I am the king of the dead

Chapter 247 The Vengeance of Digging Graves

Chapter 247 The Vengeance of Digging Graves
Zhu Qiyu was waiting for the voice of opposition.

He just angrily denounced Yan Shenggong's various illegal acts and quoted a lot of words from the emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, but some of them were excerpts and signings, cutting off the beginning and the end.

For example, there is a full version of a sentence: Kong is higher than ordinary people.Ordinary people know how to seek the learning of sages and sages, how about the descendants of Confucius?Eryi is a member of the Mianer tribe, and he should study in various affairs.

When Zhu Yuanzhang was wronged, it was for the sake of the world.

Now that Zhu Qiyu is not wronged, it is for the sake of the world.

There are already a lot of scholars in Ming Dynasty. The principles of Confucianism can stabilize the world when the country is in a stable state, but now those principles of Confucianism have become a stumbling block in the development of Daming.

The Ming Dynasty never just embraced the law of the ancestors and muddled through. The prohibition of harem meddling in politics, eunuchs meddling in politics, chiseling mountains and rocks, and gold and silver were all relaxed to varying degrees.

Zhu Qiyu is waiting for the opposition of the old scholars.

Chen Xun took a deep breath and stood up. He bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty, Yan Shenggong Kong Yanjin is outlawed. Can you invite the Quzhou Kong clan to come to Beijing to worship the Confucius Temple?"

Zhu Qiyu shook his head and said, "There's no rush. We'll make a decision after Li Binyan, governor of Shandong Province, finds out whether Kong Huan, Kong Sihui's father, really happened."

Zhu Qiyu pushed four five six and took out the dragging formula.

Chen Xun sighed, what a fool!
Hu Yan was too tactful. Standing on the court hall, he was like a wall that water could not penetrate.

Originally, today's court should be full of swords and swords. Many people found a lot of objections, but Hu Yi said that Kong Sihui's father, Kong Huan, seemed to be a fake.

Yanshenggong means to multiply the descendants of saints.

Is Kong Huan real or fake?When did you find out?Who will check?This is all with a very flexible moral bottom line. After all, it happened more than 100 years ago, and the people at that time are no longer there.

If Hu Mi hadn't mentioned this matter, the courtiers would have no idea that there is such an old case.

No matter what you want to say, you have to argue with Hu Wei about who Kong Huan is.

Is Hu Wei lying?not at all.

Hu Yi really looked through a lot of books carefully, and even specially asked to go to the ancient and modern Tongji library, read the Yongle Canon, and search for the old cases from that year.

Of course, he didn't care about who Kong Huan was, he just wanted to help His Majesty wash the ground.

But this Kong Huan really didn't.

"Then no one objected?" Zhu Qiyu looked at Hu Wei, the evergreen tree in the Ming Dynasty hall, it really wasn't Gaide.

Hu Yi bowed his head and said: "The minister has little virtue and talent, and it is true that Kong Huan was not found. If someone finds him, he can raise questions at any time. I dare not be arrogant, and I must ask for advice with an open mind."

Hu Wei stood up straight, walked to his seat, looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, and fell asleep like an old monk in meditation.

Some censors and officials sighed, although they wanted to talk, they didn't know who Kong Huan was.

True or false, isn't that just a memorial archway, who would care?
But now that Hu Wei put this matter on the scale, it became troublesome.

Then you have to have conclusive research to find out who Kong Huan was, and then we can continue to discuss the matter of Yan Shenggong's succession.

But the problem is, if even Hu Wei can't prove it, how can other people do it?

Hu Yi has been in the Ministry of Rites for 30 years, and he has been poor for 30 years. He will definitely not make nonsense about such things.

He has a heart of respect for His Majesty, so naturally he will not use these things to deceive the Emperor, that is not the way of a courtier.

No matter who it is, as long as they can find out a few words, Hu can be impeached for the crime of deceiving the king.

