Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 274 It turns out that the Ranking of Gods can still play like this

Chapter 274 It turns out that the Ranking of Gods can still play like this
After a burst of blue light, Kong Qing stepped out of the light, and saw Qingxiazi looking at him in surprise.

"Qingwei, you actually broke through?"


Kong Qing raised his hand and saluted Qingxiazi Jishou very respectfully.

"Received the teachings of a real person a few days ago, and Pindao also felt that he was wasting his time, so he learned from the pain and worked hard. In the past few days, he became more serious when practicing Qi, and finally broke through accidentally."

After hearing Kong Qing's words, Qingxiazi blinked, his long snow-white beard moved without wind, and his hands behind his back were clenched into fists.


Qingxiazi took a step forward and asked seemingly unintentionally.

"Did you go out and circle around just after you broke through? It actually allowed you to use the magic weapon to return directly. Did you run too far? Or did you encounter some danger?"

"Have it all!"

Kong Qing still didn't know the meaning of Qingxiazi's question, so he replied very honestly.

"After the breakthrough, I saw Lie Xinxi, and went straight to the car...Yujian went out to the Jianghuai area, and then accidentally discovered Zuo Youxian and Taihu Shuijun's conspiracy to form an alliance against Datang, but was beaten by them. Relying on the magic weapon to escape..."

Before he finished speaking, Kong Qing saw Qingxiazi punch out with a fist.

After a while of dizziness, Kong Qing fell to the corner of the courtyard in all directions.

Kong Qing shook his head blankly, blinked his eyes, only to find Qingxiazi standing in front of him, and said with a sad face.

"The old Taoist just told you to pay attention to safety a few days ago, but now you ran to deal with the Lord of Taihu Lake as soon as you broke through. Did you listen to the old Taoist's words?"

Although Qingxiazi seemed to be reprimanding himself, Kong Qing felt that the smile on his face was very pleasant.

"What are the eyeballs wandering around..."

Qingxiazi raised his fist and waved it at Kong Qing.

"I think I'm right, I shouldn't be beaten, right?"

"Absolutely not!"

Kong Qing immediately shook his head honestly, and replied very seriously.

"Pin Dao is wrong!"


Ten minutes later, Qingxiazi sat back in her seat with a teacup in her hands, refreshed, and asked indifferently.

"You said Taihu Shuijun intends to support Fugong Er?"

"That's right!"

Kong Qing directly poured out the news that he had read from Zuo Youxian with his identification technique.

"It is said that the Lord of Taihu Water, the God of Qixi and the God of Songjiang have formed an alliance to support Fugong Er, not only to help in matters such as boat transportation, but may even directly send water demons to assist in the battle. Master Xia, what should we do now?"

Qingxiazi took a sip of tea with a calm face.

"What to deal with?"

"Facing the Lord of Taihu Lake, the God of Qixi, and the God of Songjiang..."

Kong Qing said pointing fingers.

"These guys resist Datang, shouldn't we hit the door and kill them directly?"

Qingxiazi didn't say a word, just stretched out her hand and spread her palm in front of Kong Qing.

Kong Qing looked at Qingxiazi's movements and was a little puzzled.

"Master Qingxia, you are..."


Qingxiazi replied confidently.

"You said Taihu Water Lord, the God of Qixi and the God of Songjiang are allied with each other, and want to intervene in the dragon struggle in the world and help Fugong Er fight against the evidence of Tang Dynasty."

Kong Qing blinked in astonishment.

"Really, do we still need evidence from the Taishi Bureau to deal with such a small group of diehards who resist unification? Is it enough to just give him a fake one..."

Qingxiazi was holding the teacup, her eyes swept over Kong Qing who fell on the ground.


Kong Qing rubbed his head and got up from the ground embarrassingly.

Qingxiazi was holding a teacup with a smile in her eyes.

"Okay, you don't need to worry about fighting for the dragon. You just broke through, so don't run around in the past two days, rest for a few days, and stabilize your true energy!"


Kong Qing said with some worries.

"If we don't care about this matter, what if Taihu Lake Master is really crazy and commits massacres like flooding Gusu?"

"Ha ha……"

Qingxiazi sneered.

"Even if you didn't show up in Gusu, he wouldn't have the guts. Now that you've warned him, he won't even have the guts."

"What if?"

Kong Qing tilted his head and asked again.

"just in case?"

Qingxiazi took a sip of tea.

"If it's really an emergency, it will have to be hard. You will go to the East China Sea and inform that another Taihu Dragon God will be sent over there!"

Kong Qing blinked, raised his hand silently, and gave Qingxiazi a thumbs-up, then turned around and planned to leave Qingxiazi's courtyard.As a result, just as he walked to the gate of the courtyard, he heard Qingxiazi's voice coming from behind.

