Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 258 The monks do not lie to the monks

Chapter 258 The monks do not lie to the monks
Near the entrance of the Yellow Canal on the south side of Qujiang Pond in Chang'an City, dozens of Yuan Cong guards in armor were waving their weapons and rushing towards a boat stuck between two willow trees.

An old monk wearing a monk's robe and covering his face, with a white beard still visible from under the mask, stood at the bow of the boat, watching the Yuan Cong guards rushing up, he couldn't help clasping his hands together, reading helplessly.

"Namo Miaoguang Bodhisattva!"

Following the voice, the old monk took a step forward, and his body appeared on the bow of the boat like a ghost. His thin palm waved slightly, and patted the chest of a Yuan Cong guard who had just rushed onto the boat.

After a soft sound, the hit Yuan Cong let out a scream from the imperial guard, flew straight back and disappeared into the night.

"Monk Zhixi..."

Fu Yi looked at the old monk's movements, his eyes turned cold.

"How dare you arrest him!"

"Fu Lingyin..."

The old monk said to Fu Yi with a rough voice.

"These things are the things of my Fahua. If you are so open-minded, aren't you afraid of being blamed by the gods and Buddhas?"

"Gods and Buddhas to blame?"

Fu Yi raised his beard and laughed loudly.

"This old man has acted upright all his life. Even if he dies, he will only return to the green mountains and white clouds. I am afraid of being blamed by some gods and Buddhas! And..."

With a flick of Fu Yi's fingers, a flying talisman flew out from between his fingers and hit the masked old monk.

"You yourself are not afraid of retribution even if you spread rumors and slander the old man for occupying brother Wang Kui's wife. Even if your evil Buddha blames the old man, why should the old man be afraid?"

Seeing the flying talisman that Fu Yi called, the old monk didn't even think about it, he avoided the flying talisman with one side of his body.

The flying talisman flew over the old monk's body and hit the roof of Yan Zunxiancha's cabin.

The flying talisman exploded, the flames shot out, and the sound was like thunder. Four or five boxes in the cabin were pushed by the bursting airflow, and rolled down with a clang.

A box placed on the top rolled all the way, rolled down the slightly inclined ship deck, hit the embankment next to the Yellow Canal, shattered and disintegrated, and the gold jewels and treasures contained in it also rolled out of the box .


After seeing those gold jewels and treasures appearing, Lieutenant Wu Junya's eyes suddenly lit up, and he waved the long knife in his hand.

"Did you see those treasures? If you want to get promoted and make a fortune, follow the captain!"

Behind him, those Yuan Cong guards who were stimulated by the treasure on the ground immediately became morale high, one by one brandishing their weapons and rushing forward screaming.

Behind them, Wu Junya took advantage of this rising momentum and suddenly swung his knife.

"Not moving like a mountain!"

Following his words, these elements flashed slightly from the body of the guard.

The masked old monk sighed, took a step back, dodged the shot that was aimed at him, then flicked his sleeve without hesitation, and hit the face of a soldier next to him who was trying to slash him with a knife.

The body of the soldier who failed in the sneak attack turned somersault in the air, fell off the boat, and slapped the ground with a slap, but immediately jumped up again alive and kicking, and continued to charge upwards with a knife in his hand.


The masked old monk let out a soft sigh.

"Since you are so pressing, don't blame the old monk for being ruthless."

As he said that, the old monk clenched his fist and pointed his skinny fist at the Yuan Cong guards who rushed up.


The old monk made a false punch, and a phantom of a vajra flashed in front of the fist.

The soldiers of Yuan Cong's imperial guard who were the first to bear the brunt seemed to be hit by a car, and flew out behind them dancing and dancing.

"King Kong legs!"

The old monk turned around and swept his legs, a gust of wind shot out, and several soldiers on the side fell off the boat as if they had been hit hard.

"Don't be arrogant..."

Qingche Duwei Wu Junya let out a soft drink, rushed up from the side, and slashed at the old monk's body with the horizontal knife in his hand.

