Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 1294 When Lao Tzu left the customs, me and Mu Gong both went

An hour later, the gate of the Tai Chi Hall in Yunzhong City above Chang'an opened with a creaking sound, and then amidst the fragrant wind, the dignified Queen Mother of the West brought her maid and the Kunlun Immortal Capital with her. The fairies came in accompanied by Mrs. Shangyuan, Mrs. Taiyin and the Yunzhong City Beauty Council.

"I heard that this statue was carved by Xuanyuan himself..."

After the Queen Mother of the West turned her eyes around the middle of the Taiji Hall, she landed on the statue of the Supreme Lord in the shrine that was carved according to the skin of "Lao Tzu in front of Hangu Pass", and she nodded slightly.

"Hmm! It can be regarded as having both form and spirit. I used to be like this!"

"Mother, didn't you never go to Kunlun during the Zhou Dynasty? Even King Mu came to Kunlun to visit you..."

After hearing Queen Mother Xi's words, Mrs. Shangyuan, who was standing beside her, asked curiously.

"Then how do you know what the Taishang Laojun looked like at that time?"

"Who said I never went to Kunlun!"

As soon as Mrs. Shangyuan's words fell, she saw that Queen Mother Xi had already looked at her with a half-smile, and continued.

"I left Hangu in the west, and when I left this world, not only me, but even Mugong also ran to see it, but we didn't talk to him, but looked at each other with him from a distance, and looked at each other. Just nodded!"


After hearing Queen Mother Xi's words, all the fairies present were surprised.

"When Laojun left this world, Jinmu and Mugong went to see him off. We never heard you mention it before!"

"Of course I won't bring this up!"

The Queen Mother of the West raised her head, looked at the Taishang Laojun in the shrine with a complicated expression on her face, and said lightly.

"Because Mu Gong and I went to send Lao Tzu away from this world because we wanted to know whether some of the things Xuanyuan told us were true or false when we left, so naturally we wouldn't make a big deal of it..."


After Queen Mother Xi finished speaking, Mrs. Shangyuan rolled her eyes nimbly and said in a low voice.

"Mum, since you have seen Lao Tzu with your own eyes, when he left this world, how much stronger was he than you and Mu Gong?"

"Ha ha!"

As soon as Mrs. Shangyuan finished speaking, she saw Queen Mother Xi chuckled lightly, and did not answer her question, but instead set her gaze on Kong Qing who was sitting cross-legged under the altar with a calm face, I looked up and down.

"Sure enough, the soul is not in the body, but it has begun to be reborn... How interesting!"

As she spoke, Queen Mother Xi raised her hand and nodded casually on top of Kong Qing's head.

"come out!"

Following the voice, a stream of clear air shot out from between Kong Qing's eyebrows, and then a soft sound was heard in the air, and a Taoist priest in green clothes with exactly the same eyebrows and eyes as Kong Qing sitting below had appeared out of thin air.

"Master Tai Meng sent this body to unify Huayi and belong to the Taoist sect... Huh!"

Before he finished speaking, Kong Qing in Tsing Yi stopped abruptly, and then clasped his hands together, bowed respectfully to the Queen Mother of the West in front of him.

"Yuweizi sees the mother of gold!"

"Don't be too polite, get up!"

Queen Mother Xi waved her hand at Tsing Yi Kong Qing casually, and then looked at him gently.

"Yuwei, Xuanyuan should have recovered his memory by now, so should he do what he promised me earlier?"

"This one……"

Hearing what Queen Mother Xi said, Kong Qing in Tsing Yi immediately showed a look of embarrassment.

"To tell you the truth, even though Taiwei and I are clones of this deity, we are in one body, but now the spirit of this deity is not in this world, so even we can only vaguely feel it, so your question should wait Ask him after the deity returns!"


After hearing Qingyi Kong Qing's words, Queen Mother Xi nodded casually.

"I've been waiting for thousands of years, and it won't be a big deal if I wait another few decades..."

As she spoke, Queen Mother Xi raised her hand and waved it towards Kong Qing in Tsing Yi.

"Then you go back, remember to let Xuanyuan come back to see me in Kunlun after the spirit of Xuanyuan returns from the fairy world!"


Kong Qing in Tsing Yi respectfully agreed, then nodded gently towards the other fairies present, then turned around and planned to return to the main body.

"and many more!"

Before Kong Qing in Tsing Yi dissipated from his current body and came back again, he heard the voice of Queen Mother Xi coming from the side.

"Xuanyuan, I think those magic tools you got from other worlds are very interesting!"


After hearing Queen Mother Xi's words, Kong Qing in Tsing Yi immediately stopped his footsteps and replied respectfully.

"I'll send a letter to the Four Heavenly Kings and ask them to send the magic weapon over!"


"The four strings on this pipa correspond to the four symbols of earth, water, fire and wind... Well! There is no ingenuity in the idea!"

An hour later, Queen Mother Xi sat lazily in the reception room of Yunzhong City, holding the sapphire pipa in both hands to look up and down, and even stretched out her hand to fiddle with the string a few times.

