Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 547 The powerful Qingweizi and the more powerful Qingxiazi

Chapter 547 The powerful Qingweizi and the more powerful Qingxiazi

In the command center of Cloud City, the celebration ceremony for the great victory over Nirvana Sect had just opened.

It is said to be a celebration meeting, but in fact, it is a spoils sharing meeting...

As the saying goes, ten years of gathering, ten years of lessons!Nirvana Sect has been operating in Changsha for more than ten years, and it has already become a behemoth entrenched in Tanzhou, including but not limited to dozens of temples, tens of thousands of acres of fields, quality warehouses all over Changsha, and distribution in various temples. The servants in the house and so on.

Although it is said that the monks of the Nirvana sect are evil, they raise monsters and harm the common people, but the servants and maidservants in these monks' temples are innocent, and things like land, property, and quality treasury are also innocent...

Just like in a certain country after 1000 years, although cats and dogs are guilty, oil, gas and food are innocent!
Therefore, all Taoist masters who uphold justice, such as Quanzhen Qingweizi, Louguan Yin Wencao, Shangqing Pan Shizheng, Zhanyan Zhang Jiongzang, etc., all expressed their willingness to lend a helping hand to solve the mess left by the other party. , For example, the dilapidated temple houses, the very barren land and the cumbersome tenants on it, as well as the shabby quality warehouses and their employees, etc.

Of course, in the end, how much benefits you Xuanmen masters can enjoy... No, how much help to solve the mess left by the Nirvana Sect depends on the court, which is what His Highness King Qin means.

After all, the most critical force to put down the snake demon this time is the Jianghuai army brought by King Qin, so no matter from the perspective of righteousness or strength, King Qin took the initiative on behalf of the court as a matter of course.

"King Qin's meaning is very simple. First of all, all the slaves and maidservants in the temple must be registered and granted land, and those monks who became monks in the temple of Nirvana Sect but did not participate in the conspiracy must also return to the common status... "

A certain Du Changshi, surnamed Du, stood in the middle of the hall, talking eloquently.

"This is the bottom line of the imperial court. I hope all the nobles can understand and don't violate it."

After looking at each other, all the masters present nodded silently.

Now that the troubled times are at the beginning, and a lot of waste is waiting for prosperity, it is the time when a large number of people are needed, so although they have a little idea about the slaves of these monasteries, they basically guess that the court will not let it go, so they basically don't care about it. The default is down.

"Secondly, the imperial court will also confiscate the ill-gotten gains obtained by Nirvana Sect through illegal means!"

Du Changshi, surnamed Du, looked around at the high-ranking officials present, and then continued.

"For example, the temple property, land property and quality warehouse of the temple, etc..."

After hearing his words, the Xuanmen masters present looked at each other, and the expressions on their faces instantly became a little unnatural.

Although they are all practitioners and high Taoists, it is impossible to eat wind and drink dew as in the legend. In fact, not to mention them, even earth immortals cannot do without food and clothing.Besides, if a Taoist sect removes their practitioners, there must still be some ordinary people at the bottom who are responsible for running errands for them.

Therefore, although worldly money cannot be said to be omnipotent for these Taoist practitioners, it is absolutely impossible without money.Otherwise, there would not be so many gods who cheat money and ask for offerings in the world.


After seeing his suggestion instantly angered everyone, Du Ruhui immediately brought the topic back.

"This time the Nirvana Sect was wiped out, and all the masters contributed a lot, so the King of Qin decided to take some of the Nirvana Sect's property as a reward for the masters."

After hearing him say the reward, the expressions of these high priests relaxed a little.

That's right!

Everyone accompanied you here to find the snake demon and the Nirvana sect to kill, what is the plan?If you, King Qin, really don't give any rewards, then if this kind of thing happens again in the future, who will take action!
"But among all of you present, some have made great contributions, while others have made little contributions..."

Du Ruhui continued.

"So naturally the allocation won't be exactly the same this time."

As he spoke, he clapped his hands lightly, and then the two secretary foxes brought in a stack of papers from outside the door, and put a copy in front of each of the nobles.

"This is the allocation made by the King of Qin based on your contributions. If you Gao Xian have any dissatisfaction, you can bring it up."

The next moment, I saw these Xuanmen masters picked up the documents in their hands one by one, and began to read them.

Kong Qing sat lazily on the side, his eyes flicked across the faces of these high-ranking people present, and looked at them one by one...

Some of them were satisfied, and after a few glances, they put down the documents with a smile, such as Zhang Jiongzang of the Zhanyan School; For example, Zhang Bingxiu of the Shuangxiu School; some people held up documents and expressed their opinions without hesitation, such as Wang Gui of the Shangqing School.

"His Royal Highness, it's fine if my Shangqing faction didn't get any benefits. After all, the Changsha Rebellion has a lot to do with Tang Goubie, a disciple of my sect. My sect has an unshirkable responsibility."

As he spoke, he pointed to Kong Qing who was sitting beside him.

"But why does the Quanzhen sect have more contributions than the rest of our sects combined? Could it be because they provided this cloud city?"

After hearing Wang Gui's words, the high priests present also cast their puzzled or strange eyes on Kong Qing.

Facing the pressure from these Taoist masters, Kong Qing had no intention of defending himself, and waved his hands lazily, and then the secretary Hu Erniang who was sitting next to him immediately stood up with a small notebook.

"Really Wang, and all the nobles..."

Twenty Niang first nodded to Wang Gui and the other real people, then picked up the small book, and replied solemnly.