"Invasion is like fire!"

"King Kong is powerful!"

The old monk turned slightly to one side, and at the same time dodged the opponent's knife, he kicked him in the ribs.


With a slight sound, Wu Junya's body circled in the air, flew out like a hot wheel, and hit a willow tree nearby with a bang.

"Monk Zhixi, you are bold..."

Fu Yi's face was covered with frost, and his body appeared next to the old monk in a blink of an eye. With a flip of his fingers, a talisman appeared.


The next moment, a string of rosary beads on the wrist of the masked old monk floated up.


A loud bang exploded from between Fu Yi and the old monk, as if a bomb had been detonated on this fairy ship. The strong wind twisted wantonly from the center to the surroundings, and several cages in the cabin were directly blown by the A shock wave tore it apart, and another box of gold beads scattered out of the box, and was swept around by the raging wind.

Then, the masked old monk's eyes swept over the other empty boxes that had been torn apart, and his body was shocked instantly.

He is very familiar with these boxes, because there are secret marks left by him on them, which should store the magical artifacts of the Fahuazong, but now the boxes are still here, but the magical artifacts inside are gone.

"how can that be……"


While Fu Yi was fighting fiercely with the masked old monk, on the other side of the Qujiang Pond near the Furong Garden, a small wooden submarine floated out of the water without sound.

A bald head emerged from the water surface, and then another bald head surfaced beside him...

Ten seconds later, a total of a dozen or so bald heads emerged from the water, and the last one to surface was an old monk with white beard and eyebrows.

After the monk Zhixi emerged from the water, he turned his ears and listened to the other side of the fog, which was the direction of the Yellow Canal.

"Well, Fu Yi really stopped the Great Monk Ji Zang at the entrance of the Yellow Canal..."

Hearing the sound of explosions and shouts of killing coming from the direction of the Yellow Qu, Monk Zhixi showed a somewhat sarcastic smile on his lips.

"Finally, the old monk did not disappoint the old monk who deliberately released the news that he was going to leave Chang'an with a large amount of property, and secretly informed Fu Yi that he would set up an ambush at the entrance of the Yellow Qu and Qujiang Pond. '

While thinking in his heart, the great monk Zhixi folded his hands in the direction of the Yellow Canal in the water and bowed slightly.

"Great Monk Ji Zang, you were once a disciple of my Fa Huazong, and now it's time for you to be loyal to my Fa Huazong. If you are lucky enough to escape Fu Yi's pursuit, then you will betray my Fa Huazong." , intending to meddle in my patriarchal artifact, let's take it easy. '


After confirming that everything was going according to his own design, Monk Zhixi calmly climbed ashore, turned around and grabbed the crudely made thing, not so much a submarine, but a round water tank that could be sealed.

"Drag this wooden relic ashore, and take out the magic weapon in it!"


After the remaining ten or so monks agreed, they immediately separated into two teams familiarly. One team climbed ashore and started dragging, and the other team pushed the round water tank ashore.

Monk Zhixi slapped a big hole in the shell of the circular water tank.

"Each according to the schedule, take out the magic weapon!"

Next, the monks who had just pushed the wooden relic from Qujiang Pond walked to the side of the wooden relic one by one, took out some slender or flat packages from the gap, and carried them on their backs. back.

After the last magic weapon was taken out, monk Zhixi flicked it with his hand, and the empty wooden relic rolled twice on the ground and fell into the Qujiang Pond again, and then he patted it down with his backhand.

After a soft sound, the wooden relic was shattered by the blow, turning into a pile of broken planks, floating on the water.

Monk Zhixi waved his sleeves and took the lead to walk in the direction of Zhongnan Mountain.

"Disciples, while Fu Yi and Yuan Cong are being attracted by the imperial guards, hurry up to the mountain and set off!"



At this time, Monk Ji Zang, who was confronting Fu Yi, suddenly took a step back, dodging a knife from a guard next to Yuan Cong, and then kicked obliquely, breaking a long box next to him.

