I am the king of the dead

Chapter 296 Behave well, you must cooperate well

Chapter 296 Behave well, you must cooperate well

Thinking of Liu Sheng's words, Yu Qian just sighed and shook his head helplessly.

Liu Sheng is not suitable for messing around in the capital, he should go back to Jiaxing Mansion, with his father looking after him, nothing will happen, if this continues, he may suffer disaster.

Liu Sheng is not Li Binyan. Li Binyan is a bit imaginative about the powerful and powerful family, but once he experiences it, he will know the conclusion instead of being confused.

Yu Qian said helplessly: "I just hope that if he does not do well in mathematics in the Imperial Academy, His Majesty's dismissal of his fame is better than losing his life."

Will Liu Sheng die?
In Yu Qian's view, if he continues to ostentatiously like this, he will surely die. It is not easy to live in Beijing Normal University, and every step must be cautious and careful.

Although every Enke in Zhejiang has about [-] Jinshi, the word "Xiangdang" seems to be closely related, but it is just for profit, so stupid, who would dare to help him?
Zhu Qiyu said with a smile: "If you have to do something, don't worry about it. If you don't speculate, don't force it. Just ignore him."

In the Battle of Feishui, Zhu Qiyu held Fu Jian and won a complete victory. After all, 80 fought [-], and I always had the advantage.

The second one started again, Zhu Qiyu still held Fu Jian.

Yu Qian said with a smile: "Your Majesty, the Four Warriors Battalion crossed the Yellow River twice during this battle, and something interesting happened."

"Yang Jun led his people across the Yellow River along the south bank of the Yellow River, galloping all the way, and then crossed the Yellow River. It was the best opportunity to attack halfway. Yang Jun made thorough preparations for this, but the Wala I know that the Four Bravery Battalion is going to attack Shuofang Mansion."

"When crossing the river, the Wala people already knew that the Ming army had raided Shuofang Mansion."

"Having crossed halfway, you can't strike, and there are also times when you can't get together, and the fighters haven't set up their formations. This is also a good time to defeat the enemy with one blow."

"At that time, if the Wala people still had the heart to fight, they might as well wipe out all our troops along the Yellow River."

"But Ara Zhiyuan and the others robbed them, ran fast, and slipped away."

"Isn't this the stupid thing Song Xianggong did back then?"

Zhu Qiyu shook his head with a smile. On the pawn pusher chessboard, hitting halfway and not forming an array are all part of the fighter plan, but the Wala people have no fighting spirit and run away with them.

Duke Xiang of Song fought with the people of Chu on the banks of Hongshui. The people of Chu were halfway across the river, and Da Sima Ziyu appealed to them, asking to attack the people of Chu, but Duke Xiang of Song refused.

The Chu people did not line up, and Da Sima Ziyu asked to attack again, but Song Xianggong still refused.

Until the Chu people were fully prepared, Song Xianggong was beaten to the point of throwing away his helmet and armor, and Song Xianggong was injured on the back.

Song Xianggong was still stubborn, saying: A gentleman will not hurt the wounded, nor capture the gray-haired old man. This is the principle of using troops in ancient times. I will not block the enemy with narrow terrain, and I will not attack the enemy who is not in formation.

Chu people praised: Song Xianggong is a good gentleman!
This time the Four Bravery Battalion made a surprise attack on Shuofang. The risk itself was very high, but the surprise attack by marching quickly brought great benefits.

Otherwise, the three departments of arson, gunpowder, and anti-insurgency set up by the Qu family will destroy the entire Hetao.

Yu Qian bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, the morale of the Wala people did not disintegrate under Dongshengwei. Victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists. Instead, they fought for money in Jining. Military discipline eventually got out of control and turned into a massacre."

"Your Majesty, the army cannot ask for money anyway."

This is Yu Qian's understanding of the Jining massacre. Jining itself is not rich, and the Wala people only use it as a summer camp to graze, and they have no consciousness to rule this place at all.

