Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1205 I, Mr. Dongting, uphold the public spirit and elect Mr. Changjiang as the chairman of t

Chapter 1205 I, Mr. Dongting, uphold the public spirit and elect Mr. Changjiang as the chairman of the dragon council

In the third year of Zhenguan, another incident happened in the world of practice, whether it was big or small!
Donghai Dragon Lord's beloved son, Jingshui Lord, spoiled his parent and son Jingshui Erlang too much, so at the request of the other party, he took action to restrain the cultivation of Jingshui Erlang's wife, who is also Dongting Dragon Lord's beloved daughter, in order to let Jingshui Erlang Can unscrupulous domestic violence against the other party...

After the incident came to light, Dongting Dragon Girl's father and uncles, that is, Dongting Dragon Lord and Qiantang Dragon Lord attacked Jingshui Shui Mansion in a rage, beheaded Jingshui Erlang and Jingshui Dragon Lord, broke off friendship with Donghai Dragon Lord on the spot, and established the Dragon God Alliance .

Half a year later, Dongting Dragon Lord, known as the wise man of the Dragon Clan, persuaded Donghai Dragon Lord's allies Huanghe Dragon Lord and Nanhai Dragon Lord, and added his own ally Poyang Dragon Lord, and the five real dragons coerced Donghai together. Forcing the leader of the Dragon Clan, Donghai Longjun, to bow his head and admit his mistake, he voluntarily disbanded Donghai Longting and gave up most of his previous rights.

"From now on, East China Sea Dragon Court will be disbanded!"

Lord Dongting, dressed in purple, stood in the main hall of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, looking at the various real dragons sitting below with a serious face, and said.

"My dragon clan has officially entered the republic system. All dragon clan matters must be discussed by all real dragons or representatives of real dragons before they can be made. Otherwise, it will be chaos, and all dragon clans in the world have the right not to follow."

After hearing Mr. Dongting's words, Mr. Qiantang who was sitting on the side immediately agreed.


On the other side, Lord Dongting's staunch ally, Lord Poyang, also nodded.


"Brother Dongting, but if I do this, will the people of the world think that I have robbed you of something?"

Did they hear correctly!

After hearing Mr. Dongting's words, Mr. Qiantang was at a loss for words.

Lord Dongting actually wants to give up the position of being in charge of the Dragon Clan to the Dragon Lord of the Yangtze River... How is this possible?

Regarding Mr. Dongting's words, a big question mark suddenly appeared on Mr. Qiantang's face.

After hearing Mr. Dongting's words, Mr. Qiantang immediately sighed.

With a sneer on the corner of Dongting Lord's mouth, he waved his hand lightly.

You Dongting Lord took great pains to organize the Dragon God Alliance, and spent a lot of money to buy Huanghe Lord and Nanhai Lord, and finally pushed Donghai Lord from the position of Dragon Clan patriarch, but now it’s time to pick the fruit. Give up the opportunity to Jiang Jun.

After hearing Mr. Dongting's words, Mr. Qiantang said doubtfully again.


"Yes yes yes..."


Donghai Jun snorted angrily.


"That guy is a lunatic, and he can't use common sense to speculate at all. He seems to obey you at one moment, but at the next moment, he might bite you with a twitch of his brain, so no matter how afraid he is of the golden mother, he can't give in completely! "

At this time, Lord Huaishui and Lord Jishui also stood up and said excitedly.

Seeing the eyes of these real dragons, Mr. Donghai rolled his eyes in displeasure.

"But the widow has a way to win the trust of you!"

"The victor, Lord Dongting, gave up his position so generously. What can I, the defeated King Li, object to?"

Lord Dongting looked up at the swimming fish outside the corridor, and said quietly.

"Qiantang, you still don't know what's going on!"


Mr. Donghai looked at Mr. Dongting with strange eyes, with a weird smile on his lips.

"I also support Brother Changjiang!"

"Dont look at me!"

"This matter is my Dragon Clan's own business, and has nothing to do with others. As long as all the real dragons here can understand the painstaking efforts of the widow, it is enough to support you, Brother Jiang..."

"You also know that it is impossible, so the position of the Dragon Clan Speaker is actually useless in our hands. If you give it to Mr. Changjiang, you may be able to exchange it for something practical!"

Mr. Jiang, who was still leisurely watching the play, was also a little surprised after hearing Mr. Dongting's words.

Just after Mr. Donghai finished speaking, Mr. Dongting retorted without hesitation, and then he saw him clasping his fists and bowing deeply to a bearded man in a blue royal robe sitting on the right.

Said, Lord Huaishui and Lord Jishui turned their heads to look at Lord Four Seas Dragon and Lord Huanghe again.

Mr. Huang He leaned lazily on the back of his chair, looked at the roof of the East China Sea Dragon Palace with an indifferent face, and said lightly.

Mr. Dongting turned his head to look at Mr. Qiantang, and said calmly.


The next moment, Lord Dongting gave him a wink, and Lord Poyang, who was still a little confused, also stood up and said.


"The widow is lazy by nature. If it weren't for the fact that you Donghai Lord is partial to Jingshui Lord and abused my daughter this time, and you plan to kill the widow behind your back, the widow will never do something to break with you... "

After hearing Mr. Dongting's words, Mr. Qiantang still looked puzzled.


After hearing Mr. Dongting's explanation, Changjiang Longjun also showed emotion on his face.


"My dear brother, you worked so hard to bring about this matter. If I were to become the chairman of the Dragon Clan now, wouldn't it be a dove occupying the magpie's nest? No, I won't agree!"

