Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 280 So You Are Song Xuanbai, Very Good, You Are Arrested

Chapter 280 So You Are Song Xuanbai, Very Good, You Are Arrested
Now that Laojun frequently manifests himself, and there will be a white light ladder appearing almost every few days at night, as the only Qingdu temple that Laojun has visited in person, it is no longer the cold and neglected way it used to be.

Before Chen Chen in the morning, pilgrims began to come and go in Qingdu Temple.

But just when these pilgrims came to the gate of Qingdu Temple, they saw two people wearing scribe shirts kneeling side by side in front of the gate of Qingdu Temple, facing the gate of Qingdu Temple. inside, with a respectful face.

Standing in front of the two of them was a well-informed Taoist, who was bending over with a sincere face, and said to the two of them.

"The two talents are not good, even if my Quanzhen sect introduces the two, there is no way for the two to become immortals."

The scribe kneeling on the right lowered his head and kowtowed directly on the stone floor in front of the temple gate.

"The two of us are devoted to Taoism and only seek a chance. Even if we don't have the chance to enter Taoism in this life, we have no complaints."


The scribe on the left also replied.

"The two of us are firm in Daoism, and we only came here to seek the Dao. I also ask the immortal elder to give me a chance."


Taoist Zhike looked at the two scholars kneeling on the ground, and sighed helplessly.

"From my point of view, the two of you have learned a lot. If you are in the world of mortals, why worry about not being able to be a high-ranking nobleman in the future? Why do you have to enter my Taoist sect to take advantage of this illusory opportunity?"

The scribe on the right knocked again.

"The two of us have already seen through all kinds of things in the world of mortals. In fact, a certain class has been living away from the world for several years. Not long ago, I was lucky enough to see the demeanor of Immortal Master Qingwei, and I immediately yearned for it. under the teacher's door."

"This one……"

A look of embarrassment appeared on the knower's face.

"The real person in charge of the courtyard is very strict in recruiting disciples. Up to now, there is only one direct disciple and one registered disciple. Although you two are determined, you may not be able to be accepted by the real person in charge."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Before the two scribes kneeling on the ground could speak, a burst of laughter suddenly came from behind them.

"Brother Wang, Brother Li, look at how humble you two are, don't you know that you can't get immortals?"

The two scribes turned their heads, just in time to see a few Taoist priests in Taoist robes standing behind them. The one in front of them had picturesque features, three long beards, handsome and fat, and a feather fan in his hand. , at first glance, he is a man of integrity.

Behind this person, there were three people in Taoist robes who looked at them with contempt.

"Brother Pei, Brother Lu, Brother Xue..."

A scribe kneeling on the ground looked at the three people in Taoist robes with a look of surprise on his face.

"Didn't you say that you would study Taoism at Zhongnan Mountain for the rest of your life, and you would never go down the mountain? Why did you come here?"

"Of course it's because I met Master Song!"

The man called Brother Pei said respectfully.

"Master Song is pedantic about heaven and man, and he is a true land god. After meeting Master Song, I finally realized that Master Song is the fairy fate I was waiting for in Zhongnan Mountain..."

As he spoke, he looked at Wang Jingbo and Li Sheng who were kneeling on the ground with pity.

"However, I should also thank you, because if you two hadn't led me out of the cave that day, I wouldn't have met Master Song. Unfortunately, the two of you are only one step away from Master Song..."

"Brother Pei, why bother to say more, the two of them have nothing to do with immortality, so it's useless to say more."

Lu Sheng on the side raised his head proudly and looked at Qingduguan.

"I'll hurry up and accompany Master Song in..."

Before Lu Sheng finished speaking, everyone present heard a voice from the Qingdu Temple.

"Those who don't have immortal bones, have no aura, even deadlifts may not be able to pull into the Taoist door. They dare to speak nonsense in front of the poor Taoist door. The poor Taoist doesn't want to entertain you..."

Before the words were finished, a flying sword had already come across the sky, and the blade turned around in the air, drawing a sword mark on the stone floor.

