Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1153 Cloud City has since entered the era of the Fairy Council

Chapter 1153 Cloud City has since entered the era of the Fairy Council
Ding Ding Deng!
With his hands behind his back, Jian Peng walked in the barracks at Cangjie's front line at a leisurely pace. His eyes seemed to look around casually, but if you followed his gaze carefully, you would find that he paused slightly every time. Every place is a vital place in the barracks.

Following behind Jian Peng, the person who was his guide was a man with the tiger pattern of the king character on his face, and he should also be a man after the Great God. He was tall and muscular, and the nails on both hands were as sharp as knives.

In the barracks next to them, some generals with obvious inhuman characteristics can be seen from time to time. Some of them may be great spirits who joined Cangjie's army for various reasons, but most of them have spirits Humans of blood, at first glance, look strange, completely different from the army of later generations.


After seeing Jian Peng sizing him up and down, the man with the king character tiger pattern on his face immediately said proudly.

"How about it, is the army of our Cangguo mighty or not!"


For the tiger-striped man's words, Jian Peng did not refute, but nodded along with the other party's meaning.

"All you see along the way are fierce men!"

"The envoy really has good eyesight!"

To the tiger-striped man's words, Kao Peng did not answer, but showed him a polite smile.

"No matter what His Majesty wants to do before, he will tell us clearly in advance, and he will never do such a thing..."

"After the transformation of the artifact, it is similar to an ordinary fairy. Naturally, they will forget things, but the three of them collectively forgot. Is it even now that it happened before?"

Jian Peng casually waved his hand towards the other party.

Jian Peng nodded and agreed.

Tiannv Ba frowned her beautiful eyebrows, but still had a puzzled expression on her face.

However, when making moves, the tiger-striped man still held back a little bit, and the place where his hands were pointing was not the throat, chest and abdomen, but the shoulders and backs of his friends.

"I promise!"


After hearing what the tiger-striped man said, Jian Peng nodded and admitted.

"The human race is not weak, and its discipline is stronger than that of the Son of God..."

"General, I'm sorry, I've accepted it!"

After hearing what the tiger-striped man said, Jian Peng immediately stopped and said to the tiger-striped man firmly, word by word.

"It's a common thing to compete with each other in the military camp. If Master Cang really wants to blame for such a trivial matter, my friend will bear it. I will definitely not let you, General, be punished!"

"Master Cang will never blame you for competing with me..."


"Don't worry about this!"

After hearing the news about Shi Niang, Mrs. Shang Yuan, who was still looking at each other with Jiuyou Su Nu, stood up in surprise in an instant, and asked in multiple voices.


Jian Peng nodded again, then made a wrong step, stood at an uneven pace, and then waved towards the other party.

Before the tiger-striped man figured out what happened, a black figure appeared in his peripheral vision, and then the tiger-striped man felt a sharp pain in his waist and ribs , making him involuntarily let out a loud cry of pain like a tiger's howl, and then opened his hands left and right.

As soon as Jian Peng finished speaking, he saw the tiger-striped man holding his stomach with his hands, and burst out laughing.

"How is this possible? Your Majesty, you are a distinguished guest of Xiong Kingdom. If I fight with you to let His Majesty know, I will definitely be blamed... No! This is absolutely not possible!"

When Jian Peng praised them as a fierce man, the tiger-striped man immediately showed a happy expression on his face.


With a soft scold, the tiger-striped man saw that the kick that Gai Peng kicked toward him had become bigger and bigger.

After hearing Shi Niang's explanation, Tiannv Ba, who was sitting alone by herself, also had a look of surprise on her face.

As soon as the tiger-striped man swung his hands, a look of eagerness appeared on his face.

Twenty Niang smiled helplessly at Tiannu Ba, and continued.

"The array?"

Twenty Niang spread her hands and said calmly.

Although Jian Peng didn't intend to continue talking to him, the tiger-striped man didn't have enough to say, and inquired about Xiong Guo again.

"Is that so?"

"Is that so..."

After hearing Jian Peng's assurance, the tiger-striped man was a little moved. He rubbed his two claw-like hands together, and then said in a tentative tone.

Tiannv Ba frowned slightly, and said in a puzzled way.

"Qingdi Concubine, you misunderstood, the slave family is not blaming you..."

After a muffled sound, the tiger-striped man was in severe pain from his chin, and his body flew high, but at this moment, he saw the figure of Gai Peng again, who seemed to be punching the Dragon Fist After that, he immediately jumped up and followed him into the air.


"What's wrong with that formation map? His Majesty told me to give it to him immediately when I see him again..."

"I heard that when you have the Xiong Kingdom to recruit troops, you will not recruit the Son of God. Is there such a thing?"

"My lord has never done such a thing before, so if I analyze the information I got from Taoist Taiwei and the situation obtained by Fairy Zhong and the others who assisted the lord to leave at that time, the problem should be On the formation map that you gave to the Lord, Concubine Qing!"

