Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1243 What we have to do at this stage is crazy publicity

Chapter 1243 What we have to do at this stage is crazy publicity

In the seventh year of Yandi Yugong's reign, the young Yandi defeated the troops of Qingdi Mixi and Baidi Jiebin in one fell swoop on the plain south of Kongsang, with the help of Fengbo and Yushi. After driving the opponent to Mount Weilong.

In order to completely defeat his opponent, Yu Wang led his troops to bypass the dangerous Weilong Mountain and entered the land of Banquan, intending to attack from the side of Qingdi Mixi and Baidi Jiebin. The violent expropriation of the people in the land of Banquan, and the conflict with the most powerful vassal in the court of Emperor Yan, that is, Gongsun Xuanyuan, the lord of Xiong Kingdom, resulted in a big defeat!
A golden sword light flashed across the air, and after drawing an arc, it fell into the army of Xiong Kingdom who was building a camp. Then the sword light disappeared, revealing Kong Qing, who was incarnation of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, and his men The first battle will be Li Mu.

"Congratulations, Lord!"

After seeing Kong Qing appearing, Jian Peng, who was directing the soldiers to set up camp, immediately walked two steps quickly and bowed to Kong Qing.

"Even the two great gods Feng Bo and Yu Shi in the court of the Yan Emperor are not your opponents, which is enough to show that the fire virtue is coming to an end, the king's land virtue should be prosperous, and the subordinates think that the king should proclaim the emperor as soon as possible..."

"Stop, stop, stop! Let's put aside all the things about morality, fire, morality and immorality. The most important thing for us now is benevolence!"

Before Jian Peng finished speaking, Kong Qing waved his hands impatiently.

"Xiao Peng, send me an urgent message back to Youxiong City at [-] miles away, and immediately activate the troubadour system after the wind, and spread today's incident to me. I will let you know within two months. The whole world knows how the contemporary Emperor Yan is immoral, extorting violently and harming the people of Banquan, and how I Youxiong stood up to the tyrant Emperor Yan for the sake of the life and death of the people, but was attacked by the other party brazenly, and finally the evil was overwhelmed and beaten A big defeat..."


After seeing Kong Qing's expression, Jian Peng immediately nodded obediently in agreement.

"My lord, don't worry, I'll send someone back to Youxiong!"

"Well! As I said before, if we don't occupy the position of ideological propaganda, it will be occupied by others..."

Kong Qing nodded slightly, then raised his head to look in the direction where the Emperor Yan's court was retreating.

"Although it is said that His Majesty the first Emperor Yan has passed away for so many years, but now because of the relationship between the four emperors, ordinary people will miss the peaceful years of the past even more, and will unconsciously place this expectation on the contemporary Emperor Yan. body, and we must let them know that the contemporary Emperor Yan is no different from Emperor Qing and Baidi..."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will understand!"

After hearing Kong Qing's words, Jian Peng immediately said excitedly.

"In this era, only His Majesty the Yellow Emperor is different from other emperors, and now only you are qualified to command the world and become the co-lord of the world!"


"His Majesty!"

After Jian Peng withdrew excitedly, Li Mu, who was standing beside Kong Qing, opened his mouth and asked suspiciously.

"Since Feng Bo and Yu Shi are not even your opponents, why didn't we take advantage of the victory and pursue the Red Emperor in one fell swoop..."

"Li Mu, please pay attention to me, I haven't proclaimed myself emperor yet!"

After hearing Li Mu's words, Kong Qing gave him an angry look.

"And how many times have I told you that fighting is just a means, a means to match the goals we want to achieve. What good does it do me to solve Yu Zheng now?"


Li Mu blinked, and looked at Kong Qing hesitantly.

"That fellow Yugong has been wiped out, won't you be able to claim the title of emperor?"

Kong Qing couldn't bear it anymore and raised his hand to knock on Li Mu's head.

"Are you mistaken? I think it's up to me when I become emperor. What's up with Guan Yuzheng!"

"What? You proclaiming emperor has nothing to do with Yugong!"

Li Mu touched his head in doubt.

"Didn't you always say that you are a loyal minister of Emperor Yan's court? Doesn't that mean that as long as Yandi's court is still there, you will not be called emperor? So I think that as long as Yuzheng is eliminated, you can be called emperor !"

"Ha! You also know that I am a loyal minister of Emperor Yan's court!"

Kong Qing felt that he was about to be pissed off by Li Mu, a stubborn guy.

"Then can you use your single-minded brain to think about it, is there any real loyal minister in this world who would directly send troops to destroy his monarch?"


Seeing where Li Mu really started to think, Kong Qing suddenly slapped his face with his hands weakly.

"Forget it! Li Mu, don't think about it anymore, it's not suitable for you to use your brain! You'd better bring a team of cavalry and let me go out and stare at the troops in the court of Emperor Yan!"


Li Mu agreed, then took his big axe, turned around and planned to leave, but after walking a few steps, he stopped again and turned to look at Kong Qing.

"Master, can you just keep an eye on them? Shall I make some tentative attacks!"

"no need!"

Kong Qing covered his face with his hands, waved his hands casually, and said in a helpless tone.

"Yuwang and their camp were destroyed today, so they must be short of food and fodder now. You just need to keep an eye on them and don't let them easily send people to collect taxes from the people of Banquan. After a while After a few days, when everyone in Banquan has temporarily moved away, your mission will be completed!"


