I am the king of the dead

Chapter 709 There are street lamps in the Craftsman City of Songjiang Prefecture

Chapter 709 There are street lamps in the Craftsman City of Songjiang Prefecture
Emperor Ming's theory of sheep and pigs is indeed novel and eye-catching.

"Your Majesty, how can there be sheep-like people in this world? The knife is drawn to the neck, and they dare not move, only shaking?" Yu Qian shook his head and said.

In the theory of sheep and pigs, the sheep-like people should be an illusion, compared to the pig-like people.

Zhu Qiyu was stunned and said: "Yu Shaobao doesn't know Tianzhu people, is he notoriously docile?"

Yu Qian was stunned, how could he have imagined that there are really sheep-like people in this world?
He shook his head and said, "I've never heard of it, because I've learned so little about it."

Yu Qian does not doubt that His Majesty is lying. Since His Majesty said that Tianzhu people are sheep-like, there is a basis for it.

Yu Qian explained in detail how he gave wives to the bachelors of Ming Dynasty.

"You still have to buy a dowry and hold a group wedding?" Zhu Qiyu was a little shocked after hearing this.

This is really too humane!

"Does your majesty feel that you earn less?" Yu Qian asked suspiciously.

It is well known that His Majesty loves money. There is only one wick in the lamp of the household department, and the Tai'an Palace is no different.

Zhu Qiyu shook his head and said: "No, I just felt emotional for a moment, what Nikolaoz said is right, we Daming really have a high moral disadvantage."

High morality has become a disadvantage. This is obviously a false proposition, but it can be implemented every time.

It has to be said that Daming deserves the praise of a country of civilization and a country of etiquette.

Only then did Yu Qian understand what His Majesty was surprised at, and said with a smile: "I think the imported brides are really helpless. This move is aimed at optimizing the population structure of our Ming Dynasty. If these imported brides cannot stay safely, they will be killed." Created new problems."

"Right now, the cost is a bit higher, but the troubles in the future will be much less."

Zhu Qiyu agreed very much and said, "Of course."

High morality naturally has some disadvantages. For example, this business can make a lot of money. Human trading, an industry that has existed since ancient times, is of course very profitable. The great voyage is accompanied by triangular trade. In essence, isn’t it selling human beings?

For example, these imported brides can also be reused. The brides run away as soon as they get married, recycle and reuse them, catch the escaped imported brides, and then send them from Songjiang Mansion to Xuzhou Mansion. labor surplus.

Isn't this earning twice?

The advantages of low morality and endless debts ultimately not only failed to eliminate the potential threat of bachelors, but forced out their ferocity.

Therefore, Zhu Qiyu chose high moral disadvantage.

"Li Aiqing invites me to visit the Carpenter City, and Yu Shaobao to go with me?" Zhu Qiyu asked with a smile.

Yu Qian was fine at this time, and said with a smile: "Go together, go together."

Carpenter City, Li Binyan Shangshu in the fourth year of Jingtai, analyzed the two townships of Xiuzhu and Huating in the northwest of Huating County, and the three townships of Xixinjiang, Beiting and Haiyu in Shanghai County, and set up Qingpu County and repaired Qingpu County. This Qingpu County is the Carpenter City.

Zhu Qiyu did not ride a horse this time, but chose to ride a jade scorpion. This time, he did not go on tour in a low suit, but came to Qingpu as an emperor to inspect the craftsman city.

Ran Siniang had nothing to do, when he heard that His Majesty was going to Jiangcheng City, he clamored to see the excitement, so Zhu Qiyu asked Ran Siniang to go with his followers.

"Is that the Craftsman City?" Ran Siniang asked in surprise, pointing to the city outside the window.

A black line appeared on the horizon. It was a city wall about four feet high. The glazed tiles of the Wufeng Building shone brightly in the sun. To welcome His Majesty to stay, the city was waving banners.

Zhu Qiyu looked at the tall city wall and nodded and said: "Well, Qingpu Carpenter City is about seventy miles in circumference, eighteen miles in width, and sixteen miles in width. There are five city gates, and on the other three sides, there are three city gates on each side."

"There are eleven streets in the east and west of the city, and fourteen in the north and south. There are a total of 72 squares in nine cities. Daming Street separates the east and west cities. The east city is for the army and the west city is for craftsmen."

When Zhu Qiyu said this, his expression was a little strange.

What is the name of the street in the middle? Li Binyan and the emperor had ground their teeth twice.

At first Li Binyan wanted to call it Tai'an Avenue, because the north gate, facing the gate of the capital, was called Tai'an Gate, but Zhu Qiyu rejected it.

Later, Li Binyan wanted to call it Jingtai Street. Isn’t it reasonable to call the city built during the Jingtai period Jingtai Street?

Zhu Qiyu rejected it again, and directly named him Daming Street.

Ran Siniang said in a daze, "Isn't that bigger than the capital?"

Zhu Qiyu looked at the majestic city and said: "Yes, not counting the houses outside the capital, Qingpu Carpenter City is a quarter larger than Beiya, about seven times the size of Junbao."

