I am the king of the dead

Chapter 239 Daming has only one master

Chapter 239 Daming Has Only One Master

Prince Consort Wang Ning began to build ships and go to sea privately during the Yongle period, without surveying and cooperating with sea trade, and then formed a small market in Mizhou, Shandong, and gradually evolved into the actual Mizhou Shipping Department.

Zhu Qiyu didn't plan to close it, but closed it, because of the people gathered by Haimao, what should we do?
This is not a small number. In one county of Mizhou alone, more than 10 people have gathered to make a living.

Mizhou Shipbuilding Department is not closed, yes, but no taxation, no supervision, no.

"Since the Mizhou Shipping Department is an established fact and there is a need for it to exist, let's transfer it to the government. Don't worry about it, and don't try to make money on your belt." Zhu Qiyu picked up the file of the Mizhou Shipping Department and left. Lecture Hall.

In the early morning of the next day, the capital was awakened by the gusts of spring breeze. Four hundred drums were heard rumbling in the capital. The entire capital.

The gate of the capital of the Ming Dynasty slowly opened, and the city of the capital woke up from sleep.

Zhu Qiyu also came to Fengtian Hall to prepare for the court meeting. Although he didn't make a big news when he worshiped the ancestors in the Taimiao, he planned to try it today.

"See Your Majesty, is Your Majesty blessed?" All the ministers bowed their heads in salute.

Zhu Qiyu sat up straight and said, "I'm at peace."

"Xing'an, declare the decree."

Xing'an swung the whisk in his hand to his back, hung the whisk on his shoulder, opened the long imperial edict, and shouted in frustration: "The Prince Consort Wang Ning's second son Wang Zhenqing, and the Prince Consort Zhao Hui are lawless and disregard Maritime bans, sailing privately and privately setting up a city shipping department, without rules and regulations, deceiving the king, corrupting the law, lenient again and again, and never changing."

"Exile all the family members of the deceased family to Yongning Temple for treason, hereby."

"The auspicious officer Zhao Jin from Shandong's procuratorate, Wan Guan from the Zuo Buzheng of Shandong Chief Political Department, Liu Huan from the left counselor, and Zhao Quan from the right counsellor, corrupted the law with corruption, compared themselves to traitors, harmed the country and the people, and recruited power Taking bribes, even if you are a slave, is an unforgivable crime."

"Beheaded according to the law to show all family members, all family members, exiled to Yongning Temple, hereby."

Xing'an read out two imperial decrees, one was Zhao Hui and Wang Zhenqing, the captain-in-law, and Ouyang Lun, the captain-in-law, was accused of treason.

The other is 12 Shandong officials, all beheaded for public display.

Although there were not many spies in Lu Zicai's imperial hospital, and he was looking forward to new medical observation subjects, Zhu Qiyu still did not send these people to the imperial hospital.

Their crimes have not yet reached the point where they need to be put to death.

Xing'an picked up a volume of imperial decree again, and after he opened it, he continued to say loudly: "I will set up the Shibo to raise the judiciary, and pay tribute to the masters. The old system should be paid to the tribute, and the talisman book will be given first. The three divisions and Hefu will send it to Beijing from Tianjin, assuming that the inscriptions and objects are authentic."

"Today, for the convenience of paying tribute and doing business, we have specially set up a department for the promotion of Mizhou. The admiral Shibo eunuch Qi Xin went to Mizhou, and set up one person for promotion, from the fifth rank, and two deputy promotions, from the sixth rank. "

This decree is extremely brief.

Two things, the first thing is that the Mizhou Judiciary was transferred from the private to the government, and the provincial eunuch Qi Xin went to the admiral, and the second thing was that the tribute and trade were mixed up.

This is what Zhu Qiyu wrote on purpose.

The maritime trade of the Ming Dynasty is nothing more than two matters of tribute ships and merchant ships.

The tribute ship is allowed by the king's law, and it is in charge of the tribute ship, and the public of the trade is also for the tribute;
Maritime business is forbidden by the king's law, and it is not in charge of tribute ships. The private trade is also for commerce.

Daming's long-term adherence to the sea ban strategy has led to Daming's lax management of maritime trade, especially private maritime trade.

The rapid expansion of private sea trade has not been brought into the management scope of the Shibo Department for more than 200 years. It was not until Longqing opened and established a Shibo Department for private sea trade in Yuegang, Zhangzhou. Tribute and trade were brought into the management scope of the dynasty.

However, the Longqing switch lasted for 17 years, Zhang Juzheng died, and the government died down. Instead, Yuegang became a place where filth was hidden and people made a fortune together.

Zhu Qiyu's decree is very short, but the matter is very big.

Zhu Qiyu is restoring the establishment of the promotion department and promoting the eunuch of Shibo.