"This time, there are more than 800 people in Mahuraja under the control of Nirvana Sect. The most powerful of them is naturally the first generation of Mahuraka Mahsule. According to the judgment of the real people present, he should have a person who is close to the earth immortal. His strength, and second only to him is the second-generation snake demon who has the realm of real people, which is what Buddhism calls Arhatship, and they have more than 40 of them..."

"You demon fox don't need to tell the poor Taoist this."

Wang Gui replied impatiently.

"These poor people know it all!"

"Since everyone knows, let's talk about the results of the battle directly!"

Although Wang Gui's attitude is a bit bad, but Erniang is neither humble nor overbearing, very temperamental.

"Among these snake demons, the most powerful Mohulakama Shule was executed by the Daoist Qingwei of my Quanzhen sect, and among the more than 40 second-generation snake demons who are equivalent to the level of real people, I The Quanzhen sect killed more than 20, while the master alone killed more than a dozen.

There are only more than 100 three-generation snake demons, my Quanzhen sect killed nearly fifty of them, and the Lord killed more than 20 by himself. Force to kill more than half. "

With that said, Twenty Niang raised her hand seriously, and shook the small notebook in her hand towards Wang Gui.

"Didn't you, Master Wang, ask me why the Quanzhen Sect can get so many benefits? It's naturally because my Quanzhen Sect's achievements are here!"

After hearing the words of the secretary Fox Erniang, the real people present began to look at Kong Qing with complicated eyes. Some of them were not very familiar with Kong Qing, and always thought that Kong Qing was just an old brand held up by Qingxiazi. The real person couldn't help but secretly stunned in his heart.

What a formidable young man!
The first generation of Mahuraka and the others have also seen it in the documentary filmed by Laojun. After seeing the huge body of the other party like a giant mountain and sea beast, among the masters of Taoism present, except for the ten-perfect real person Yin Wencao of Lou Guandao, his expression is leisurely. , obviously thinking to myself that I can do it, the rest of the real people have some AC numbers in their hearts.

And the most frightening thing is that while dealing with this giant snake, this rising star of the Danding faction also took care of more than 20 real-life snake monsters...

Could it be that after Qingxiazi, the Danding sect is going to produce another "killing number one" Fazhu Daoist?
Facing the complicated gazes of these real people, Kong Qing waved his hands calmly, expressing that he was very low-key, very humble, and very aggressive, and he didn't want anything like a combat power far superior to his peers. mentioned.

"Twenty Niang, there is no need to deliberately emphasize the matter of poverty, and then say..."


After the secretary, Hu Erniang, agreed, she took a small notebook and continued to report on her military exploits.

"Also, the three Nirvana masters headed by Dao Xun and the eight Nirvana sect patriarchs who were responsible for raising monsters and alleged treason all died in the hands of my Quanzhen sect Master Qingxia..."

"Ahem! Twenty Niang..."

Kong Qing clenched his fist, put it to his mouth and coughed, and said to Shi Niang solemnly.

"Reverend Qingxia is the real Dharma Lord of my Danding Dao, and my Quanzhen sect is only a branch of Danding Dao. Although we and Qingxia are our own people, you can't say that Qingxia is my Quanzhen sect." people."

Then, Kong Qing turned his head to look at the real people present, and said with a smile.

"Everyone, because Daoist Qingxia has already rushed back to Chang'an, Xiaodao reluctantly took the credit for his old man. Twenty Niang went here without knowing it, and made a mistake... Please forgive me! Alright, Twenty Niang , you continue!"

After hearing what Kong Qing said, several of the real people present rolled their eyes at him.

Speaking now, who in the whole world doesn't know that you, Qingweizi, are the successor of Qingxiazi, the next Dharma master of Danding Dao, what's the use of you pretending here?

Do we still believe it!

"Yes, my lord!"

Twenty Niang agreed, then turned a page, and then covered her mouth with her hand in surprise.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong! Actually, I'm true... Dan Ding Dao Qingxia only killed Dao Xun and Dao Qian among the three Nirvana Masters, and the founder of Nirvana Sect only killed seven. Nirvana Master Monk Daohong and his master Tanyan were killed by Daoist Qiping Ding of Louguan Dao..."

After saying that, Twenty Niang raised her head again and said to Wang Gui.

"However, even with Lou Guandao's two heads, Master Qingxia has completed nine kills, which is four times that of Master Qiping Ding, and seven Earth Immortals are among them."

After hearing Shi Niang's words, the real people present all became silent.

After many years, they once again felt Qingxiazi's method of "killing the first in Taoism", while Kong Qing who was sitting below blinked silently.

'Strange, didn't the system say that Monk Tanyan was killed by me?How did it become Qiping Ding...'

 In the "Novel" written by Liang Yinyun in the Southern Dynasties, there is a saying: "There is a Weaver Girl in the east of the Tianhe River, the son of the Emperor of Heaven. Every year, she is forced to work on a loom, and she is woven into a cloud brocade. So the weaving was abolished. The Emperor of Heaven was angry and ordered to return to the east of the river, but the meeting was once a year."

  This should be the earliest story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. Because the Weaver Girl did not make Tianyi after she got married, the Emperor of Heaven was furious and directly isolated his husband, the Cowherd.

  That's right, the gods among Tang Chuanqi are basically very down-to-earth, they have to be served for everything, food, drink, prostitution and gambling. Some gods even cheated their disciples for money, saying how much you give me I'll teach you fairy arts for money, but after taking the money, you regret it. After the disciple came to the door, you threatened the other party, saying that if you dare to ask for the money back, I will just kill you and wait!
(End of this chapter)

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