Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1155 The new official took office, the 3 hot Shangyuan Taiyin, Xuannv Sunv

Chapter 1155 The new official took office, the three hot Shangyuan Taiyin, Xuannv Sunv

In the conference room of Yunzhong City, Shangyuan Taiyin, Xuannv Sunu, Nuba and Sanniangzi, who had just become members of the Fairy Council, were sitting in front of the conference table with dignified faces. Holding a file folder, flipping through it carefully.

Near them, Fox Erniang, the secretary of the Fairy Council, was flipping through the reports that had just been delivered today, and at the same time sorted out the folders according to the contents of the reports, waiting for the review by the Fairy Council.

"Lang Jun is really boring!"

Mrs. Taiyin casually closed the folder in her hand, threw it on the conference table, and said to Mrs. Shangyuan who was sitting beside her.

"Even if these low-strength mountain spirits and water monsters are all gathered under their command, what can they do, and a lot of resources are wasted."


Mrs. Shangyuan said with a smile while flipping through the folder in her hand.

"Most of these mountain spirits and water monsters that can enter the All-Monster Alliance are gentle, timid and fearful, and they are the best candidates for servants."

"Let these elves serve as servants..."

After hearing Kong Qing's words, Cangjie's envoy immediately interjected.

"However, I don't think it's necessary to use it all the time from the sowing and germination of herbs to the flowering and fruiting. In fact, we can use the rapid growth lamp to raise seedlings, and then let the growth and the like go with the flow. I figured it out. If we do this, We can at least increase the output of herbal medicine by fifty to one hundred times a year. By the way, those who have been farming in the secret realm of Buddhism can also continue to let them go back to their old jobs...

Jiuyou Su Nu turned the dossier in her hand sideways, showed it to Jiu Tian Xuan Nu, and said with some surprise.


"About the plan to build a wall on Maoshan Shangqing faction to block the inside and outside of the Shangqing faction... Hey! What is Xiaoqingwei doing?"

"Foreign envoys pay homage to Lord Gongsun!"

"Twenty Niang said that the so-called nursery has reached its limit, referring to the fact that Mr. Lang's artifact, the rapid growth lamp, has been used to its limit..."

After turning over a few pages, Nuba saw another urgent situation.

"What I mean is that the herbal medicine nursery in the fairyland lacks servants. It just so happens that there are a lot of these plant spirits in the All Demon Alliance, and they can be used by pulling them over."

Nine Heavens Profound Girl closed the folder in her hand and said thoughtfully.

"Let Xuanyuan Sword Immortal go to Yizhou to kill the evil ogre ghosts!"

With that said, Princess Pingyang put the file aside, reached out and picked up another file.

Mrs. Shangyuan nodded and continued to talk.

The nun put down the file in her hand, then frowned and thought about it.

"Lingzhou has a wolf demon who came from the direction of the Western Regions. He is very cunning. Xuantan dispatched three times to encircle and suppress him, but he escaped... Well! According to the report from Xuantan, the strength of this wolf demon is not very good. Strong, but the method of hiding and hiding is good."


"When Gai Peng met Hei Di on the battlefield, his attitude was not so good... so he angered Hei Di, and then Juyi personally led the black dragon to attack the camp of Cangjie army, bleeding profusely and still screaming fiercely, and in the end Although with the help of Jian Peng, the Cangjie army, which was completely unable to withstand the two black dragons, was still defeated!
Lord, now Cangjie really can't stand it anymore, his envoy even said that as long as you are willing to send troops to rescue him, he is willing to pay you with Luoshu. "

Hearing Mrs. Shangyuan's words, Mrs. Taiyin curled her lips in contempt.

After thinking for a while, Princess Pingyang raised her hand again and put this folder aside, stacked it on top of the previous folder that was not enough, and then stretched out her hand to pick up another file.

"Let Emperor Xuanyuan's concubine Tiannvqing go to the land of Fujian to wipe out the yakshas that attack humans and animals!"

"Let's go! Let's meet Cangjie's envoy!"

"My lord, Gai Peng has lived up to his trust and brought Cangjie's envoy to ask for help to Youxiong..."


As she spoke, the nun snorted coldly, raised her hand and wrote a sentence on the file.

"Your envoy, please rest assured!"

"Your envoy don't need to be too polite!"


"Since your envoy is here and I have a bear, the Cangjie family must have agreed to go to the emperor's title and plead guilty to Emperor Yan's court, right?"

As she said that, the nun picked up the ballpoint pen on one side, carefully wrote down her own instructions beside the file, then turned the page of the file in her hand, and continued to read.

Because Cangjie's envoy was asking for help, when he saw Kong Qing in the office, he did not simply bow like Cha Peng when he saw Cangjie. He bent his knees and paid homage to Kong Qing with the etiquette of paying homage to the gods.

"Although it's a few days sooner than I thought, it's within expectation... By the way! How's the situation at Cangjie's side?"

"Especially the dragon gods, there are only Mrs. Yeming and sisters from Mayi Tianchi and the dragon kings from Jingshui and Weishui. These dragon gods are indispensable if His Majesty wants to make the world smooth and rainy. Well... Maybe we can help him Do something and surprise him."

Princess Pingyang flipped through the documents in her hand, her pretty face was full of seriousness.

"Although Your Majesty has forgotten the memories of the past, he is still the same Majesty back then. He has gathered so many gods without making a sound. It is far from what he told me in the past to control the gods of the world and reconcile the four seasons." My wish is almost gone!"

"It's not for us..."

"The water god is still a little less!"



"There is an evil man-eating ghost in Chengdu, Yizhou. After being discovered, he injured the envoy of Xuantan and escaped... Huh! How dare you hurt the subordinates of Lord Lang, and turned against him!"

