I am the king of the dead

Chapter 750 What is land?the ground is the root

Chapter 750 What is land?the ground is the root
Zhu Qiyu didn't say what that step was, but Yu Qian knew it well.

In fact, it's very simple. Li Sicheng's step away from Wang Tianxia is called the outline.

Princes and princes who advocate equality for everyone are kind;
The simple and fair principle of the murderer dies, and the wounded pay for it;
The heaven that held high the orthodox mandate of heaven is dead, and the yellow sky shall be established, and the world will be prosperous at the age of Jiazi;

Accusing the emperor of being immoral is as numerous as the bamboos in the southern mountains, and the crimes are endless;

Emphasizing the equalization of the rich and the support of the weak, the supplementary equality, the unevenness of the rich and the poor in my disease, now it is yours!

Oppose the noble and the humble to eliminate the gap between the rich and the poor, equal the rich and the poor;

Swear to drive out the Tartars, restore our old country, drive out the barbarians, and restore China; establish guidelines and disciplines, and rescue the people;
Feng Tianjing, who advocates beheading traitors and sycophants and sweeping the world;
There is also a plan, and there is also the current Majesty who is committed to making Daming great again.

Any collective activity should have a program, otherwise it will be a mess, and the program is the general goal.

Those who are superior must tell their supporters exactly what to do. Only after knowing the general goal of what to do can they think about how to do it and how to do it.

Li Sicheng's pro-military captain's mansion certainly has many flaws, they are his hands and feet, his grassroots organization, but Li Sicheng doesn't seem to tell his fans what kind of goal he has.

As Yu Qian said, this step is as difficult as reaching the sky.

Because the goal of the program reflects the solution to the main contradictions in the current society.

Can Annan's problem be solved by Li Sicheng or Li Yimin?

For Annan's problem, we can only rely on Daming.

Zhu Qiyu stayed in Quanzhou Prefecture for several days and saw the prosperity of Quanzhou Prefecture.

The first international metropolis of the Central Plains Dynasty was Quanzhou. The strong military pressure of the Southern Song Dynasty forced the court of the Southern Song Dynasty to find ways to increase income and reduce expenditure, and opening the sea became a powerful means for the Southern Song Dynasty to increase income.

With the support of the national policy of the Southern Song Dynasty, Quanzhou became the largest port in the world at the end of the Song Dynasty and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. Among the Thais, Persians, Muslims, and Southeast Asian populations, Quanzhou City was also known as the "City of Light".

Every night, the streets and alleys of Quanzhou City will be lit by oil lamps. Quanzhou, which is brightly lit, is naturally a pearl at night and a city of light.

An Italian businessman named Jacob D'Ancona once came to Quanzhou by boat and wrote a book about his experience. Quanzhou is also called the City of Light, and it is a place blessed by the sun god.

The sound of rising seas, the merchants of all countries, the hustle and bustle of the market, and the people of Shizhou are the prosperity of Quanzhou in those days.

In the tenth year, the Persian Legion led by the Persians brazenly launched the Yisi Baxi Rebellion in Quanzhou. This rebellion lasted for nearly ten years and completely destroyed the bustling world's largest port.

Zhu Qiyu and Ran Siniang walked in Quanzhou City full of Erythrina chinensis, looking at the vibrant Quanzhou City.

There is also a Guanlan Pavilion at the port of Quanzhou City, named Haiyun Building. Under the Haiyun Building is the Yunlu Xianju. The rich families in Quanzhou used to live in this Yunlu Xianju, and they planted all kinds of flowers. It blooms in all seasons and is as beautiful as a fairyland. For example, frangipani was introduced at that time.

After Deng Maoqi occupied Quanzhou, he burned Yunlu Xianju to the ground. Now, this luxurious residence has become a port.

Deng Maoqi's civil unrest cleared Fujian's old accounts, but the process was too tragic.

Standing on the attic, Zhu Qiyu can see the trestle bridge stretching more than [-] feet into the sea. The sea breeze is blowing, carrying the smell of the sea, and the blue waves and blue sky make people feel refreshed.

Zhu Qiyu pulled Ran Siniang and said: "100 years ago, there were 23 ships passing through Quanzhou Port every month. At that time, Quanzhou was also one of the [-] million cities in the Southern Song Dynasty."

What a grand sight is [-] ships?
Zhu Qiyu has already seen it in Songjiang Mansion. The masts are like dense forests soaring into the sky, the sails cover the ocean and the sea, and beams are needed to prevent collisions between ships.

Zhu Qiyu stretched out his hand to the northwest and said, "It's called the Fan Academy over there. At that time, nearly a hundred languages ​​were used in Quanzhou City. When doing business, it was chickens talking to ducks. In order to allow everyone to communicate, Quanzhou specially opened the Fan Academy. .”

It is very important to turn on the microphone to communicate, which can increase the efficiency of communication.

At that time, after the students of the Fan Academy graduated, they could set up intermediaries in Quanzhou on the spot. If they encountered foreign barbarians who didn't understand Chinese at all, these intermediaries would beat them hard.

