Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1141 Mr. Qiantang, You Killed My Son Again

Chapter 1141 Mr. Qiantang, You Killed My Son Again

"Ma'am, how about..."

Just when the Chilong incarnated by Lord Qiantang killed the Jiaolong incarnated by Jing Chuan Erlang, Kong Qing, who had been standing to one side, pretending to be watching from the sidelines, turned his head quietly and said to the green-clothed fairy beside him.

"Pindao is right, isn't the drama of the Jingshui Longjun family better than TV dramas?"


After hearing what Kong Qing said, the Tsing Yi female fairy pursed her lips and nodded towards Kong Qing with a smile.

"Except for that Jing Chuan Erlang's reversal is a bit illogical, the rest are good!"

"That's natural!"

Kong Qing nodded slightly, and said without shame.

"After all, things like TV dramas and novels still need to be logical, but real life doesn't need it at all... For example, Mr. Jingshui below, Pindao can be sure that he will definitely go to Mr. Qiantang in order to avenge his son. Desperately!"

"Hee hee! Sir, are you joking?"

Regarding Kong Qing's explanation, the fairy in Tsing Yi covered her mouth with her sleeve and gave a small laugh before speaking.

"Idiots can tell that Lord Jingshuilong is no match for Lord Qiantang at all, and Lord Donghai has only a vain avatar here. What else can he do to find Lord Qiantang except to lose his life? So the slaves I think Mr. Jingshui should endure it for the time being, and then wait for an opportunity to take revenge..."

"Then let's make a bet!"

Kong Qing turned his head to the side, nodded gently to the fairy in Tsing Yi, and swiped his finger slightly on the other side. The last sticker that had been following Jingshui Longjun's side instantly seemed to be pressed by someone, without a sound. He stuck it to Mr. Jingshui's body.

"Let's see if it's you, madam, or me who's poor..."


The fairy in Tsing Yi smiled and nodded.

"Then what do you want to bet on, sir?"

While Kong Qing and the fairy in Tsing Yi were whispering to each other, neither of them noticed that not far below them, a certain Dongting dragon girl was looking up at the interaction between the two of them with envy. , and there was a strange light in his eyes.



After killing Jingchuan Erlang with one bite, the red dragon incarnated by Lord Qiantang opened his big mouth that was still dripping with blood, let out a series of resonant laughter, then turned around, and flew in the direction where Lord Dongting and the others were. back.

"Brother, Wuqinglang is dead!"

"Mr. Qiantang, Erlang is still a child..."

Just when the Chilong flew past the front hall of the Jingshui Mansion, he heard a gnashing of teeth from the side, and then he saw the red-eyed Lord Jingshui approaching without hesitation. Then he rushed up.

"You can be so vicious, I will definitely not be able to let it go with you today..."

Following the words, Lord Jingshui's two sharp dragon claws had already shone with blue light, and they grabbed the Chilong's body vigorously.At the same time, the mouth is also the big one, with sharp teeth shining with a cold light.

"I will make you pay in blood today!"

"Ha! Just in time!"

After seeing Jingshui Longjun's move, Qiantang-jun immediately showed a happy smile on his face.

"If you, Mr. Jingshui, hadn't favored your son and banned the cultivation of a certain niece before, how could this dog of yours abuse her? Today is just a time to settle the old and new grudges together..."

As he said that, Chilong shook his body, stretched out his claws, and rushed towards Mr. Jingshui without dodging or evading.

"It also prevents your dog from being lonely when he goes to Huangquan alone!"

After a loud noise, the huge body of the red dragon collided with the body of the blue dragon.

When Lord Qiantang rushed into the water mansion before, trying to kill Jingchuan Erlang who abused the domestic dragon girl in the Dongting, although Lord Jingshui also came forward to save him, but at that time he had no courage to fight head-on with Lord Qiantang, but It's completely different now...

I saw Mr. Jingshui with a crazy look on his face, claw strikes, tail sweeps, mouth bites, even if he was desperately injured, he wanted to leave a wound on the opponent's crazy output. Mr. Qiantang fought back and forth, with no winner.

"The dragon fights in the wild... mansion, its blood is black and yellow!"

Kong Qing turned his head to the side, and said to the fairy in Tsing Yi beside him.

"How is it? Ma'am, Mr. Jingshui has desperately gone to find Mr. Qiantang... Did the poor man win our bet?"

"Shouldn't be!"

The female fairy in Tsing Yi looked suspiciously down at Lord Jingshui, who was already covered in blood, but was still frantically fighting with Lord Qiantang, her face was full of doubts.

"Mr. Jingshui is not a fool. Why did you lose your life for nothing?"

"Ma'am, you don't understand..."

Kong Qing looked at Lord Jingshui below, and said with a sigh.

"This is the deep love Mr. Jingshui has for his son!"