The army was chasing money, military discipline was out of control, and finally turned into a hell on earth.

This is the case in Jining, and the same is true in Hetao. If the army asks for money, the consequences will be disastrous.

The fact that the military is not allowed to engage in business is a universally applicable truth.

Instead, Zhu Qiyu asked: "Has Yu Shaobao discussed this issue with Marquis Wu Qing? He was in Datong Mansion back then, but he ran amok and was impeached by Yu Shaobao Lianzhang."

Yu Qian suddenly thought of Shi Heng's temper, and said rather strangely: "Marquis Wuqing doesn't like to kill people."

Zhu Qiyu was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "I, Marquis Wuqing of the Great Ming Dynasty, doesn't like to kill people. If you tell me about it, the Oirats will never believe it."

But Shi Heng really doesn't like killing people very much, he likes killing enemies.

It is not a skill for a large army to kill some unarmed ordinary people, let alone a hero.

Yu Qian took a deep breath and said: "The army is determined not to ask for money, but the army must protect the power of Daming Banknote Customs to collect taxes. On this point, the minister and Wu Qinghou have the same idea."

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents. The Ming army requires the people of the world to pay taxes and taxes. If they have no strength, who will listen to the emperor?
Zhu Qiyu asked earnestly: "I'm a little worried, after the Siwu Regiment Battalion and the Siyong Regiment Battalion return to Beijing, will the Siwei Regiment Battalion be able to hold the Hetao area?"

The Beijing camp will inevitably return to Beijing, but it will still leave the Siwei regiment to stay in the Hetao area. It will return to Beijing after three years. It will teach the people to organize the people, suppress the bandits, build ditches for water conservancy, and prevent the Hetao rebellion. The mission of Wei Tuanying is to keep the fruits of victory in this battle, so as not to be stolen by others.

Although the twelve regiments are all Beijing camps, Wen Wu is the first and Wu Wu is the second. The Siwu regiment led by Shi Heng is the strongest, and the Siyong regiment led by Yang Jun is the bravest, but the Siwei regiment is the most powerful. It's a bit inferior, and some people were transferred to Mizhou Shipping Department.

Therefore, most of the missions are carried out by the Siwei Regiment Battalion.

Zhu Qiyu was still a little worried about the strength of the Siwei regiment.

Yu Qian stopped playing chess, and he lost again. It was really Fu Jian's 80 army, which was too strong, and directly crushed his Xie Xuan army to pieces.

Yu Qian said very seriously: "Your Majesty, I believe that the Siwei Regiment is competent enough, and I will definitely live up to your kindness."

"If the Oirats dare to invade, they will definitely let him go and never return!"

There are bound to be differences in the strength of the [-]th regiment battalion, but that is also a comparison of the Beijing camp. In the Hetao area, as long as Liu An and Sun Tong are not stupid, the national system of the imperial historians, prefectures, counties and townships will still exist. No matter what, the Nawara people couldn't eat the river cover.

Offense is to fight at other people's home court, and defense is to fight at one's own home court.

Can Hetao be the home of Daming?It was not counted.

But who made the Oirats cooperate well?

In the Hetao area, the three brothers Wala and the Qu family blew up river embankments and canals, set fire to them and burned them everywhere, and made people massacre everywhere in the name of fighting chaos.

People's hearts determine success or failure, and the people in the Hetao area have no distinction between Hu and Han people, and they all want to eat their flesh and lay their skins on their skins.

In fact, there is no difference between fighting and housework. If you behave well, you also need to cooperate well to make things happen.

Zhu Qiyu nodded and said, "Then let Marquis Wuqing and Yang Jun lead the troops back to Beijing."

"The Beijing camp returned to Beijing, and some people in the province had unrealistic ideas and misjudgments."

Yu Qian hesitated for a moment and said: "Your Majesty, the Hetao area is newly established, and the law should be severely punished, and the lawless people should be severely punished. When the young people fear the law, then relax and relax, and there will be signs of peace."