"With this line as the boundary, when you pass your left foot, the poor will cut off your left foot, and if you pass your right foot, the poor will cut off your right foot. Don't say it's unexpected!"

When they saw this sharp flying sword appear, the three people in Taoist robes instantly recalled how they were scared by the other party's flying sword in the cave some time ago and kept silent.

Even the most jumping Lu Sheng took a step back quietly when he saw Feijian.

"Fellow Daoist, please calm down..."

The handsome, plump and righteous man standing in front of them was not intimidated by the flying sword, and took a step forward in a calm manner, bowing his head.

"Song Xuanbai, a poor Taoist, passed through Chang'an. He heard that Taoist friends are people of Taoism, so I came here to pay a visit."

"Song Xuanbai..."

After hearing this name, Kong Qing, who was sitting in the side hall of Qingdu Temple, touched his chin with his hand.

"It's a very familiar name, where have I heard it before..."

A little milk cat lying in front of him turned his face sideways, looked at him with disdainful eyes, and waved his little paw.


"Little guy, what are you talking about...moving a hamster?"

Kong Qing blinked and said suddenly.

"Oh, so it was him."

Under the reminder of the little milk cat, Kong Qing finally remembered.

This Song Xuanbai is the Taoist priest who set up the two realms method with a dividing nail in the hamster's lair to separate a secret space, and then used the Qiongying pill refined by Yuyang Dixian Fenggang to catalyze the hamster into a demon.

Of course, things like refining demon servants are not a problem, but this guy actually patted his ass and disappeared after doing all this. As a result, he moved hamsters and they started to move around the suburbs of Chang'an City after they became demons, and they died in a row After dozens of people, this matter was reported to the Taishi Bureau, and Kong Qing resolved it.

Naturally, these dozens of lives should be counted on Song Xuanbai's head.

Then, at the next moment after Song Xuanbai reported his family name, the people present saw a handsome Taoist priest in white with fluttering sleeves coming out of the Taoist temple against the wind. in front of the door.

After a soft sound, the flying sword suspended in mid-air has been sheathed by itself.

After seeing the Taoist priest in white appearing in such a cool way, the pilgrims in front of the Qingdu Guanmen shouted excitedly.

"Little God, the Little God has come out..."

"Look at the little fairy..."

"Little God, when do you think you can get rich..."

Among these excited pilgrims, there were some big ladies and young ladies holding their hands together with excited faces.

"Little Immortal is so handsome..."

"This is the appearance of a fairy!"

"If I can win the little fairy overnight, my family will have nothing else to wish for."


After Kong Qing landed, he nodded to the excited pilgrims around him, and then turned his head to the Taoist priest who looked good in front of him, with a cold expression on his face.

"So you are Song Xuanbai, that's great! There is a lawsuit involving dozens of lives in Pindao's hands. Now Pindao officially announces that you have been arrested. You can keep silent, but Pindao will fight you." I need you to talk."

"Life lawsuit?"

After hearing Kong Qing's words, Song Xuanbai shook his head and laughed.

"Daoist Qingwei, you are wrong, how can there be a life lawsuit against Pindao..."

"You don't have to pretend,"

Kong Qing looked cold and solemn, pointed at Song Xuanbai, and took the opportunity to throw an identification technique.

"Let the poor Taoist remind you that outside the south city of Chang'an, more than 30 people were killed, the rat spirit raised by you Song Xuanbai..."

Name: Song Xuanbai
Age: 45 years old

Past: When he was a teenager, he joined the Taoist Maoshan Shangqing Sect. After the establishment of the foundation, he ran away because he was dissatisfied with the precepts of Maoshan. He met Zuo Youxian in Xixuan Temple in Runzhou, and helped him perfect the double-cultivation technique, and became a Daoist real person by virtue of the dual-cultivation technique.Good drinking, good eating pork, good sex, good wealth, good spirit, can call wind and rain, drive away ghosts and demons.