Of course, the crime of deceiving the emperor is not the right punishment. How to judge and punish is only at the discretion of His Majesty. His Majesty said that the classics are as vast as the sea of ​​smoke, and the sea of ​​books is endless. If you forgive him, this matter will be over.

It is really difficult to decide whether the current Yan Shenggong is a direct descendant of Confucius, then how many years will it take to decide!There is also the dispute between the North and the South, which is even more difficult to break.

Hu Ming is six out of seventy, he should have retired, and he should be an official.

But Hu Wei once learned to sit down with Dai Sigong, Dai Sigong is a great doctor of Ming Dynasty, Hu Wei is very good at keeping in good health.

At the age of seventy-six, he is still quick thinking and not faint.

I heard that recently Hu Wei is still working with some doctors to compile medical books, and is going to present it to His Majesty as a gift for the Longevity Festival.

It is almost universally known that His Majesty does not accept birthday gifts for the Longevity Festival, but since Hu Wei dared to release the news, he must have something to rely on, and His Majesty will definitely accept this gift!
To be able to write books and biography on the medical profession, how many years will this Hu Yi have to wash the ground for His Majesty, and how many years will the courtiers have to suffer?
"Get flattened, don't keep kneeling like an apology, did you participate in the dismissal case?" Zhu Qiyu asked Yin Yu and other seven Shandong Wenlin Lang to be flattened, but the teasing air in these words did not diminish in the slightest.

It shows that His Majesty the Great Emperor still has lingering anger over Shandong's dismissal of the examination.

Yin Yu and the other seven people shouted loudly: "Your servant and the Shandong students have absolutely the same heart!"

"Faithful and loyal, the world can learn from it!"

"Okay, let's go back to work." Zhu Qiyu waved his hand, motioning for them to stand back.

Lu Zhong's investigation was very detailed, and these Wenlin Langs had no power at all, and even went to the Confucian Mansion with disciples and lackeys' stickers to visit the Confucian Temple.

The Kong family doesn't even look down on Fengyang Zhu Huangquan, can they think highly of them?

Jin Lian, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, came out of the class and bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, last year, the north and south Zhili merged with Shandong and Henan. There were locust swarms. I am afraid that the leftover species will regenerate this spring. Please move the governors of the text to supervise the military guards and officials to dig and arrest them. Anti-locust plague."

Preventing locusts is not a trivial matter, Zhu Qiyu nodded and said: "I remember that I once asked Xing'an to write a book on the experience of locust control in Shaobao Governor's place. Has this matter been done?"

What Zhu Qiyu asked was Xing'an, Zhu Qiyu definitely told Xing'an about this matter, and said at the time: Some people don't want to listen, so just listen to them.

Xing'an hurriedly said: "All of them have been sorted into a book, from six aspects: the time of the locust plague, the place of the locust plague, the source of the locust plague, the method of controlling the locusts in the past, the method of eliminating the locusts in advance, and the method of cutting off the locusts afterwards. All volumes have been engraved, and a trial edition of one hundred volumes will be published."

It is extremely reliable to work in Xing'an.

His Majesty said that he would let the Sanjing Factory do it, and he often heard the courtiers talk about locust control, so he naturally took it to heart. In order to prevent omissions, he also specially printed engravings.

Xing'an continued: "Your Majesty, I made two editions. One edition was read by Ting Minggong in all prefectures and counties. It is orthographic, and the other edition is common characters and prose. It is used for promulgating edicts and telling the people."

Xing'an handles affairs, that is extremely comprehensive.

His Majesty said that we must go hand in hand, command the officials to control the land of six miles, let them read the sentences that are not even read, I am afraid that the people will be confused.

Xing'an directly produced two editions. Even if Jin Lian didn't say anything, Xing'an was going to show the printed book to His Majesty for review.

It's not professional to work under His Majesty, how can you do it?

"Okay, very good." Zhu Qiyu nodded and said: "Follow the old rules to prevent locusts, and publish books on locust control all over the world. If there are good words to remonstrate, I will accept good words."

