The heavens start from Maoshan

Chapter 263 Hua Rou Selling Ginseng

Chapter 263 Hua Rou Selling Ginseng

"no chance"

Walk all the way to the town.

Compared with Zhang Heng's leisurely watching the wind and clouds, watching the water calmly.

Huarou was not happy at all.

Six hours was too long, and she couldn't buy enough time to copy the talent of this old uncle.

It's a small dried fish kept in a glass case.

Suffering that can be seen but not tasted.

Hua Rou couldn't help but think, if only she was five or six years old.

Be cute, act like a baby, and run to the uncle's room to sleep on the pretext of wanting to listen to a story at night.


She is not a child of five or six years old, but fifteen or sixteen, which is embarrassing.

"Express, express"

It is ten miles from Liujiabao to the town.

The road is not far, and it will arrive in more than half an hour.

to town.

Zhang Heng led Hua Rou to walk to the medicine, and saw a flying horse coming to report, shouting: "The immortal master of Huangshizong has an order, and half a month later, a ceremony for ascending to immortality will be held in Zehu. Anyone who is old can sign up to participate, and those who are selected are all disciples of the Immortal Sect."

The messenger in blue rode a fast horse.

He ran all the way through the street and posted the letter on the cross street.

Listening to his words, the people on the street were discussing: "The elders of the Yellowstone Sect, didn't they hold the Immortal Ascension Ceremony last year?"

"Yes, the Immortal Ascension Ceremony is held every three years, and it was held last year. Why is it coming again this year?"

"You don't know that, the elders of Huangshizong are competing with Qingshuizong for a piece of mineral veins. It is said that the group of disciples recruited last year were raided by Qingshuizong on the way, and most of the little fairy masters were taken away. .”

"Abducted, why does it sound like a bandit?"

"I don't want to live anymore, even the immortal master dares to talk about it."

"Hey, aren't you happy? Last year, when the immortal masters recruited disciples, they also required them to be able to read and write. This time, it's not necessary."

The major immortal sects recruit disciples in their territories.

Generally, in addition to age requirements, there are also requirements for literacy and hyphenation.

It doesn’t need to be too much, you must know the three hundred characters.

If you don't even know the words, what will you learn when you come to the sect.

So for ordinary people, it has nothing to do with Xianmen recruiting disciples.

The ones who benefit are those who have money for their disciples to study and enlighten their disciples. At worst, they are wealthy families who can start a small business, or have ten acres of fertile land, and can go to a private school.

For someone like the Hua family who can't even eat enough, naturally they don't expect to be able to study.

In the same way, if you don't know a word, the sect will not want you.

"Yellowstone Sect!"

Hear the voices of the people around you.

Zhang Heng thought about it for a while, the Yellowstone Sect and the Qingshui Sect seemed to be subordinate branches of the Qingyun Sect.

Among them, Qingyunmen occupies Anba County and is the overlord with a radius of ten thousand li.

Huangshizong and Qingshuizong are little overlords who submit to Qingyunmen and occupy a whole family.

It's just that as a sect, even if it is a subordinate sect of the same camp, friction is inevitable if they are close.

Huangshizong and Qingshuizong would fight every now and then.

When calling back and forth, the word "interest" cannot be avoided.

"The world is bustling for profit, and the world is bustling for profit."

The major forces in the true delimitation are divided into five levels: country, state, county, prefecture, and county.

Occupy the Zongmen of the prefecture.

Basically, there is no immortal patriarch, and he is heading towards a lonely small sect.


The sects at the county level, such as Qingyunmen, must have immortals guarding the background.

Further up.

The fairy gates at the state level need to be guarded by earth immortals in order to be in charge of a state.

At the national level, for big countries like Qin, Chu, Qi, Yan, Zhao, Wei, and Han, the existence of non-celestial beings is not enough to suppress.

For example, when the Jade Ax Patriarch was still alive, the Fengling Sect was in charge of the Jin Kingdom.


After Jade Ax was reincarnated, the Feng Ling Sect fell apart very quickly.

By the way, Jin, the former overlord of the princes, was also divided into three under the influence of this, and became the current three kingdoms of Zhao, Wei, and Han.

"Ascending Immortal Ceremony!"

Zhang Heng simply understood the situation, and was not interested in the so-called Immortal Ascension Ceremony.

It's different from Zhang Heng.

Hua Rou, who was at the side, heard the words "Ascension to Immortals", and immediately cheered up, thinking to herself: "Ascension to Immortals is a ceremony for the selection of disciples for the immortal sect. It is expected that all young talents in Huangshi County will participate. There are a lot of people gathered, and there are probably not a few people with various cultivation talents, if I can go too."

Although Zhang Heng is the uncle of Treasure Treasure.

However, in Huarou's view, his treasured uncle, Qu Gao, was so talented that he could see it but not eat it.

Ascension to Immortal will be different.

If there are many people, there must be anyone with any talent.

If you can go around.

Copy some primary, intermediate, and even advanced cultivation talents back, and I will benefit a lot.

"Just this time"

Thinking that the Ascension to Immortals will be in half a month.

Huarou couldn't help but make a mistake.

Zehu is hundreds of miles away from Liujiabao, the so-called poor family's rich road, I am afraid that it will cost a lot of money to drive there.

