I am the king of the dead

Chapter 733 The emperor bestows gifts, Qingsi presents treasures

Chapter 733 The emperor bestows gifts, Qingsi presents treasures

"Okay, Commander Yuan is back, good! Very good." Zhu Qiyu stood up and said excitedly: "I'm going to hold a banquet in Nanhu Bieyuan!"

Yuan Bin was once the direct descendant of Ji Li Wang Zhu Qizhen's direct line, the loyal dog among loyal dogs.

Yuan Bin protected King Jili Zhouquan during the Tumu Fortress change; when knocking on the door outside Datong Mansion, Yuan Bin, Yang Han and other six people went deep into the captive camp to rescue King Jili; outside Desheng Gate, Yuan Bin also protected King Jiru in the midst of chaos.

This is not a direct line, what is a direct line?
But His Majesty trusted Yuan Bin very much.

This made many civil servants extremely dissatisfied, why does His Majesty trust a warrior so much!
Why!The top card of the Qigong card is soft!

How will Xu Youzhen be treated?Water can only be controlled outside the court.

How come Yuan Bin's place is completely different?
After Yuan Bin captured Xining, His Majesty rewarded him with the first merit card. When Yuan Bin captured the three brothers of the Qu family, His Majesty even rewarded him with extraordinary merit cards.

He even named Yuan Bin as Shanye Yuan Gongfang!
Even if the arrest of Xining is a contribution to the country, then an idle official will be arranged after that, and it will be just to ignore the matter and support him. Why do he serve repeatedly?
Xing'an is a person who listens to the corner. He once heard Chen Yi praise it, and heard He Zhang say it twice.

This is where Zhu Qiyu is extra vigilant.

So Zhu Qiyu never liked to hear people praise him, and was always wary of officials.

Xing'an was always by His Majesty's side, so he could somewhat understand His Majesty's thoughts. In fact, it wasn't that complicated, and it wasn't that His Majesty wanted to compete with the dead King Jili to prove that he was more suitable to be an emperor.

His Majesty simply appreciates Yuan Bin's loyalty and bravery.

The reason for all the preferential treatment is that Yuan Bin's loyalty belonged to King Jili before, but now it belongs to His Majesty.

Yuan Bin got off the boat at Xingang, and drove towards Nanya along the official road without stopping.

As soon as it snowed around Nan Ya, the weather in Nan Ya was weirder than Bei Ya.

In winter in Nanya, the temperature melts snow during the day, freezes and freezes at night, and the cold wind howls. This repeated weather is really unpleasant.

It was not easy to ride a horse in this weather, but Yuan Bin's riding skills were excellent, and he arrived at the Nanya Huitong Hall in less than a day, and then bathed and changed in the Huitong Hall.

Yuan Bin just came out of the bathroom, feeling refreshed and wearing a thin coat. Even in freezing weather, this burly man seemed not to be affected by the weather at all.

Yuan Bin is not afraid of the cold.

There was a hasty knock on the door, and the postman shouted loudly: "Commander Yuan, someone is coming from Nanhu Bieyuan, please command Yuan to receive the order."

"Oh?" Yuan Bin walked out of the room, hurried to the hall of the Huitong Hall, and saw Xing'an.

Xing'an yin and yang shouted in frustration: "Commander of Jinyiwei, Japanese Yamano Yuan Gong Fang Yuan Bin received the order."

Yuan Bin hurriedly knelt down and shouted loudly: "The minister leads the order."

Only then did Xing'an continue to say: "I am delighted to hear that Commander Yuan has returned from Japan, and I have issued an imperial edict to welcome you. Ai Qing is exhausted, so I can rest well. I will see you tomorrow. I will hold a banquet for you."

"Aiqing worked tirelessly for the country, and made great contributions to the stability of the country. She specially sent her internal officials to give one hundred gold coins, one thousand silver coins, ten bills of silk, ten bills of silk, ten pieces of yarn, five cups of brocade, and five ingots of banknotes. "

"One python suit, five raiders, and one gold-woven green gun."

"Chin this."

As soon as Yuan Bin arrived and the huitong hall had just reported, Xing'an rushed to the huitong hall with a large group of people and rewarded them one by one.

The python suit, the python pattern resembles the dragon pattern, but with four claws, it is bestowed on meritorious civil and military ministers, and it is the most advanced clothing among the four bestowed clothes.

