Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1167 The Second Meeting of the Beauty Council in Cloud City

Chapter 1167 The Second Meeting of the Beauty Council in Cloudsdale

In the conference room of Yunzhongcheng, the current highest decision-making body of Yunzhongcheng is the confidante composed of seven people including Shangyuan Taiyin, Xuansu Erxian, Tiannvnu, Princess Pingyang, and Secretary-General Shi Erniang. Parliament came together again.

Before the meeting, according to the usual practice, the secretary-general, Erniang, was responsible for reporting the work situation during this period to the six confidante friends of Kong Qing who were present, as well as replying to the decisions made by the last confidante council.

"The task arranged by Mrs. Shangyuan and Mrs. Taiyin, that is, the activity of selecting Nongzhi masters in the All Demon Federation, has been arranged. Now the branches of the All Demon Federation in various states and counties have begun to supervise the subordinates. The good spirits will be screened, and this step is expected to be completed within half a month, and then these good spirits that have passed the selection will be organized and sent to Beijing in batches..."


After hearing Shi Niang's words, Mrs. Shangyuan and Mrs. Taiyin looked at each other and nodded.

"Twenty Niang, you have done a good job. Next, I will transfer some jade girls who were in charge of the nursery from Kunlun to relocate a larger nursery centered on the current nursery. Your side... um! From your Find a capable one of those sisters to work with them!"

"Madam, please rest assured!"

Twenty Niang quickly flipped through a few pages in her small notebook, and then carefully recorded the other party's request.

"At that time, I will definitely arrange for my most capable sister... 31 Niang to cooperate with the jade girl you transferred, Madam, to ensure that there will be absolutely no problems in cooperation."

As soon as Tiannuqing finished speaking, Mrs. Shangyuan remembered what happened in Jingshui before, and immediately nodded in agreement.

When she heard this, Princess Pingyang raised her hand with a serious face, signaling to Erniang to stop temporarily, then looked around, and nodded to the other fairies in the Beauty Council, especially Tiannuqing.

"The incidents of ghosts hurting people have increased significantly... Could it be that these ghosts know that Lang Jun is retreating?"

Having said that, Twenty Niang smiled apologetically at Jiutian Xuannv and Jiuyou Sunv, and continued.



"Understood, I'll talk to Shu Chuo about this in a while!"

As she said that, Tiannvqing turned her head to look at Twenty Niang who was sitting on the side.

Before Tiannuqing finished speaking, Jiuyou Sunu covered her mouth with her sleeve and laughed lightly.

After hearing Er Erniang's words, Mrs. Shangyuan frowned.

After finishing speaking, Princess Pingyang nodded to the other fairies with a serious face.


Mrs. Shangyuan and Mrs. Taiyin looked at each other again, nodded at the same time, and then Mrs. Taiyin spoke.

When Princess Pingyang was speaking, Twenty Niang quickly wrote down the meaning of Princess Pingyang.

"The next thing is the question of looking for information about the dragon gods from various places raised by the concubine Xuannv and Su Nv. The slave family has already handed over this matter to the Big Dipper of the Quanshenlian, and now he is mobilizing all the gods of the Quanshenlian to inquire about these Dragon God's gossip..."

"Find some!"

"very good!"

"The one who instigates these spirits is Yacha Wang Dui of East Sea Dragon Palace, and the one behind him is his fellow clan Zhao Xun. As for whether there are other people or dragons behind this Yasha Zhao Xun, it is temporarily unknown. "

"Thank you Madam for the compliment, this is what the slave family should do!"

Different from the understatement of the other female fairies when they talked about the Dragon God of the East China Sea, Princess Pingyang was much more cautious.

"As for what to add, let's talk to Shi Niang alone after the meeting. Next, I have something very important to inform everyone..."

"Let's talk about my business last!"

With that said, Princess Pingyang took out a document from a box beside her, and pushed it towards Erniang.

"Next, let the Taoist priests from the Dandingmen discuss this matter with the government offices of various prefectures and counties and directly tell the chief officials that this matter is for me, Li Xiuning, and Erlang has approved it. Li Xiuning is right!"

"I also know about this slowness!"

"That is to say, those ghosts set a trap for Mr. Lang in Fujian, but he didn't expect Mr. Qing to go, sister Qing'er, did you go... Hahaha! I believe these ghosts were seeing me at the time When a bear jumps into a rabbit trap, it must look pretty!"

"Xiao Qingwei... Xiao Langjun's idea of ​​cooperating with the imperial court was correct, but he still had some omissions in specific matters, but this is inevitable. After all, he is an outsider. Things are not very clear."

"Twenty Niang, you have done a very good job. It seems that there is no reason for His Majesty to trust you so much before!"

After Princess Pingyang finished speaking, Tiannvqing nodded gently towards her.


"Come down to Concubine Qing's side..."


"Twenty Niang, let's start with the things I asked you to investigate after I came back from Fujian!"

After hearing what Jiuyou Sunu said, although Jiutianxuannv had a smile on her face, she still tapped her with her finger reproachfully, then she pressed her hair with her hand, and then said to Tiannvqing.

"Two imperial concubines, this is the first batch of information I have collected. Simply put, it is the genealogy of the real dragons, such as who are the children of the Dragon God of the East China Sea, which waters they are gods in, etc. Information on the surface.”

While talking, Erniang flipped through the small notebook in her hand to the previous record of Princess Pingyang in the last Beauty Council, and then began to answer the following situation that had been written long ago.


