Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1199 You bloody spies, you misunderstood me!

Chapter 1199 You bloody spies, you misunderstood me!

"Hurry up and go!"

In the course of the Yellow River, a young man wearing a pink royal robe was sitting anxiously on his dragon carriage, urging the water monsters around him.

"Mr. Huanghe ordered me to rush to the East China Sea at the end of the day. If we don't make it, it will be a trivial matter for me to be beaten. All of you guys will be eaten by Mr. Huanghe..."

Before the man in pink finished speaking, he saw that the marching pace of the surrounding water monsters was much faster in an instant.

"Brother Fenshui, come this way!"

Just when the man in pink had just turned a bend in the river and led his troops to the mouth of the Yellow River, he suddenly heard a voice calling from ahead. He looked up and saw a Countless water monsters stood dimly everywhere, surrounded by seven chariots.

"So it's Brother Wei Shui and you brothers..."

After seeing the seven men in royal robes like himself in front of him, the man in pink suddenly smiled.

"Brother Wang, did you also come to the East China Sea to help in the battle at the call of Lord Huang He?"


After hearing what the man in pink said, Dragon Lord Weishui and the other dragon gods glanced at each other, then immediately smiled and said to the man in pink.

"We are all subordinates of Lord Huanghe, so naturally we have to obey Lord Huanghe's orders..."

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, these seven dragon gods walked forward while talking with smiles, surrounded the Fenshui Dragon Lord in pink clothes tightly, and held his hand affectionately.

"By the way, Brother Fen Shui, why did you bring so many people with you when you came to help this time?"

Weishui Dragon Lord glanced at the more than 1000 water monsters brought by Fenshui Dragon Lord, waved his hands casually, and then saw that the soldiers behind him had already divided into part of the team, one in front and one in back They also kindly surrounded these water monsters.

"Didn't Mr. Huang He's edict say that you and I are required to do our best!"

"I can't do it either!"

At this time, Fenshui Longjun didn't know what was going to happen next, and he was still complaining about it.

"Mr. Huanghe goes on a cruise once, and the water monsters I send out to patrol the river will be eaten by the water monsters. How can I resist... eh!"

Before Fenshui Longjun had finished speaking, Bashui Longjun, who was walking around behind him, had already taken out a lotus hammer from his sleeve, and smashed it firmly on the back of Fenshui Longjun's head.

After a muffled sound, Fenshui Dragon Lord, who didn't know what happened, suddenly felt dizzy. He wanted to turn around, but the Seven Water Dragon Lords around him tightly controlled him, making him unable to move at all. .

"You are..."

Just when Fenshui Dragon Lord was panicking, he saw that the soldiers brought by Weishui Dragon Lord had raised their swords and guns without hesitation, and shouted at the water monsters he brought.

"All of you squat down with your hands on your head, and those who dare to resist will die!"

boom! boom! boom!
Bashui Longjun had already swung the lotus hammer again, and smashed it down on the back of Fenshui Longjun's head without thinking. Finally, Fenshui Longjun, who couldn't bear it anymore, rolled his eyes and fell into a coma.

After seeing Fenshui Dragon Lord fall, the thousand or so water monsters he brought looked at each other in dismay, and then all of them clasped their heads in their hands and squatted at the bottom of the river.

"Now Fenshui Dragon Lord is here too!"

After the water demon brought by Lord Fenshui was dealt with, a stunning woman with a bright body and uneven skirts walked out of the team of Dragon Lord Weishui gracefully.

"With his words, all of Huang He's godliness will be complete..."


After seeing this stunning woman appear, Fengshui Longjun who was standing on the side suddenly asked a little nervously.

"Can you guarantee that something will happen to Mr. Huanghe this time? Don't do it at that time...Of course! I don't doubt what you mean, Mrs. Huanghe, but everyone knows how Mr. Huanghe's temper is. If there is an emergency, everyone I'm afraid there will be trouble!"

"Don't worry..."

The stunning woman smiled slightly, raised her head calmly and looked in the direction of the East China Sea.

"Soon you will be able to see the fate of Mr. Huang He with your own eyes!"


On the surface of the East China Sea not far from the mouth of the Yellow River, hundreds of metal puppets with a height of several meters held rifles, and surrounded a large group of water monsters with bruised noses and swollen faces and bloodstained bodies.

"Line up one by one, don't be crowded!"

In the group of water demons, the management foxes headed by 31 Niang are leading a large group of ghost maids, maintaining order with loudspeakers in their hands.

"Our Taishi Bureau is not a tyrant like Mr. Huanghe. We won't eat you casually. Don't worry too much about the injured monsters. We have plenty of medicines and won't ignore you!"

Under the management of these experienced management foxes who often engage in various large-scale activities, the water monsters brought by Mr. Huang He were divided into several teams according to their cultivation, injuries, and race.