Now: Because the enchantment I set up for the demon servant to move hamsters outside Daxing City was destroyed by someone, I felt something, so I rushed back to Chang'an, intending to find out the truth of the matter and take back the Qiongying Pill refined by Feng Gang.After excavating the ruins of the cave where the hamster was moved, I suspected that some mountain gods in Zhongnan Mountain were doing it because I sensed the technique of driving mountains and moving the earth. When I went to Zhongnan Mountain to investigate, I happened to meet Pei Chen and others, and got information about Qingwei. Taoist clues, so come to investigate.

Future: Playing around the world, doing things depends on your likes and dislikes. When you are good, you can use garlic and other things to help people get rid of diseases. Riding a snake and going overseas.

Major: Dongzhen Shangqingjing, Qinglongbaihu Jue
Cultivation: the intersection of life and soul, the harmony of spirit and qi, the true Taoist.

Looking at Song Xuanbai's resume, the corners of Kong Qing's mouth twitched slightly. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he would have written a word of congratulations to the other party.

'Good drinking, good eating pork, good sex, good wealth, good spirits. '

This Nima has all kinds of wine, sex and wealth, eats, drinks, prostitutes and gambles, plus five stone powder, he can be called a five-poison god!
Someone like you can actually cultivate to become a real person...

Just outrageous!
And the most important thing is, if he doesn't change the future of the other party, he will actually walk with Yu Jingzi and Yuan Baiyi in the future, and they will be ready for each other...

Could it be that your alias, Song Xuanbai, is Xu Xian?

At this time, facing Kong Qing's accusation, Song Xuanbai calmly shook the feather fan in his hand, and said with a smile.

"Pindao fully understands what Fellow Daoist Qingwei said. Dare I ask you to accuse Pindao, do you have any evidence?"

"Of course there is evidence..."

The corner of Kong Qing's mouth curled up, revealing a sneer.

"When Pindao exterminated those rat monsters in Nancheng, they caught a few alive. They all confessed that it was Song Xuanbai who ordered them to kill, and Pindao also found a few sticks made by you, Song Xuanbai, with your name engraved on the spot. It can be said that there are all witnesses and material evidence, so what else can you say."

Song Xuanbai blinked, with a look of astonishment.

To be honest, it was the first time he had seen other than himself, other Taoist priests who had cultivated to the level of Taoist real people could talk nonsense without hesitation.

He was indeed the one who made the boundary nail, but his name was not on the nail at all, and no one would be able to tell that the nail was made by him.And when he set up the enchantment, those hamster-moving spirits were not activated, how could he know that Song Xuanbai did these things.

But the problem is that he can't explain these things well...

"Well, there's nothing to say!"

Kong Qing took a step forward and snorted coldly.

"If you have nothing to say, let's go to the Taishi Bureau with Pindao, cut!"

As soon as the words fell, a sword light flew out from his back, like a white dragon, shaking its head and tail, and slashed towards Song Xuanbai's body.

"If you want to add a crime, why bother!"

Song Xuanbai looked at Kong Qingfei's sword light, clasped his hands, and shouted.

"seal up!"

Following the words, a ray of light flew out from the hand he was holding. It was the talisman of restraining evil spirits in the Shangqing Lingbao Purification Method passed down from the Shangqing sect.

Before writing this kind of talisman, you have to recite the mantra five times, and at the same time take a mouthful of each of the five real energy. Talisman, the four holy guards protect them.

After the talisman is completed, as long as it is activated, the power of the Dharma Guardian God of the Shangqing School can be called immediately to seal everything down.

Just after Kong Qing's flying sword light fell into this ray of light, Kong Qing immediately felt that his Guchen sword seemed to be carrying a weight of ten thousand weights, and his movements became slow.

If he broke through to a real person and obtained the advanced version of Yujianshu, Kong Qing might have some difficulty in coping with it, maybe he would need to draw a gun for him, but for him now, this kind of town closure is not a problem at all.

Kong Qing drew his true energy, opened his lips, and a white light shot out, landing on Gu Chen's sword.


(End of this chapter)

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