Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1158 If the wind breaks down, you can still shake the dark water

For the previous Kong Qing, although he was very talented, he was still Taishang Laojun's favorite cub.However, the training time is too short, and all the things learned are directly instilled by the system, not the knowledge obtained after trial and error bit by bit, so it is unavoidable that one's eyes are high and his hands are low.

The same Taoist Tianjiao, Qingxiazi only relied on one form of heart fire to refine his spirit before he obtained Guihua Shenyin. After the magic skill, he often can only fight against the wind without relying on the magic weapon, which is enough to show that his foundation is actually not as solid as others think.

But now it's different!

After being reincarnated as the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor in the ancient times, and the lottery system and the cheats such as the artifacts that were drawn were forced to stay in the Tang Dynasty, all Kong Qing could rely on was the instilled in his brain. Knowledge.

After several days of hesitation, Kong Qing, who finally found that he could not return to the Tang Dynasty for the time being, finally calmed down and began to seriously digest, organize, and absorb the knowledge he had obtained by force-feeding.

He mixed it from the return wind without using any medicine to increase his cultivation, and Bai Ri Linggong began to walk his own cultivation path again. Relying on Guang Chengzi's guidance, it took more than ten years to stand again. Before the threshold of the reborn Earth Immortal, while cultivating, he also discovered many subtleties in the level that he forcibly passed through with the medicine to increase his cultivation level...

In addition to the Taiqing Immortal Technique, the runes, talismans and sword qi and swordsmanship Kong Qing did not pull down either!
I don't know if it's because of the reincarnation of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, but the Xuanyuan sword energy that he always felt a bit stagnant when he was practicing before has become like a manipulative at this time.And the Qinglian sword song that he used the most before has also gained some understanding through repeated practice and fighting, and gradually changed from Li Qinglian's swordsmanship to his Kong Qing's swordsmanship.

"Li Qinglian's swordsmanship is his summary of his own life, his chic, his boldness, his helplessness, and his hesitation are all in it, but I am not Li Qinglian, and my life is not Li Qinglian's life, what I want to do Not just to be the next Qinglian Sword Immortal, but to be the first myself...'

Accompanied by a light sound, the long sword held in Kong Qing's hand instantly turned into a beam of sword light, enveloping his whole body in it, soaring into the sky, straight into the sky.

The next moment, a clear sword cry came from the clouds, as if it was the call of a roc bird.

"Little guy, give it another shot!"

"It's not good if the strength is too high. Before I got the Xuanyuan Sword, I can't find a sword that can support my true energy without breaking!"

Facing the accusation of Heidi Jixuan, Kong Qing did not open his mouth to refute, but raised his hand again, and said something to the little Huanglong on his shoulder.

After a soft sound, the long sword in Kong Qing's hand turned into a beam of sword light again, passing through the black dragon's abdomen, bringing up yellow and black blood, and at the same time took out the dragon liver from the black dragon's abdomen.

Kong Qing raised his hand, looked at the bare hilt of the sword in his hand, and shook his head.


With the sound of the sword, a snow-white roc appeared from the clouds, like a falcon hunting for prey, and quickly rushed down towards the two black dragons below, with sharp edges shining on it On sharp wings and claws.

Kong Qing reached forward with a blank face, grabbed the hilt of the long sword, and then swung his backhand obliquely. A sword energy came out in response, directly slashing the bodies of the two water demon gods who had just floated up from the side of Kong Qing. However, they cut the two of them into four pieces.

The two wing-shaped sword lights spun in the air like a shield, blocking the black dragon's tail and flame raid from the sword lights.At the same time, the sword light in the middle has fallen mercilessly towards the back of the black dragon.

Seeing that he couldn't dodge, the black dragon on the left seemed to be aroused fiercely. When he turned around, the black dragon body jumped out of the water like a long whip, and lashed towards the roc in the sky.At the same time, with a dragon roar, a breath of flame has spewed out from its mouth, and burned towards Mirs' body from the other side.

Immediately afterwards, the black dragon, which was still showing off its power outside Cangcheng, raised its head and let out a mournful cry, and then a fountain of black and yellow blood rushed up and down from its back.The fiery dragon's blood came into contact with the icy flood, making a hissing sound, and then saw that the blood that was still liquid cooled rapidly and turned into pieces of dragon blood stones.

