Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1163 This Punch Can't Be Done Without Years of Skills

Chapter 1163 This Punch Can't Be Done Without Hundred Years of Skills


After a muffled sound, several cyan-blue Yakshas fell from the sky and smashed in disorder on an island reef that looked strangely rocky in the East China Sea.

After a soft sound, a woman in the green fairy clothes had her hands behind her back and landed in the middle of the island with a proud face. She glanced at the Yakshas who fell on the ground with contemptuous eyes.

"Didn't you say that this is your lair? Where is the Flying Yaksha who ordered you to attack the seashore?"

"Fairy Rong Rong!"

After hearing what the woman in Tsing Yi said, these yakshas looked at each other, then bared their teeth, and said to the woman.

"This is just a place outside our lair for cover. If you want to really enter our lair, you need to activate some formations, and the portal leading to the lair below will open."

"I see!"

After hearing these Yasha's words, the woman in Tsing Yi nodded without any doubt.

"Okay! You've got me trapped..."

On the other side, the woman in Tsing Yi, who was standing in the trap with a calm face, twitched the corner of her mouth slightly after hearing what these yakshas said, revealing a mocking smile.

After hearing his words, the remaining Yakshas also nodded.


"What nonsense are you talking about..."

The woman in Tsing Yi glanced at them and said with the same tone.


"The bottom of this island is all coral-turned-stones. You know how hard it is, but even so, she sank more than three feet with one punch..."

Thinking of this, Feitian Yasha Wang Dui jumped up before the curtain completely collapsed, planning to escape.

After discussing for a while, these yakshas were a little sad to find that although they trapped this powerful girl from the Taishi Bureau, they really had nothing to do with her.

As soon as Feitian Yasha finished speaking, he saw the woman in Tsing Yi sneer and moved her body lightly.

The other Yasha glared at him angrily, and said.

"Prisoner... You are wrong, no one in the world can imprison me unless I want to! The monks who created you half-demons can't do it, and you can't do it!"

Before the Yaksha finished speaking, he saw the woman in Tsing Yi reached out her hand calmly, clenched her fist, and hit the ground in front of her casually as if making a gesture.

After hearing the words of this flying yaksha, the previous yaksha immediately replied tremblingly.

"Why is it a woman?"


"Let's call out Brother Wang Dui and ask him what to do!"

"Damn girl, no matter how powerful you are, you will still be trapped by our brothers in the end!"


"But brother, this woman is also very powerful..."

The Yakshas looked at each other again, and one of them immediately nodded.

After hearing what the woman in Tsing Yi said, the Flying Yaksha was shocked for a while, and then laughed.

Even if they caught this woman from the Taishi Bureau in a trap, none of them dared to go into the trap to catch her. After all, they saw how powerful this woman was just now...

"Yes yes yes!"


After the shaking stopped, these yakshas were horrified to discover that there was a huge fist mark on the originally flat island and reef in front of the woman in Tsing Yi.It was as if an invisible giant just squeezed his fist and punched hard at the center of the island reef, smashing the center of the island reef down to a depth of more than three feet.

After hearing these Yasha's words, the flying Yasha turned his head, carefully looked at the fist mark in front of the woman in Tsing Yi, and then looked at the woman solemnly.

The Yaksha who had rejected the poison gas earlier said.

After hearing the words of the woman in Tsing Yi, the Yakshas nodded in a hurry, and then quickly dispersed, running towards the strange rocks around the island.

The woman in Tsing Yi replied calmly.

After seeing the woman locked in the curtain, these Yakshas with bruised noses and swollen faces suddenly laughed comfortably.

"So your lair is under our feet?"

But the strange thing is that even at this step of Tu Qiong Dagger, the woman in Tsing Yi who already knew that she had fallen into the trap still had a calm face, and even the contemptuous eyes she looked at these Yakshas did not change in any way.

Seeing this completely unreasonable scene, Feitian Yasha's already huge eyes almost jumped out of his sockets. He couldn't believe that someone in the world could use the aura in the magic weapon so It was pulled out neatly.

"After all, it was Brother Wang's idea to ask us to find a way to lure people from the Taishi Bureau to trap here, so let him make up his mind!"