"What Imperial Concubine Qing said is absolutely true!"


"No one will know about this!"

"I'm a human race, so general, would you like to compete with me to see who is stronger and who is weaker?"

"The slave family once wanted to let the master's avatar Taiwei or Yuwei come out to take charge of the overall situation for the master and handle the affairs that the master had to deal with before, but before the master left, he specially arranged for the two of them to circulate their true energy. The gang leader has been reborn, so they can't leave the body of the leader for a long time, and they can't preside over the overall situation for the leader."


As soon as Princess Pingyang finished speaking, she heard Madam Shangyuan casually glance at her.

"The human race is not weak... Your Majesty, are you joking? But it's really funny!"

Erniang didn't participate in the interaction between these female fairies and Princess Pingyang, but patiently waited for them to discuss with each other and didn't come to any conclusions before continuing to speak quietly.

The tiger-striped man's body quickly fell from the air, and hit the ground hard, shaking the ground for a while.


"They actually forgot..."

"No way……"

"Lang Jun, he went back to the fairyland. Why didn't I know when it happened?"

"By the way, Your Majesty..."

The next moment, the man with the tiger pattern saw the figure of Jian Peng circling out from his side like a ghost, directly getting between his claws, and leaning against his body.But just when he was about to withdraw his claws and pinch the other party between his arms, Jian Peng had already clenched his fist, and without hesitation he threw a Dragon Fist to his chin.


"how can that be?"

Hearing Jian Peng's words, the tiger-striped man showed a surprised expression on his face.

"If you don't recruit the Son of God to join the army, wouldn't your soldiers in the Xiong Kingdom be all weak human races? Wouldn't an army like yours have any fighting power?"

"I remember that when His Majesty handed me the map back then, he hadn't left this world and ascended to heaven by dragon. How could he have found the location of the fairy world at that time and left behind the map?"

"Honorable envoy, can you guarantee that His Majesty will not blame me for the two of us fighting?"

The next moment, Gai Peng had already put his hands behind his back, and landed on the side of the tiger-striped man with a relaxed expression on his face.

"About eleven of our Cangguo army are sons of gods, and there are even more than [-] great gods. If it wasn't for the fact that Ge Tianshi was too cunning to collude with the dragon clan and let the dragon be the forerunner to attack our army, how could they win? us!"

"You're wrong!"

After hearing these words, Princess Pingyang couldn't restrain her curiosity.

"Then let's make gestures, but let's make an agreement first, even if the emperor hurts you, you can't go back on your word!"

"This princess of the ordinary dynasty, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand!"

"It's just that Xuanyuan Huangdi was the one who gave you the formation map, not Master Qingwei... In other words, the sudden departure of the master this time was already arranged by Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, but Master Qingwei did not because of He has no memory of his previous life, so after inexplicably activating the array, he can only leave Taoist Taiwei and Taoist Yuwei behind, and then he is sent back to the fairy world involuntarily!"


"It turns out that artifacts can also lose their memory?"

Twenty Niang nodded to Mrs. Shangyuan, and then continued to explain solemnly.

"You can attack without worry!"

After receiving Jian Peng's guarantee, the tiger-striped man let out a loud roar, and then made a wrong step. His body instantly seemed like a tiger descending a mountain. come over.


Looking at the movement of the tiger-striped man, Jian Peng narrowed his eyes slightly, and then spoke to him in a calm tone.


"Because Donghuangzhong, Xuanyuan Jianxian and Jiantong who participated in this matter all neatly forgot about participating in this formation at that time, and what is that formation map?"

"Because the incident happened suddenly, the Lord didn't tell anyone, even my sister..."

Twenty Niang nodded to Tiannu Ba, and continued.

When the tiger-striped man heard what Jian Peng said, he froze for a moment, and then waved his hands again and again.

"However, fortunately, the two avatars of Taoist Taiwei and Taoist Yuwei transformed by the master's one-gas three-pure supernatural power are still in the body of the master, so yesterday, I asked Daoist Qingxia to summon Taoist Taiwei for questioning. Only then did I learn that the lord sent his primordial spirit back to the fairy world after using the power of those artifacts to break through the void a few days ago..."

Just when the tiger-striped man's quick claws were only halfway out, he saw Jian Peng's figure disappear from under his claws in a flash.

Having said that, Erniang's eyes swept over the fairies and women present.

"In view of this, we, the Lord's subordinates, held a meeting yesterday to elect someone who can take over the overall situation of the Lord when the Lord is away temporarily, but everyone's opinions are not unified. Some people support the two wives, some support the three imperial concubines, and some support Princess Pingyang..."

As she said that, Twenty Niang pushed the folder she had put on the table towards them with her hand.

"Because everyone is at loggerheads, the final decision rests with the slave family, and the slave family decides to select all of you at the same time to set up an organization similar to the imperial court, to replace the master to preside over the overall situation and handle affairs."

(End of this chapter)

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