Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 289 How did Tai Puqing Zhang Daoyuan sneak into the Conferred God List

Chapter 289 How did Tai Puqing Zhang Daoyuan sneak into the Conferred God List

Under the perception of Kong Qing's divine sense, in the space of the Conferred Gods List, apart from Mr. Dan Fei who was caught by him, there was also a man in a purple robe with a dazed face standing there. A little familiar.

"This person is... Zhang Daoyuan, the eunuch?"

Kong Qing's spiritual thoughts swept away, and he got the stowaway's information from the list of gods, and then he scratched his hair with his hands in a little confusion.

"How is it possible? When Zhang Daoyuan died, he was at least eight blocks away from Pindao. How did he sneak into Pindao's list of gods?"

As if sensing Kong Qing's thoughts, the Conferred God List was lightly shaken in Kong Qing's hands, and the answer to this question immediately appeared in Kong Qing's mind.

"You mean that when the Conferred Gods are not completed and the list is empty, as long as people who die near the poor road and meet your selection requirements, they will be recruited by you?"

The Conferred God List shook again, expressing its approval of Kong Qing's understanding!

"Okay, this poor Taoist knows, then you bring Zhang Daoyuan on the list, what kind of god do you plan to make him?"

Regarding Kong Qing's question, Fengshen Bang was very cold and refused to answer it at all.It's an attitude that I'm only responsible for selecting people, and I don't care about the trivial things like arranging people to jobs.

Kong Qing nodded slightly, and the answer from the Conferred God List was considered to have solved a doubt in his heart.

That is, in the Romance of the Gods, there is actually no one who is destined to be on the list. It is a big chaos, and all the dead people who meet the standards of the list of gods, it will bring them over.

As for who is in which god position in the end, that was arranged by Jiang Ziya...

Of course, in this world, it's my turn to make arrangements.

But these things are not in a hurry, and now we still have to solve the problem of the kidnapping case.

With a mental thought, Kong Qing took out the God Whip from the Demon Refining Pot and held it in his hand, then shook the Conferred God List in his hand, a golden light flashed, and a transparent Yan Hanzhi appeared in front of Kong Qing again.

"Strict and quality..."

Kong Qing raised the whip in his hand.

"Your Majesty!"

Just like Gao Saburo back then, as soon as Kong Qing's words came out of his mouth, Yan Hanzhi's soul immediately knelt down lightly on the ground.

"Pindao was ordered by the Taishang Laojun to enshrine Mr. Danfei as the mountain god of Taiyi Peak in Zhongnan Mountain..."

As soon as the words fell, Yan Hanzhi's name was added under the blank Taiyi Mountain God on the list of gods, and at the same time a golden light shot out from the list of gods, shining on Yan Hanzhi's soul, as if pouring water into his body penetrated.

With the infusion of golden light, the strictness of the soul began to be gradually filled with golden light, and the body gradually changed from a transparent state to golden.

After a few breaths, the golden light dissipated, and Yan Hanzhi, who was still a soul just now, had once again possessed his own body.

The reborn Yan Hanzhi looked at Kong Qing with complicated emotions...

As a former exiled immortal, he still has some understanding of the changes that have taken place in himself.

After going through this circle from death to life, he has become a god from a banished fairy.

From the moment the divine body was achieved, my life and death were all controlled by the golden list in the hands of the young Taoist priest in front of me. Without the other party's permission, even if I wanted to commit suicide, it would be impossible for me to commit suicide.

As the saying goes, a person who knows current affairs is a hero, and he is strict and strict, and he is not a person who has a bottom line and would rather die than surrender.

So after confirming his situation, Yan Hanzhi's eyes immediately showed a look of extreme respect, he moved his body, clasped his fists with both hands, and paid homage to Kong Qing again.

"The little god is strict and gentle, thank the real person for his kindness!"

Kong Qing nodded in satisfaction.

Or why everyone likes Junjie, it's easy to use. Compared with this Mr. Dan Fei, Gao Sanlang is simply an ignorant child.

If it wasn't for Kong Qing temporarily feeling that he couldn't beat the Lord of Huashan in the Huashan Divine Domain, Gao Sanlang should have let Gao Sanlang know what it means to be beaten from the society.

"Qing Weizi from the Taishi Bureau of the Tang Dynasty, Pindao, came here because of the kidnapping of the third sister of Cui Zhizhi, the captain of Hedong County."

Kong Qing said to Yan Hanzhi while slowly rolling up the list of gods and sending it into the demon refining pot.

"Mr. Dan Fei, what do you think should be done about this matter?"

After hearing Kong Qing's words, Mr. Dan Fei was so strict that he didn't spit out a mouthful of blood...

It's not because I became a tiger and cannibal that I was unlucky this time, but because I kindly helped Huoshan's beasts to avoid the disaster.

A real Nima is a good person and cannot be ah!

These damn beasts, when you kidnap women, can't you create a scene where a beautiful woman elopes with a beautiful boy, and finally let the Yamen file a case, so as not to alarm the Taishi Bureau?

Poor me, I will be able to get back my mana in nine days, and I will become a fairy again...

As a result, everything is over now!

Kong Qing shook the magic whip in his hand intentionally or unintentionally, and smiled coldly at Yan Hanzhi.

"Mr. Danfei, aren't you very resourceful? Do you have to think about such a trivial matter for so long..."