But it's empty, there's nothing there...


He broke another box again, and found that there was still nothing inside.

"This is……"

At this time, how could the monk Ji Zang still not understand.

Just when he wanted to use Fu Yi to confront Monk Zhixi, intending to fish in troubled waters, Monk Zhixi was also using him to attract Fu Yi's attention, and took the opportunity to escape with those magic weapons of Fa Huazong.

Monk Ji Zang gritted his teeth under the mask.

How could this monk Zhixi be so treacherous that he even deceived himself, an enthusiastic person who wanted to help him.

Didn't you say that everyone is a fellow apprentice?
Didn't you say that monks don't lie to monks?

And the most ruthless thing is that the monk Zhixi was really willing to part with the savings of the Fahuazong over the years, so he left with those magic weapons and left such a large pile of gold, jewels and treasures here. Fu Yi and the others' attention, even now he is reluctant to leave just like that.

Magical artifacts are definitely hopeless, and these properties should be shared a little bit by themselves!

"Fu Lingyin, do you really want to kill them all?"

Monk Ji Zang took another step back, his hoarse voice trembling under the mask.

"It's better for you and me to take a step back. The old monk will only take half of the property here, and leave the rest to Fu Lingyin. What do you think!"


Fu Yi jumped straight up, and with a flick of his finger, a talisman appeared on his fingertips.

"I want these properties, and you want them, order!"

As the talisman in his hand flickered, a bolt of lightning suddenly fell from the sky and struck directly on Monk Jizang's bald head. The blue lightning swirled around his body, making a buzzing sound, and the clothes on his body were shaking with electricity. Under the influence of this, a series of scorch marks appeared.

Even the veil on the masked old monk's face seemed to be torn apart by the electric current.

Monk Ji Zang stretched out his hand, and slapped the mask on his face before it fell off, making the sound of gnashing of teeth from his mouth.

"In that case, Fu Lingyin, don't blame the old monk!"

As he spoke, the rosary beads on Monk Ji Zang's wrist suddenly lit up and floated up, and then the aura of the old monk suddenly rose.A buddhist dharma image with a smile on his face appeared on him, and his magic power increased a lot in an instant.

When he saw the appearance of the Buddha's Dharma, Fu Yi also had a dignified look on his face. He also quickly flipped his hands and took out a talisman made of white jade.

"Shakya held the flower, and Kasyapa smiled!"

"Taishang Subdues Demon God's Talisman!"

 The founding father of Buddhist precepts, Shi Daoxuan, the ancestor of Nanshan law, once compiled a book called "Guang Hongming Ji". In the middle of this book, it is said that when Fu Yi was young and poor, he joined the Taoist team for a bite of food. Later, Fu Yi asked the monk to borrow money, but because the monk refused to borrow money, he became angry with all the monks.It is also said that when Fu Yi came to Chang'an in the early Tang Dynasty, he went to the Taoist priest Wang Kui (kuī), and the other party treated Fu Yi very thoughtfully. As a result, Fu Yi not only didn't appreciate it, but also took advantage of Wang Kui's wife when Wang Kui was not around.

  Although it is impossible to find out whether Fu Yi asked a monk to borrow money when he was young and was rejected, but Fu Yi met Li Yuan when he was in Fufeng in the Sui Dynasty. He came to Chang'an in the early Tang Dynasty because Li Yuan called him to be Taishi Cheng. How could it be that he defected to the Taoist priest Wang Kui?
  It can also be seen from this incident how much Fu Yi could not recruit monks to be seen. Some monks wrote books saying that Fu Yi should go to hell after death, and some monks wrote books saying that Fu Yi suffered in hell. The book said that Fu Yi dealt with the monk because he was rejected for borrowing money from the monk, and the monk wrote a book saying that Fu Yi took over his benefactor's wife...

  In short, the black people behind the monks have a historical heritage!
(End of this chapter)

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