"Ah, it turns out that there was a precedent for my husband to set up the Tongshitang." Ran Siniang naturally remembered the Tongshitang that had been converted into the Maritime Hall, no wonder no one objected when His Majesty asked Ma Huan to open the Tongshitang.

It turns out that Tongshi Tang has a long history of precedents in Fujian. Foreign language learning began in the early Southern Song Dynasty, and it was a large-scale and systematic study.

Zhu Qiyu looked to the other side, which was Daai Gate, and said with a heavy face: "In the fifth year of Zhengzheng, Emperor Yuanshun sent an envoy to Xuanfu Quanzhou, and the person who came to Quanzhou to promote Quanzhou Shipping Department was Wang Shihong. "

"As soon as Wang Shihong arrived in Quanzhou, he discovered that his predecessor had already received the tax 40 years later, that is, 18 years after Hongwu."

"In order to get rich, Wang Shihong thought of a way to make money."

Ran Siniang asked curiously: "What way?"

"Sell the land." Zhu Qiyu said with a foul breath.

If the Southern Song Dynasty could sell official land, can I not sell land in Dayuan?My Dayuan not only sells land, but also sells it to foreign merchants!

Zhu Qiyu went on to say: "At that time, foreign merchants came to our Central Plains, but Li Binyan did not build Wanguo City for them. At that time, foreign merchants lived in the city and mixed with the people of Central Plains."

"But at the beginning of the construction of Quanzhou City, it was built for 20 people. There are millions of people living in Quanzhou City, and it has long been overcrowded."

"Wang Shihong was thinking about letting foreign merchants live out of the city, so as to solve the congestion in the city and make a fortune selling land at the same time."

"At that time, the Persians were not afraid of death, and they were the first to go out of the city to buy land and build a house. As soon as it was built, they were looted by the powerful volunteers outside the city."

The rule of the Yuan Dynasty in the south was really unpopular. The powerful clans all over Fujian established their own armed forces, and the Persians who were robbed by these volunteers dared not leave the city.

"What happened later?" Ran Siniang asked in a daze while leaning in Zhu Qiyu's arms, touching her belly, and looking at the endless sea in front of her.

In fact, Ran Siniang doesn't care how Wang Shihong makes money properly, she just enjoys this moment of tenderness.

Zhu Qiyu smiled and said: "Wang Shihong naturally wants to suppress the bandits. After more than half a year of suppressing the bandits, the outside of Quanzhou City is finally safe. The Persians, Muslims and even the Kunlun slaves have found their foothold outside the city."

"These footholds were called Fanfang and Fanren Lane by the people at the time. The more famous ones were Donglu Lane and Zaozai Lane."

"What is land? Land is the root. Once the foreigner has land in my Daming, it is considered to have taken root."

"Wang Shihong made a lot of money from selling land, and his dog legs did not give up. He bought land from Wang Shihong, built a house outside the city, and rented it out to these foreigners. Wang Shihong ate meat, and Wang Shihong's dog legs drank soup. A few years later, Wang Shihong also reaped the consequences."

"The foreigners who had their own land outside the city began to rebel under the leadership of the Persians Saifuddin and Amiriddin."

"The ten-year war in Yisi Baxi finally destroyed Quanzhou City, the largest port in the world that had gathered Qi for hundreds of years."

Li Binyan had thought about this issue when he was building Songjiang Mansion, so he directly built a Wanguo City in Songjiang Mansion. This Wanguo City is not so much a place where foreign merchants live, but a prison.

The iron law of Wanguo City is that foreigners are never allowed to step out of Wanguo City without permission; once they enter the city with weapons, they will be shot and killed; it is strictly forbidden for foreigners to buy land in Daming and so on.

Wan Guo City is the property of Songjiang Mansion. Like Shuntian Mansion and Yingtian Mansion, Songjiang Mansion is a prefect rather than a magistrate.

Therefore, the land transaction in charge of the Department of Household Affairs and Officials Clearance in Songjiang Prefecture required the signature of the Minister of the Household Department and the Minister of the Household Department, and was supervised by the Household Department.

Such a complicated land approval process is to prevent similar wars in Yisi Baxi from happening again.

Ran Siniang didn't understand the political considerations in it, but she didn't find it boring, she just thought about the heroic husband in front of her.

After such a long time, His Majesty is still full of heroism, still full of enthusiasm for Daming, and still practicing the original intention of the year, tireless, but there are many years of precipitation on his body, which makes His Majesty appear more calm.

Xiao Huangmen hurried upstairs and whispered a few times in Xing'an's ear. Xing'an actually didn't want to disturb the scene of His Majesty looking at the sea, but he still bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty, something happened in the Qipan Garden. Chen Yi, Teng Zhao , Zuo Buzheng, Zou Laixue and others have already rushed over."

"Yu Shaobao also plans to go and have a look."

Zhu Qiyu's eyes lit up and said: "Go, let's see the excitement!"

"Siniang, you go back to the other garden first, I'm afraid that there will be too many people and things will cause troubles, and this will make your fetus angry again."

