Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1279 God Lord Wuzhi Qi, you have found the wrong person for revenge

Chapter 1279 God Lord Wuzhi Qi, you have found the wrong person for revenge

The body of a huge white-haired monkey fell in a straight line, and hit the mighty Ruoshui straightly, splashing water soaring into the sky.The next moment, a huge black dragon descended from the sky, chasing the figure of the white-haired monkey and rushing into Ruoshui.

"Wuzhiqi, you only have this ability, yet you dare to challenge me like Ruoshui..."

Before the words fell, a sound like a landslide and tsunami sounded, and the body of the black dragon that had chased the white-haired monkey into Ruoshui just now rolled and flew out of Ruoshui, and then saw the one that fell first just now The white-haired monkey waved the copper stick in its hand, jumped out of the water, and smashed it towards the body of the black dragon.

"Ying Long, you're nothing more than that, you'll eat me with a stick!"

As the two giant beasts in front of him rolled and dueled in Ruoshui, the entire surface of Ruoshui instantly became choppy, as if the whole Ruoshui came alive, and they also rolled and howled following the figures of Ying Long and Wu Zhiqi.Wave after wave, the turbid waves rolled and flooded towards the farmland on both sides and the wharf.


A certain little blue dragon waved its claws, and desperately mobilized its authority as the god of water, suppressing the huge waves caused by the fight between the two gods, lest the two sides not be far away. The fields that had just been reclaimed by humans were completely destroyed in the battle between Yinglong and Wuzhiqi.

"Why hasn't my brother come back!"

The little blue dragon poked its head out of the water, looking at the two giant beasts that were still rolling and wrestling in the distance, with an anxious look in their eyes.

"My dragon can't bear the aftermath of the battle between the two gods. If this continues, the water will flood Xuanshui City, and the faith we just stabilized just now will be finished..."

Just when the little blue dragon was in a hurry, he saw a familiar golden sword light flashing across the sky, and the next moment, the little blue dragon found that the Huanglong god he was thinking of had brought two human servants, a man and a woman, with him. Appearing in front of him, the male human servant was still wearing yellow sackcloth, while the female human servant was wearing a long blue skirt.

"Sister Huanglong, you've come!"

Seeing the appearance of the Huanglong Shenjun, the little blue dragon immediately poked his head out of the water happily, and shouted at the little yellow dragon who was lazily lying on the shoulder of the human servant.

"Hurry up and help Shenjun Yinglong to deal with his opponents, otherwise the whole Ruoshui will be turned upside down by the two of them. Even with the control of my half of Ruoshui God, the flood will rush into Xuanshui City!"


After hearing what the little blue dragon said, Kong Qing, a human male servant, had a surprised expression on his face. He raised his hand and touched the little milk dragon on his shoulder, and said with a smile.

"Little guy, you are very powerful, and Lord Dongting even calls you big sister!"


After hearing Kong Qing's words, the little milk dragon immediately turned as proud as Kong Qing, and then waved his cute little paws.

"Aww! Aww! Aww!"


As soon as Xiaonailong finished speaking, Kong Qing couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Little guy, you are the best. These are just basic exercises. I really shouldn't make a fuss!"

After speaking, Kong Qing turned his head and said to the little blue dragon behind him.

"After I heard about this incident, I was always worried that the battle between Yinglong and Wuzhiqi would affect Xuanshui City, but I didn't expect that the water would be suppressed by Xiao...Your Excellency Zhenlong, Sure enough, no matter how big or small, a real dragon is a real dragon!"

Having said that, Kong Qing smiled approvingly at Little Blue Dragon.

"Congratulations, little real dragon, you have become a qualified god!"

After finishing speaking, Kong Qing nodded to the little blue dragon again, then turned around and looked at the woman in Tsing Yi beside him, and said softly.

"Xian'er, are you here to cheer me up, or are you going to exercise your body yourself?"


After hearing Kong Qing's words, the woman in Tsing Yi immediately showed a serious thinking expression on her face, and after more than ten seconds, she shook her head at Kong Qing.

"Forget it! This is your battle, Xuanyuan, so I won't rob you, you go, I'll just watch it here!"


Kong Qing smiled and nodded, then said softly to the woman in Tsing Yi.

"Then Xianer, wait here for a while, I'll come as soon as I go!"

Before the words were finished, Kong Qing's body had once again turned into a golden sword light, shooting out towards the direction of the two giant beasts that were still tumbling and fighting.


