Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 295 Fu Yi, go to the mud plow hell!

Chapter 295 Fu Yi, go to the mud plow hell!
It was time to go to the Yamen again, and the officials working in the various Yamen in the Outer Imperial City began to leave their jobs one after another, either riding horses or taking cars to leave the Imperial City and return to their residences in Chang'an.

Fu Yi rode a horse alone, walking on the streets of Chang'an with a heavy expression.

The death of the imperial servant Zhang Daoyuan two days ago was a heavy blow to Fu Yi...

Because of Fu Yi's firm anti-Buddhist stance, he was naturally at odds with nearly one-third of the Buddhist believers in the entire imperial court, so he was rejected by almost all his officials and colleagues.

Therefore, Zhang Daoyuan, who also supported his anti-Buddhist ideas, was one of the few like-minded friends of Fu Yi in the court.

But now the anti-Buddhist cause of starting a business is not halfway, and the middle road collapses.

The horseshoe turned into an alley next to it, which was a shortcut, as long as he passed through here, he would arrive at the gate of Fangshi where Fu Yi was.

But obviously, today he encountered a problem.

Not far in front of him appeared a beautiful nun who looked like she was in her 20s, 30s, or 40s.She was wearing a gray monk robe, and a gorgeously decorated whisk was spinning in her hand, which was particularly eye-catching.

Fu Yi narrowed his eyes...

In this world, most killers would use sneak attacks to kill each other without being noticed, but there were two exceptions.

One of them is a nun, and she is also a nun holding a whisk.

"Contemporary hermit?"

Fu Yi's already heavy face was full of caution.

"Did Brother Zhang Daoyuan also be killed by you?"

Facing Fu Yi's questioning, the nun shook her whisk lightly and walked towards Fu Yi slowly, her tone relaxed and casual.

"Although it wasn't the poor nun's hand, if you want to blame the poor nun for this matter, it's all right!"

The nun walked calmly, as if she had a way of shrinking the ground, and she took a few meters with one light step.

"Fu Yi, you slander the Buddha, you are heinous..."

Before the words were finished, the nun's body disappeared without a trace in a flash.

When he saw this nun, Fu Yi was very vigilant and took out a talisman and pinched it in his hand. When the nun was talking, he had already raised his fingers.


The talisman ignited spontaneously in the absence of wind, making a loud noise, and exploded directly like a bomb. A powerful shock wave centered on Fu Yi and swept towards the surroundings.

The figure of a certain nun flashed, just in the line of the shock wave, and with a flick of the dust whisk in her hand, the wind brought by the dust tail cut the shock wave directly.

However, because of this, her body was slightly delayed, and another talisman appeared in Fu Yi's hand at this time.


The talisman was ignited, and a powerful force descended from the sky, freezing all the space within three meters around Fu Yi.


A white light flashed beside the nun, and the stagnant space around Fu Yi was cut open. The nun took a step forward, stretched out a snow-white jade hand, with white light on the fingertips, and pointed to the center of Fu Yi's brow.

"Plow down the mud!"

Just before the nun's finger touched Fu Yi's eyebrows, there was a sound of a bow and arrow piercing the wind. The next moment, a feathered arrow appeared behind the nun. If the nun continued to click, then It is inevitable that she will be shot by the feather arrow.

Although the accident happened suddenly, the nun's expression remained unchanged.

With a twist of the whisk in his hand, like a peacock spreading its tail, a beautiful fan was formed in the air, entangled the flying feather arrow in the whisk, and then he planned to hit the crutch between Fu Yi's eyebrows. He made a bend and hit the feathered arrow.

After a soft sound, the feathered arrow burst into pieces.

Just when the feather arrow was shattered, Fu Yi, who had narrowly escaped death, had already exerted force on his legs, rolled over from the horse, and fled away.

"It's as fast as the wind..."

With a shout, two teams of cavalry in black armor poured into both sides of the alley, blocking the entire alley to a tight spot. Many soldiers in black armor also appeared on the walls on both sides of the alley. .

"Assassin, you are already doomed."

A general in iron armor with a yellowish complexion held a thick long lance in his hand, and pointed at the nun with a stern expression.

"Hurry up and surrender, you can avoid death."

"that is!"

On the wall on the right side of the alley, a fat general also appeared, looking at the nun with a sneer.

"It's hard for you to fly today."

Facing the surrounding battle that seemed to be in ambush from ten sides, the nun's face remained unchanged, and she even turned the whisk in her hand leisurely, with a smile on her face.

"The poor nun wants to kill people, even if you put them in the iron cabinet, the general will still die."