The next moment, Feitian Yasha saw the woman in Tsing Yi open her mouth and took a deep breath.

Following the woman's movement, there was a thunder on the island in an instant, and the whole island seemed to shake because of her movement, causing the unprepared Yaksha next to her to stagger and almost fell to the ground .


Another Yaksha also echoed.


"This punch is really powerful. There is no one who can't hit it with a hundred years of skill. I didn't expect that besides Qingwei, there would be such a master in the Taishi Bureau. Who are you?"

The woman in Tsing Yi nodded and did not make any movement to stop them. She let the yakshas run around the island, and then each of them pressed their hands on a strange rock and began to inject their true energy.

Is this something that humans can do?

Following the actions of these yakshas, ​​there was a low buzzing sound over the island reef, and then a transparent blue curtain fell from the sky instantly, trapping the woman in Tsing Yi inside.


"never mind!"

"Didn't I tell you very clearly that I asked you to lure Qingwei from the Taishi Bureau to trap me here, but who did you find for me?"

"It's the cave below this island, but if there is no formation..."

The woman in Tsing Yi didn't intend to answer the question of Fei Tian Yasha at all. She raised her head, glanced at Fei Tian Yasha lightly, and then said in a condescending tone.

"But so what, do you dare to come in and arrest me?"

"So, you are the culprit who ordered these yakshas to attack the coast? Now tell me, where are the rest of you yakshas who participated in the attack on the shore?"

As she inhaled, the Flying Yaksha was surprised to see that the blue curtain that was sent by Brother Zhao Xun, which was said to be the treasure of the East China Sea, could not be done even if the Earth Immortal was locked in the middle It disintegrated little by little, turning into strands of aura, gathering towards the woman in Tsing Yi, and being sucked into his mouth by him.


After seeing this scene that made Yasha almost collapse, Flying Yasha Wang Dui already understood one thing.The strength of the woman in front of me is not something that I can deal with at all, and even brother Zhao Xun is far from being an opponent.

"Yes! Yes! There must be..."

"But it failed... By the way, you guys are not lying to me. There are actually no caves under this reef!"

"Ha ha!"

"how can that be!"

Following the voice, the body of the woman in Tsing Yi has slowly risen up in the blue curtain barrier, and a head of black hair like a waterfall fluttered from behind her.

So what should we do next?
A slightly shorter Yaksha thought about it, and then said tentatively.

Half an hour later, I saw a blue-colored, slender, muscular Yaksha with a ferocious face, like a bird, hovering over the island and reef, and landed on the outer layer of the blue curtain.

"Brothers, how about we release poison gas into the trap and poison this bitch?"

After hearing the words of the woman in Tsing Yi, the Yakshas immediately looked at each other, speechless.


As soon as the flying yaksha landed, his eyes swept over the woman in green in the blue curtain, and an angry look appeared on his face, and he said coldly to those yakshas.

"I just want to open a way!"

"Look at the fist mark in the middle of the island, that's what she punched out just now!"



"Fairy, wait a moment, we will open the door right now!"

"You can send poison gas in, do you think this powerful bitch can come out?"

"Fairy...Fairy, what did you do just now?"

"This fairy, when you talk to someone in this tone, can you first look at your own situation, you are now a prisoner of someone, and you can answer whatever someone asks you, do you understand?"

If a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, he must leave quickly.

But just when his body was upright and before he flew away, he heard a bang from behind him, and the curtain that trapped the woman in Tsing Yi had completely collapsed, and all the spiritual energy in it was absorbed by the woman. went in.

With the shattering of the curtain, there was a gust of wind around the reef in an instant, and then Feitian Yasha saw all the auras within hundreds of miles began to scramble to gather towards the reef where they were.The surrounding sea water was also rolled by the wind. Feitian Yasha even saw strands of spiritual energy floating in the sea water. Obviously, the spiritual energy that had been integrated into the sea water before was also the same as that curtain. The woman was squeezed out of the water.

What was even more frightening was that the moment the woman in Tsing Yi escaped from her trap, even Fei Tian Yasha's own mana was about to move in his body, as if he would get out of his body the next moment and throw himself into the embrace of the woman in Tsing Yi.

"My God, it's terrible! Can anyone tell me who this terrible woman is?"

(End of this chapter)

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