Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1136 Mr. Qiantang, suppress your anger, hide your hatred...

Chapter 1136 Mr. Qiantang, suppress your anger, hide your hatred...

"Qingwei, what did you say?"

After hearing what Kong Qing said, Lord Dongting’s first reaction was that Kong Qing was deceiving him... After all, to put it bluntly, Lord Dongting is also a real dragon, the ancient water god, and Lord Jingshui is the love of the Dragon God of the East China Sea. You are a son, but you probably don't have the guts to torture your own daughter!

"Jingchuan Erlang dared to torture and beat the widow's daughter, and Mr. Jingshui also helped him. This is impossible!"

"Long Jun, don't be so full of words..."

Kong Qing raised his finger and pointed to the letter in front of Lord Dongting, and the old god said.

"Your love's letter is here. Whether it's true or not, don't you know if you open it? Pindao believes that your love's handwriting should be very familiar to Mr. Long!"


After hearing Kong Qing's words, the dubious Lord Dongting stretched out his hand to pick up the letter in front of him and opened it.But as his eyes swept over the handwriting of the letter, the expression of the whole dragon became serious in an instant.

"It's really my daughter's handwritten letter!"

Next, Mr. Dongting glanced at ten lines, and quickly read the letter from beginning to end.Then he came back again with a look of surprise, and read it word by word from the beginning again. As he watched, Mr. Dongting's eye circles turned red, and tears flowed silently down his cheeks.

"My poor daughter, it's because I'm old, blind, and blind that I chose such a vicious husband-in-law for you..."

Hearing Mr. Dongting's self-blaming words and seeing Mr. Dongting's sad look, all the maids in the Lingxu Hall were a little flustered, and then Kong Qing saw a maid who was obviously more gorgeous than the others approaching After the maids on the left and right nodded, they silently retreated from the back of the hall.

After lamenting for a while, Mr. Dongting put down the letter in his hand, stretched out his hand to wipe the tears from the corner of his eyes, and bowed his hands to Kong Qing solemnly.

"Master Qingwei, the widow has lost her composure, and she still looks at Haihan!"

"It's okay!"

Kong Qing waved his hand calmly, and continued.

"As the saying goes, the one who is too high forgets his love, and the one who is the lowest is not as good as his love. What is loved by love is in my generation... the Dragon Lord loses his composure and sheds tears when he is eager to love his daughter. It is the natural feeling of a dragon. What is there to be forgiven for?"

"Thank you for your understanding!"

Having said that, Lord Dongting raised his sleeves again and wiped his tears.

"Speaking of this matter, the widow was so stupid and deaf and blind. After my daughter got married, I ignored it and made my daughter's boudoir weak, which encouraged the wolfish heart of Jingchuan's son... If it weren't for the real man's high righteousness, the widow would I'm afraid I don't even know how my daughter died!"

As he said that, Mr. Dongting sobbed a few times with his sleeves on his shoulders.

At this moment, Kong Qing suddenly saw that the maid who had left before came in from the back of the Lingxu Palace again. After seeing Kong Qing's gaze on her, she nodded apologetically towards Kong Qing, and then He walked quickly to Lord Dongting, leaned over and said in a low voice.

"Your Majesty, Madam heard that the princess was in distress, and there was a letter sent back. She is very concerned, and specially ordered the servants to come and take a look at the letter!"

"The letter is here..."

Lord Dongting reached out to pick up his daughter's letter again, glanced at it slightly, and a look of unbearable expression appeared on his face, then raised his hand and handed the letter to the maid beside him.

"You take it!"


The maid agreed, then took the letter respectfully, then stepped back quickly, and left the Lingxu Hall again.

After the maid left, Kong Qing just heard a few words of self-blame from Lord Dongting, and then heard the sound of weeping from the back of the Lingxu Hall, that is, the harem, very sad.

After hearing the crying sound from the harem, Lord Dongting seemed to have just thought of something, raised his head and waved to a maid next to him, and then said in a panic.

"Go to the harem and inform your wife, let them cry, but don't show my daughter's letter to Lord Qiantang..."


Just as the maid agreed and was about to leave, Kong Qing heard an extremely angry dragon chant coming from the side and rear of the Crystal Palace, and then the entire Secret Realm of Water Mansion shook violently like an earthquake.

With the sound of the dragon chant, the body of a giant dragon with a length of more than a thousand feet and a bright red body like a flame has appeared above the Lingxu Temple. Hovering around him, there is a golden lock with a thick chain hanging around his neck. The whole dragon looks majestic and murderous!

After seeing the giant dragon appear, Mr. Dongting got up in a panic and stomped his feet.

