Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1262 Why did the discussion between the Shangqing School and the Dandingmen disturb the Gold

Chapter 1262 Why did the discussion between the Shangqing School and the Dandingmen disturb the Golden Mother?

Swish swish!
With the sound of breaking wind, a huge cyan bird dragged what seemed to be a large chariot, galloping over the sea of ​​clouds, the current Taishi Cheng of the Taishi Bureau, Zhang Changwen, a senior real person of Lou Guandao, looked helpless Sitting in the position of the imperial husband, he pressed his hand on a disc in front of him, and used his true energy to drive the big blue bird in front of him.

In the compartment behind Zhang Changwen, Lou Guandao's current Dharma master, Yin Wencao, who is known as Shijue Daoist, stood respectfully beside the car door with his hands drooping like a doorman. On the other side of the door stood the former Lou Guandao Qi Pingding, the master of the Dharma, and in the middle of the carriage sat Wang Yan, Su Daobiao, Cheng Faming and other outstanding figures of Louguan Taoism, namely the Ten Elders of Tian Gu who assisted Zhou Wu in eradicating Buddhism.

Surrounded by the ten elders of Tian Gu, Feng Heng, the Qingniu Taoist priest who went to Kunlun to participate in the Xiandu Council, and Liang Chen, Yin Tong, etc. had long been hidden in the heaven of the Xiandu Taiyuan Zongzhen. The patriarchs of all generations in Louguan can be said to be a gathering of heroes, and all the strength of the entire Louguan Dao has been gathered in this chariot pulled by the blue bird.

"That guy Tao Hongjing really doesn't want any face..."

Sitting in the chariot, Wang Yan, the head of Tian Gu's ten elders, sneered and said in a sarcastic voice.

"A few years ago, when Qingweizi was still alive and kicking, why didn't he dare to talk to the Dandingmen, but now when Qingweizi went to the immortal calamity, something went wrong, and he, the 'Prime Minister of the Mountain', jumped out. Hmph! Sure enough, it's still as good a calculation as ever!"

"There is no way!"

Sitting next to Wang Yan, Su Daobiao, who is also one of the ten elders of Tian Gu, said in an interface.

"Who made Dandingmen's foundation too shallow, there is nothing but Qingxiazi and Qingweizi, but because of the relationship between the two generations of 'No. [-] in the world', it has a large number of people and land. "Every man is innocent, but he is guilty of having a jade." If Shangqing doesn't take advantage of this moment to make a move, should he wait for Qingweizi to recover before doing so?"

"But the problem is that it is said that the condition put forward by the Shangqing School this time is that after the failure of the discussion, Dandingmen will be merged into his Shangqing School!"

One of the ten elders of Tiangu, Taoist Wang Zhen with a long sword on his back, pondered for a moment, then continued.

"After more than ten years of development, it can be said that Shangqing has already occupied half of my Daoist sect. If we annex Dandingmen, I am afraid that Shangqing will really be in a difficult situation..."

"What are you afraid of!"

After hearing Wang Zhenwei's words, another Taoist, Cheng Faming, said indifferently.

"The leader of my Daoist sect has always been the Master of Heaven, so even if he, Tao Hongjing, annexed the Danding Sect, the first person to be anxious should be the Dao of Celestial Master. What has it to do with my Lou Guan!"

"Not necessarily!"

As soon as Cheng Faming's words fell, Wang Yan had already started talking.

"The current celestial master Zhang Tongxuan has a gentle temperament and doesn't like to fight with others, so he is unwilling to interfere with the affairs of the Daoist sect. If I were Tao Hongjing, the next target after annexing the Dandingmen is my Lou Guandao, and then wait for the assembly All the powers of the Taoist sect will be counteracted by the Celestial Master Dao, so as to unify the Taoist sect!"


After hearing Wang Yan's words, Taoist Qingniu Feng Heng who was sitting in the center nodded slightly.

"Ziyuan is right. In the past few decades, Tao Hongjing has occupied half of my Taoist sect. He really has a lot of thoughts. We must guard against it. After all, although we are waiting to escape from the outside world, everyone's foundation He is still in the world of mortals, so this time we still have to help Dan Dingmen, not let him be swallowed by the supernatant...Jing Xian!"

After hearing Feng Heng's words, Yin Wencao, the current Louguan Taoist master standing by the door, immediately bowed down respectfully to salute.

"Feng Patriarch, what are your orders?"

"You have been working in the Taishi Bureau before, and you are also familiar with Qingxiazi!"

Qingniu Taoist Feng Heng looked at Yin Wencao kindly and said with a smile.

"After a while, you go to visit the other party, and tell me that Lou Guan Dao and Dan Ding Sect are allies, and you can't ignore the bullying of Shangqing. There are also some rising stars in our sect, such as your disciple Hou Shaowei. , if Qingxiazi needs it, we can give him temporary support and help him to speak on stage!"


In the midst of the discussion among the real people of Louguan Dao, the chariot pulled by the blue bird has also passed through the sea of ​​clouds, and faintly saw the magnificent city in the clouds floating in the sea of ​​clouds!

"That Qingwei is really a rare and outstanding person, and she is very talented!"

Qingniu Taoist Feng Heng looked at the direction of Yunzhong City with some envy, and then stroked his beard with his hands.