Comparing the tribute ship with the merchant ship, the meaning of intending to bring private maritime trade under the jurisdiction has been clearly revealed.

After Xing'an finished reading the memorabilia, he took two steps back. The Fengtian Hall was completely quiet, even a needle could be heard on the ground.

A gust of spring breeze blew past, blowing the heavy curtains by the window, making a hula-la-la sound.

Zhu Qiyu said with a smile: "Why, isn't it good to talk on weekdays? Why don't you talk now?"

Zhu Qiyu tried to open the sea ban.

An old minister stood up tremblingly, and said loudly: "Cai Yuji has a book to play."

Zhu Qiyu looked at the old minister, nodded and said, "Speak!"

Cai Yuji bowed his head and said: "I am ashamed of my mediocrity. I am ashamed of my sage's grace. My body is broken and my bones are not enough to repay the trickle. I am vigilant all day and night, and I sleep and eat happily. Fortunately, I look up to the virtue of my sage, and my colleagues in heaven and earth are full of grace. ..."

"Let's get down to business." Zhu Qiyu signaled him not to read the scriptures.

Zhu Qiyu interrupted Cai Yuji's spellcasting.

The new dynasty and the new atmosphere, there is something to talk about, come up and put on a row of high hats, and talk a bunch of nonsense that listening to what you say is better than talking about it.

Zhu Qiyu didn't like Chen Xun's tone very much.

Cai Yuji hesitated for a while, and continued: "I used to be the Guangzhou inspector, and the Guangzhou shipping department. In August of the first year of Yongle, Qi Xiqin, an internal official, was established by Emperor Taizong Wen's imperial decree."

"At that time, 47 rich households of the people and 37 wealthy households of the military were employed by the Guangzhou Shipping Department. .”

"Although things such as fish maw and tea silk are produced in Zhaoqing and Guangzhou, the people are hard-pressed. The eunuch of the Shibo Department sent people to supervise and disturb the place, and the chickens and dogs are not safe."

"My great ancestor, Emperor Gao, has learned a lot from the mistakes of the previous generation in appointing eunuchs!"

"Although there is one supervisor in the supervisory bureau, there are only five permanent posts, and there are only two chief and deputy officers in the first bureau. The officials are no more than four ranks, and they are not in charge of the matter of offering sacrifices. They have not interfered with the government of the court."

"In recent years, in the Internal Affairs Bureau, there are more than ten eunuchs in each prison, and countless below the junior prison."

"Python clothes and jade belts are regarded as ordinary clothes, and the reputation and status are indiscriminate, so why not!"

"However, people on the king's side are feared by everyone, and they rely on their power to do harm to others."

"Destroying the general structure of the imperial court, depriving a hundred lives of food and clothing, even citing treacherous evil, rejecting righteous officials, obstructing people's words, and evil ways harming government, such as Wang Zhen, Xining and others, even if a hundred deaths are not enough to thank heaven and earth!"

"Nowadays, there are many ministers who are sent to the various chief ministers. There are eunuchs everywhere in the places where the towns and towns are in the four directions, and where the city and ships are profitable."

"Fuwang Shengming regards his ancestors as his heart and the eternity as his mind. When things happen, he will be cautious and cautious. He will take everything back to avoid harming others. In the future, he will stop begging every year, and his subjects will be very lucky."

The starting point of Cai Yuji's opposition to the decree was the eunuchs.

He quoted the law of the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty that eunuchs were not allowed to interfere in politics, and expressed his opposition to the promotion of Shibo eunuchs.

The examples he gave were the eunuchs Wang Zhen and Xining.

Zhu Qiyu sneered, it seemed reasonable and well-founded, but he was just trying to fish in troubled waters.

"Cai Yushi, my official ship and sea trade in Ming Dynasty has been suspended for 16 years. Are the chickens and dogs in Guangzhou and Zhaoqing still alive?" Zhu Qiyu asked a question.

Cai Yuji bowed his head in a daze and said, "It's not safe."

Zhu Qiyu nodded and said: "If the chickens and dogs are safe, they won't kill the owner of the saltworks, stay with Ye Zong, and stick their heads to their waistbands to make a living?"

"Obviously not."

"Isn't it a bit of a generalization to attribute a complicated livelihood issue to the eunuch of the Shibo Department in a one-sided way?"

Zhu Qiyu is not very good at reasoning, but it is reasonable for Cai Yuji to sit in the seat of the seventh-rank supervisory censor at such an advanced age.

Even the emperor can't argue, can't fool, how can he be promoted?

Cai Yuji had no choice but to return to work. He took the lead in the charge and opposed His Majesty's re-establishment of the Admiral and Eunuch, but failed.