Look at the ginseng in your arms.

Money should be enough, but how can I get my family to support her to participate.

You must know that in the eyes of her family, she is just a child who has not grown up.

In the hearts of ordinary people, those who can participate in the Immortal Ascension Ceremony are all children of the landlord's family, and ordinary people dare not think about it.

A few years ago.

Mr. Liu in Liujiabao invited bodyguards to escort the young master of Liujiabao to participate once.

Not to mention the high cost, and not being selected in the end, everyone in the castle laughed for a while: "Mr. Liu is really deceived by lard. He spent hundreds of taels of silver every time he came and went, enough to buy [-] acres of good land." Yes, it was in vain. '

Hua Rou thought about it, if she went by herself, it shouldn't cost hundreds of taels of silver.

It's easy to travel with a light car, and you don't ask a bodyguard to escort it. Two or thirty taels is enough.

It's just that for country people, two or thirty taels is not a small amount.

The Hua family never sees a few strings of silver coins throughout the year, so the family probably won't support her luxury.

The same reason.

Without the support and escort of her family, it would be unreliable for a 15-year-old girl to walk hundreds of miles to Zehu Lake to participate in the Immortal Ascension Ceremony, and she might die on the way.

"What do you think?"

Standing at the door of the medicine store, Zhang Heng called Huarou, who was a little distracted.

Hua Rou came back to her senses, looked at the signboard of the medicine store, and hurriedly offered the ginseng in her arms: "Uncle, can this ginseng be sold for 50 taels of silver?"

"more or less."

Zhang Heng is also not sure, after all, the mustache monk has no concept of the value of ginseng in his mind.

But thinking about it, wild ginseng that is 50 to [-] years old should still have some value.

as predicted.

After entering the pharmacy and explaining his intentions, the shopkeeper took the ginseng, looked at the outfits of Zhang Heng and the two of them, and directly gave a price: "40 taels."


Although Zhang Heng didn't know the price of ginseng.

But the first price, it is absolutely right to call it low.

"It's not low, you look at the beard, it's obviously not dug well, the root of the beard is damaged, and it loses its appearance."

"The quality of this product determines the price. And if you look at the leaves again, the leaves are yellow and obviously have been eaten by insects. It is impossible to guarantee that the ginseng has been eaten by insects. It is no longer worth the price."

The shopkeeper held the ginseng like a carrot, belittling it in various ways.

At the end, he even let out a word: "Our Baozhai medicine store is the largest medicine store in the town, and the price is also the most reasonable. If you don't believe me, you can take it out. I guarantee that even if you take it to the county, there will be no other medicine. The pharmacy can outbid this price."

Zhang Heng took a deep look at the shopkeeper.

He has traveled all over the world for many years, and has seen both people and ghosts.

How can he not understand that if he takes the ginseng away, Baozhai Medicine Store will greet his colleagues around him and severely suppress his price.

Here, I can give 40 taels.

If you go to the second one, it is likely to be 35 taels.

The third one is 30 taels.

If you don't sell, the more stores you transfer, the more you will fall.

No guarantee, good quality ginseng can lower the price of carrots for you.

"50 taels, don't look at the second one."

Zhang Heng wondered, unless he met someone who was eager to buy ginseng.

Otherwise, with ginseng in their hands, 50 taels should be the highest price.

After all, they are not insiders, so it is normal to be bullied.

This is like the antique trade in later generations. Old objects can sell for [-] in the hands of experts, but at most [-] in your hands.

Without him.

You have no customers.

A good thing depends on who owns it. If you don’t know how to do it, you won’t be able to sell it at a price.

"Okay, seeing how old you are, I'll keep your stuff, so don't run away. I'll admit it whether you lose money or make money."

If you get cheap, you must sell well.

The shopkeeper accepted the things with difficulty, and reluctantly gave the banknote.

With that expression, those who didn't know thought he had suffered a big loss.

"What a businessman."

Zhang Heng handed the bank note to Huarou: "Everything is like a mountain, and things are in our hands. If you say ginseng is ginseng, and if you say radish is radish, it's not a loss."

Like many novels, it is impossible to sell millions of ginseng.

Gold has a price, but ginseng has no clear price.

Just open your mouth and give you a few million, why doesn't the earth revolve around you.

You are the protagonist, you have enjoyed all the good things in the world, will there be a beautiful president who will turn upside down in the future, and the richest man will suddenly get sick and wait for ginseng to heal him?

"Every row is like a mountain!"

Hua Rou seems to understand but not understand.

I just feel that I have benefited a lot.

Before returning

Huarou pulled Zhang Heng, and went to the market to buy cloth, salt, pork, chickens, and a puppy, a lot of things.

By the way, I also bought a leather jacket for Zhang Heng, and said with a smile: "Uncle, it's getting cold, this is for my grandniece to honor your old man."

Zhang Heng did not speak.

It's just that the eyes are slightly softer.

Because he thought of Master Xu Zhenren.

When Xu Zhenren lived in Yizhuang, there was wind in all directions, and it would be very cold at night. Zhang Heng often went to visit with bedding and rice noodles.

Time flies, time changes.


He is also a respected ancestor.

(End of this chapter)

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