"In the past, the Bai Emperor spent countless efforts in refusing Bai Zhao, but he was still unable to make Bai Yujing a flying fairy capital. At that time, everyone thought it was impossible for flying immortals, but now he, a rising star, made it. Alas! What a pity... A genius like Fan always has his prosperity and his death suddenly, so in the final analysis, one must be steady in cultivating Taoism!"

Under Feng Heng's comments, the Jade Bird chariot bypassed the cloud city and stopped in an open space outside the city.

"Is it the elders of Louguan Dao?"

Just as the chariot stopped, he saw a young and beautiful woman stepping forward to salute, and then respectfully stretched out her hand to guide.

"Everyone's position is on that side, just below the flag with the word Lou Guan hanging on it."


After seeing this beautiful woman, Feng Heng stroked his beard in surprise.

"The air is faint, the cold air is restrained, little girl, you are actually a reborn ghost fairy, I didn't expect the Danding Sect to be so extravagant, and let a ghost fairy do such a lowly thing, little girl, don't you think this job is a little bit boring?" Is it not in line with your cultivation and identity?"

"This senior is joking!"

After hearing Feng Heng's words, the beautiful woman replied neither humble nor overbearing.

"The cultivation base of the little girl is just ordinary among the sisters. Besides, my sisters are the maids of Daoist Qingwei. It's only natural to do this kind of thing. What's wrong with my status?"

Saying that, the beautiful woman stretched out her hand to guide again.

"Seniors, please go this way. In addition, my Danding Sect has prepared some snacks and drinks for you at the seats. Please take them yourself, seniors!"

Just when Qingniu Daoist Feng Heng and other people from Louguan Dao followed this beautiful woman towards their position, they realized what the ghost maid said earlier that her cultivation level was just the lowest among sisters. What does ordinary mean, because those ghost maids running around the venue are actually ghosts who have been reborn.

Although it is said that such a ghost fairy is weak, so picking it up alone does not pose any threat to Feng Heng and the others, but if so many people go up together, even Feng Heng, who already has the strength of the leader of the earth fairy, feels a little hard to say .

"Feng Patriarch..."

After seeing this scene, Yin Wencao whispered cautiously to Feng Heng, Taoist Priest of Qingniu.

"Do you think it's still necessary for disciples to find Qingxiazi?"


Because the last time Kong Qing discussed Daoism with Fang Xiandao, he was only a Daoist Daoist, so Fang Xiandao did not send other earth immortals except for Feng Gang, who was invited by An Qisheng to hold the battle, and all the Daoists were the ones watching the ceremony. There are not many people besides Pai and the Li Yuan family who join in the fun, but this time it is different...

Not only are the two Daoist sects, the Shangqing Sect and the Danding Sect, discussing the Dao with each other, but the two parties also agreed that the Earth Immortals also need to go on stage to discuss their superiority, so not only all the Daoist sects have come to an end, but even Even a lot of immortals came to watch the excitement... to watch the ceremony!

Along the way, these high-ranking Taoists of Louguan Taoist found that the above clouds are already very lively, except for the Shuangxiu School, Silk Family Taoism, and Lingbao School, which are still active among the Taoist schools, and even those who have been banned Fang Xiandao, who Qingwei swept out of Shenzhou, and Tianshi Dao, which has been developing in a low-key way, have earth immortals and real people coming to the scene.

"That should be Lord Heshang, right? I never expected that he could stand calmly outside the Danding Gate..."

Yin Wencao moved his eyes away from an old man who was sitting under a big banner embroidered with only a fairy character, wearing an ordinary jute suit, with long snow-white hair hanging down on the ground, and then fell on a certain Sitting under the banner with the word Tianshi, the old Taoist priest who was closing his eyes and concentrating on it quietly turned his head and said to Qi Pingding who was beside him.

"Brother Qi, look at the one over there... that is, the one sitting under the flag of Tianshi is Zhang Tongxuan?"

"It's really him!"

After seeing this old Taoist priest, Qi Pingding also showed a puzzled expression on his face.

"It's strange, isn't this guy known as 'closed house for 40 years, Qingluan Chixi Ceyunxuan'? Now he has actually walked out of his bedroom..."

Before Qi Pingding finished speaking, he heard the smiling voice of Qingniu Taoist Feng Heng.

"Zhang Daoling, it's really rare that you are willing to step into the world of mortals again?"


The next moment, Qi Pingding and Yin Wencao saw a majestic middle-aged Taoist sitting not far from Zhang Tongxuan raised his eyebrows, glanced in their direction, and then nodded towards Feng Heng. Open your mouth and say.

"Because Kunlun Golden Mother will come to watch the ceremony with Guangcheng Immortal Venerable during this discussion, so although the old Taoist is impatient to enter the world of mortals, he must also come to see him!"


After hearing the middle-aged Taoist priest's words, Qi Pingding and Yin Wencao immediately saw a very surprised expression on the face of Qingniu Taoist priest Feng Patriarch.

"How is this possible? The mere matter of internal strife between the Shangqing Sect and the Danding Sect actually allowed the Golden Mother and Guangcheng Immortal to come to watch the ceremony... Also, why didn't I receive the talisman from her old man?"

"Is this..."

As soon as their patriarch's words fell, Qi Pingding and Yin Wencao saw the majestic middle-aged Taoist smiling at them.

"The old man is not the golden mother. How do I know why the golden mother didn't send you a talisman? I think Feng Zi, you should reflect on what you did wrong!"

(End of this chapter)

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