"However, it's really hard for me to imagine that a rebellious guy like Mr. Huang He was instigated by the Taishi Bureau in such a short period of time. Mrs. Shangyuan really deserves to be the beloved daughter of the Golden Mother, with great magical powers..."

"Yes, supernatural powers!"

Before Lord Qiantang finished speaking, he saw that Lord Dongting had let out a long breath.

"Gu, the king who has been kicked out, agrees or disagrees, can he still influence Dongting Lord, the republic of the dragon clan, to govern Gu's politics?"

Lord Dongting raised his head and looked into the distance thoughtfully.

After hearing the words of Lord Long of the Yangtze River, Lord Dongting immediately cupped his fists again, bowed down and said sincerely.

"Brother Changjiang, you are the head of the Sidu Dragon Lords and the strongest water god in China. You are well-deserved to be the uncle of this dragon clan!"

"As it should be!"

"But the widow is just afraid that he is not a small trick..."

After hearing Mr. Dongting's words, the faces of the real dragons present all showed surprise.



After the meeting of the first dragon council ended, Mr. Qiantang, who was silent from the beginning to the end, followed Mr. Dongting, and asked suspiciously while walking along the corridor of the Crystal Palace towards the front hall.

"What do you see Gu doing?"

"Brother Changjiang, you are our elder brother and the most powerful dragon god among us. You must be the first president of the Dragon Clan Council. Please don't refuse, take over the position of the Dragon Clan's leader." Gong Bohe's position."

"You should have no objection to Brother Jiang being the chairman of my dragon council!"

"It's nice to say, Gu also said that Gu didn't plan to kill you at all, and I didn't see you believe it!"

After hearing Lord Dongting's words, the other two of the Sidulong Lords, Lord Huaishui and Lord Jishui looked at Lord Changjiang with joy in an instant, and nodded earnestly at each other. Obviously, I hope Changjiang Longjun can agree.

"Mrs. Shangyuan is the beloved daughter of the golden mother. She can almost speak on behalf of the Kunlun immortals. Even Mr. Huang He should not have the guts to fight against the golden mother, right? Although the time is short, Mr. Huang He will succumb sooner or later, right?"

"It's a pity that I was entangled by Mr. Taihu during the battle. I didn't assist my brother to chase Mr. Donghai. If we could catch him at that time, we could force him to give up part of the power of Donghai!"

"If he hadn't stopped you and brother Poyang at the end, Mr. Donghai would never have run away. Isn't this his little trick?"


"It's best if it's a small move!"

"No! Qian Tang, you don't know Mr. Huang He..."

"I'm also one of the Sidu Dragon Lords, so naturally I won't object to Brother Jiang!"

"It's useless to say these things now, and even if you were there at that time, it's hard to guarantee that you won't..."

Did you get hit on the head by Donghai Jun during the battle, and then your brain broke!
"Dongting brother, why did you say such a thing!"

"Brother, what do you mean by that?"

Then, I saw Nanhai Longjun, who had been sitting silently in the corner without saying a word, raised his hand.

"Since all brothers have agreed, we will naturally not disobey everyone's wishes!"

"Brother Changjiang!"

"The widow is definitely not pretending to refuse. If the first Dragon Clan speaker is a widow, no matter how fair the widow is, Mr. Donghai will feel that the widow is targeting him. If you come forward, Mr. Donghai will not There will be such concerns and ideas. So this move is also for the consideration of my dragon clan, and I ask my brother to take this burden for the future of the dragon clan!"

"Brother Jiang, you are impartial and selfless. If you are the chairman of the Dragon Clan Council, I, Mr. Poyang, agree with it!"

"But brother, didn't you say that he really acts strangely?"

After hearing their statements, the rest of the true dragons who had been watching from the sidelines during the battle between the Dragon God League and the East China Sea Dragon Court did not interfere at all, such as the Beihai Lord and Xihai Lord among the Four Seas Dragon Gods, and Lord Changjiang, Lord Huaishui and Lord Jishui among the four dragon gods all focused their eyes on Lord Donghai who sat on one side with a tired face and a swollen face almost at the same time.

As soon as Mr. Donghai's voice fell, he heard Mr. Dongting standing above him speak without hesitation.

"Our brothers have worked so hard to force Lord Donghai to give up the right to be the leader of the Dragon Clan. Why did you give it to Lord Changjiang again?"

"Every time the widow thinks that she can tame Mr. Huang He, I feel a chill down my back!"

Lord Dongting bowed down again, and said sincerely.

Seeing that the real dragons in front of them had agreed, Mr. Beihai and Mr. Xihai looked at each other and nodded.

"Brother, don't worry!"

"I hope I'm not thinking too much!"

Mr. Qiantang looked at his elder brother with some doubts, and then spoke again.

"Mr. Donghai, what you said is wrong!"

"Let's not say that the position of the chairman of the council is actually not as powerful as the leader of the Dragon Lord before, but even if the widow really takes over the position of the leader of the Dragon Lord, can he be able to dictate to the rest of the real dragons? ? Leaving aside the resentful Lord Donghai, who do you think will listen to us, the Sidu Dragon Lord or the remaining Three Sea Dragon Lords?"

Having said that, Mr. Dongting showed a sarcastic smile on his face and shook his head.

"Brother, what do you mean by this, I don't understand!"

"Means nothing……"

Mr. Dongting waved his hand casually, and then walked quickly towards the front.

"Qiantang, just treat yourself like a widow and just guessing!"

(End of this chapter)

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