Jin Lian bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty is wise."

He just stood up and said, "Please His Majesty's order is to make the local government pay more attention. Once the locust plague breaks out and His Majesty has said something first, he will definitely have the official hat of the magistrate, and even his head."

Good guy, Your Majesty directly gave a set of methods, wouldn't you?Copy from the book.

Honglu Temple Minister Yang Shan stood up and said loudly: "Your Majesty, the Ryukyu Kingdom, Zhongshan King Shang Sida sent an envoy Bai Jiani, and the Korean King Li Yu sent his accompanying minister Nam Ji, etc., to pay tribute to horses and Fangwu. Please give me a banquet, a thousand pieces of silver coins, a hundred pieces of cloth and silk, four sets of crown clothes, etc., to the king and concubine."

Zhu Qiyu immediately became interested and said, "You can't take it for nothing."

Yang Shan had expected it a long time ago, bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, of course it is not for nothing. Coral, Livzon, maiden, flower mat, yellow flower mat, colorful flower mat, ginseng, leopard skin, otter skin, yellow brush, pickled pine fungus, hunting Eagles and more."

"There are also [-] stallions in each family. The Ryukyu country is poor, and there are only [-] stallions."

Zhu Qiyu nodded in satisfaction and said, "Reward."

All you need is a horse.

A hammer gelding Xuanfu horse is worth six taels of silver, but these seventy stallions are priceless, and they can't be sold if they want to buy them. Daming is restoring the horse administration, so naturally a large number of stallions are needed.

The more the better.

The government affairs were still going on, and it was not until noon that the discussion of government affairs was considered to have stopped.

Hu Wei opened his eyes suddenly, and left the court in a hurry. He is very busy, and he is writing a book recently. He has accumulated a lot of ideas in the court just now.

The ministers looked at Hu Min with his sleeves and trousers rolled up, walking like a dragon and a tiger, and it was a pity, Hu Min is so healthy, they will have to suffer for at least ten years!
Liu Ji took two steps to catch up with Hu Wei. Liu Ji was the official of the banquet at this time, giving lectures on the history of the scriptures to the emperor, and he belonged to the Ministry of Rites. Boss, have a good chat.

Liu Ji and Hu Wei, the old and the young, chatted very happily, it seemed that they were talking about interest, and there was a taste of forgetting to make friends!

If Hu Yan claims to be honest and immoral, then Liu Ji really has no lower limit.

Hu Wei has natural enemies. Hu Wei claims to have no virtue, but he is virtuous, even a great virtue in the way of the country's rise and fall.

His natural enemy is someone like Li Binyan, who catches a wrong thing, no matter who it is, even the emperor's aunt, he will be impeached to the end.

This made it difficult for Hu Ming to wash the floor.

Who is Liu Ji?Liu Ji doesn't care about these things at all, if His Majesty really forgives people like Zhao Hui, then Liu Ji can also wash away.

A person like Liu Ji has no natural enemies at all, even if His Majesty wants to chop off his head, he still wants to say Long Live, the kind of person Your Majesty is wise.

Cai Yuji looked at the old and the young, gritted his teeth with hatred and said: "The Ministry of Rites is full of such flattering people!"

Why is Cai Yuji so angry, because they are all in charge of the procuratorate and the science department, and they can't argue with the old and the young of the Ministry of Rites in debating the classics!
It's even more annoying.

Wang Wen shook his head, with some worry in his eyes, His Majesty is extremely wise at this time, and everything is fair, if His Majesty loses the enterprising spirit in the future, what should he do?
Wang Wen walked two steps slowly, and was listed with Yu Qian, and expressed his worries: "If a man has no foresight, he will have near-term worries; if a country has no long-term plans, there will be disasters."

"Yu Shaobao, Mr. Wang is terrified. Your Majesty, who talks about the world at this time, must follow the principles of the world. If in the future, your majesty does not have the heart to forge ahead, what should you do? Please ask Yu Gong to clarify."