After hearing Mrs. Shangyuan's words, Mrs. Taiyin's eyes also brightened!

"So Shangyuan, what you mean is to pull those spirits from the All-Monster Alliance into the fairy world, and not rely on fast growth lamps to farm..."

Kong Qing nodded, still maintaining a calm expression, and stood up calmly.

After hearing the shouts from outside, Kong Qing, who was lazily masturbating the dragon, instantly straightened his back, and the expression on his face became serious again.

"It can't be said that you don't rely on it. After all, if you have this thing, why don't you use it?"

"In the land of Fujian, a group of yakshas came ashore repeatedly, attacking people and animals, and the Xuantan couldn't be restrained... It was a good thing done by these monks who have sealed me for hundreds of years. Hmph! These guys think that Mr. Lang is reborn At that time, no one can control them, right!"

After this meeting is over, Bengong will go back to Chang'an to discuss with Erlang. After all, the increase in the number of Taoist priests of the Danding Sect is also good for him, the Great Ziwei. "

"About the cooperation between the Danding Sect and the imperial court, the assessment for selecting a refiner...Since the Danding Sect is short of people, why should it only select a refiner? I think this assessment can be enlarged a little bit!

"The two of us can work together to figure out how to do this!"

"Let me see, what is this Gongsun Xuanyuan doing mysteriously hiding in his room every day?"

"Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and doing good is great!"

He raised his hand, put the little yellow dragon that was circling around his arm on his shoulder, and said in a deep voice.

"Reporting to the king, it's very bad!"

"Although these foxes have learned a lot from Lang Jun and seen a lot of artifacts, they are inevitably restrained by some of the artifacts brought by Lang Jun, so the rapid growth lamp has been running at twelve hours a day After that, they feel like they've reached their limit."

"If you want to do something, this Dongting Dragon Girl, who was pushed to the position of Weishui Dragon Lord by His Majesty, may be of some very interesting use."

"Hmm! There is a shortage of at least 30 to 500 monks in a Xuantan in a county, and [-] to [-] ordinary Taoist priests..."

"Erlang's actions to destroy the Buddha are too fast, resulting in a complete shortage of manpower in the Dandingmen. Huh... this is indeed a problem, let's put it aside and discuss it later when everyone starts to discuss and solve the problem!"

Jiuyou Sunu also nodded, and then poked a name on her folder with her hand.

"I don't want it!"

Nine Heavens Profound Girl tapped the document lightly with delicate fingers, and a thoughtful look appeared on her face.



"Well, Su Nu, you are quite right!"

As soon as the words fell, Kong Qing saw that the door had been pushed open, and then walked in from the door with a happy face, bowed to Kong Qing, and said excitedly.

"After I came to see the Lord Gongsun today, I will immediately go to Kongsang to ask the Red Emperor to plead guilty on behalf of the Lord of my family."

Although he said it was very bad, Fenghou still had a smile on his face.

"I understand!"

"The lord, the lord..."

"But now our Cangjie country is being bullied by Ge Tianshi, and the country will be overthrown in an instant. Please also see the alliance between your two countries more than ten years ago, and don't hesitate to extend a helping hand to help our Cangjie country."

In short, after reading these materials of Mr. Lang, I found that there are still many things that can be improved.Taiyin, the two of us join hands to help Mr. Lang take care of it. Do you think he will be pleasantly surprised when he comes back? "

Mrs. Shangyuan put down the folder in her hand, pushed it in front of Mrs. Taiyin, and tapped on it with her hand.

"Unexpectedly, in addition to Taishan Fujun, Huashan Fujun among the five mountain gods is also a member of Quanshenlian..."

Kong Qing had a calm expression on his face, making an expression that everything was under my control, and nodded casually.

After hearing Feng Hou's words, Kong Qing almost couldn't control his majestic expression.

"These foxes never thought about it, wouldn't those herbs stop growing after leaving the fast-growing lights? I don't have fast-growing lights in Kunlun, but don't Yutian and Zhitian grow well?"

Just when Kong Qing left his room with the wind, and went to meet Cangjie's envoy in the office, a black shadow flashed, and a young and lively woman in black appeared in his room.

After hearing Kong Qing's words, the messenger immediately kowtowed respectfully again.

"Yes! The lord of my family has already known his mistake, and is willing to practice benevolence and righteousness with the lord..."


Kong Qing nodded slightly, then spoke softly.


After Kong Qingduan sat on the main seat and accepted the other party's salute calmly, he waved his hand calmly and said to him in a gentle tone.

"I see that Twenty Niang's report to Mr. Lang said that the current operation of the nursery has reached its limit, and there is no point in increasing the manpower. Why do you think it is necessary to increase the manpower?"



But forget it, anyway, the result is good!

Having said that, Mrs. Shangyuan smiled confidently.

Hearing this, Mrs. Taiyin suddenly realized.

"Sister, what you said makes sense..."

"I remember that the two not very strong young ladies I met in the fairy world a few days ago seemed to be very good at hiding things, so I could just let the two of them assist the local mysterious altar to deal with that wolf demon,"

The next moment, Nuba picked up the ballpoint pen again and wrote a line of words.

Mrs. Taiyin was still a little dazed.

Mrs. Shangyuan explained.

This friend, he swore to me before that he understood what I meant, but did he understand it that way?When did I ask him to find a way to trick Cangjie's army...

After hearing the envoy's words, Kong Qing nodded immediately and gave the other party an affirmative answer.

"Since Cangjie has rectified his mistakes, Xiong's allies are still there. Naturally, I can't watch Cangjie being bullied by Ge Tian..."

Having said that, Kong Qing raised his head and drank in a majestic voice.

"Where is Li Mu?"

(End of this chapter)

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