The location of Jiangcheng is closer to Jiangsu than to Shanghai County, the center of later generations.

To build such a huge city in this place, when Li Binyan chose the site, he was in the perspective of being lenient to the enemy.

In order to prevent sea enemies from invading Songjiang Mansion.

Docks can be lost, ports can be lost, shipyards can be lost, workshops can be lost, only craftsmen can't be lost.

When people are there, workshops, shipyards, ports, and docks can be rebuilt, but when people are gone, everything will cease.

"It must be very expensive to build such a big city." Ran Siniang looked at the masonry city wall, and all the government offices in the Nanya government petitioned for the demolition of the city wall, because the city became more crowded with more openings.

But the walls of Qingpu Carpenter City are still brick walls.

"It's less than 50 silver coins in total, which is much cheaper than Beiya." Zhu Qiyu looked at the huge city and said, "Li Binyan only built a city wall and a square wall, and the rest were built by the craftsmen themselves."

Why did the Beiya have been built for 13 years? In fact, most of the time was spent on building the palace, and the main cost was also concentrated on the palace.

For example, the ground bricks of the imperial palace are called gold bricks, which were transported from the Suzhou and Hangzhou areas to the capital for laying.

Is the window rail really worth 3000 taels of silver?
Every time you pass your hands, you have to smear a little oil, which is naturally extremely expensive.

Qingpu Carpenter City does not need to worry about this at all, it is filled with a rough and practical style, and the style of the city is open and closed.

The car arrived in front of Cheng'en Gate at the south gate, and saw Li Binyan, Chen Zongqing, Lei Juntai, and dozens of great craftsmen who had been waiting for a long time.

"Meet Your Majesty, is Your Majesty blessed?" Li Binyan took the lead in saluting.

Zhu Qiyu waved his hand and said, "Excuse me."

The green shade on the moat covers the city, the willow branches make ripples on the water surface, and the birds build nests on the branches. At this time, they are singing, and the crisp birdsong makes people feel happy physically and mentally.

The car drove slowly into the city of craftsmen, and the first thing that caught the eye was a circular square. The hardened road surface was surrounded by a statue carved in white marble with a height of seven to eight feet. The tall stone sculpture was full of oppression.

The veins on Zhu Qiyu's forehead were throbbing, this Li Binyan!

Ran Siniang looked at the sculpture and couldn't help but said, "The stone pillar of this sculpture says Emperor Zhenwu. This is the sculpture of Emperor Zhenwu? But no matter how you look at it, it's His Majesty."

The sculpture is lifelike and has a solid foundation.

This Emperor Zhenwu is heroic and imposing, wearing bright light armor, with a black war horse under his crotch, his front hooves raised high, neighing at the sky, and Emperor Zhenwu's hand is pointing to the south, as if pointing to the vast ocean.

"Li Binyan means that a deer is a horse." Zhu Qiyu shook his head helplessly and said.

This is Emperor Zhenwu?

This appearance, this armor, is clearly the appearance of Zhu Qiyu riding a horse on weekdays, and the flintlock is pinned to his waist, and there is a hook and sickle in the holster.

Can Emperor Zhenwu use firecrackers? !

Seeing His Majesty's car stop, Li Binyan handed a scroll to Xing'an and said, "This sculpture is based on this painting."

The painting "Entrance into the Ridge" painted by the court painter of the Ming Dynasty shows Zhu Qiyu riding a big black horse for battle, which is exactly the same as this sculpture.

The painting is very good, the patterns and details of Mingguangjia are very fine, the texture is excellent, and the temperament is natural.

Zhu Qiyu asked Ran Siniang to put away the scroll, and said with a little regret: "Governor Li, I hope that when I enter the city, what I can see is the sculpture of Baigong, instead of me standing here and pointing."

Li Binyan took out another picture scroll and said, "Yes! Inside Tai'an Gate, the main entrance to the north, as soon as you enter the city gate, there are statues of Baigong."

"The paintings are here. When the city was first built, there were painters who painted."

On the picture scroll is a picture of Baigongxiu City. Several craftsmen are carrying the load, other craftsmen are pushing the stones vigorously, the wooden frame is pulling the stones to pile up, and there are several women delivering food under the city.

In these pictures, the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys are vividly displayed during the construction of the city, but most of them are very simple smiles.

Zhu Qiyu frowned and said, "Are you smiling so happily?"

Li Binyan hurriedly said: "Family members can live in the city, give money, food, lunch and meat, the artist paints according to the truth, not flattery."

What he means is to give labor remuneration, treatment, and status. The craftsmen give a simple smile, which is not considered stingy.

Zhu Qiyu understood Li Binyan's words, stared blankly at the scroll and said, "Go, let's take a look."

Zhu Qiyu passed through the long Daming Street, and when he saw the statue of Baigong, he was convinced that this place was indeed the city of craftsmen, and said quite satisfied: "Li Aiqing has a heart."

"Share your majesty's worries." Li Binyan bowed his head and said.

The sixth of the seven articles of Xu Qiyao's teaching son is said to flatter horses.