"By the way, you will be a real person in the future, so don't just be in charge of Chang'an affairs. When you have time, go to the mysterious altars in various places to help them solve the things they can't handle."

Kong Qing turned his head and bowed to Qingxia Zi Jishou.

"As ordered!"

A quarter of an hour later, a sword light fell from the sky, and Kong Qing's body appeared in his small courtyard.

After releasing the little milk cat from the demon refining pot to help him protect the dharma, Kong Qing hid in the room and entered the realm of the pot again. The medicines were put together.

There is no way, just now because Zuo Youxian came too fast, Kong Qing didn't tidy up after the lottery draw.

For example, this transparent egg... To become a naturalized divine voice, one must treasure and place it in a safe place, a place where one can feel it with a single movement of one's spiritual thoughts, and can take it out with a single thought.

From now on, this will be his trump card!
As for those cloud-making machines, gloves that don’t tell the difference between victory and defeat, you don’t have to be so cautious about things like biscuits that change your mind. Kong Qing casually compared these things with the previous Nogforge Potions, Victoria's Secret Qixi Festival suits, L'Oreal cosmetics full set of large gift boxes and other miscellaneous things are all thrown together and the job is over.

After dealing with these things, Kong Qing turned his mind and took out the hidden knife Lothar's Edge.

With the flash of the knife, Kong Qing felt that his surroundings seemed to be covered with a layer of shadow, and the whole person disappeared immediately, and then he swung the knife again, and his body reappeared.

"Well, good stuff!"

Kong Qing happily put this thing together with the degenerate ray gun, hand-held artillery, and Quilin Roar.

Your own fighting style is more diversified!
next is...

Kanai's Box!

Just when Kong Qing took out Kanai's Magic Box from the system, he immediately felt the desire of the surrounding world for this box.

"Do you want this?"

Kong Qing raised the Kanai's Magic Box in his hand and asked a tentative question.

In an instant, he felt the response from the world in the pot.

"All right!"

Kong Qing let go of his hand.

"take it!"

As soon as the words fell, Kanai's Magic Box floated up from Kong Qing's hand, disappeared in the direction of the altar, and disappeared without a trace.

A few seconds later, there was a loud noise from the direction of the altar.


Afterwards, the cyan flame on the altar that could refine equipment and escort appeared for the first time without Kong Qing presiding over it. Trembling slightly.

"Is there such a big movement?"

Kong Qing observed carefully for a while, but found no more information.

He shrugged his shoulders, turned his attention away from the pillar of fire, rubbed his little hands, and took out his biggest surprise in this lottery draw, which was the golden scroll list of gods, from the system interface.

The golden light was a masterpiece, and the scroll floated up without Kong Qing's hands at all. Floating above Kong Qing's palm, golden rays of light swept across the world.

The next moment, two dots of golden light flew out of the courtyard beside Kong Qing by themselves, like birds flying into the forest, plopped on the list of gods, and disappeared.

After absorbing these two points of light, the golden light on the list of gods gradually weakened and returned to its original color, before it lightly landed on Kong Qing's palm.

Kong Qing's divine sense came out, and he turned around on the list of gods, and instantly understood what those two golden glows were just now.

That is the authority of Mount Taiyi and a part of the theocratic authority of Huashan that I obtained after I killed the God of Taiyi, that is, the part of authority that Zhao Yuhou controlled at that time.

Because Kong Qing's divine sense can clearly feel that there are two more divine systems at the end of the list of gods, that is, under the 360 ​​five righteous gods.

The gods of Zhongnan Mountain and Huashan...

It's just that in the Zhongnan Mountain God System, only the Mount Taibai Mountain God and the two assistant gods under Taibai Mountain are brightly lit and can be named gods, and the rest of the positions are filled with gloomy names.

The same is true for the Huashan gods, only one of Yu Hou and his subordinates' two army positions are bright.

"That is to say, remove the positions of righteous gods that already existed on the five lists of 360, as long as Pindao can find the rest of the gods, seize their authority and integrate them into the list of gods, he can control them through the list of gods just like controlling the righteous gods on those lists ..."

Kong Qing's eyes lit up.

"Where is Gao Saburo!"

A handsome young man in gorgeous clothes appeared in front of Kong Qing with a face of reluctance. He clasped his fists and saluted Kong Qing.

"Looking for something..."


Kong Qing raised the list of gods in his hand, and showed a bright smile to Gao Sanlang.

"Sanlang, Pindao officially congratulates you on being named on the list of gods. Now hand over your authority and go on the list!"

"What are you talking about, handing over authority, it's impossible!"

Gao Saburo waved his hands desperately.

"A certain authority is granted by heaven, and cannot be handed over..."

(End of this chapter)

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