The Zhijin Green Gun is a pair of guns. The long gun is a bird gun and a flintlock gun. It is equipped with 30 yuan flint and is a long gun with fixed gunpowder.

This is a gun made by Zhu Qiyu specially for Yuan Bin. It is four feet and three inches long. At the end of the gun, there is a detachable ancient auspicious beast Qingxi, which looks like a rhinoceros but not a rhinoceros. It is black and has horns.

There is also a flintlock pistol of the same style, both with green carvings, and the evil spirit is compelling.

This is a gift specially made by Zhu Qiyu for Yuan Bin.

Yuan Bin's age is also increasing. As the old saying goes, old fists are no match for young and strong. Although Yuan Bin is still brave and good at fighting, no matter how powerful a beast is, there will be a day when his physical strength decays, and there will be a day when a hero will grow old.

It doesn't matter if the stamina declines or the hero is late. If you can't wield a long halberd, you can use a firecracker. There are different lengths. If you are seven steps away, the blunderbuss is fast. Within seven steps, the blunderbuss is accurate and fast.

"Sir! Thank you, Your Majesty, Long En." Yuan Bin knelt on the ground and shouted loudly, and stood up after a long pause.

Xing'an said with a smile: "Commander Yuan, Your Majesty has told the consortium to treat you well, so we don't bother you too much, so we can rest."

Yuan Bin hesitated for a while and said, "Da Dang stay here."

Xing'an continued with a smile: "Don't worry about Commander Yuan, since Commander Yuan is still the original Commander Yuan, then His Majesty is still the original His Majesty."

Then Yuan Bin is no longer Yuan Bin, and he no longer has a heart of obedience to His Majesty, so His Majesty is naturally no longer the original His Majesty.

Yuan Bin's face-to-face this time is different from his previous status. He is now a vassal in fact, although the place of the separatist regime is in the Wa Kingdom.

He has his own territory in Japan and his own army, and His Majesty also told him clearly that if he wants to go to Luo with a sword, the Ming Dynasty canonize the imperial edict of the Japanese king, and he can come at any time.

This is what Yuan Bin worries about.

Yuan Bin heaved a long sigh of relief, and the block in his heart finally fell to the ground. He hurriedly said, "Thank you for reminding me."

Xing'an glanced at Qing Si and said to the guns: "Commander Yuan should not be reluctant to use the pair of guns. His Majesty has prepared fifty guns for Commander Yuan, and Commander Yuan will take them with him when he leaves."

"Our family is leaving."

"Send a big pen!"

Yuan Bin is a very, very serious person, who belongs to the typical kind of person who goes all the way to the dark and does not shed tears when he sees the coffin.

King Jili complained about his torment, Yuan Bin was still doing his duty faithfully, admonishing King Jili, if it wasn't for the fact that King Jili was too much of a wife, playing the piano for a barbarian and marrying a barbarian, it would be a complete mess Even if his heart is chilled, he will not have the belief of betraying the Lord.

For Yuan Bin, what is Your Majesty?
It is his belief, his life, and the source of his strength.

His military strength can be said to be the number one warrior in the world, but if he lost his faith, why would he fight?

His loyalty to the monarch, which was broken by King Ji Li, was restored by His Majesty, and it was once again firm as a rock.

Like a person who drinks water, he knows whether he is warm or cold. Few people know Yuan Bin's thoughts. Yuan Bin is a reckless man, and he has never mentioned it to others.

Yuan Bin sat in front of the window, looked at the two green guns for a long time, and then slowly covered them with red silk. He didn't care much about other rewards, but these two guns were His Majesty's affirmation of him. , he cherishes it extraordinarily.

Yuan Bin didn't sleep well that night. On the third watch, Yuan Bin woke up, took a bath and changed clothes, and specially changed into a python suit. Li, go to Nanhu Bieyuan.

Yuan Bin must have been exhausted with boats and horses all the way, Zhu Qiyu ordered him to take a good rest, Zhu Qiyu thought Yuan Bin would sleep until noon.

But not long after he woke up and put on his normal clothes, he heard a report from Xing'an, and Yuan Bin asked for an audience.