"If you are lenient and indulgent, you will lose in your indulgence. If you invite disaster, it will be the resentment of all people."

What Yu Qian said is also the way of benevolence and forgiveness. This is not that Yu Qian is persuading His Majesty to be tyrannical. The biggest lesson that Ming learned from the Yuan Dynasty is that Yuan lost the world with his tolerance.

The important task of the Siwei Regiment Battalion in the Hetao area is to prevent the rebellion in the Hetao area, and the army will conquer and win. If the Hetao area rebels, the army will attack again, isn't it just the commander in chief to appease and build water conservancy? , but Thunderclap.

This is the same as the amnesty decree that Zhu Qiyu went to Fujian at the beginning.

"Regardless of the leader, he will be expelled from Xian, and he will be ordered to return to work. If anyone dares to continue to bear the burden of the past, and the army will kill them, I dare not be selfish."

After the amnesty, Zhu Qiyu was still stubborn, so he could only let the army do things that no one wanted to see.

Zhu Qiyu nodded and said: "Jing Zhong Jing sang: "A man of armored horses lives in the jungle, a team of swords and guns is his home, killing is like a game, and robbing is life."

"Since ancient times, thieves have passed like a comb, and soldiers have passed like a grate. Only this Yue family army has strict military discipline and has never disturbed the people."

"If it is lenient, Hetao's rebellion will not only be a waste of life? It's not what I want, but I have a heart that loves life and treats everyone equally."

The way of benevolence and forgiveness is never blindly benevolent, and Yu Qian advised Renshu to mention this point several times.

Laozi said: Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are regarded as straw dogs.

This sentence does not mean that God is not kind, and treats everyone as a tribute.

This sentence means that heaven and earth treat everything equally, neither is particularly good to anyone, nor particularly bad to anyone, and everything develops naturally.

Treating people equally is also the way of forgiveness.

It's just that the way of benevolence and forgiveness, under the interpretation of some caring people, has gradually become a way of benevolence and forgiveness, a way of convenience for self-seeking.

The way of benevolence and forgiveness taught by Chen Xun is just like the words of the car, and what chanting sutras generally persuades is tolerance, not benevolence.

Yu Qian smiled and said nothing, His Majesty inherited Taizu Emperor Taizong's behest, and he has a deep understanding of Taizu Taizong's way of benevolence and forgiveness, so there is no need for him to comment.

The Emperor of Ming, who was at the peak of his spring and autumn, is leading Ming to become great again.

Yu Qian still conscientiously persuaded the way of benevolence and forgiveness. He said in a relaxed manner: "Your Majesty, this is actually to be lenient to the enemy. Based on what I saw and heard in Hetao, as long as Daming wants to rule Hetao, not to kill chickens and eggs, It will be very difficult for the people in the Hetao area to rebel."

"They are really bitter."

When Yu Qian said this, his face was full of sadness. When those people were dressed in rags and had nothing, when they looked at the Ming army helplessly, their hearts were ashamed, and the people around them pitied them.

Yu Qian calmed down a little, and said, "They couldn't help being overjoyed when they heard about Wang Hua."

What the hell is Wang Hua?This thing is not quantifiable.

But compared to the evils committed by the Oala people and the Qu family in Hetao, as long as Daming didn't have officials who had been shaved off and killed chickens to get eggs, the people in the Hetao area would definitely endure it.

Xing'an was the only spectator of the Monarch and His Ministers. He had been understanding the dialogue between the emperor and Shaobao. Although it was a bit difficult for him, he could read the books and make up lessons in private.

When Tang Xuanzong became dizzy in his later years, he relied on Gao Lishi to handle government affairs. As the supervisor of rituals and admiral of eunuchs, he must be virtuous.

After listening for a long time, he understood a truth, that is, when it is time to make a move, there must be no mercy.

He is not sure whether his comprehension will be used, but he needs to ensure that when he will use it, he does not understand everything.

