Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1286 The performance is over, Qingxiazi, let's fight the old man!

Chapter 1286 The performance is over, Qingxiazi, let's fight the old man!

On the Dao Discussion Platform outside Yunzhong City, the flames were blazing and black smoke was filling the air. The black hurricane mixed with thousands of weapons were criss-crossing in the air, making piercing screams.

In the midst of the black wind and raging fire, Xu Mu, the third-generation patriarch of the Shangqing School, clasped his hands and turned his body backwards. There was a flash of lightning between his hands, and a bolt of lightning fell from the sky towards a giant elephant-like monster in front of him. The top of his head fell off.

At the same time, Xu Mu's son, Xu Xiang, charged straight ahead, intending to take advantage of the fact that the monster was restrained by his father and all his attention was on his father, and the attack was still concentrating on manipulating the Jasper Pipa. And the empowerment and Daoyan of Qingyun Sword.

"Feel sorry!"

The next moment, a black and fat 'Taoist' appeared in front of Xu Xiang, with his hands on the left and right.

"I'm sorry, Tanyue, you can't pass by... Dharma Aspects Only Consciousness!"

Following the voice, Xu Xiang saw two figures shining with golden light appeared on the left and right in front of him. They made the same movement as that black and fat Taoist priest, with his hands separated from the left and right, and then a soft light curtain appeared in front of him. Formed among these two figures of golden light, they blocked his way forward.


With an anxious look on Xu Xiang's face, his hands formed seals, and he smashed down towards the soft light curtain in front of him.

"Open for me..."

With a soft sound, Xu Xiang felt that his attack was empty like a stone sinking into the sea, but the soft golden light curtain was still flashing in front of him.

"This is impossible……"


Just when Xu Xiang took a deep breath and was about to use his mana again to smash through the light curtain, an angry beast roar came from his ear. He raised his head, just in time to see the white bird with wings The elephant-like monster was turning its head to look at him, its eyes still gleaming with anger like a human's.

After a muffled sound, Xu Xiang's body flew upside down involuntarily, and fell into the sea of ​​flames shining with golden light on the Dao Discussion Platform.


"That's it!"

Before Xu Xiang's body was officially smashed into the sea of ​​flames, he heard the indifferent voice of Queen Mother Xi from the viewing platform.Then Xu Xiang felt his body lighten, he was lifted up involuntarily, and floated towards the viewing platform.

At the same time, Wei Huacun and Xu Xiang's father Xu Mu, who were in the sea of ​​fire, also floated up from the sea of ​​fire at the same time, and followed Xu Xiang to the viewing platform.


The Queen Mother of the West turned her head and said to Guang Chengzi who was sitting on the side.

"How is the outcome of this battle?"

"One side still has more than half of the mana, and the other side has been exhausted; the magic weapon on one side is very powerful, and the defense on the other side is a little bit overwhelmed..."

Guang Chengzi looked at the aura tornado in the distance, but his mouth was accurately commenting on the situation on the field.

"Twenty-five breaths ago, that Earth Immortal named Xu Xiang's mana was almost exhausted. If it wasn't for you, Mother of Gold, he would have been injured if he fell into the spiritual fire. So according to Hua Yangzi's standard, this battle It is also Dan Dingmen's victory!"

"Well! Guangcheng, what you said is exactly what I thought!"

Queen Mother Xi nodded first, then lowered her head, looking at Tao Hongjing calmly.

"Hua Yangzi, do you have any objections to Guang Chengzi's decision?"


Although Tao Hongjing's face was extremely ugly, he still didn't have the guts to object when facing the judgment of Jinmu and Guangchengzi, so he could only nod helplessly and admit it.

"I follow the wishes of the Golden Mother and Immortal Guangcheng!"

"Hua Yangzi, if you admit defeat this time, then your Shangqing faction has already lost five out of eleven games, and if you lose one more game, the Danding sect will win this discussion... "

After hearing Tao Hongjing's words, Queen Mother Xi suddenly smiled and looked at him.

"Hua Yangzi, do you really have no objection?"


Tao Hongjing glared fiercely at Qingxiazi who was standing aside, and then replied through gritted teeth.

"This time, the old man admitted that he really underestimated the Dandingmen, but..."

Before he finished speaking, Tao Hongjing stomped his feet, and his body shot out, and landed on the still-flame discussion platform in a flash, and then waved his big sleeve.

"You have nothing to do here, go down!"

After a loud noise, a shock wave swept across the entire Dao Discussion Platform, bringing the unextinguished golden flame and black hurricane, as well as the empowerment and Dao Yan of my sapphire pipa and Qingyun sword, and Xuan Xuan standing on the other side. Zang and the fox mink who had not yet recovered their small form were swept out of the discussion platform like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.


Seeing Tao Hongjing's understatement, he forced Wei Huacun, the ancestor of the first generation of the upper Qing Dynasty, Xu Mu of the third generation, and Xu Xiang, the fourth generation of ancestor Xu Xiang, all three of them out of the discussion platform. The Taoists were suddenly in an uproar.

