I am the king of the dead

Chapter 275 Meat-eaters are contemptuous, unable to plan

Chapter 275 Meat-eaters are contemptuous, unable to plan

Zhu Chun did not come from a major. During the 14 years he came to Xuanfu, he mostly made a living as a painter, but he was not useless, eating the salary of the imperial court and doing nothing.

He knows enough about Xuanfu and about Mashi.

But last time he caught a spy and got a reward card, he took over the job of building Xuanfu Gongshi.

Is this job difficult?In fact, it is not difficult, because the establishment of the Tribute City by the Great Emperor is really what everyone expects.

"It has been recently heard that northern captives brought horses into the border private market for tribute, and those who won the market all returned to powerful families. Because of the huge profits, merchants and people would flock to them. Merchants from far and near mostly traded with captives with iron goods. Villagers Residents of the city also took the lead in committing crimes.”

The people of Xuanfu want Gongshi, the influential family of Xuanfu Haoyou wants Gongshi, the Tatars want Gongshi, almost everyone wants Gongshi.

Private markets and private markets were already an extremely common phenomenon before the establishment of Xuanfu Gongshi, and in the name of mutual markets, horse bandits who wantonly looted in Kyushu outside the mountains were no longer rare.

For this kind of chaos, he wrote to the imperial court several times, but he never responded. Firstly, his memorials were not taken seriously, and secondly, Daming was so powerful that it was a bit treacherous, so it was not worth mentioning.

Since the change of Tumubao, his memorials have received great attention, and the speed of advancement is extremely fast.

The Great Emperor sent 30 pieces of horse price silver as capital for the first transaction in Gong City, requiring no less than [-] usable war horses.

The Xuanfu immediately invested about [-] civilian workers in Jiajiaying, Andingmen, and began to build the siege of Gongshi. Buildings such as Zhenshuo Building and Qingyuan Building were successively built to manage the two mutual markets.

The geographical location of Jiajiaying is very special. It is a basin surrounded by mountains, but it is well connected in all directions. At first, Agadorji was sent to attack Jiajiaying, hoping to contain the main force of Xuanfu and attack Wanquan City. Take cover.

It is a pity that Agadorji played on the fine traditions of the Tatars and fled.

At this time, due to the construction of the Jiajiaying, a small fort with a circumference of ten miles was built. Although it was a mutual market, it had an extremely strong military fort style, such as a horse racing track and a three-story urn city.

In the fifth year of Zhengtong, Xuanhua City began to be covered with bricks, and Xuanfu has since become a brick city. This time, the Jiajiaying Gongshi was built at a cost of less than 3 silver dollars.

Daming silver coins are much more expensive than those in the capital, and one piece can be worth three dollars. People in the prairie are quite fond of this kind of silver coin.

Of course, the city is mainly dominated by Gongshi.

Tatars and Wuliangha people could drive their livestock to Xuanfugong City to obtain silver coins from the Ming Dynasty, and then exchange the silver coins for iron pots, salt and other things necessary for life.

To a certain extent, Zhu Chun thinks that the silver coins of Daming are more like a kind of exquisitely crafted Yanyin that is not easy to forge. , Exchange Daming silver coins to the mainland.

Isn't this a reprint of Shiobiki?

But he soon realized that he was very wrong.

The currency of general equivalents is completely different from Yanyin, which is closely related to grain and grass in border towns and Huainan salt.

First of all, Daming prepared salt, tea, iron pots, farm tools, horse iron and other things in exchange, all of which were unsalable.

The Taiji and slave chieftains of the Tatars took away Daming's silver coins and left behind their livestock, but did not take away the goods, supplies, and daily necessities prepared by Daming.

Because Taiji and the slave chiefs thought that Daming wanted to make money twice, the first time was to buy livestock at a low price, and the second time was to sell goods at a high price.

Zhu Chun sighed as he looked at the skinny herdsmen.

Heaven and earth conscience!

These goods are already very cheap, at least the price of Xuanfu is the same as that of Gongshi.

Zhu Chun has been scolded bloody, saying that Zhu Chun is a spy of the Tatars!

Although the Xuan Mansion could not be said to be lacking in these things, it was not rich, and they were all sold in the end. Isn't this Litong Tatar?

Doesn't this make Zhu Chun a criminal?Instead of sending him to the Tai Hospital, observe whether this official is a Tatar spy?
Under great pressure, Zhu Chun transported these urgently needed supplies from Xuanfu to Jiajiaying, naturally to attract grassland people to send horses to Gongshi.

It's a pity that the Taiji and the slave chieftains of the prairie people don't seem to understand the truth that if the marsh is exhausted, there will be no fish for fishing.

The common people didn't feel much about those shining silver coins at all. Their eyes were bright when they saw those iron pots, tea leaves, and salt.

Yu Qian's statement is correct. During the Yongle period, grassland people had difficulty in making a living. Not only was the Ming Dynasty's attack, but also the Ming Dynasty made Yongle Tongbao, which was exchanged by the grassland people for livestock.

