Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1223 Auspicious Luoshu from Heaven

Chapter 1223 Auspicious Luoshu from Heaven
After the welcome ceremony, Kong Qing, who returned with honor, stood beside Cangjie with a smile on his face amidst the people in Cangcheng calling "Your Majesty the Yellow Emperor" one after another. After leaving the streets of Cangcheng, we came to Cangguo's office, that is, the big house where Cangjie discussed issues with his subordinates.

"It's really Luo Shu!"

Kong Qing was holding the Luoshu that Cangjie had handed to him on the pier in his hand, and he could distinguish the true from the false with just a little turn of his true energy.

"I thought Master Cang you gave me a counterfeit product. If I remember correctly, this thing wasn't bought by your subordinate Shen Ziyang... what..."

After seeing Kong Qing's action, a thin man sitting beside him immediately gave Kong Qing a reminder.

"Uncle Yang!"

"Ah... yes, Rong Guang, I remembered it as soon as you said it, it's called Uncle Yang!"

Kong Qing made a look of sudden realization, patted his forehead with his hand, and continued.

"Master Cang, I remember that Luo Shu was stolen by that god son Yang Shuxian? I remember that when he was executed in Cangcheng, that heinous guy told me that Luo Shu was hidden by him. A place that only he knows, if I kill him, I can never find it again!"


After hearing Kong Qing's words, Cangjie immediately lowered his head in embarrassment.

"I trusted Shuxian too much at the time, and indeed let him steal Luoshu..."


Looking at Cangjie's somewhat embarrassed face, the thin man sitting beside him, that is, Kong Qing's subordinate who stayed in Cangcheng before he left, spoke.

"Let me talk about this matter!"


Kong Qing turned his head to look at Rong Guang curiously, and stretched out his hand to signal him.

"Rong Guang, tell me!"

"Actually, Uncle Yang didn't hide Luoshu in a place that only he knew, he just handed it over to a close friend of his..."

Speaking of this, Rong Guang sat up straight and made a 'two' gesture to Kong Qing on one side of his fingers, seemingly unintentionally.


After seeing Rong Guang's gesture, Kong Qing immediately understood everything.

Co-author Yang Shuxian told him that the place only he knew was in the hands of the No. [-] spy, Feng Hu, whom he sent to him. I have to say that Xuanyuan Huangdi really didn't expect this.

But Feng Hu is directly taking orders from his own secret room, how does Rong Guang know?
"At that time, Uncle Yang wanted the other party to send Luoshu to Chaoyun City for him and hand it over to Heidi Yanxuan, but he didn't expect that his friend had already been full of evil before he set off, and you, the lord, gave him a clear code of justice. Sentenced..."

Seeing that Kong Qing had understood his hint, Rong Guang's mouth suddenly showed a mocking look.

"Later, after you set out to conquer the Black Emperor, Lord Cangjie began to liquidate Yang Shuxian's friends and henchmen. As a result, that friend of his was afraid of being liquidated by the Lord Cang, so he brought Luoshu to my house. In the camp, he said that he wanted to abandon the darkness and turn to the light, and join me in Xiongguo at the price of Luoshu..."


Hearing this, Kong Qing completely understood.

Most likely, that guy Feng Hu planned to come to him to ask for credit in person after he got Luoshu, but he didn't expect that he set off to conquer the Black Emperor and walked too fast. He missed it for a while, so he planned to continue to lurk and wait for him After he came back, he asked for credit again, but Cangjie started to liquidate Yang Shuxian's cronies again at this time, so he could only go to Rongguang, reveal his identity and ask for asylum.

Who said that Xuanyuan Huangdi's subordinates are all great sages who sacrifice themselves for others, in fact, these people also have a lot of small plans!
"I understand!"

Kong Qing nodded towards Rong Guang, then casually picked up the Luoshu in his hand, and handed it to Cangjie at the side.

"It's true that it's not a good thing to be involved too much. If that friend of Uncle Yang is not evil, then it's not impossible to protect him for a while, but this Luoshu is the auspiciousness bestowed by God on the Lord Cang. It's true that we just take it away. Somewhat inappropriate, Master Cang, after all, Luo Shu is the auspiciousness bestowed on you by the heavens, so you should keep it!"

After seeing Kong Qing's action, Xiong Chuibo, who was sitting in Cangjie's hands, immediately showed excitement on his face.

"The Lord Gongsun is indeed unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness!"


After hearing Bodu's words, Cangjie's four eyes were full of emotion.


Gongsun Xuanyuan was truly benevolent and righteous. Not only did he remain unwavering in the temptation to donate the Luoshu that Yang Shuxian said at that time, he even returned the Luoshu he gave away so lightly.

"Master Gongsun doesn't have to be like this!"

Cang Jie looked at the Luo Shu handed back by Kong Qing with some nostalgia, and finally waved to Kong Qing.

"Heavenly auspiciousness is for those who are virtuous. Cangjie has no virtue and is not worthy of keeping this thing. The ruler of the country has the world in mind and is unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness. He is the best owner of this thing. Please accept it!"