Although they have heard rumors that Tao Hongjing's strength has improved by leaps and bounds after becoming an earth immortal, surpassing the ancestors of the past dynasties in the Qing Dynasty, becoming a true emperor of Taoism, and his strength is close to that of the emperor of the fairy capital, but because they have never seen it with their own eyes, how many I still have some doubts, thinking that this is the Shangqing faction boasting...

But this time Tao Hongjing's furious actions undoubtedly allowed them to see the strength of this 'Prime Minister of the Mountain' with their own eyes!

"My God! Is Master Huayang so strong?"

"Don't talk about ordinary earth immortals with this strength, even the master of the immortal mansion... No! Even the leader of the immortal capital is nothing more than that?"

"It's no wonder that the Shangqing Sect has been tepid before, and it didn't start to develop rapidly until Master Huayang became a law..."



Tao Hongjing seemed to turn a blind eye to the shock of these high-ranking Taoists who watched the ceremony.

After casually sweeping the monks from Dandingmen out of the Dao Discussion Stage, he breathed out a long breath into the air as if he wanted to spit out all the anger he had received before, and then raised his finger. Pointing to Qingxiazi who was still standing on the viewing platform, he said in a bad tone.

"Okay! The previous Dao competitions were nothing more than performances, Qingxiazi, it's up to you to decide the outcome with the old man!"


After hearing Tao Hongjing's words, Qingxiazi raised her head and glanced at him silently, then took a sip from her teacup, and then spoke to him leisurely.

"Tao Zhenbai, do you think that if the old man announces that he has surrendered in this round, and then we start the seventh round, and then the old man plays again, will you immediately vomit blood in anger?"


After hearing Qingxiazi's words, he just vented a little bit of resentment in his heart, which caused Tao Hongjing, whose face had calmed down a little, to jump up violently again directly by the other party's words.

"Su Yuanlang, you can't be as shameless as a human being!"


After hearing Tao Hongjing's words, Qingxiazi immediately laughed happily while holding the hot tea.

"Tao Zhenbai, you now know the word shameless... Before you knew that there was only an old Taoist in the Danding Sect, but you insisted on competing eleven times with the old Taoist, why didn't you know?"

"Hmph! Qingxiazi, you have the nerve to mention this!"

Speaking of the events of the eleventh scene, Tao Hongjing immediately had a vicious look on his face.

"If the old man was really shameless, it should have been stipulated that we will play a hundred games and then win 51... And the reason why the old man lost the first few rounds this time is because the old man never thought of your brilliance like Qingxiazi. Feng Jiyue's people actually secretly recruit those Buddhist monks to help out."


Regarding Tao Hongjing's words, Qingxiazi Su Yuanlang laughed again.

"You didn't choose a hundred games, but you Tao Zhenbai felt that there was only one person on the old man's side anyway. It doesn't matter whether you choose eleven games or a hundred games, it's the same. Failure in the Tao is the end of your cleverness!"

Having said that, Qingxiazi gave Tao Hongjing another playful look.

"But Tao Zhenbai, don't worry, I still have to face the old way, I can't do these shameless actions you did, so this round..."

With the voice, the figure of Qingxiazi holding hot tea disappeared from the spot, and when he reappeared, he was standing on the platform with his hands behind his back, looking at him with a smile on his face.

"The old way is as you wish!"


It may be because before that, Qingxiazi and Tao Hongjing were already fighting with each other on the viewing platform, and you came and I fought for a while, so after the two of them all fell on the discussion platform , After just looking at each other, the figures of the two disappeared at the same time!

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud bang from the center of the discussion platform, as if a nuclear bomb had been detonated in the air, and the shock wave poured out in all directions. Even under the Qingyun Sword and Jasper Pipa, there was no sound The damaged Dao Discussion Platform instantly cracked and was directly shattered by the shock wave. The white cloud fragments flew around like shell fragments, and some of them even flew towards the direction of the viewing platform, which shocked the high-level Taoists who came to watch the ceremony. Call again and again.

At this critical juncture, Queen Mother Xi, who was sitting on the viewing platform, flicked her fingers casually, and the Fenjing Excalibur held on one side instantly turned into a galaxy, lying between the viewing platform and the discussion platform.

The next moment, I saw that after hitting the Milky Way, the fragments of the shattered viewing platform seemed to fall into the real starry sky, becoming smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared.

Then, Queen Mother Xi's soft voice sounded again in the arena.

"Everyone, it's okay to sit down, with me and Guangcheng here, nothing will happen here today!"

After hearing the words of the Queen Mother of the West, these terrified masters clasped their fists one by one, bowed down and saluted in the direction of the high platform in the center of the viewing platform.

"I'm waiting to thank Mother Jin!"

Before these high-ranking Taoists finished speaking, they heard another loud noise from the direction of the Lun Dao Platform, which was more violent than before. This time, the scattered shock waves even shattered all the clouds in the sky. Created a huge void.


Seeing the destructive power of these two people in front of them, these high priests all had expressions of disbelief.

"Is this Qingxiazi and Huayangzi going all out? It's amazing!"

(End of this chapter)

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