Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1191 Don't worry, Mr. Ge Pei, we are here to help you vent your anger today

Following a series of slight sounds, countless water goblins wearing armor and holding weapons poured out of the mouth of the Yangtze River in a neat line, pouring into the East China Sea like a torrent.

After thousands of years of development, the army of the Shui tribe is almost the same as the army of the human race. For example, on both sides of these infantry water monsters, there are teams of cavalry riding water beasts and holding weapons. The huge, yet unformed water beast swung its heavy body and followed behind the team of water demons.

In the middle of the team was a huge carriage built with gold carvings and jade, using a total of eighteen dragon horses. A middle-aged man in a golden robe looked at the East China Sea in front of him with a little pleasure in his eyes.

"I really didn't expect that I, Mr. Ge Pei, would go to the East China Sea to ask for justice one day..."

Having said that, the middle-aged man turned his head and sincerely bowed down to the three men in purple clothes standing beside him.

"This is the great kindness and virtue of the three uncles. Ge Peiming feels deeply. From now on, no matter what the uncles are sent, if you come here with an edict, even if Ge Pei is asked to go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, I will do it all." !"


After hearing the words of Mr. Ge Pi, the man in golden clothes, Mr. Dongting immediately stretched out his hand, helped him up, and shook his head.

"In the past, Mr. Donghai attacked your nephew's wife. By the time I got the news, it was already too late, and I couldn't help you. I really can't be grateful to you, my nephew, but don't worry..."

As he spoke, Mr. Dongting stretched out his hand to pat Mr. Ge Pei on the shoulder with a serious face.

"Mr. Donghai!"

"To the Dragon Lord of the Yellow River, this is a personal letter from my lord..."

"Please inform the Yellow River Dragon Lord immediately..."

"It's simply bullying the dragon too much!"

As the command flag fell, a tidy cry came from the sea at the feet of Qinglong, and then countless water demons with weapons in their hands gushed out of the sea, rushing towards Lord Dongting and his team.

The next moment, Yasha, the messenger who was kneeling in front of him, felt an irresistible attraction coming from him, and then he couldn't help but pounced on the big mouth of the giant dragon in front of him. go.

"Mr. Donghai, you..."

"Your Majesty, please order!"

Qinglong's huge body hovered above the surface of the East China Sea, and his high-pitched voice resounded through the heaven and earth.

"Destroy the rebellion!"

Yasha Zhao Xun agreed, then pulled out a command flag from his back waist, and pointed in the direction of Lord Dongting and the others.

"Welcome up to Gu, and destroy these wastes from the Dragon Court of the East China Sea!"

"Dongting Navy..."


"Uncle Dongting..."

With the appearance of this green dragon, the East China Sea, which was originally calm and waveless, instantly became turbid and turbulent, and the waves rolled over. Strands of dark clouds gathered from all directions like the dragon's entourage, instantly changing the originally sunny sky. It was pitch black.

"Nephew Ge Pei, be safe and don't be impatient!"

"Mr. Dongting!"

"Eastern Sea Express!"


Following the voice, a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky and landed in the sea beside Qinglong.

Qinglong stretched out his claws and pointed at the army of water monsters brought by Lord Dongting and Lord Poyang.

After approaching the secret realm of the Yellow River, Yasha shouted, and took a bag made of fish skin from his waist, and shook it towards the water monsters at the entrance of the secret realm of the Yellow River.

"Pass down the order..."

Before Poyang Lord finished speaking, they heard an angry dragon chant from the front, and then they saw a huge green dragon appearing in front of them riding the wind and clouds.

After hearing Lord Dongting's words, Lord Qiantang who was standing on one side twitched the corner of his mouth silently without saying a word, while Lord Poyang who was standing on the other side stood up without hesitation.

"Eastern Sea Navy, destroy the rebellion!"

"I came to Donghai today to seek justice for you. Don't worry, Mr. Donghai won't be rampant for long!"

"It's useless to talk too much, where is Zhao Xun!"

"This time, I will definitely support you, my brother, Donghai-jun must pay the price for insulting you, my nephew!"



"Chen is here!"

"You have also seen how arrogant and tyrannical Donghai Jun acted. I will always be grateful for asking Uncle Dongting to lend a helping hand!"

"Order my East China Sea army to attack and destroy these rebels!"

"Mr. Dongting, what you said sounds good, but in fact, you are just coveting the position of Gu, the leader of the dragon clan, but Gu, the leader of the dragon clan, is recognized and supported by all the real dragons. The party can be overthrown."

"It's you!"

Mr. Dongting looked contemptuously at the trembling Mr. Ge Pei from the side, then raised his hand and pressed it on his shoulder, and then said in a gentle tone.

"do not worry!"