"Quickly declare." Zhu Qiyu took a few steps forward, reached the threshold, just raised his foot, then retracted it, returned to the main seat, and sat upright.

"Your Majesty Yuan Bin pays homage to His Majesty. Long live Your Majesty, long live!" Yuan Bin came to the top of the steps, outside the threshold, bowed three times and kowtowed five times.

"Pingshen." Zhu Qiyu asked Yuan Bin to excuse him, and then said to Xing'an: "Bring a big cloak, it's freezing cold, so come wearing a python suit."

"Give a seat."

The python suit is made of satin, and silk looks expensive, but it is a single garment that is not resistant to frost. Yuan Bin came to see him wearing a single garment.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Yuan Bin bowed his head and said.

Zhu Qiyu said with a smile: "Come in, it's cold outside. Commander Yuan really looks the same as before, but he's a little thinner and darker. The poor mountains and rivers of the Japanese country don't support people."

"Commander Yuan has worked hard."

The last time Zhu Qiyu saw Yuan Bin was the last time.

In the fourth year of Jingtai, after Zhu Qiyu returned to Beijing, he never saw Yuan Bin again.

Four years passed in a hurry. After all, the sea was no better than the land. Yuan Bin was indeed much tanned and thinner.

Yuan Bin stood up suddenly, and shouted loudly: "Don't work hard, and be loyal to His Majesty!"

"Sit down." Zhu Qiyu signaled Yuan Bin to sit down and talk.

The more Zhu Qiyu looked at Yuan Bin, the more satisfied he became, and he said with a smile: "Yuan Bin, it's not you, our county Ryukyu, how can it be so easy?"

"As soon as this Ryukyu was settled down, you went to the Wa country again and traveled thousands of miles. It wasn't you who were operating in the Wa country. Let's Ming Ming's silver, let alone 200 million taels a year, even 100 million taels is enough."

Zhu Qiyu's new policy started with the new currency policy and the Mansion Law. Without this silver, the great emperor would be a poor woman. The Ming Dynasty needed silver very much. This Winter Preface was caused by the lack of enough currency.

Yuan Bin and others have made great contributions, and of course Zhu Qiyu has never treated them badly for those who are loyal to Ming Dynasty.

Yuan Bin said loudly: "The minister is...that is...all respect for His Majesty's might!"

"We are mighty or not, we know it ourselves, okay, okay, I'm not good at flirting, so I don't want to shoot in the future." Zhu Qiyu said cheerfully.

Yuan Bin is not a complicated person, let alone An Lushan, even if Yuan Bin is An Lushan, what can he do in Japan?

Yuan Bin bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, I have brought some special products of the Japanese country to Your Majesty, and several eunuchs are checking them."

"Oh? What is it?" Zhu Qiyu asked with great interest.

Isn't the special product of the Japanese country silver, sulfur, gold and Japanese maidservants?
What else is rare?
"Here we come." Yuan Bin gave a sloppy look, of course there was no reason to say this in advance.

A plate came in from the small yellow gate, covered with a red silk cloth, Xing'an pulled the red silk cloth open, and a gold seal appeared in front of Zhu Qiyu.

"What is this?" Zhu Qiyu asked looking at the golden snake button seal that was no bigger than two knuckles of his index finger.

Yuan Bincai said with a smile: "The seal of the king of Han Weinu is the seal and ribbon given to the king of Wa by Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty in the second year of Jianwu Zhongyuan. I found it in the Silver Pavilion Temple. I took it back and presented it to Your Majesty."

"It turned out to be this thing." Zhu Qiyu picked up the gold seal and looked at it, and said with a smile: "Commander Yuan has a heart, this thing is very good."

The seal and ribbon bestowed by Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty can be regarded as the beginning of Wa Kingdom becoming a vassal state of the Central Plains Dynasty, and the golden evidence is as strong as a mountain!

This snake button seal is not very big, but it is meaningful, almost equivalent to Ming Dynasty's claim to the Wa Kingdom.

Yuan Bin opened the second and third pieces of red silk cloth and said: "The second piece is called Bachi Qiong Gouyu, and the third piece is called Tiancongyun Sword, which I brought from the Imperial Palace of the Japanese Emperor."

"Is there anything to say about this jade and a sword?" Zhu Qiyu asked curiously.

