Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1134 1 Lying Fox Who Pretends to be Clever and 2 Stupid Thieves Who Believe the Truth

Just after Kong Qing and Mrs. Wanlu, the clam girl, had a general understanding of the story that Jingshui Erlang and his wife Dongting Dragon Girl had to tell, there was a low voice in the sky, and then the clam girl People saw a chubby cloud plane swinging out of the clouds above.

After seeing the plane appear, these clam mermaids immediately chattered again.

"I used to relax by the river while resting. When I saw this flying magic weapon flying around Chang'an, I always wanted to sit on it. Now I can finally get my wish... This is really thanks to Wanlu's blessing. !"

"That's why when I heard Wan Lu say that I would go to Daoist Qingwei, I agreed without hesitation. This is an opportunity that the demons of the Chang'an Demon Alliance couldn't even ask for!"

"That's right! I also decided to surrender immediately when I heard the words Qingwei Zhenren. I heard that the followers of the real person can not only live in the fairy city in the clouds, but also have more aura in the fairy city than in the secret realm!"



Listening to the words of these clam and mermaids, Kong Qing raised her eyebrows silently.

He was still wondering why so many female water monsters in Jingshui Water Mansion were worried about being retaliated by Jing Chuan Erlang, so the matter of asking to leave as if they were fleeing for refuge has finally been solved...

This is not coming to take refuge here at all, but planning to come to receive benefits.

However, Kong Qing didn't intend to be harsh on these clam female mermaids. After all, it is the nature of intelligent creatures to yearn for a better life, and they are indeed facing the possibility of being angered by Jingchuan Erlang...

So if you want to eat welfare, eat it, you can't just watch these banshees die because of some welfare!
Amidst the twittering of these clams and sharks, the chubby cloud plane had already descended from the sky and landed on an open space by the Jingshui River. Afterwards, the cabin door opened. Although it was changed into a dress, it was still the most eye-catching on the chest. Twenty Niang, wearing a small fox brooch, appeared in front of Kong Qing.

"My lord, my servant is here to pick you up!"

"Forget it, Pindao won't join in the fun!"

Kong Qing looked at the size of the inside of the cloud plane, and then at the more than 30 clam mermaids behind him, he waved his hand decisively.

"Twenty Niang, you can take these little ladies rescued from Jingshui back to Yunzhong City for Pindao, and Pindao should go back with his own sword!"

Speaking of this, Kong Qing pondered for a while, then continued.

"By the way, Twenty Niang, didn't you tell Pindao that the aquatic botanical garden at the nursery needs a group of employees with good water quality who can work underwater for a long time? Pindao thinks these little ladies are very suitable, wait a minute After returning to Yunzhong City, take them to Gujing Zizhen and Yuan Ying to go through the formalities, and then arrange them to work!"

The next moment, Erniang, who was a little disappointed that Kong Qing didn't plan to take the plane, heard that Kong Qing said that she would take these clam female mermaids to Gujing Zizhen and Yuan Ying to go through the formalities, and she would arrange the job by herself. The smile on his face became brighter in an instant.

"Lord, don't worry!"

As soon as Twenty Niang patted her towering conscience, the little fox brooch immediately swayed tremblingly.

"The slave family must send professional people to introduce these new sisters, including teaching and meeting..."

"very good!"

After hearing Erniang's words, Kong Qing nodded with a smile.

"Twenty Niang, you can rest assured that you are poor, so it's settled like this!"

Saying that, Kong Qing turned around, smiled slightly at Wan Lu and the rest of the clam and sharks, and continued:
"Ladies and gentlemen, Twenty Niang is Pindao's confidant, you can just follow her at ease, if you have any other matters, you can also ask her to tell Pindao... Well! Pindao has some other things, I will excuse you first!"

After finishing speaking, Kong Qing nodded politely towards the female clam sharks again, and then the Gu Chen sword behind him was unsheathed in an instant, turning into a white light, rolling up Kong Qing's body and soaring straight up, just a few breaths away. Rushed into the sea of ​​clouds and disappeared.

"All right!"

After Kong Qing disappeared, Twenty Niang immediately stretched out her hand and patted it twice, signaling these clam-girl sharks to turn their attention.

"Please line up, get on the plane one by one, and find a seat for yourself. After returning to Cloudsdale, I will arrange for one of my sisters to take you to fill out your resume and arrange a suitable job for you... "

Under the command of Erniang, the group of clam girls and sharks lined up obediently one by one, carrying their own burdens, walked into the chubby plane cabin one by one, found a seat and sat down.

After all these female water monsters entered the plane, Twenty Niang also walked in with the last one, and after closing the cabin door casually, she said to a flight attendant, Fox, who was standing by the door.

"35, please contact the command center and tell 31 to come find me at the airport outside the west gate of Cloud City!"


A beam of sword light skimmed over Yunzhong City, and after drawing an arc, landed in a courtyard.Then the sword light turned away, revealing Kong Qing who was wearing a white coat and carrying a kitten on his shoulder.

Kong Qing in white raised his hand and stroked the little milk cat on his shoulder, and then said to Kong Qing in Tsing Yi who was sitting in the middle of the yard with a relaxed expression.