Wang Wen was extremely worried about this issue.

But Yu Qian shook his head and said: "Wang Zongxian has been worrying too much. Your Majesty thought about this issue earlier than Wang Zongxian."

"At that time, Wang Zongxian had not yet entered the court, and the ministers proposed to send Zen Master Yang of Dalongxing Temple to Oala to reform the people of Oara. Your Majesty borrowed the land of Dalongxing Temple to discuss the foundation of the country."

Wang Wen was stunned and said: "Ah, I heard about this, I heard that Chan Master Yang's life in Wala was very precarious, and half of the Dalongxing Temple was converted into a lecture hall camp and a martial arts temple to worship the sages of the martial arts temple. "

Yu Qian nodded and continued: "At that time, the Oirat soldiers were in full swing, and His Majesty said that he was born in sorrow and died in peace."

"Your Majesty will ask again, if the Oirat soldiers arrive, they will do everything with all their heart, and the Oirat soldiers will retreat, and the singing and dancing will make peace. If there is no decision and no intention to make progress, how should we deal with ourselves?"

"Yu said that there must be a courtier to help, but His Majesty is obviously not very relieved about this method."

"So, His Majesty personally killed King Jili in Taimiao."

Wang Wen was stunned for a moment and asked, "Are these two things related? Your Majesty lost his aggressiveness and killed people in the Taimiao."

Yu Qian looked at Wang Wen, Wang Wen entered the court a little later, and didn't understand the decisions made by His Majesty in Beijing. His Majesty is a person who is ruthless to others and ruthless to himself.

He smiled and said: "Your Majesty bears the notoriety of murdering brothers in the Taimiao, and there are cliffs behind him, and he can't retreat a step. Yu said that, Wang Zongxian, have you ever understood it?"

Wang Wen nodded slightly sluggishly.

How ruthless, Your Majesty does not leave any retreat for himself.

Wang Wen didn't know His Majesty's temperament very well, but Yu Qian knew it very well.

Everything in the world is like this, like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

But behind His Majesty, there is a cliff of ten thousand zhang. There is no retreat at all, so he can only keep walking forward, leading Daming all the way.

Whoever stands in front of His Majesty and blocks Da Ming's path of advancement will be crushed.

This time, the Yanshenggong Mansion has arrested a lot of people, and His Majesty has already set the tone. Those who should be sent to the Imperial Hospital to make medical contributions, sent to the medical school, those who should be beheaded should be beheaded, and those who should be exiled to Yongning Temple.

Lu Zhong took a lot of guards in brocade clothes and began to sort them into different categories, sending them to various places, especially exile.

It's not that many people sent notes to let these people live, but many people sent notes hoping that these people would die.

Cutting off one's wealth is like killing one's parents. The way to cut off one's official career and imperial examination may be to dig a grave to relieve the hatred in one's heart.

Too bad!
For the enjoyment of the family, the future of the entire Shandong Shilin is tied up, and there are far more people who hate him for death than those who hope for him to live.

"Yan Shenggong, you said that you did something wrong. If you get so much money, you won't bring it with you when you die, and you won't take it with you when you die. If you close your eyes and open it, the money is not spent, and the people are gone."

"What do you think you're doing? Sigh." Lu Zhong was about to take Kong Yanjin to the imperial hospital. He was just a common man, and he liked to see these moths lose their souls.

Kong Yanjin had seen the scene of the Imperial Hospital before, and knowing that he was going to the Imperial Hospital, he was completely terrified.

When he gets there, there is only one end, and that is to be observed.

Kong Yanjin lost his mind and said: "Commander Lu, can I take the blame and make meritorious deeds without asking for a living, can I cut off my head? I won't go to the Tai Hospital, I won't go!"

Lu Zhong asked curiously: "Then what do you use to make meritorious deeds?"

"I have……"

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(End of this chapter)

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