"All the big monsters above the foundation... all the big monsters above the foundation..."

On the other side of the line, a ghost maid held a loudspeaker and shouted at the 'elite' water monsters brought by Mr. Huang He.

"Hurry up and line up, one by one to sign on the list of gods!"


Although the water demons present were somewhat resistant to signing the golden list, after looking at the black muzzles of the metal puppets around them, they still chose Congxin very wisely.

On the other side, Mr. Huang He, who has already been on the list and fully understands his future, is lying on the sea with blank eyes, drifting with the tide like a dead dragon, letting Sun Simiao lead his disciples to see the little lady in front of him. It was so busy that it didn't even care about the other party's blood drawing.

"The physique of the real dragon is really strong!"

After a pass, Sun Simiao raised his head from Huang Hejun's body, and stroked his beard with his hands.

"Severe injuries from being beaten by Daoist Qingxia are already mostly healed by self-healing. It seems that even without any medicine, it can heal itself within two or three days."


After hearing Sun Simiao's words, Yang Zheng saw the little lady on the side and said cautiously.

"But Mrs. Shangyuan said that she hoped that you can recover Mr. Huanghe's injury immediately. After the Jingshui lady arrives, Mr. Huanghe will join them to stab Mr. Donghai in the back!"

"I know!"

Sun Simiao nodded, then raised his hand, and handed the large bucket of dragon blood he had just drawn out to the little lady Zhengjian.

"These real dragons are tyrannical, and quick recovery is not a problem at all..."

As he spoke, Sun Simiao took out a jade bottle from his sleeve, and poured out a red pill from the middle. After thinking for a while, he poured out two more, and then walked along Mr. Huanghe's back. to his shoulders.

"Mr. Huang He, as long as you take this medicine, your injuries will recover immediately!"


Mr. Huang He, who was ashamed, closed his eyes, as if he was dead, without saying a word.

"Mr. Huang He!"

Sun Simiao, who was used to seeing all kinds of patients, didn't feel disobedient at this kind of behavior from Mr. Huang He, and still spoke to Mr. Huang He in a gentle tone.

"You can recover after taking the medicine. Even if you can't recover, you can feel better. Why bother to be angry..."


Regarding Sun Simiao's words, Lord Huang He ignored Sun Simiao's words and kept his eyes closed, as if he was really dead.

"Suck it!"

The next moment, Sun Simiao heard a low sound of sipping tea from not far away, and when the sound sounded, the mouth of Mr. Huang He in front of him opened instantly, and then a snake-like The generally blood-red tongue swished past his palm, and swept away all the three pills held on it.


Just when Mr. Huanghe took the elixir and started to close his eyes again and pretended to be dead, but when the scales on his body that were shattered by Qingxiazi began to fall off and grow new scales, he heard the sound of water, and then I saw a large group of water monsters rushing over from the direction of the mouth of the Yellow River.

After seeing these water monsters appear, Mr. Huang He immediately opened his eyes and looked in the direction of those water monsters, especially after seeing his group of gods surrounded by those water monsters, his eyes flashed instantly A look of exasperation.

These damn bastards, why didn't they arrive when he was fighting Qingxiazi? If they could have arrived at that time and fought bravely to help him fight, then maybe he could...

Using these cumbersome things to hold Qing Xiazi back, she managed to escape!
But immediately after, Mr. Huanghe looked at his godly eyes with a little more gloating expression.

You bloody bastards, wait to meet Qingxiazi's fist, and then get beaten up like me to be on the list!

Just when Mr. Huang He was about to watch his own gods follow in his footsteps, be beaten up and sent to the list of gods, something happened that stunned him.

I saw those steel puppets from the Taishi Bureau just glanced at their own gods, and then looked away as if nothing had happened, as if they hadn't seen each other at all, while sitting beside him, holding a cup of hot water. Cha, where was he gesticulating to the three human cubs, and Qingxiazi, who didn't know what to say, didn't even turn her head, as if she didn't see those people.

What's happening here?Are these people from Taishi Bureau stupid?
Before Mr. Huanghe wanted to understand what happened, he saw that his group of gods, that is, the dragons of the Wei, Feng, Lao, 潏, 滈, Chan, Ba and other rivers, had already brought their subordinates. The water demon rushed to a place not far from him without incident, and then dragged a few people who had fainted on the ground out of the team, and said respectfully to Qingxiazi.

"Reporting to Daoist Qingxia, all the accomplices who planned to help Mr. Huang He have been taken down by us!"


After hearing these words, Mr. Huang He suddenly felt his head buzzing.No wonder no helper arrived when I was fighting Qingxiazi, it turned out to be the reason!
"You bloody spies, you missed me!"

(End of this chapter)

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