On Kong Qing's side, he is nervously starting to activate the troubadour system he has established since he took office. In fact, it is those troubadours he has placed in cities all over China who often like to tell stories to others on weekdays and have their own fixed Fans and local celebrities of the audience are preparing to publicize this copyright war in all aspects, and when they directly put the eight words of immorality, tyranny, and disabled people on the head of the contemporary Emperor Yan, another protagonist of this incident, That is to say, Emperor Yan Yuzheng also looked sullen after counting his losses at this time!
"Damn Gongsun Xuanyuan!"

Yu Wang gritted his teeth and said while watching his army start to cut wood around and rearrange the camp.

"Before Gu was really deceived by his obedient appearance, thinking that he should have no strength, so he... I didn't expect that this guy actually has enough power to compete with Feng Bo and Yu Shi. Shoulder-to-shoulder strength!"

"Your Majesty is right!"

After hearing Yu Wang's words, Xing Tian, ​​who was 'rescued' from the battlefield by Feng Bo, also said through gritted teeth.

"Gongsun Xuanyuan is so strong, but he has always pretended that he has no strength. He even surrendered to the challenge of the minister when he came to see you all those years ago. This is obviously a deliberate plan to harm you..."

"All right!"

Before Xing Tian finished speaking, he saw Zhu Rong Chongming who was standing aside impatiently interrupting Xing Tian's words.

"I've already lost, so what's the use of talking about it now! Your Majesty, what you should think about now is how to defeat Gongsun Xuanyuan's team, instead of complaining like a resentful woman here."

"Chongming, what you said is simple!"

After being interrupted by the other party, Xing Tian immediately retorted.

"Gongsun Xuanyuan can now fight against the two great gods Feng Bo and Yu Shi, how do you tell us to deal with him!"

"Don't worry!"

As soon as Xing Tian finished speaking, he heard a sharp voice from the side.

"The next time we fight, Gongsun Xuanyuan will be dealt with by Master Yu and me, and it won't affect you!"

After hearing this voice, whether it was the arrogant Xing Tian or the impatient Zhu Rong Chongming, they all turned around immediately and bowed their heads to a person wearing a toba cloak who appeared beside him.

"I have seen God Feng Bo!"

"No need!"

With a gloomy face, Feng Bo waved his hand at Xing Tian's Zhu Rong Chongming, and then looked at Yu Wang who was standing aside.

"Emperor Yan, I'm not Rain Master, and I don't bother to ask you why you are so powerful, and the princes who are so obedient to you will be forced by you to become rebellious. I'm here to tell you something."


After hearing Uncle Feng's words, Yu Qin bit his lip, lowered his head in humiliation, and spoke.

"Master Feng Bo, please speak if you have something to say!"

"Before you plan to fight Gongsun Xuanyuan next time, remember to have more snacks!"

Feng Bo glared at Yu Gong with an angry expression on his face.

"It's fine if you can't beat Gongsun Xuanyuan by yourself, but the army you brought was actually suppressed and beaten by those mortals with bears. If it wasn't for saving you today and keeping your strength, how could I have been plotted against by Gongsun Xuanyuan? ..."


For Feng Bo's reprimand, Yu Wang didn't dare to care about it, so he could only bow his head and agree.

"This is indeed Gu's fault, please forgive me, Lord Feng Bo!"


Uncle Feng snorted coldly, then flicked his cloak, turned his body around, and said something to Yu Qin that made him ecstatic.

"Notify me in advance before attacking next time, I will lure Gongsun Xuanyuan out of the battlefield, and then join forces with Master Yu to subdue him!"


Seeing that Feng Bo, who has always been procrastinating and unwilling to help him in the fight under the pretext of being different from immortals, actually offered to help himself in the fight this time, Yu Wang immediately agreed with joy.

"Thank you, Great God Feng Bo, for your help, Gu is very grateful!"

"Don't think too much, I'm not waiting for you!"

The next moment, Uncle Feng's sharp voice came from the wind.

"It was a promise to the first Yan Emperor that he would not let the Yan Emperor's court fall..."


"Okay! Since the two masters, Feng Bo and Yu Shi, are willing to help us deal with Gongsun Xuanyuan..."

After Uncle Feng left, Emperor Yan Yugong, who had seemed a little downcast because Gongsun Xuanyuan was too powerful, suddenly became energetic again.

"Then I must seize this opportunity to completely eliminate Xiong Guo's army. Xing Tian, ​​do you have any good solutions?"

"During the last battle, I saw very clearly that Xiongguo's army relies on the same advance and retreat, so as to fight more and less, so it can compete with our Son of God!"

Regarding Yu Wang's words, Xing Tian immediately replied without hesitation.

"But they are mortals after all, it's okay to fight against ordinary god sons, but it's definitely not enough to deal with more powerful god sons! So I still suggest calling the giants of Kuafu's clan to come over and rush over them in one fell swoop!"

"Ha ha!"

As soon as Xing Tian finished speaking, he heard Zhu Rong Chongming sneer.

"If Xing Tian had made this suggestion one day earlier, I wouldn't have said anything, but you should open your eyes and see for yourself..."

As he said that, Zhu Rongzhong pointed to the camp that had just been established, and those god sons who had just retreated around the camp and looked a little panicked.

"Our previous camps are all lost, and all the supplies and fodder in it are also lost. Now they may not even be able to get their food together, and we have to call the giants of the Kuafu clan to come over. What do you let those giants eat? ? Can it eat people!"

(End of this chapter)

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