Censor Wang Fu looked around and found that they were all smart people, and they didn't want to talk about it, so let him talk about it.

Wang Fu stood up and said loudly: "Your Majesty, there is a saying in the Han Dynasty: Husband and Heaven also share something. Those who give teeth have their horns removed, and those who spread their wings have two feet. The one who receives the big one should not take the small one. "

"Those who have been bestowed by the ancients do not feed on strength, and do not rest on the end. They also accept the big, and do not take the small, and agree with the sky."

"Husband accepts the big and takes the small. The sky is not enough, how about people? The reason why the people are so miserable is that they are not enough."

"Personally favored and held a high position, family warmth and rich salary, because of taking advantage of wealth and resources to compete with the people for the benefit of the people, the people's security can be like this."

Wang Fu started by citing the classics, and he cited the Confucian classics, Dong Zhongshu's arguments during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

God is fair, for teeth, but not horns; for wings, but not feet;

Now that he has become the emperor and competes with the people for benefits, how can the people live in peace?

Dong Zhongshu's remarks were because Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty vigorously promoted the monopoly of salt and iron at that time, the average loss level, the counting, and the suing order. The leek knife was too fast, so Dong Zhongshu took the risk to speak out.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said: What you said is very reasonable, but I should still get leeks...

Wang Fu went on to say: "The establishment of Mizhou Shipping Department, the officials thought that the tribute ships should be returned to Ti Jusi, and the merchant ships should be returned to merchants.

Yu Qian suddenly said: "Wang Yushi, dare I ask, do you mean the people who compete with the people for profit and inferiority, do you mean the people who win the world?"

In fact, His Majesty asked this question before when discussing the Great Longxing Temple of Master Yang Zen Master of the Ming Dynasty, which was attached to the land.

Some people are sitting on thousands of fertile fields but don't pay taxes, and some people are extremely harsh on the three points of the land.

The foundation of the country, is it the gentry, or the people of the world?

It is easy to say Wang Fu's four words of fighting for profit with the people, but who is this people?
Wang Fu just wanted to speak to refute.

Hu Wei stood up again, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, they are all wealthy and powerful families. If you want to do business, I'm afraid it will be inconvenient for you. If you want to seek the benefits of the public and the benefits of the villagers, you will die." It’s all about refusing to set up a customs office.”

Since Hu Wei confronted He Zhang in the court last time, saying that he is sincere and immoral, he has become more and more unscrupulous because of his age.

This time, Hu Wei directly brought the words to the fore.

Shiyong's House is going to do business, and His Majesty will add a market manager to manage it in the middle. How can they still finish eating at the top and eat at the bottom?
Hu Wei is tired, tired of sometimes firmly opposing the sea ban, and sometimes firmly supporting the sea ban.

His Majesty is a person who can make up his mind, so let his Majesty go down and make up his mind, and he will wag his lips and tongue in the back and wave his flag to cheer.

This time, Hu Wei made his point clear, just to see if Wang Fu's argument of competing for interests with the people can continue.

Fengtian Hall is a place to discuss politics, but His Majesty does not allow nonsense.

Zhu Qiyu sat up straight and said: "I heard that the ancient ministers did not avoid the ax and the axe, and pleaded for the people; today, the world is going down, and the people's hearts are not the same."

"The world is bustling for profit, and the world is bustling for profit."

"This court hall, Fengtian Hall, is a national artifact, but it has become a place where dogs and dogs fight for each other."

With one word, Zhu Qiyu fired the map gun directly, and scolded all Zai Tingwen and Wu.

Full of benevolence, justice and morality, full of thoughts are business!

Zhu Qiyu hates the words "competing with the people for profit" very much, not because he cherishes his reputation.

It's because the people here in Wang Fu are not people at all.

Instead, standing behind these courtiers, clans one after another, meat eaters one after another, and a network of relationships so huge that the emperor could not see clearly.

And this also involves a key issue, the master of Daming, is he Zhu Qiyu, or this suffocating big net!

There is only one master of Ming Dynasty, and that is His Majesty the Great Emperor!

"Your Majesty, I impeach Wang Fu. His family is a wealthy businessman in the south of the Yangtze River, and most of them are related to maritime trade! That's why you said that!" Cai Yuji stood up and said loudly.

At such an advanced age, Cai Yuji still sits in the position of the seventh-rank supervisory censor, which does make sense.

This opening of the mouth offended someone again.

Wang Fu's expression changed in shock, he pointed at Cai Yuji and said loudly, "You!"

 I recommend a book about the Three Kingdoms called "Revitalizing the Shuhan: Starting from Tianshui Qiliner". If you are interested, you can go and read it. The main text of Jiang Wei is rare.


(End of this chapter)

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