Yuan Bin scratched his head and said: "My minister heard in the Wa Kingdom that the emperor of the Wa Kingdom had a ceremony when he succeeded to the throne. What is the sword seal and other succession ceremonies, it is this sword and this Gouyu."

"The texture is nothing unusual. When I went to get it, the Emperor was still crying, with a look of collapse. It seemed to be a good thing, so I brought it back."

"It is said that there should be a mirror, but I did not find it. The emperor said that it was lost long ago. I will look for it when I go back and bring it back to Your Majesty."

Zhu Qiyu took the Gouyu and looked at it, then picked up the sword and looked at it carefully and said: "It's really not a good product, take it back to the internal money, and just find a corner to place it."

Zhu Qiyu didn't know these things, and in fact Yuan Bin didn't know what he took. According to the inheritance of the Wa Kingdom, these two things are the legal basis of the Wa Kingdom.

It is roughly equivalent to a red apple, which is the red copper ball on the scepter in the hand of the bronze statue of Justinian, which represents the Roman imperial power outside the Hagia Sophia Cathedral in Constantinople.

Xing'an's heart in his throat fell back into his stomach.

Yuan Bin is a young man who beat a cow to death with one punch. If this happens violently, he can beat His Majesty with one punch.

His Majesty can also order that when Yuan Bin kneels down, it is more dangerous to capture and kill Yuan Bin and separate one side.

But neither His Majesty nor Yuan Bin seemed to realize that this was the emperor meeting the princes. Since ancient times, the emperor has been meeting the princes, isn't it always swords drawn?
But His Majesty and Yuan Bin were defenseless against each other, laughing heartily while talking.

Trust this thing, sometimes it is inexplicable, but also extremely firm.

"Why do you think of taking these three things?" Zhu Qiyu and Yuan Bin chatted.

Yuan Bin said cheerfully, "Isn't this Li Bing?"

"I wanted to come back, so I asked him what gift he was bringing. He designated the seal of the King of the Han Dynasty, and said that His Majesty would be happy to bring it back. So I went to Ginkakuji Temple, and Ashikaga Yoshimasa handed it over."

"I don't know if there are any good things in the shrine of the country of Japan, so Li Bing said: Go get them and see what you get. The more painful the crying of the Emperor Nao Shizi of the country of Japan, you can take whatever. If you cry until you cut your belly, it must be nice one."

Zhu Qiyu said with a smile: "Hey, this Li Bing is indeed a scholar, but a poison."

Yuan Bin also said relaxedly: "Isn't it? After hearing this, Ji Duo and Yue Qian both looked disgusted, and they moved a few steps away from Li Bing. They are indeed vicious."

"I just took these two things. The emperor of Lao Shizi didn't care about other things in the shrine. When he touched these two things, he began to mourn. I didn't see the emperor cutting seppuku. I was still thinking about making mistakes for him. .”

"Is he also worthy of being called emperor?"

Yuan Bin really hates that there is an emperor in the Wa country, mainly in the small country of Cuoer, how dare he be called the emperor?
Secondly, the emperor is the root cause of Japan's love of subjugation and supremacy. If he becomes the king of Japan, he must want the emperor to be decent. If he refuses to be decent, Yuan Bin will naturally help him to be decent.

Then throw all the emperor's heirs into the temple, and cut off their children and grandchildren, which is what they have been doing anyway.

Zhu Qiyu shook his head and said: "What's the use of killing the Emperor Laoshizi? He didn't care about the matter, but instead caused the people of the Wa Kingdom to wail everywhere. It's not worth it."

Yuan Bin thought for a while, and said quite seriously: "Your Majesty, I still think that if the emperor is not dead, this Japanese country will not get better. Chaos is chaos, but it will be chaos for a while. Only chaos can lead to great order. This is what I think."

Zhu Qiyu took a little seriously and said: "You are in the country of Wa, and you can deal with it as you please, but we are not in the country of Wa, so we don't know the specific situation and talk nonsense, but it will delay your work there."

"I don't care."

 Yata Mirror, Bachi Qiong Gouyu and Tiancongyun Sword are said to be artifacts used by Wa Jianming when he founded the Wa Kingdom. When Emperor Reiwa succeeded to the throne, he also held two of them. The mirror should have been lost long ago. Both of these should be true.Ask for a monthly ticket, woo! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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