Leading to the collapse of life on the grassland.

Zhu Chun pointed to those Taiji and Nuqian who took the silver coins away, and those herdsmen who looked at the salt and iron pots reluctantly, and finally put down their hands.

The supplies that were brought to Jia's camp were sent back to the Xuanfu to buy. The Xuanfu was not rich, and not all of them were seasonal items.

But what about those desperate grassland people?
He wrote all his experiences in the memorandum: "The Tatars control more than 40 strings. They have a lot of livestock and shellfish. They are a little tired of soldiers. They migrate to the east of Mumu. If they exchange things, they will grow day by day. Ji Nang and other tribes have three to four hundred thousand people.”

"However, the competition for extravagance in the prairie is very raging. They only adore things of gold and silver, and discard the basics for the last. Prosperity? Decline!"

Zhu Chun was very sure that it was wrong for the Tatar kings, Taiji, and slave chieftains to take only silver coins and not supplies.

According to the emperor's theory of financial affairs, money is divided into use value and exchange value.

The use value of silver coins is almost equal to zero, and it acts as an exchange value. These are the reasons why silver coins become general equivalents.

This unexchangeable silver coin is as worthless as land without a farmer.

Take the silver coins away, and store them in the tribe. When the white hair wind comes, they can neither buy coal to make a fire, nor can they buy cloth and silk to cover the wind. will be weak.

Zhu Chuncai would say, let go of the basics and pursue the last, Shengye?Bad!
Logically speaking, Zhu Chun's idea is completely correct, and there is no problem with his reasoning.

Just like the principles in the books of sages that persuade people to be good, they are indeed correct, but the reality is always so absurd. The tragedy of the Yongle period seems to be staged again in the Jingtai period.

Zhu Chun has long understood the truth of doing things with the sage's book and doing nothing, and now he understands it more deeply.

Standing on the Zhenlu Building, Zhu Chun looked at the people, and the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt. The memorial was written to the emperor, so it was naturally gentle and elegant, but in Jiajiaying Mutual Market, he didn't need to hide it at all.

He yelled at the group of Taiji and slave chieftains who left: "It's really nothing, it's just a bandit! It's worse than a bandit! Even if it's going to a brothel, how much money!"

"It doesn't cost much! Bring back some salt and an iron pot, even some felt and hemp rope!"

"And let the common people say hello to you, just one word, bah! Disgusting!"

"Meat eaters are contemptible, and they can't see far! He only sees the near but not the far, and observes the few but fails to observe the many. Push this generation!"

After all, he was a scholar, and finally cursed a few words politely, and began to allocate materials back to the Xuanfu. What the Tatars didn’t want was what people wanted. The army was on the front line to resume production and life around Jining, and they needed more materials.

At this time, the Guanshan Forum once again ushered in the dawn of dawn. On the huge forum, facing the purple air coming from the east, Yu Qian played a set of Wu Qinxi, flowing clouds and flowing water, and finally finished it slowly.

Recently, Yu Qian's health is getting better and better, he speaks full of air, and he doesn't have to go anywhere, he wears a mask.

There is no doubt that Yu Qian's body is exhausted.

What people are most afraid of is not that they encounter problems or that there is no way to solve them, but that there are ways, but for various reasons, they cannot be solved.

Recently, Yu Qian seldom expends his energy to think about those things that he lamented all night long. The Emperor of Ming Dynasty is a person who can make up his mind, even if there are some small errors, it doesn't matter, they can be corrected.

"Yu Shaobao, General Zhenglu asked Shaobao to go to the meeting hall. The generals are all here." A school lieutenant handed a square scarf to Yu Qian.

Yu Qian took the square scarf, wiped off his sweat, and walked into the main hall of the conference table. Now there is a plaque on the plaque of the Commanding Division of the former Army Capital, with the four characters of "Towering Yanjiang" written by His Majesty's royal pen.

"See Yu Shaobao!" Many generals bowed their hands in salute.

Yu Qian said with a smile: "Everyone please sit down, don't be so cautious, the army has not yet planned to enter the Hetao, it is not a wartime meeting."

Yu Qian is still not very used to this kind of respect.

He was just a local governor 13 years before the orthodox, sparring with Shi Heng, and almost got killed.

Before August 14th in the [-]th year of Zhengtong, he was just an ordinary servant of Ming Dynasty, and he was not even qualified to be a minister in the court.

At that time, the Minister of War was Kuang Ye.

There are many rumors in the market that the change of Tumu Fort was a conspiracy of a group of officials headed by Yu Qian. They conspired to deprive the Ming Dynasty of the Beijing Camp's food and grass, which led to the collapse of the Tumu Fort and took the opportunity to ascend to power.

Thinking about the 800 million stone grain and grass in Tongzhou, this conspiracy theory is quite tenable. Although the civil fortress collapsed, it was because there was no water source, and it was because the camp was moved rashly.

But who cares?Everyone just wants to know the answer they want.