"Donghai Dragon Palace... I know!"

Twenty Niang agreed, then quickly flipped through her small notebook twice, and then began to speak in a serious voice.

Originally, after hearing Twenty Niang say that they did not get any useful information, Jiutianxuannu and Jiuyousunu were still a little disappointed, but when they picked up the Dragon Family Tree specially sent by the Big Dipper Lord Shi Zhixuan to open it, After that, the expression of disappointment quickly turned into a look of surprise, and an unexpected smile appeared on his face.

"The slave family is just doing things according to the instructions of the two imperial concubines. If the two imperial concubines can be satisfied, then the slave family's work is not in vain!"

"Thank you to the two imperial concubines for your compliment!"

As soon as Mrs. Shangyuan finished speaking, she saw Tiannvqing waving her hand beside her.

"Sister Pingyang, you have thought everything through!"

Tiannuqing nodded, and then said calmly.

"Twenty Niang, you should talk about sister Pingyang first!"

"However, because the Dragon God is his own family, although he has social relations with the other gods, he is not very friendly, so Mr. Big Dipper hasn't found any very effective information yet..."

"Mr. Donghai..."

"In addition, there is no need to select only the alchemists for this matter. I think since we want to conduct such a selection, we should simply select one time. In addition to the alchemists, there are also fortune-tellers, alchemists and the like. You can choose, and strive to select all the seeds of cultivation in the whole of Shenzhou into the Dandingmen... But because I don't know about cultivation, the specific operation is still up to you, twenty mothers, to consider!"

"Twenty Niang, you are really neat in doing things, no wonder Mr. Lang trusted you so much before!"

"Also, since Mr. Xiaolang said that this kind of selection should be compared with the imperial examination, it means that Mr. Xiaolang doesn't mean to do it only once, but to do it every few years to ensure that all talents will be admitted to our Danding school. And If we want to achieve this goal, we should pay more attention to this first time and set a good example for future activities!"

"Okay, I've already guessed what's going to happen next!"

After hearing what Princess Pingyang said, Twenty Niang immediately agreed.

Jiutian Xuannv handed the family tree of the Dragon Clan in her hand to Jiuyou Sunv, and nodded approvingly at Twenty Niang.

Although Erniang was slightly astonished when she heard that Tiannvqing actually called Princess Pingyang her younger sister, but she didn't show the slightest bit on her face. Instead, she obeyed the other party's intention and opened the small book.

"Okay, then I will report to His Royal Highness Pingyang first..."

"Sister Qing'er, have you found out who the main messenger behind these ghosts is?"


"Twenty Niang, I have already told Erlang about this matter, and the next selection event will be held in the name of my Princess Pingyang Mansion, which means this matter is my personal matter and has nothing to do with state affairs!"

With that said, Princess Pingyang turned to look at Erniang.

After hearing the words of approval from Shangyuan and Taiyin, Twenty Niang's face suddenly revealed a look of pride, and then she turned the small notebook back again and continued to report on her work.

Regarding the praise from Nine Heavens Profound Girl, Twenty Niang replied modestly.

After a few words of modesty, Twenty Niang then turned the small notebook to the front and continued to report.

Before Shi Erniang finished speaking, she saw Tiannvqing waved her hands indifferently.

"Excellent! This is what we want now..."

"Sunu, you're talking nonsense again, how could His Majesty's reincarnation be a rabbit..."

"If you put it this way, then everything is right. Mr. Lang did offend Mr. Donghai severely in Jingshui Shui Mansion before his Yuanshen returned to the fairy world this time. And this Mr. Donghai is not a magnanimous dragon. It’s not surprising that such nasty methods can be used.”

"About the last time His Highness paid attention to Dandingmen's cooperation with various prefectures and counties' yamen to find a refiner, the slave family has already consulted Shu Chuo in detail, and Lao Shu said that they have already finalized the detailed rules. Just waiting for the confirmation of the states and counties of the court, but the speed of the court's work is a little slow..."

"During the time since the Lord retreated, there has been a significant increase in the number of incidents of ghosts and monsters hurting people in the mysterious altars around the world. Except for Lingzhou, Yizhou, Wenzhou, etc. are more troublesome, and the local mysterious altars cannot In addition to the prefectures and counties that have been cleaned up, more than [-] prefectures and counties including Luozhou, Bianzhou, Songzhou, and Caozhou have also experienced ghosts and wounding people, and even a water god was involved."

"That's all I can think of on this matter. If you find anything missing, you can point it out now, or you can notify Shi Niang later!"


Saying that, Shi Niang did not take out the documents from her chest as she did when she was with Kong Qing, but took out a folder from her sleeve very honestly and low-key and put it on the conference table, facing the opposite Jiutianxuannu and Jiuyousunu pushed over.

"On the contrary, these ghosts don't know the news of Lang Jun's retreat at all. In fact, the reason why they made such a big noise is to lure Lang Jun out of Chang'an City and step into the trap they have prepared a long time ago. For example, I This time I went to Fujian..."

Princess Pingyang nodded approvingly to Erniang, and continued.

"Sister Qing'er, are you sure it's the East China Sea Dragon God who wants to make things difficult for Xiao Qing?"

"I have evidence..."

Nuba nodded calmly at Princess Pingyang, then stretched out her hand and patted her gently twice.

"Jiantong, bring me that evil ghost and Yasha!"

(End of this chapter)

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