"Yeah yeah!"

Bo Du on the side also said.

"Master Gongsun, our Lord gave Luo Shu to you in front of the people of Cangcheng, how can we take it back now, please accept Luo Shu!"


Under the full resistance of Cangjie and other "sighted people" in Cangguo, Kong Qing had no choice but to accept Luoshu in the end, but he still gave Cangjie a sincere guarantee. Said that he was only temporarily keeping the Luoshu for Cangjie, and in the future, whenever Cangjie wanted to take back the Luoshu, he could ask Gongsun Xuanyuan to get it, and he promised to return it immediately without delay.

Of course, what Kong Qing said naturally aroused the admiration of Xiong Chui Bodu and the refusal of Cang Jie!
"Master Gongsun!"

After several resignations and finally confirming the ownership of Luoshu, Cangjie changed the subject and continued.

"Cangjie has something to ask, and I ask the lord to allow it!"


Kong Qing raised his head in surprise, and looked at Cang Jie.

"Master Cang, you and I are allies and we are close. If there is anything you can tell me, if my Gongsun Xuanyuan can help you with something, I will do it for you!"

"Thank you, Lord Gongsun!"

After hearing Kong Qing's words, Cang Jie was overjoyed.

"To be honest, the request I want to tell you, Lord Gongsun, is related to General Rongguang and those Xiong soldiers stationed in Cangguo..."

"That's it, I understand!"

After hearing Cang Jie's words, Kong Qing nodded in understanding.

"Indeed, before I had Xiong, I was at the request of Cangguo Lord to help you resist the Black Emperor. Now that the Black Emperor is gone, the problem of Cangguo has been resolved. I have Xiong's army stationed in your Cangguo again." The territory is a bit inappropriate! Well, this time, when I return to Youxiong, I will take Rongguang and the others away..."

"Master Gongsun!"

Before Kong Qing's voice fell, Cangguo Youxiong, who was the first to blow, had already stood up excitedly.

"This must not happen!"

"Yes yes yes!"

Cang Jie on the other side also continued.

"Master Gongsun, you have misunderstood. I have absolutely no intention of wishing you, Lord Gongsun, to transfer General Rongguang and the others away!"


After hearing Cangjie and Bodu's words, Kong Qing blinked a little strangely.

Although he was indeed just acting as if he had no intention of actually taking away Cangguo's garrison at all. Even if Cangjie agreed now, he would find a way to create a chance for the other party to repent, but the reaction of the two of them was a bit too much. Exaggerated?

One of you is the lord, the supreme ruler of Cangguo, and the other is General Wen, No. 1 in Cangguo's military. Isn't it inappropriate to ask other countries to garrison troops so blatantly!

"What do you two mean by these words?"

"Master Gongsun, the matter is like this..."

After hearing what Kong Qing said, Bo Du on the side immediately began to explain.

"Because of the previous invasion of the Black Emperor, many of the god sons of our Cang Kingdom were killed in battle, and the army was also dispersed, and most of the god sons who survived or did not go to the battlefield were in the last time you liquidated the warehouse, Lord Gongsun. I was scared away when I was the son of the city god..."


Hearing Bodu's words, Kong Qing was speechless.

This Bodu is really an upright person. Even if the son of God who liquidated Cangcheng at that time did have the idea of ​​frightening the gods of other places, but you said it so bluntly, is this planning to slap me in the face?

"Bodu, what nonsense are you talking about? What does it have to do with Lord Gongsun that those sons of God run away!"

Cangjie glared at Bodu, then turned to Kong Qing and said.

"Master Gongsun, in short, we don't have many sons of God in Cangguo now, and we simply can't gather enough troops. So some time ago, General Rongguang upheld the friendly relationship between the two countries and was willing to help us maintain the law and order of Cangguo. , and help our Cangguo train the army at the same time, and if you transfer him away now, this matter will definitely be abandoned halfway!"


After hearing this, Kong Qing finally understood.

Isn't this the plan I arranged before?Originally, when he returned to Cangcheng this time, he planned to spend some time on this matter, but he did not expect Rong Guang to be so efficient, and he completed everything from scaring the son of God to training the new army.

It is worthy of praise!

"So that's the case. Since you didn't want to transfer Rong Guang and the others away, Master Cang, what do you want me to do for you?"

"Master Gongsun!"

After hearing Kong Qing's words, Cang Jie spoke immediately.

"I heard from General Rongguang that the secret technique they use that can gather the power of ordinary people to rival the Son of God was created by you, Lord Gongsun, and you taught them to them. I don't know if it's like that. ?"

"Not bad!"

Kong Qing nodded without shame, and once again took the credit for Nine Heavens Profound Girl to himself.

"The secret technique of the military strategist was created by me..."

"Master Gongsun!"

After hearing Kong Qing's words, Cang Jie, Bo Du and the others stood up immediately and bowed respectfully to Kong Qing.

"I don't know what price I will pay, but I can ask you, the lord, to teach this kind of secret technique to the generals of Cangguo..."

(End of this chapter)

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