Facing the black dragon's counterattack, the roc bird transformed by the sword light only vibrated its left and right wings, and then the black dragon saw that the roc bird's two wings had separated from its body, one left and one right. Flying out on its own, it faced the drawn dragon body and flame breath, while the roc bird's body with two sharp claws fell towards the black dragon's body at an undiminished speed.

"You child, how dare you kill a lone dragon..."

After uttering a dying cry, the black dragon's body, which had been rolling up and down in the flood, fell powerlessly and fell into the flood.




Immediately afterwards, another black dragon, who was desperately diving into the water, felt his eyes light up, and the golden sword light had already shot right in front of his eyes, making it impossible for him to avoid it.So he could only raise his dragon claws, and grab the golden sword light in front of him.


After seeing that the black dragon driven by him was beheaded by the yellow-mouthed child of Xiong's family, the black emperor was furious instantly. He raised the black flag in his hand and pointed at the other party. shouted sharply.

The golden sword light pierced through the black dragon's claws ruthlessly, causing the opponent to scream in pain, and then drove straight in, ingesting it from the black dragon's left eye and shooting it out from the back of the head.

The Jianguang Dapeng bird that lost its wings was like a meteor, hitting the back of the black dragon on the left side directly, making a loud bang, as if a bomb had been detonated locally, and the water shot up into the sky .

"Tianfu, hide quickly..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the shining long sword in Kong Qing's hand had swung heavily towards the black dragon that was hiding in the water.

Seeing that Kong Qing was obviously planning to continue attacking, Hei Di Yan's face suddenly changed color, and he quickly waved the flag in his hand, forming a tough stream of water on the side of the black dragon. He opened the curtain, and shouted at the black dragon that had basically submerged into the water, with only half of its head still exposed.

After a soft sound, a hole appeared on the body of the black dragon again, and then the gods and spirits present saw that Gongsun Xuanyuan in yellow was holding a long sword in one hand and a sword in the other. Vice-dragon Gan calmly walked out of the black dragon's body, looking around with majestic eyes.

Just when Gongsun Xuanyuan walked out of the black dragon, there was a sudden crisp sound from his hand, and then the ghosts present saw that the sword he held in his hand had instantly shattered into hundreds of fragments , falling on the black dragon under his feet bit by bit, then slid down the black dragon's glorious scales and fell into the water.

"Xuanyuan Fu Taixu!"

But the sword light from the sky came very fast, and before the bodies of the two black dragons officially sank, the body of the roc bird transformed by the sword light had already fallen from the sky, with its bright claws facing the black dragon on the left. Caught it.




Before he finished speaking, he saw that Xiao Huanglong had opened his mouth to spray again, and sprayed out a long sword that was exactly the same as before, with a shining light.

"Ah ah ah..."

Before the words were finished, Hei Di Xuan saw that Kong Qing had raised the long sword in his hand, and the blade of the sword was radiant in an instant, as if the other party was holding a lightsaber in his hand.

"Yuan, you're wrong, I didn't kill you one dragon, but two..."

Seeing the sword light that descended from the sky with its wings like a real roc, the eyes of the two black dragons with obvious wisdom suddenly flashed a frightened expression.Then the two black dragons turned around almost in unison, as if they wanted to sink their slender bodies into the flood below.

"not good!"


A golden sword light flew out of his hand, and directly hit the water curtain that Heidi Xuan had set up in a hurry, and then he was surprised to see that his own sword was strong enough to withstand several blows from him. The water curtain under the golden sword light didn't hold on even for a second, and was pierced by the golden sword energy.

Seeing that the two black dragons under his control were all killed, Hei Dizhen immediately felt his anger surge upwards.

You must know that these two black dragons are no better than the god sons born to other spirits and humans. They are clansmen who I borrowed from the dragon clan at a great price. In the eyes of the dragon clan, their two lives may be better than their own. The son of the dragon mixed blood is even more important, but he did not expect to be killed by this junior of the Xiong family outside Cangcheng.

"Xuanyuan, you dare to kill the lonely dragon..."

Following the stern voice, Hei Di Yan waved the black flag in his hand again, and instantly the entire water surface was filled with waves, one after another, the huge waves pressed towards Kong Qing from all directions.

"Today Gu will use your head to appease the wrath of the Dragon Clan."

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