"Mr. Qiantang must have read my daughter's letter, so he was dazzled by anger again. If he is allowed to pass by like this, he does not know how many lands and families he will destroy along the way. Alas! This made the Taishi Bureau sue the immortals again. If they all go to the council, Qiantang will have to spend his days behind closed doors..."

When he said this, Mr. Dongting suddenly realized.

It seems that the person I interviewed today is the current Taishi Ling of the Taishi Bureau!
"Master Qingwei, widow..."

At this time, the panic-stricken Lord Dongting realized that the Taoist priest in white who had been sitting under him, the current Taishi Bureau's current Taishi Ling Qingweizi, had disappeared without a trace.

"Hey! Where did Daoist Qingwei go?"

Just when Mr. Dongting was at a loss, he suddenly heard the soft voice of the Taoist priest in white from the air.

"Mr. Qiantang, please calm down!"

As soon as the words fell, Mr. Dongting heard an angry dragon chant coming from the air again.


"not good!"

After hearing the dragon chant, Lord Dongting immediately raised his head in horror, and shouted loudly into the air.

"Don't do anything to Qiantang, that little Taoist priest in white is Qingxiazi's disciple..."

Before Lord Dongting finished speaking, he heard a thunderous sound in the air, and then the whole secret realm shook again, and the overflowing strong wind blew down from the sky, even the Lingxu Temple was blown Shaking left and right.

"It's late! It's late..."

After hearing this loud noise, Mr. Dongting suddenly had a complicated expression on his face.

"Qiantang has disowned her relatives now, what should I do? You said that Qingwei came to inform the widow with good intentions, but was beaten up by the widow's younger brother. How could Qingxiazi let it go... Sigh! What will the widow do then? Woolen cloth?"

Just when Mr. Dongting was thinking about how he should deal with the furious Qingxiazi in the future, he suddenly heard a few loud noises from the air again, which were exactly the same as the previous loud noises, as if several bombs had been detonated in the sky above the secret realm. Similarly, violent shock waves raged around, blowing the entire Lingxu Hall to the point of collapse.


After hearing these voices, the complicated expression on Mr. Dongting's face also turned into one of surprise.

"This Qingwei has only practiced for so many years, yet she has been able to fight head-to-head with the furious Qiantang for such a long time... No!"

Having said that, Lord Dongting immediately stepped forward and ran towards the outside of the Lingxu Hall.

"Now is not the time to think about this. The widow should hurry out and stop Qiantang, and not let him really hurt Qingwei."

Just when Mr. Dongting ran outside the Lingxu Hall and was about to jump up, he heard a muffled sound in the air, and then he saw a red shadow descending from the sky, and it was getting bigger and bigger.

" is this possible?"

While Mr. Dongting was muttering to himself, he saw that the majestic red dragon just now smashed his head on the square in front of Mr. Dongting, smashing the jade stones on the ground to pieces.

"Qian Tang actually lost!"

The next moment, Kong Qing, a Taoist priest in white, flicked a wooden whip in his hand, and it slowly fell from the sky, and said to Chilong.

"Mr. Qiantang, please temporarily suppress your anger and hide your hatred. They should erupt at the right time, not now..."

After hearing Kong Qing's words, the red dragon on the ground shook its huge head, and its huge dragon eyes were full of anger.He opened his mouth, a long blood-red tongue swung up and down between the sharp teeth, and let out another wild dragon cry.


After hearing the dragon chant, Kong Qing didn't react, but turned his head to look at the little milk cat on his shoulder.

Then, Mr. Dongting saw the little milk cat yawned lazily, and then said something in that Qingwei's ear.

"Aww! Aww..."

"and many more!"

After hearing the cry of the little milk cat, Mr. Dongting froze for a moment. He raised his head and looked at the little milk cat on Kong Qing's shoulder in disbelief.

"This voice...impossible! That raccoon slave on Qingwei's shoulder is actually a real dragon!"

"What, Lord Qiantang is still stubborn?"

Just when Mr. Dongting was shocked by the little milk cat, Kong Qing, who had just learned the meaning of Chilong's words from the translation cat, also looked at the other party with a touch of anger.

"It seems that Pindao can only let him wake up properly!"

Following the voice, Mr. Dongting saw the white-clothed Taoist priest shaking the wooden whip casually in the sky, and the golden light instantly lit up from the bottom of the wooden whip to the top, only the tip of the whip did not light up.

Then, the Taoist priest in white held the root of the wooden whip with both hands, jumped up, and smashed it towards the huge top door of the red dragon on the ground.

"Mr. Qiantang, take a sober blow from Chipindao!"

Under the dull eyes of Mr. Dongting, Kong Qing, who was holding a whip with both hands, hit Mr. Qiantang's head like a shooting star, making a loud bang, and then saw Chilong's huge head dangling in the air. After shaking it, it hit the ground with a bang, then rolled his eyes and passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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