phantom of the green dragon appeared in the sky above Jingshui Longjun, stretched out its huge dragon claws, and grabbed the white-golden sword energy shot by Kong Qing.

When the claws of the Qinglong phantom collided with the white-gold sword energy, an explosion sounded like a thunderstorm on a dry day, and then the entire Jingshui mansion trembled. .


After a stalemate for a few seconds, Qinglong Xuying finally couldn't resist the fierce platinum sword energy, and was cut twice by the opponent, and then the sword energy flew over the eaves of the main hall of Jingshui Shuifu, and sent a blow to the roof of the Crystal Palace. A deep sword mark was left on it.

But before Qinglong Xuying couldn't resist, Jingshui Longjun had successfully escaped from Kong Qing's sword energy with his second son. At this time, the two of them were standing on the other side of the Crystal Palace, still in shock looked at Kong Qing.

"Hey! Pindao didn't expect you, Lord Long, to have such a powerful magic weapon!"

The corner of Kong Qing's mouth twitched slightly, and once again he swung his sword across his chest, assuming a slashing posture.

"Then let Pindao see, Lord Long, how much sword energy can you block Pindao!"

"This Taoist, wait a moment!"

Before Kong Qing cut out Xuanyuan Futaixu again, a strange voice suddenly came from the air. Kong Qing turned his head to look, and saw that there was an extra person in purple clothes in the place where the phantom of the green dragon appeared, holding a sword in his hand. A middle-aged man wearing sapphire wishful thinking.

After seeing Kong Qing turn his head, the middle-aged man also had a look of surprise on his face.

"Hey! Before I saw Taoist, you have a strong sword, and I thought... I didn't expect you to be so young. Dare to ask, why did my son offend you, so that you want to attack him so viciously?"


After hearing the middle-aged man's words, Kong Qing did not answer directly, but his fingers trembled slightly, and he threw an identification technique first.

Dragon God Avatar:

In order to protect his son Jingshui Longjun, the East China Sea Dragon God used a piece of inverse scale that he had shed to refine a clone, which possessed the power of a single blow from the East China Sea Dragon God.

"No wonder Jingshui Longjun is so arrogant and domineering. It turns out that he is your son, the Dragon God of the East Sea..."

Kong Qing nodded towards the middle-aged man in front of him, then lowered the Guchen sword in his hand, raised his hand and nodded Jingshui Longjun and the young man behind him.

"As for why your son offended Pindao, you should ask your son and grandson yourself!"


The avatar of the Dragon God of the East China Sea hummed with some doubts, then turned to look at the Jingshui Dragon Lord on the side.

"My son, then come and tell Gu, why did you have a conflict with this Taoist?"

"This one……"

After hearing the words of the clone of the Dragon God of the East China Sea, a look of embarrassment appeared on Jingshui Longjun's face instantly.

In fact, after reaching this point, he more or less guessed what happened. It should be the river patrolling water monster in his water mansion who somehow attacked the Taishi Bureau in Chang'an City. Kidnapped a banshee, and when Qingwei chased to Shuifu and gave herself a flying talisman, Erlang of her own family detained the flying talisman. As a result, this deduction not only put Qingwei in her own An hour outside of the water mansion, the water monster patrolling the river slipped away... He has personally experienced the rest of it!

"Aye, it's a long story!"


After seeing the expression on Jingshui Longjun's face, the avatar of the Dragon God of the East China Sea understood a little in an instant. He calmly raised the sapphire Ruyi in his hand and nodded towards him.

"So to cut a long story short, what happened?"

"Is such that……"

Jingshui Longjun hesitated for a moment, then said lightly.

"The river patrolling water demon Wu Zhenjin you sent me attacked a practitioner from the Taishi Bureau in Chang'an City..."

"That's no ordinary practitioner!"

Kong Qing calmly added while rubbing the little milk cat on his shoulder.

"His name is Li Yu. Although his strength is a bit weak, he is also an elder of my Danding Sect and the disciple of Daoist Qingxia!"

After hearing the words of Master Qingxia, a dignified expression appeared on the face of the dragon god avatar. He nodded towards Kong Qing, and then said to Jingshui Longjun.

"I don't know about this matter, my son, you continue to talk!"


Jingshui Longjun agreed, and then continued to avoid the seriousness and speak lightly.

"After the people from the Taishi Bureau were beaten, the current Daoist Taishi Ling Qingwei came to my Shuifu to ask for someone. Then because of some misunderstandings, he waited at the door for a while, and he couldn't wait to call in... ..."

"That's not a while!"

Kong Qing said in a cold tone while stroking the cat.

"You made Pindao wait in front of the water mansion for an hour in vain, and when you let Pindao wait in vain, you took advantage of this time to let that hurtful water demon go!"

Having said that, Kong Qing raised his head and continued.

"The most important thing is that when Pindao came to your door to reason with you, you actually dispatched soldiers to kill the Pindao... If the Pindao can bear it, then what is the majesty of my Taishi Bureau?"

"My son!"

After hearing what Kong Qing said, the Dragon God clone of the East China Sea frowned slightly, and then looked at Jingshui Longjun.