"Who is he? I don't know him... Lord Dongting, it's obvious that you are planning to sneak attack Gu's Donghai, so don't play tricks here!"

"Mr. Donghai, you are arrogant, extravagant and licentious, openly insulting the wives of other dragons; you have no way to teach your children, and openly despise the authority of other real dragons; you are domineering, disregarding the rights and interests of the dragons in the world... It can be said that there are many crimes. Waiting for this, is to replace the dragon clan of the world to attack you!"

With a soft sound, a blue-colored Yaksha held a steel fork in his hand, swung his body quickly, and sprinted in the course of the Yellow River, like an underwater torpedo, heading towards the secret place of the Yellow River not far ahead. rush away.



Following the words, Zhao Xun, the flying Yaksha holding a steel fork, emerged from the water and bowed down in front of Qinglong.

"Eliminate the trash!"

Following the opening and closing of the dragon's upper and lower sharp teeth, the cyan yaksha didn't even make a scream, and it couldn't die anymore.

Having said that, Mr. Donghai cast a disdainful glance at Mr. Ge Pei who was standing behind Mr. Dongting, and then shook his dragon claw.

After hearing Mr. Dongting's words, Mr. Ge Pei immediately got off the donkey, turned around and bowed down in front of him, and said in a crying voice.

When Qinglong's eyes fell on the man in golden clothes, a little confusion appeared in the huge longan's eyes instantly.

"Mr. Donghai, do you still recognize him?"

"Your son, Mr. Jingshui, disregarded the majesty of the real dragon and abused his orphaned daughter. He deserved his death! But the reason why I came here today is not because of your inability to teach your son, but..."

Having said that, Mr. Dongting turned to the side, letting out the man in gold behind him.

"You and Lord Qiantang killed my beloved son Jingshui first, and the rebellious Donghai Dragon Court came after. You alone did not order the dragons in the world to attack Dongting to eliminate your rebellion. It is because each other is a true dragon. How dare you Now you dare to lead troops to attack the lonely East China Sea..."

After hearing what this yaksha said, the water demons guarding the gate looked at each other, and then one of them immediately turned around and ran towards the secret place of the Yellow River.

After hearing Mr. Dongting's words, Mr. Donghai did not show any weakness, and retorted loudly.

"And now you actually say you don't know me!"

After hearing Ge Peijun's words, Qinglong immediately gave him a contemptuous look.

"Mr. Donghai! You broke into my house and raped my beloved wife. Because of this incident, you were imprisoned by Fei Changfang of the Taishi Bureau on a hill near my house for three years..."


Dongting Lord stretched out his hand again in relief, and patted Ge Peijun's shoulder, then turned around again, looking at the green dragon swimming above the sea in front of him.

"Is it wrong that I don't know you? A stunner like your wife, I still have to remember, what qualifications does a waste like you have to be remembered by Gu?"

After hearing Qinglong's contemptuous words, the man in gold immediately showed emotion and burst into anger.

Half an hour later, Yasha held the fish skin bag in both hands, followed the water monsters into the main hall of the Yellow River Secret Realm, and knelt down respectfully in front of a giant dragon with a muddy yellow body and red eyes, holding the fish skin in both hands. Leather pockets held high.


"Brother Dongting's words are very true... Lord Donghai is going against the law and domineering. Brother Ge Pei is not the only victim. All the dragons in the world have suffered from Donghai for a long time! This time we will break the Dragon Court of Donghai..."

After being insulted by Mr. Donghai again, Mr. Ge Pei opened his eyes wide with anger, trembling all over, and clenched his fists tightly. It seemed that he would jump out of this huge car in the next moment and rush up to do his best with Mr. Donghai, but he trembled. After half a day, there was still no movement.

After hearing Mr. Qiantang's words, the water goblins under their command immediately raised their weapons and rushed towards the East Sea Navy that was rushing towards them.

Before Yasha finished speaking, he saw the turbid yellow dragon lazily raised his eyelids, glanced at him with red eyes, and then took a casual breath.


After seeing Mr. Donghai's movements, Mr. Qiantang, who was standing beside Mr. Dongting, had already stepped forward and waved his sleeves towards him.

After seeing Qinglong appear, Lord Dongting immediately stepped forward without hesitation, and shouted loudly at Qinglong.


The giant dragon chewed casually a few times, and blue blood leaked from the corner of his mouth, dripping onto the ground.

"Brother Donghai asked me to send troops to join him to destroy Lord Dongting..."

Speaking of this, the giant dragon shook his body a few times, and stood up from the hall. As he got up, the entire Yellow River Secret Realm seemed to tremble a few times.

"It just so happens that I have nothing to do recently, so it's good to go exercise your muscles and bones!"

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