As she spoke, she shook her whisk, smiled slightly, and then took a step back, and her whole body disappeared into the air.

Seeing the opponent's invisibility-like spell, even these black-armored fighters who have been fighting for a long time can't help but let out a low voice.

"Everyone, don't leave your post without authorization..."

The sallow-faced general on the horse seemed to have expected the opponent's move, and raised the horse spear in his hand as soon as the nun disappeared.

"Use fire to assist the attacker!"

As he said these words, a bright flame appeared on the top of the horse he held high. Under the light, everyone present saw a faint figure flashing in the field. .

"Fu Lingyin, be careful..."

In fact, even if there was no reminder from the general with a pale yellow complexion, when he saw the figure flickering, a talisman in Fu Yi's hand had already burned, and a phantom of gossip flashed in the air.

A bright sword light appeared beside Fu Yi out of thin air, and then it seemed to be stopped by something, but then a woman's voice was heard.


Following the exit of the word "kill", the bright sword light trembled instantly.


A faint broken sound sounded in the air, and then the sword light slashed in, stabbing at Fu Yi's body.

Just when Jianguang was about to hit Fu Yi, a long lance appeared in front of Jianguang. With the sound of metal and iron clanging, Jianguang bounced back and disappeared into the air.

Fu Yi took a complicated look at the general with a pale yellow face.

"Thank you, Lord Yi!"

"It doesn't have to be..."

Qin Qiong didn't let down his vigilance just because he saved Fu Yi. The long spear in his hand was still searching around against the flames, trying to find out the whereabouts of the nun.

"Even such an unpopular strategist who knows the secret arts, the Tiance Mansion is really full of talents!"

The nun's voice came from the air, but the voice turned erratically, making it impossible to tell where she was.

"But the poor nun still said the same thing, General Ren, if you put people in the iron cabinet, you will also die."

A sword light appeared again, but was hit by Qin Qiong, who had been prepared for a long time, and hid again.

"Arrowers prepare!"

At this time, the general standing behind the wall waved his hand and pointed in the direction of Fu Yi.

"Scatter, force this assassin to show up!"

Following his order, the soldiers on both sides of the street opened their longbows at the same time, and shot randomly at the positions around Fu Yi. Suddenly, the arrows rained across the sky, and Fu Yi was so scared that he quickly slapped himself again. The gossip-shaped talisman for the bodyguard, then rushed towards the wall of the alley against the ground.

But even so, seven or eight long arrows hit Fu Yi, but fortunately they did not break through the protection of Fu Yi's body, but slid down his body and landed on the ground.

"Bite gold..."

Qin Qiong glared at Cheng Yaojin who directed the shooting.

"Don't make trouble!"


The nun's laughter sounded again in the arena.

"Thanks to the general for helping the poor nun."

Before the words were finished, a sword light appeared from the corner of the wall again, stabbing towards Fu Yi who was running towards him.

"Uncle Bao!"

After seeing Jian Guang appear, Cheng Yaojin showed a tricky smile on his face, and shouted at Qin Qiong.


When Cheng Yaojin shouted, Qin Qiong also raised the long spear in his hand at the same time, and swung vigorously towards the place where the sword light appeared.

A ray of energy flew out from the long lance, and almost instantly swept across the place where the sword light appeared, and even circled a lot of places on both sides.

There was a loud noise, and the loess flew!

A huge gap appeared directly on the earthen square wall that was hit by the force, as if someone had slashed on the wall with a big knife that was more than ten meters long.

"Good skill, such strength, even if you don't have military secrets, you are enough to be called the enemy of ten thousand people!"

Just when Qin Qiong's force hit the wall, the nun's voice sounded again in the field.

"But why do you think Pauper will be hit by you..."

After hearing what the nun said, Qin Qiong narrowed his eyes for an instant, and quickly turned his head to Fu Yi's direction.

"not good……"

When Qin Qiong's eyes turned to Fu Yi who had come to the corner, he happened to see the nun standing behind Fu Yi and smiling at him.

The next moment, the sword light had already flown in front of Fu Yi, and after a circle, it broke Fu Yi's body protection spell.

Qin Qiong, who had no time to exert his strength again, subconsciously threw out the long spear in his hand.

But it was too late, in Qin Qiong's eyes, that bright sword light instantly pierced Fu Yi's chest and flew in front of the nun.Then with a chuckle from the nun, he rolled up the nun's body and rushed to the sky.

The long lance galloped like thunder, passed through the afterimage left by the nun, and hit the wall next to it.

After a loud noise, the long lance had been nailed to the wall of the square, and the wooden lance was undulating up and down.

The nun's chuckle came from the air.


(End of this chapter)

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