"Is what the Taoist said true?"


After hearing his own Aye's question, Jingshui Longjun suddenly felt a little speechless, and at this time, after seeing his grandfather appear, that Jingchuan Erlang suddenly seemed to have found a backer, and frequently turned to Jingshui Longjun. Wink, signal the other party to answer in the negative.

Although Kong Qing saw Jing Chuan Erlang's small actions, he didn't react in any way.

After all, the identification technique clearly stated that this avatar only has the power of a single blow from the Dragon God of the East China Sea, and it is very likely that when he confronted his own sword energy just now, the power of this blow was almost used... Otherwise, with the [-] million guys from the Dragon Clan, how could they honestly reason with themselves.

And having said that, even if the avatar of Donghai Dragon God didn't use up the power of that blow, so what, could he still kill himself with one move?


Take it easy, you Donghai Dragon God doesn't have this ability, even if you really have... Yuxu Xinghuangqi, do you want to know about it!
Maybe it was because of seeing where his Aye was, he couldn't tell why, so that Jing Chuan Erlang finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said on the sidelines.

"Report to grandfather, this Taoist is completely talking nonsense..."


Hearing that his son was planning to lie again, and he still lied to his own father, the Dragon God of the East Sea, Jingshui Longjun no longer dared to hesitate anymore, so he could only admit it immediately.

"Although things seem to be true, it's really just a misunderstanding. The boy didn't intend to deliberately leave the other party alone, nor did he intend to send out soldiers to kill him..."

"Okay! Gu understands!"

The clone of the Dragon God of the East China Sea nodded, and then ignored his grandson Jing Chuan Erlang, but turned his head, looked Kong Qing up and down, and then said in an admiring tone.

"Before I heard about Qing Weizi's name from the foolish brother Taihu Lord, I saw him today, he is handsome and handsome, and his cultivation is extraordinary. It seems that Qingxiazi has a successor, and the Danding family should be prosperous in the world! "


After hearing the other party's words, Kong Qing was a little stunned.

It turned out that the Dragon God of the East China Sea was actually the elder brother of the Taihu Dragon Lord who was beaten in half and then cut in half by Daoist Qingxia, and finally fractured.There are so many real dragons in the world, why do so many things happen to your dragon?
"But Qingwei, don't worry..."

Seeing that Kong Qing was a little dazed, Donghai Longjun instantly misunderstood.

"Mr. Taihu intervened in the dragon fight by himself, and he was kicked out of Shenzhou. It is his own fault. Gu will not help him. You can rest assured!"


After hearing this sentence, Kong Qing narrowed his eyes immediately.

There is something in this East China Sea dragon myth!
What does it mean that he won't help Mr. Taihu? Isn't the subtext that his son Mr. Jingchuan must help?
"Then according to Lord Long, how should this matter be settled?"

"Ha ha!"

After hearing what Kong Qing said, the avatar of the Dragon God of the East China Sea smiled noncommittally, and continued.

"Qingwei, the Dragon Clan works hard all day long in Shenzhou to keep the weather smooth and the rivers don't flood. It's a small achievement. Look at this, is it good? I'm willing to make some compensation for the real person who was attacked by the water demon. How is it over?"


After hearing the words of the East China Sea Dragon God, Kong Qing narrowed his eyes again.


This Dragon God of the East China Sea is not a good guy either. What does it mean that the dragons work hard in Shenzhou to maintain smooth weather and the rivers will not be disasters? The subtext of this statement is that you dare not agree to my conditions. Absolutely flooded.


Although he heard the meaning behind Donghai Dragon God's words, Kong Qing rejected him without hesitation.

"If an official of the Taishi Bureau like Li Yu is attacked, and the poor can't find justice for him, then what prestige does the Taishi Bureau have in Shenzhou?"

"Qingwei, you have to consider the overall situation when doing things!"

A flash of anger flashed in the eyes of the Dragon God of the East China Sea, and he continued.

"The dragon clan has worked hard to control the water. If you punish the dragon clan for such a trivial matter, it will chill the hearts of the dragon clan all over the world. There will be troubles in Shenzhou in the future!"

"so what!"

Kong Qing stretched out his hand to the side, held the hilt of Gu Chenjian again, and said with a high-spirited expression.

"Since Dayu's water control, my human race has come all the way to today, relying on unyielding will. Even if it is to do it again, Pindao can still rely on the three feet of autumn water in his hand to create a clear and sunny day!"


After hearing Kong Qing's words, a trace of anger flashed again in the eyes of the Dragon God of the East China Sea.

"Okay! Then, in your opinion, how should this matter be settled?"

"It's easy!"

Kong Qing leaned on the Guchen Sword with his hand, and spoke without hesitation.

"The injustice has its head, and the debt has its owner. The water demon who attacked Senior Brother Li Yu must be handed over to the poor Daoist in Jingshui Shuifu!"

After hearing Kong Qing's words, Lord Jingshui Long hesitated immediately, but then he heard the East China Sea Dragon God beside him reply without hesitation.

"Okay! This matter is alone!"

(End of this chapter)

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