According to the principle of who will benefit the most and who is the initiator of the conspiracy, this kind of rumor should be directed at His Majesty, after all, His Majesty has benefited the most.

But the guys who spread the rumors are well aware of the fact that it doesn't matter if they scold Yu Qian a few words. They dare not put a shit bowl on His Majesty's head, because His Majesty will really invite them to sit in the Imperial Hospital, and then ask them what is behind them. Who.

Yu Qian really wanted to ask, what virtue and ability can I have?
He is the left servant of the military department, planning a conspiracy to subvert the affairs of the Ming emperor's personal conquest, that's too much for him.

Just like now, the soldiers respect him so much, what can He De do?

He also has a sense of unrealism.

Yu Qian often discusses politics with His Majesty. In addition to persuading His Majesty on the way of benevolence and forgiveness, Yu Qian is also studying hard. Of course, he is not learning to fish. If you can't catch it all the time, the fishing method that depends on the water monkey hook is not worth learning.

Yu Qian must learn from those insightful foresight.

Meat eaters are contemptuous and fail to seek far.

His Majesty is indeed a carnivore, but there is a cliff behind His Majesty, and he has to foresight.

Those foresights, Yu Qian must earnestly comprehend them every time, and they are always rewarding.

There is a tall man behind your Majesty, as tall as a hundred feet.

He must be worthy of the respect of all sergeants.

Yu Qian said with a smile: "Marquis Wuqing, I need to transfer the commanding officer of the five hundred disciples of the Son of Heaven to resume production in the Jining area."

Shi Heng sat in the main seat. He is a super-grade marquis, so naturally he doesn't need to salute Qian, but when he heard that Yu Qian wanted five hundred commanders, he immediately became annoyed!
It's so embarrassing to speak, and with one mouth, His Majesty Wubai will personally teach the Commander!Why doesn't he grab it? !
"Yu Shaobao, it's not our old Shi who knocked on the door, nor is it that our old Shi disrespected His Majesty's command, Commander of the Five Hundred Commanders? You might as well demolish the entire [-]th Regiment Battalion!"

"Your Majesty gave us Laoshi 530 two commanding officers in total. You have to leave five hundred at once, no, absolutely no! No way, don't even think about it!"

His Majesty personally taught the commanding officer, which is the guarantee of the military discipline of the army. If the five hundred commanding officers are directly taken away, the army will become a vicious dog when it reaches the Hetao, and it will toss the entire Hetao without knowing what to do. give up.

Once military discipline is corrupted, if you want to restore it, unless you destroy it and rebuild it, it will only continue to deteriorate.

Yu Qian was not annoyed either, he said with a smile: "The new Commander will arrive in October, we will have to rest for at least three months and stabilize the Jining area before attacking the Hetao area, just in time. "

"I have His Majesty's edict here, Marquis Wu Qing, would you like to have a look?"

Shi Heng thought about it for a moment, and when he saw His Majesty's edict, he couldn't help it. Yu Qian was telling the truth.

He nodded and said, "If the new Commander in October arrives, it's fine to lend you five hundred."

"But Yu Shaobao, in Kyushu and Gyeonggi outside the mountains, five hundred commanding officers can control at least three thousand miles, thirty thousand armors, which is at least 36 households, and Jining Manda is only [-] households, one hundred Commander is enough."

Yu Qian said with a smile: "After all, it is a land of recovery, and most of them are living people."

"Five hundred commanders are not enough, but there are only [-] commanders in the [-]th Regiment Battalion. I need at least [-] soldiers and horses to cooperate with the [-] commanders. Safety."

Shi Heng frowned, finally nodded and said: "Alright then, Yu Shaobao, just say what you need."

Yu Qian looked around and said: "It is enough to do what the [-]th Regiment Battalion does on weekdays. As long as the army is still there, after the initial period of restlessness, nothing will happen."

Shi Heng frowned and said, "What is Yu Shaobao going to do?"

Yu Qian shook his head with a smile and said: "Does Marquis Wu Qing really want to learn this? The way to calm the people is the way of the great road. If Marquis Wu Qing wants to learn it, it's not difficult to just follow Yu for a few days."

Shi Heng shivered violently, waved his hands again and again and said: "It's better not to learn, Yu Shaobao will do his best, I'd better lead troops to fight."

"You, the others, don't want to inquire about it, do you hear me?"

The generals shouted loudly: "Follow the general's order!"

Why did Shi Heng have such a big reaction?
In fact, it is also simple. Since ancient times, generals have been in charge of soldiers but not wealth.

Those who control soldiers and money are called Haoqiang in the Han Dynasty, they are called Fanzhen in the Tang Dynasty, and they are called Juntou in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.

Shi Heng found that he almost bit the bait of His Majesty, and almost fell into the emperor's trap!Fortunately, it flashes fast.

"Then thank Marquis Wu Qing." Yu Qian nodded.

Shi Heng said loudly to Dongfang: "Do your best for His Majesty!"

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(End of this chapter)

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