This flattery is not a simple matter, what is important is a coincidence, it must be according to the heart.

Xu Qiyao said in a letter from home: There are thousands of prostitutes in the capital of Kagura, how can it be possible to marry a celebrity?
Flattery must be captured in the emperor's heart.

If only a mighty statue of His Majesty was erected, Li Binyan, who is familiar with His Majesty's character, knew that His Majesty would not like it when he saw it.

But if you add a statue of Baigong, then this flattery will be done.

With the approval and support of His Majesty, the Craftsman City of Daming was jointly built by hundreds of craftsmen.

This narrative style is not only in line with the status quo of the Ming Dynasty, but also in line with His Majesty's ruling philosophy that the people are the foundation of the country.

It is much more difficult to be a clean and good official than to be a jerk.

Zhu Qiyu stopped under the statue of Baigong for a long time, and said to Xing'an: "Bring a pen."

He thought for a moment and wrote: "Build tall buildings with one brick and one tile, dig gold and silver with one pick and one shovel. Build a huge wheel with one hammer and one ax."

"I would like to walk with the workers and peasants to clean up the pollution and draw a new picture."

Zhu Qiyu stopped writing and handed over the wording to Xing'an.

Is this poem good?

From a poetic point of view, it's not good.

But if His Majesty wrote it himself, no one would dare to say it, at most they would curse secretly, you are arty!

But no one would doubt that this poem is fake, it seems that His Majesty wrote it himself.

The emperor of Ming Dynasty always wrote poems himself, and did not ask anyone to write them for embellishment, because His Majesty's poems never talked about poetic style, they were all written with emotion, so it was true at a glance.

Li Binyan was ecstatic when he saw what he wrote. Craftsmen are all craftsmen in the city, and their knowledge of characters is limited to knowledge. Poetry and poetry are such elegant things that they are inherently insulated from craftsmen.

It doesn't matter whether your majesty writes poems well or not, what matters is what you write.

This represents His Majesty's affirmation of the Craftsman City, and also represents His Majesty's position. This is good news for all craftsmen in the Craftsman City.

Zhu Qiyu's car continued to drive forward, Zhu Qiyu suddenly said: "Stop, this is Chongmingfang, I want to go in and have a look."

Lu Zhong immediately waved his hand, and dozens of Tiqi opened the way to check for risks.

Zhu Qiyu got out of the car and walked towards Chongming Square.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw a hardened road with a width of more than two feet, which stretched straight to the end of the square wall. Tall trees were lushly planted on both sides of the road, and the sunlight shone through the shade of the trees on the road.

There are pavilions, stone tables and other things under the trees, and the patterns of chess and go are engraved on the stone tables.

"Is this a street lamp?" Zhu Qiyu looked at an iron pole about ten feet high beside the road in surprise.

There is a glass cover on the iron rod, and there is an iron cover on the glass cover to keep out the wind and rain.

Under the glass cover, there are also two ears that are obviously a ladder, cloud pattern.

Li Binyan hurriedly said: "It's a street lamp. After the craftsmen got off work in the factory, it was a little dark when they returned to the workshop, so a lime blowtorch was installed at every intersection. The oil came from Hurumus and Java. Light oil extracted from black oil."

"It's just for lighting. It doesn't cost much. Just for an hour, a barrel of light oil is enough for a workshop for a month."

Li Binyan was actually a little worried.

Lime blowtorches are standard equipment for Minggongs, and Minggongs dare not use them openly. As a result, Carpenter City uses lime blowtorches as street lights.

Zhu Qiyu looked at the lamp, and said with great interest: "Sure enough, it is Songjiang Mansion, a place where nine mansions are connected, and where all the department stores are distributed."

"open to take a look."

This is the location advantage of Songjiang Prefecture. The oil sent by Horumos and Java is crude oil, which needs to be refined and reprocessed.

All the light oil in Daming was refined by craftsmen, and it was only natural for craftsmen to use a little.

"Yes." Li Binyan and Lei Juntai whispered a few times, and after a while, two craftsmen came under the streetlight with a ladder.

One person opened the locked fuel tank below, pumped it hard a few times, and unscrewed the light oil nozzle, while the other lit the blowtorch.

The nozzle of the light oil is opened to the maximum, and it is not too bright, but at night, it is enough to see the ground clearly.

Standing under the street lamp, Zhu Qiyu turned around and said, "Not bad! This illuminates the way home. It's very good! Does every workshop have it? Is there any in the official factory?"

Li Binyan saw that His Majesty was not angry, so he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Reporting to Your Majesty, there are in every workshop, and in some official factories."

Zhu Qiyu looked at the shape of this street lamp again, and said quite seriously: "The ears of the ladder under the glass cover of this street lamp are very good. Even if it is improved in the future, it must retain the style."

"If one day, the general office of the official factory oppresses the craftsmen, hang them up and tell them who owns this craftsman city and official factory."

Li Binyan and Lei Juntai only felt shortness of breath.

 Ask for a monthly ticket, woo woo woo!

(End of this chapter)

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