Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1181 Mr. Donghai wants to kill our brothers, let's see who kills who

Chapter 1181 Mr. Donghai wants to kill our brothers, let's see who kills who
As long as there are more things like intelligent life, there will be a herd effect, and dragons are no exception!

After Weishui Longjun, the leading dragon, made a demonstration, the other six water dragon lords, Feng, Lao, 潏, 滈, Chan, and Ba, followed up one by one, signed a contract with the master of Fengshenbang, and became honorable A member of the list.

of course!

Because these female fairies of the Beauty Council did not ask the Lord of the Conferred Gods List to shield these dragon gods from their perception of their situation after being listed on the list, so the Lord of the Conferred Gods List thoughtfully did not give this service as a gift, resulting in the remaining As soon as the dragon gods were on the list, they knew they were on the devil... No!The Dragon Lord of Weishui has been fooled!
What kind of gentle oath of heaven is this, it is even better than a bond of bondage!

Then an interesting scene happened...

Starting from Fengshui Longjun, almost every Longjun who went to sign the contract returned unscathed, looked at the Longjun who was on the list before him with complicated eyes, and then looked at the remaining ones who had not signed the contract without hesitation. The Dragon Lord said.

"It's the same as Brother Weishui said. It is a gentle oath of heaven. As long as we don't violate it, there will be absolutely no problems. I think everyone can accept it!"

"You are too much..."

The last Dragon Lord who was coaxed...persuaded to go to the list, that is, the most suspicious Bashui Dragon Lord, stood in the side hall, looked at the other Dragon Lords with fiery eyes, and said through gritted teeth.

"What kind of gentle oath of heaven, it is obvious that you have been fooled yourself, so you can't see that others will not be fooled... How can you be so shameless as a dragon..."

"Then what should we do?"

Looking at the furious Bashui Longjun, Weishui Longjun spread his hands and said very bachelorly.

"It's already generous of Lord Qiantang to spare my life. Is it possible that Lord Bashui wants to follow in the footsteps of Lord Jingshui before you die, and even your god position will be inherited by other dragons?" ?”


After hearing Weishui Longjun's words, Bashui Longjun was immediately speechless.

"This damn Qiantang Lord!"


At this time, Mr. Qiantang, who had already returned to Dongting Lake with the help of the arbitrary door provided by the Beauty Council, had no idea that he had been blamed. All the Liushuilonglords have been on the list of gods.

Deng Deng Deng!
Following the sound of hurried footsteps, Mr. Qian Tang, who was still angry, rushed into the Lingxu Hall of Dongting Lake in a hurry.

"Brother, I'm back!"


After seeing the figure of Mr. Qiantang, who was sitting in front of some of his papers, he didn't know what he was writing. Mr. Dongting raised his head and asked with some doubts.

"Qiantang, didn't you go to Jingshui to help Xiaonan, why did you come back so soon..."

"Xiaonan's problem has been solved!"

Lord Qiantang strode to the seat where Lord Dongting was, sat down, and said angrily.

"Fortunately, I went to Jingshui this time with Jiutianxuannv, and I teleported there with the help of Qingwei's arbitrary door, otherwise, I would have really let those little bastards succeed!"


After hearing Mr. Qiantang's words, Mr. Dongting's expression changed instantly.

"Qiantang, do you mean that there were indeed flood dragons attacking Xiaonan?"

"Not bad!"

Mr. Qiantang nodded, and said bitterly.

"That guy Donghai Jun teamed up with Nanhai Jun to issue an edict to all the seven little fellows Wei, Feng, Lao, Ju, Yu, Chan, and Ba, ordering them to act immediately, before the little girl can fully control Jingshui God. Killing Xiaonan while printing... really hateful!"

Having said this, Mr. Qiantang gritted his teeth again.

"And it's not just that, Lord Donghai still gave those little guys an edict saying that after killing Xiaonan, they will lead you and me out of Dongting in the name of Xiaonan, and he will be with Nanhaijun and Huanghejun If we intercept you and me on the way, we must be sent to hell."


After hearing Mr. Qiantang's words, Mr. Dongting's expression changed again in an instant.

"Where is the edict of Lord Donghai, show it to me!"

"it's here!"

Lord Qiantang agreed, then raised his hand and threw a few talismans on the case.

"I've already checked, whether it's the mana breath of the talisman or the signature in it, there's nothing wrong with it. It's indeed the talisman from the East China Sea Dragon Court..."

Although Mr. Qiantang said that he had already checked it, Mr. Dongting cautiously reached out to pick up the talisman in front of him, checked it carefully, and then put down the talisman, meditating with a gloomy face.

"Sure enough, it's an edict from the Dragon Court of the East China Sea!"