"However, these four sigils are different. Not only is it the first time I have seen some seal scripts among them, but also its structure has dozens of layers up and down, which is indeed a bit interesting...Guangcheng, come and see! "

With that said, the Queen Mother of the West reached out and put the sapphire pipa in front of her, and pushed it in the direction of Guangchengzi.

"Have you ever seen a sigil of this style before?"


After hearing Queen Mother Xi's words, Guang Chengzi nodded calmly at Queen Mother West, then picked up the sapphire pipa with his hand, his eyes flashed, and he looked up and down carefully.

"What Jin Mu said is very true. It is also the first time I have seen this kind of sigil... um!"

Guang Chengzi stretched out his hand, and lightly stroked the talisman under the sapphire pipa a few times.

"There are 36 floors up and down, interlocking... Mmm! It's really interesting!"


After hearing Guang Chengzi's words, Queen Mother Xi showed a bright smile on her face.

"Originally, I went to Kunlun this time just because I couldn't bear Ah Huan's pinching, but I didn't expect that Dandingmen and Shangqing School would give me such a big surprise this time...these magic tools from the outer world Needless to say, the duel between Qingxiazi and Tao Hongjing is also pleasing to the eye, especially Qingxiazi's last move opened the world, even if I do it myself, it's nothing more than that!"

"What the mother of gold said is absolutely true!"

Speaking of Qingxiazi's opening-up style, Guangchengzi couldn't help flashing a look of surprise in his eyes.

"That move is really like opening up the world. In terms of power alone, it has surpassed the emperor of Xiandu. Except for you and Mugong, I am afraid that no one in the whole practice world can take it hard. Even if I encounter it, I can only retreat temporarily. .”

"Mugong and I dare to take this pose, mainly because we were originally the first two creatures when this world was created!"

With a smile on her lips, Queen Mother Xi picked up the pearl umbrella next to her and opened it in her hand. She turned around twice amidst the terrified expressions of the crowd, and said this kind of secret in the practice world in a casual tone.

"We came out of this world together, and we have seen the power of this world when it was opened. In comparison, Qingxiazi's move is just a simulation of the real opening of the world, so..."

Having said that, Queen Mother Xi turned her head and looked at the top of the pearl umbrella with some curiosity.

"I just discovered that the types of pearls worn on this pearl umbrella are also exquisite, um! It actually cleverly uses the types of pearls to build the foundation of the array, so that this magic weapon is integrated , can exert stronger power."

With that said, Queen Mother Xi turned her head to look at Dong Shuangcheng who was standing aside.

"Shuangcheng, this structure is very interesting. Give me a few pieces of jade slips, and I will record them! After you return to Kunlun Mountain, you can bring a few people to find a batch of pearls and see if you can replicate them." come out!"


Dong Shuangcheng agreed, then untied a sachet from his waist, and handed it to Queen Mother Xi.

"Mother Jin, the jade slips are here!"


While the Queen Mother of the West and Guang Chengzi were studying the magical artifacts of the Four Heavenly Kings in Yunzhong City, the members of the Shangqing Sect, led by Tao Hongjing, returned to Maoshan in a flying car pulled by two big birds. on the way.


Wang Yuanzhi sat beside Tao Hongjing with a heavy face, and said in a low voice.

"It's because I'm too condescending. If I shot with all my strength as soon as I came up, it would be impossible for that boy to release that shining golden magic weapon in front of me. Maybe we..."

"Ha ha!"

After listening to Wang Yuanzhi's words, Tao Hongjing closed his eyes and shook his head slowly.

"Deguang, you didn't lose this game. Even if you win, we are [-] to [-], and you will still lose..."

Having said that, Tao Hongjing opened his eyes, and looked at his proud disciple with piercing eyes.

"This time it's the teacher's fault. If it wasn't for the teacher thinking that there are not many earth immortals in the Danding Sect, so he decided to win eleven matches, even if Qingxiazi wins over a group of monks from the Buddhist sect. Impossible to win."

Having said that, Tao Hongjing smiled self-deprecatingly again.

"Just like what Qingxiazi said, the old man is still a bit of a loser. He should have let go of his face and set a rule of 51 rounds and [-] rounds!"


After hearing Tao Hongjing's words, Wang Yuanzhi hesitated for a moment, and then spoke again.

"I always feel that Patriarch Wei of Nanyue didn't try his best when he was on the field this time..."

"The old man has seen it!"

Tao Hongjing smiled contemptuously.

"This group of outdated old things always feel that dragging the old man's back is like their victory. It's ridiculous!"

With that said, Tao Hongjing raised his head and looked at Wang Yuanzhi.

"Deguang, because of this discussion, you have never been able to cross the Earth Immortal Tribulation. Now that you have lost, you don't have to restrain yourself. After you go back, you will enter the cave and arrange to become an Earth Immortal!"


Wang Yuanzhi agreed, and then spoke.

"Should the position of the disciple, the Master of the Supreme Purity, be handed over to Shizheng?"


After hearing Wang Yuanzhi's words, Tao Hongjing frowned immediately, and said with some displeasure.

"When discussing Dao before, he was so old that he was beaten by a 17-year-old kid. It's not appropriate to choose him as the Lord of the Qing Dynasty. You should pass the position to Hong Fan who was the first to play. Bar!"

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