On the other hand, after seeing that things took a sudden turn for the worse, his son Jingshui Jun actually fought against the real dragon Qiantang Jun like crazy, but the opponent didn't suffer any harm, but he himself was beaten all over his body. Donghai Jun's clone Xu Ying was also a little panicked.

He turned around and looked at Mr. Dongting, and said anxiously.

"Mr. Dongting, Erlang Jingchuan, who abused your daughter, is dead. You should be satisfied. Let Mr. Qiantang stop. Are you really planning to kill my son, Mr. Jingshui?"

"Mr. Donghai, it's not about Qiantang that you stop and stop!"

Perhaps it was because of Jing Chuan Erlang before, Mr. Dong Ting's face is still in a state of lingering anger.

"We can all see very clearly that it was your son who rushed up to attack Qiantang, chasing and beating him fiercely. In my opinion, if you want to stop the two of them, you must first stop your son, and then Qiantang will naturally stop." !"

"My son!"

After hearing Mr. Dongting's words, Qinglong Xuying looked at Mr. Jingshui who was fighting bloody battle.

"You are no match for Lord Qiantang, stop quickly!"

"Aye, I won't stop!"

After hearing the words of Mr. Donghai's avatar, Mr. Jingshui pushed him back without hesitation.

"Mr. Qiantang killed Erlang, Aye, you can ignore it, but as Erlang, Aye, the boy can't be like you. If I don't kill Lord Qiantang today, the hatred in my heart will not be appeased! "


After hearing Mr. Jingshui's words, Mr. Qiantang who was fighting with him suddenly let out another inexplicable laugh.

"Stupid thing, dare to provoke a real dragon with the body of a flood dragon... Since you are so eager to die, then a certain family will fulfill you!"

Following the voice, I saw the red dragon incarnated by Lord Qiantang suddenly stretched out his claws, and clasped the dragon claws coming from Lord Jingshui, and then opened his mouth, and a strong flame breath was sprayed from his mouth He came out and landed on Mr. Jingshui in front of him.


Being doused by the breath of flames, Mr. Jingshui let out a miserable cry in an instant.

"My son!"

After seeing the tragic situation of Lord Jingshui, Qinglong Xuying couldn't sit still any longer. He jumped up and rushed towards Lord Jingshui and Qiantang, and then a green light shot from his body. It shot out from the horn and landed on the dying Jingshui Lord who was burned by the breath of flames.

"You're too reckless, let's go... Take the flower to another tree!"

After a soft sound, Lord Jingshui, who was originally held by Lord Qiantang, disappeared in an instant, and at the same time, the color of the phantom of the green dragon, which was originally quite dark, also became more than half dim.


The moment Jingshui-Jun was successfully transferred from Qiantang-Jun's hands, Qinglong Xuying let out a sound of surprise and anger.

"Why is there a Dharma Realm blocking Jingshui Water Mansion around... who... who has the guts to seal Jingshui Water Mansion in the Dharma Realm?"

"Hahaha... So you didn't pass on Mr. Jingshui!"

After hearing Qinglong Xuying's words, Mr. Qiantang immediately let out a happy laugh, and then his body shook, and he rushed towards the gate of Jingshui Secret Realm like an arrow.

"This is the wish of heaven and man, Mr. Donghai, just wait to collect your son's body today!"

"Qian Tang!"

After seeing Lord Qiantang's actions, Lord Dongting who was standing in front of the half-destroyed Crystal Palace hall immediately stretched out his hand.

"No more chasing..."

Lord Qiantang is worthy of being a real dragon, he can be said to be extinct in flight, and before Lord Dongting finished speaking, Lord Qiantang's figure has disappeared outside the gate of Jingshui Secret Realm.

"Mr. Qiantang, hold your hand!"

After seeing Mr. Qiantang's movements, Jun Donghai's clone phantom also began to rush towards the gate of the Shuifu, but it may be because the previous transmission of Mr. Jingshui was too expensive, so the speed of the clone phantom couldn't keep up with it. Compared with Mr. Qiantang.

"If there is something wrong with my son, I will definitely not give up with you!"

Just as Donghai Jun's avatar hurriedly rushed through the gate of Shuifu and left the secret realm, he immediately saw a scene that broke his heart...

Not far in front of him, Lord Chilong Qiantang was floating majestically in the air, holding a scorched and motionless Jiaolong in the opponent's thick dragon claws, which looked exactly like his beloved son. Mr. Jingshui.

"My son..."

Seeing his son's motionless appearance, Donghai Jun let out a cry of grief in an instant.

"Mr. Qiantang, how dare you really kill my child!"

"so what!"

After hearing Mr. Donghai's words, Mr. Qiantang replied casually while staring at Mr. Jingshui's body in his paws.

"Whoever asked your son to provoke the real dragon, he deserved it if he died!"

After hearing Mr. Qiantang's answer, Mr. Donghai let out a roar in an instant.


(End of this chapter)

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