Looking at the wooden whip shaking in Kong Qing's hand, Yan Hanzhi suddenly felt a throbbing from the depths of his heart.

"Really calm down, the little god is thinking..."

While speaking, Yan Hanzhi cupped his fists and knelt on the ground to pay homage to Kong Qing.

"Since the real person has found Xiaoshen, he must also know that the sister of the Hedong County Captain has been sent to Teng Liu, and Teng Liu lives in Huacheng, the capital of Xiandu, and is a subordinate of the Northern Emperor. He is extremely powerful. It must not be forced. Moreover, Teng Liu is lustful, and he may not agree to soft requests, so the little god is still in a dilemma."

The corner of Kong Qing's mouth twitched silently.

I was originally here to deal with a case of a fox kidnapping a woman, why did it become a confrontation with a god like Bei Di who sounded awesome at first glance?
So, it's all the fault of that human trafficker fox!
The next moment, Kong Qing's divine sense penetrated into the demon refining pot again, and whispered a few words to a certain search fox.

After hearing the whisper, the search fox immediately stood up again in good spirits, and with a whip, it slapped a brown-red fox hanging on a cross in front of it, hitting the brown-red fox The fox howled.

"Sister, take it easy, take it easy, why do the fox make things difficult for the fox!"

Although Kong Qing felt relieved by beating a certain human trafficker fox, he still had to fulfill the promise he made to Cui Zhizhi, the lieutenant of Hedong County.

He...Gao Daoqing Weizi, promises a thousand gold!
"It's not embarrassing, does Pindao need your help, Mr. Dan Fei?"

Kong Qing looked down at Yan Hanzhi with stern eyes and a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"If you weren't so smart, Mr. Danfei, why did the poor need to think about this matter two days ago? As the saying goes, you need to tie the bell to untie the bell. If you, Mr. Danfei, can't think of a good solution today, don't blame me. Pindao made you look decent."

As he spoke, Kong Qing shook the magic whip in his hand, and a row of golden runes appeared on the wooden whip, his words threatening.

"Mr. Yan Si, I hope you will not be ignorant of flattery!"

"Yes Yes……"

Yan Hanzhi looked at the magic whip with the expression of a mouse looking at a cat, and golden beads of sweat appeared on his forehead made of divine power.

"Little God must do his best, he must do his best!"

Saying that, Yan Hanzhi knelt down on the ground, his head was turning at an unprecedented speed, thinking.

Kong Qing took the magic whip and walked slowly to Yan Hanzhi's corpse, flicked his sleeves, put the body of the exiled immortal into the demon refining pot, then walked to the shelf in the middle of the hut, He touched a giant tiger skin hanging on it.

Fairy Tiger Leather:

The tiger skin refined by the fairy method can make the person wearing it turn into a tiger in the fairy capital, possessing the power of a tiger in the fairy capital far surpassing that of ordinary tigers.

PS: Unlike ordinary tiger fur clothing, this tiger fur clothing can be taken off at any time after being put on.

Looking at the note on the tiger skin, Kong Qing blinked silently.

This tiger fur coat can be taken off at any time. Doesn't that mean that there are other tiger fur coats in this world that can turn into tigers and cannot be taken off after wearing them?

What is the mentality of the god who can make this kind of disposable tiger skin clothing?
Revenge on society?
Can the gods in this world have a bottom line...

Forget it, that's for the future, and now this tiger fur coat is poor.

Kong Qing raised his hand, and threw this fairy tiger leather garment into his demon refining pot.

Next, Kong Qing walked around the thatched hut again, and after finding that there was nothing else good to clean up, he set his sights on Yan Hanzhi again.

"Mr. Yan Si, what are you thinking?"

"I have... I have..."

Mr. Dan Fei, who was trembling all over with fright from Kong Qing's words, immediately replied in a hurried voice.

"The little god thought about it. Since you are merciful and don't want to go to Xiandu to do more evil, you can only lure Teng Liu out of Xiandu. The little god is willing to write a book. Lou Xin has replaced a group of young ladies, two of whom are stunning, and invited him to come to Huozhou to hold a naked meeting with the little god to appreciate beauties, I think he will definitely agree..."

After speaking, Mr. Dan Fei raised his head strictly and showed a flattering smile to Kong Qing.

"When Teng Liu leaves Xiandu and comes to Huozhou, won't he fall into the hands of the real person? At that time, the real person will directly arrest him and put him on the list. After he is on the list, don't mention the younger sister of the county lieutenant of Hedong County. , even Teng Liu's life and death are in your mind!"

After hearing Yan Hanzhi's words, a smile appeared on Kong Qing's face.

It seems that this Mr. Dan Fei and the Snow God Teng Liu are really good brothers, who share the blessings and share the difficulties. If you are on the list yourself, you must let the other party follow you on the list.

Truly a friend of life and death!

"Okay! Mr. Yan Si, Pindao appreciates your method very much, so let's do it this way,"

Kong Qing leaned down, patted Yan Hanzhi's shoulder lightly, and said in a gentle tone.

"If things are done well, it's not that Pindao can't be merciful, but if things are not done well..."

"Don't worry, real person!"

Yan Hanzhi gritted his teeth and knocked his head on the ground.

"If things are not done well, Yan Si is willing to be punished!"

(End of this chapter)

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