After seeing Mr. Dongting put down the talisman in his hand, Mr. Qiantang immediately said angrily.

"Jun Donghai's behavior is really bullying the dragon too much. If you and my brother don't show him some color, he might think that our brother is afraid of him!"


Regarding Mr. Qiantang's words, Mr. Dongting nodded noncommittally, and then continued.

"Then according to Qiantang, what should we do?"

"You and I immediately set up Dongting soldiers and horses, and go down the river..."

After hearing Mr. Dongting's words, Mr. Qiantang replied without hesitation.

"I had a tough fight with Mr. Donghai!"

"Ha ha!"

As soon as Mr. Qiantang finished speaking, he saw Mr. Dongting chuckled and shook his head.

"Qiantang, although you and I think we are not inferior to Mr. Donghai, but to be honest, he is the strongest among us who occupies the East China Sea. Not to mention anything else, just the number of sea beasts under him that can be cultivated. Not that the two of us can compare.

If we really fight like you said, I am afraid that the best result is that we return to Shenzhou after a scuffle, and the result is still useless. "


After hearing Mr. Dongting's words, Mr. Qiantang first let out a long breath, and then continued.

"Then what should we do? Could it be that we just give up?"

"give up!"

After hearing Mr. Qiantang's words, Mr. Dongting sneered, raised his eyebrows, and instantly changed from a gentle and refined posture to a murderous look.

"He Donghai Lord sent a dragon to kill my beloved daughter first, intending to assassinate you and me later. If you and I stop asking him what he did, how can the dragons in the world obey you and me!"


Mr. Qiantang hesitated for a moment, then continued.

"In my brother's opinion, what should we do?"

"As the saying goes, it is better to cut off one finger if you hurt ten fingers!"

With a gloomy face, Mr. Dong Ting gently buttoned the cases in front of him with his fingers.

"Didn't he, Mr. Donghai, want to lure you and me out with Mr. Nanhai and intercept us on the way? Then I will treat them in the same way as others, and lure them out to intercept and kill us once." Already!"

"Can this method work?"

After hearing Mr. Dongting's words, Mr. Qiantang said hesitantly.

"Back then, Lord Donghai coveted the beauty of Lord Gepi's wife and sneaked into Gepi to commit adultery. As a result, he was imprisoned by Fei Changfang for three years. So now he basically enters Shenzhou with a clone, even the last time Lord Jingshui asked for help. Clone, it's not easy to lure him out!"

"It may not be easy to attract Lord Donghai, but we can attract Lord Nanhai!"

Speaking of this, a trace of coldness flashed across Mr. Dongting's face.

"If I remember correctly, Mr. Nanhai has always coveted Mrs. Xiang. As long as you and I let Mrs. Xiang lure me a little, I believe Mr. Nanhai will enter Shenzhou impatiently..."

After hearing Mr. Dongting's words, Mr. Qiantang nodded silently, and then asked again.

"But doing so would be tantamount to offending Mr. Donghai. Will Mrs. Xiang agree?"

"Ha ha!"

Lord Dongting sneered again.

"If Mrs. Xiang doesn't do it, she will offend you and me. She is a smart person and will understand why Xiangshui is too far from the East China Sea and too close to Dongting!"


Regarding Mr. Dongting's words, Mr. Qiantang's face suddenly showed a hint of embarrassment.

"Brother, is it not good to do this!"

"do not worry!"

After seeing Mr. Qiantang's expression, Mr. Dongting immediately reached out and patted Mr. Qiantang's hand on the case, and continued.

"In fact, Mrs. Xiang has been bothering Mr. Nanhai all the time, but there is no way to get rid of it. Now that you and I have helped her solve this big trouble, she will accept it more readily!"

"It's better!"

Lord Qiantang nodded helplessly, and then continued.

"I really can't do anything to force a weak woman..."

"My dear brother, you worry too much!"

Lord Dongting nodded towards Lord Qiantang, and continued.

"However, when real dragons fight, it is inevitable that there will be heavy wind and rain, which will destroy the fields and crops. It is not easy to explain to the Taishi Bureau, so we still need to say hello to them in advance. It's best to use it!"

"Leave this matter to me!"

Because he didn't want to do the task of persecuting Mrs. Xiang, Mr. Qian Tang immediately volunteered to volunteer when he heard this sentence.

"If Madam Shangyuan hadn't sent the Nine Heavens Xuannv to Dongting to warn me and assist me to go to Jingshui last time, Xiaonan might have met a murderous hand, and I just want to thank her."


Mr. Dongting stroked his beard with his hands, and said calmly.

"Leave the rest to me..."

(End of this chapter)

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