Xing'an said eagerly, "Change hands."

This time, it was time for Yu Qian to hold Fu Jian's 80 army, and the Great Emperor to hold Xie Xuan's [-] army.

Fu Jian made an allusion about throwing the whip to cut off the flow, Xing'an was fully prepared, and Yu Qian was determined not to win.

But Yu Qian shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, there are still some official duties in the Minister's Ministry of War that have not been explained, so I will resign."

Yu Qian has already guessed what Xing'an is going to do!

Xing'an definitely planned to flood the Seventh Army. After all, the Battle of Feishui took place in the Yangtze River. Would it be difficult for Xing'an to cause a flood?
No matter how outrageous things are, Xing'an has done it, so can Yu Qian be fooled by him?Politics is over.

He simply went back to the Ministry of War and walked away without giving you a chance to flood the Seventh Army.

Zhu Qiyu looked at Yu Qian's back with some emotion, and said quite calmly: "Xing'an, restrain yourself next time."

"It's too much to be trapped in the sky and the earth. You can do something like a major epidemic in the army, and it seems to be invisible."

Xing'an suddenly realized, bowed his head and said: "The minister accepts the decree."

Ara Zhiyuan, Bodu, and the remnants of the Qu family have already returned to Helin, and they fled back to Helin in embarrassment.

At this time, in Helin Longting, all the tribal chiefs of Wala gathered in Longting.

First, the leaders of various ministries were called to discuss matters.

He was holding a grazing long whip in his hand, about half a foot long, with a whistle on the tail, and when he flicked it vigorously, there was a crackling sound.

He looked at Ara Zhiyuan who was kneeling on the ground, and said angrily: "Changshengtian taught us to love the people like we love pastures. What did you do in Hetao?!"

He was already out of anger. He returned to Helin from Mandala Mountain in Yingchang Mansion, and then he heard about the tragedy in Hetao, and he was numb for a long time.

He's not stupid, he's just a little impatient.

He already knew that the Oirats had lost the grazing land promised to them by Changshengtian.

That area has since belonged to Daming.

Unless Daming's royal masters in the Hetao area are more aggressive than the group of guys who blew up the embankments and ditches and set fire to looting, it is a foregone conclusion that the Hetao area will belong to Daming.

But what is Master Wang?

If you can do such things like heaven's anger and people's grievances, is it Master Wang?
"Crack!" Ye also swung hard first, hitting Arazhiyuan on the back, pointing at Arazhiyuan and Bodu and said angrily: "Stupid! Stupid!"

"Ahem!" Ye Xian felt out of breath, and immediately coughed forcefully.

Ara Zhiyuan was in pain, and blood was pouring out of his back, but he still said loudly: "Dashi, when I was leaving, it was the three brothers of the Qu family who insisted on setting up a department of gunpowder, arson, and chaos. It was not my fault." the iniquity of the dead."

"The one who should be punished is his family."

Han Zheng knelt at the back, his eyes widened. It turned out that Ara Zhiyuan kept Qu's house for this kind of place!

He was furious first, and he asked a few more people, all with the same answer, and he was also furious first: "This is to serve Wala? It is clearly Daming's loyal lackey! Push out all the Qu family members and behead them! One who doesn't Keep!"

Sai Yin bowed his head without taking flowers and said, "Dashi, why don't we sell them to Daming? The Emperor of Ming will naturally punish them."

"Even if it's [-] silver coins per person, that's tens of thousands of silver coins. Isn't it [-] horses?"

"It's such a simple cut, isn't it a loss?"

Ye Xian said helplessly: "But the Emperor of Ming Dynasty doesn't talk to us at all, how can we sell it?"

Sai Yin didn't spend it but said confidently, "I'll just sell it."

 Four changes are expected today, please ask for tickets, recommendations, and monthly tickets are all good! ┗|`O′|┛Aw~~!

(End of this chapter)

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