"How about it, Yuwei, has the investigation of Li Yu's attack been clear?"

"Of course!"

Kong Qing in Tsing Yi nodded and replied casually.

"I have already changed more than forty keywords. I have carefully checked the ins and outs of the whole thing from the past experience of the water monster Wuzhen Jin and Yasha Li Zhen. There is absolutely nothing missing!"

"That's good!"

Kong Qing in Bai Yi nodded, then walked quickly to the opposite of Kong Qing in Qing Yi, and sat down on the seat.

"Tell me, what is going on? Why did the water demon and that Yasha attack Li Yu?"

"This deity..."

After Bai Yi Kong Qing sat down, Tsing Yi Kong Qing held the teapot in front of him and poured a cup of tea for the other party, then put down the teapot with a smile, and said mysteriously.

"About this matter, there is a good news, a not-so-good news, and a ridiculous news. I don't know which one do you want to hear?"


Kong Qing in Bai Yi glanced at Kong Qing in Qing Yi speechlessly, and then spoke.

"Then let's hear the good news first!"

"The good news is..."

After Kong Qing in Bai Yi finished speaking, Kong Qing in Tsing Yi deliberately dragged out his voice and continued.

"Actually, neither the water demon Wu Zhenjin nor Yasha Li Zhen thought about dealing with the Taishi Bureau, and they didn't know Li Yu's identity at the time. They just wanted to kidnap the Xiulan female history Hu Erniang. It's just a coincidence."


After hearing Tsing Yi Kong Qing's explanation, Bai Yi Kong Qing frowned.

"Kidnapping Hu Erniang... What are they doing to kidnap Hu Erniang? Could it be that they want to kiss her because of Hu Erniang's beautiful appearance?"

"That's not true!"

Kong Qing in Tsing Yi put down the teacup in his hand, raised his index finger, and waved it towards Kong Qing.

"This is the not-so-good news...Because both Wuzhen Jin, the water demon, and Li Zhen, the Yasha, were sent by the head of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, that is, Zhao Xun, the flying Yasha of the Yasha clan, to inquire about the fact that Yasha Island was destroyed. and they kidnapped Hu Erniang for this reason!"

"They actually wanted to find out about the destruction of Yasha Island..."

After hearing this, Kong Qing in Baiyi was a little dazed.

If he remembered correctly, the person who wiped out Yasha Island seemed to be [-]% probably himself!

But having said that, when I destroyed Yaksha Island by myself, there was no one else present except Mrs. Shangyuan and Master Quan Shan. Afterwards, the only person who knew that the hags who were rescued by him were transformed into mountain ghosts was Sun Simiao. One, it can be said that there is absolutely no way of possible leaks.

Not to mention Hu Erniang, even Fox Erniang didn't know that those mountain ghosts were actually hags back then!

And taking a step back, even if this matter is leaked, it is at most that Mrs. Shangyuan mentioned it to her plastic sisters to show off, but no matter how much Mrs. Shangyuan leaks the secret in her small circle, it is impossible to be known as Hu Erniang, the top brand in Pingkang Square, knows it!

"Since they are investigating this matter, what are they doing kidnapping Hu Erniang? She doesn't know who destroyed Yasha Island!"

"This is the ridiculous news!"

Kong Qing in Tsing Yi held the teacup and continued with a smile.

"Hu Erniang has used the convenience of Youshen that day for the past two years to sell some small information that we don't like, such as the gossip about the rich and powerful in Chang'an or some gossip from the court. , and even advertised that as long as the money is in place, no matter what kind of news can be obtained!"


After hearing what Kong Qing in Tsing Yi said, Kong Qing immediately pouted helplessly.

"So those two idiots believed it, right?"

"That's about it!"

Kong Qing in Tsing Yi nodded and continued.

"However, before Yasha Li Zhen came to Pingkangfang to find Hu Erniang after transforming into a human form, and wanted to confirm the matter face to face. As a result, Hu Erniang didn't know about Yasha Island at all, but she didn't want to give up her status as a Jianghu Baixiaosheng, so I simply set a sky-high price, trying to make the other party unable to afford it, so as to scare him away..."

"Okay! You don't need to say..."

Kong Qing covered his face with his hands speechlessly.

"Hu Erniang, that stupid fox, didn't expect the other party to stop doing anything after the other party couldn't get the money out, and just changed from buying information to kidnapping and robbing, right?"

"Bingo! If the answer is correct, ten points will be added!"

Kong Qing in Tsing Yi snapped his fingers and said to Kong Qing with a smile.

"How about it, my lord, isn't this news a bit ironic?"


Kong Qing silently twitched the corner of his mouth.

If you just talk about this matter, it is indeed ridiculous. After all, I was suspicious before thinking that someone wanted to use the water monster to make me look good, but I only found out after a thorough investigation...

This is just an oolong incident caused by a clever lying fox and two stupid thieves who believed in the truth!

But if we put aside this matter, why did Zhao Xun, the Flying Yasha of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, just plant spies in Weishui Water Mansion and Jingshui Water Mansion, two water mansions next to Chang'an, to inquire about this matter!
Could it be that he really heard some news?

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