Boom boom boom!
On the other side, Wuzhiqi, the god of Huaihe River, and Yinglong, the god of Ruoshui, who had been fully raised, were rolling up and down in Ruoshui. Their sharp dragon claws collided with the sturdy copper rods, making a loud noise.With the ups and downs of their two bodies, the entire water surface of Ruoshui also rose and fell with them, and the waves surged.

Just after the two of them collided fiercely with each other once again, a golden sword aura had appeared in the senses of the two of them. This sword aura was majestic, mighty, and unstoppable. As soon as Qi appeared, the consciousness of the two of them began to frantically call the police to them.

The black pterosaur spread its wings, and its body rose into the sky in an instant, while the white-haired monkey dived into the water below without hesitation. But the very slow sword energy dodges.

"Shenjun Yinglong!"

The next moment, a clear human voice came from Ying Long and Wu Zhiqi's ears.

"Thanks to your high righteousness, you didn't betray me, Gongsun Xuanyuan, but since Wu Zhiqi, the Huai Shui God Lord, came to look for me, then there is no reason for you to ask Ying Long God Lord to help me prevent disaster."

Following the words, a figure in yellow clothes appeared between Ying Long and Wu Zhiqi. He first raised his head, nodded towards Ying Long, then lowered his head, looked down and emerged from Ruo Shui again. The white-haired monkey has no branches.

"Shenjun Wuzhiqi, it is said that you came to Ruoshui to find the murderer who killed your subordinate Zhu Yan, but you seem to have found the wrong person, because it was not Shenjun Yinglong who killed that irritable monkey, but me!"


Wu Zhiqi squinted his eyes and looked up at the yellow figure standing in the air.

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

"I said, I killed that Zhu Yan, not Ying Long!"

Kong Qing tapped the Xuanyuan Sword on his waist with one hand, with a calm smile on his face.

"By the way, before the irritable monkey who dared to instigate the water monster to attack my subordinates and rob my food ship died, he did say that Wuzhi Qi Shenjun would help him avenge him, but I waited for you in Xuanshui City for half a day. I haven't seen you for many months, and I thought that Zhu Yan was talking big things, but I didn't expect you, God Lord Wuzhi Qi, to come!"

"Oh it's you!"

After hearing Kong Qing's words, Wu Zhiqi, the white-haired monkey, was furious. He jumped up, and the copper rod in his hand slammed down on Kong Qing's body with a whining sound in the air.

"Since you dare to kill my subordinates, then let him be buried with you!"

Just when Wuzhiqi's copper stick fell down, I saw the Xuanyuan sword on Kong Qing's waist had been unsheathed at some point, blocking him, parrying his sword without retreating a step down.

"Hey! God Lord Wuzhi Qi, your stick looks familiar..."

Kong Qing looked at the copper stick with two golden ends and chiseled patterns in front of him, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"I remember when I asked that Zhu Yan who made that stick for him, he didn't answer me anyway. It turns out that you gave him his stick, so it's no wonder!"


When Kong Qing told the difference between the stick in Zhu Yan's hand and his own, Wu Zhiqi could finally be sure that the murderer who killed his subordinate Zhu Yan was indeed this human being, not Ying Ying. Long, he let out a roar that shook the sky, and then his body turned around, and the huge copper rod in his hand smashed at the opponent again.

"Damn humans, go to hell!"

The next moment, the copper stick in Wuzhiqi's hand hit the Xuanyuan Sword in the air again, and the strong wind brought up Kong Qing's hair and the sackcloth on his body began to flutter.

"Shenjun Yinglong!"

Kong Qing, who had no fear on his face, raised his head, looked at the black pterosaur falling from the sky, and said with a smile.

"Thank you for the previous matter, now Wuzhiqi can be left to me to deal with!"

"Gongsun Xuanyuan!"

Ying Long's huge body was swimming in the air like a snake, his two huge wings flapped in the air, bringing up gusts of wind, and a sound like thunder came out of his mouth.

"Wuzhiqi's strength is not inferior to mine, and his agility is even greater than mine. Are you sure you can deal with him? Why don't we join forces to deal with him?"

"God, please rest assured!"

Kong Qing looked up at Ying Long with a calm demeanor, the Xuanyuan Sword flew up and down in front of him by itself, defending against all the attacks Wu Zhiqi made.

"I am not who I was yesterday..."

(End of this chapter)

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