Ran Siniang stood up straight, her husband didn't have much fun, watching the excitement was probably one of the few things, she said with a smile on her face, "Husband, let's go."

Zhu Qiyu went towards the Qipan Garden, which was not far from the Yunlu Immortal Residence, outside the Daai Gate, and belonged to Shou Geng Lane.

Although the place name in Fujian is Lane, it is actually a street.

Shougeng Lane is a place name, and Qipanyuan is a common name. This street is full of carpenters.

All the wood from Jilong Island will be rough processed in Shougeng Lane before being sent to Fujian Shipyard or Songjiangfu Shipyard for selection.

Logging is tiring, and wood processing is even more tiring. Carpenters here are a general term. The process from round logs to planks is complicated, and thousands of people are needed just to dry them.

Zhu Qiyu came to the Qipan Garden, only to realize that he saw a big scene.

On the street of Shou Geng Lane, there was no one, all the workshops were closed, and the street was deserted, completely different from other places in Quanzhou.

Zhu Qiyu smelled a hint of danger, stepped back a few steps, and frowned, could it be that he was coming for him?
Lu Zhong immediately became nervous. Is it possible that someone used His Majesty's habit of watching the excitement to intentionally create trouble and then sneak attack on His Majesty?
Isn't the excitement of the King of Assassins considered a great excitement!
Soon, Zhu Qiyu and Lu Zhong realized that they were thinking too much.

In fact, they came a bit late, and the excitement has shifted from Qipan Garden to 23 Alleys.

These 23 alleys are a prostitute street similar to Bensi Hutong and Dongsi Hutong. This street used to be populated by prostitutes.

In the Song and Yuan dynasties, playing chess was very popular. To entertain the guests, ladies and gentlemen built a chessboard garden in 23 lanes.

32 beauties dressed in red silk and black satin act as chess pieces. The chess players each hold the name tags of Zhihei and red chess pieces.

At that time, there were countless people buying chips in the chessboard garden, betting on the chess game, and it was extremely lively. The winners couldn't help but laugh, and the losers cried out in pain.

If the chess player wins, not only will there be a generous reward, but these 32 beauties will belong to the chess player this month.

With such generous rewards, well-known chess players naturally came in droves, and the business in this chessboard garden and 32 alleys became more and more prosperous.

The street where the women who acted as pawns stayed overnight was built more luxuriously, and became 32 alleys.

The excitement that happened in Shou Geng Lane has been transferred to 32 Lane.

Zhu Qiyu's car drove to 32 Lane, and saw Chen Yi, Teng Zhao, Zou Laixue and others who had already arrived.

"Refer to Your Majesty, Your Majesty's congratulations." Chen Yi and others rushed to salute.

Zhu Qiyu frowned and looked at the empty 32 alleys and asked, "Excuse me, tell me what's going on?"

Places like 32 Alleys are usually closed during the day, but now they are extremely lively and full of people.

The crowds on the street were divided into two distinct camps, both of whom were excited and scolded each other red-faced.

Thanks to the guards who suppressed the scene, otherwise this wouldn't be an immediate annihilation?

Teng Zhao wiped the sweat off his brow and bowed his head and said, "There are more and more wood materials coming to Jilong Island, and the work is getting heavier and heavier. The carpenters have made a total plan and want the owner to add some money."

"The owners of the Chessboard Garden refused to pay more labor remuneration, and the craftsmen got into a quarrel, and immediately quit the job, and the wood piled up like a mountain at the port."

"The bosses got anxious and asked the officials of Quanzhou government to force the carpenters to work. The government of Quanzhou refused and handed over the matter to the labor insurance bureau. The labor insurance bureau discussed with the carpenters in Qipanyuan whether to go Go to work."

"The big boss and the carpenters refused to agree, so the owners gathered hundreds of people to force the carpenters to work."

"And then there was a fight."

Zhu Qiyu said with a serious face after hearing this: "Who won?"

Teng Zhao hurriedly said, "The carpenter won."

"There are more than 32 carpenters in this Qipan Garden. It's like stabbing a hornet's nest when a few hundred people go over. This carpenter chased from Qipan Garden to these [-] lanes, and the guards stopped it when they arrived."

Since ancient times, Fujian has been full of martial arts virtues, and if there is no agreement, it will be a fight.

"Is anyone dead?" Zhu Qiyu's face became much more relaxed, and he was naturally very relaxed when he heard that the carpenter had won, not the master and the dogs.

Teng Zhao hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, killing people pays for their lives. This is the rule established by His Majesty Ningyang Hou in Zaifu, and no one dares to break it."

Killing for life was the first rule that Zhu Qiyu asked Chen Mao to establish after the civil unrest, and it was the thread that unraveled the chaos in Fujian.

Zhu Qiyu said with a smile: "Look, our craftsmen are still very measured. They are all honest people who work hard to support their families. Don't push them into a hurry. Can they let go of the guys who eat?"

"If you don't give money, if you don't give enough money, it's not reasonable to let go of the pickpockets?"

 There is a chessboard garden on Shougeng Lane, and the carpenters of the chessboard garden beat the dogs from Shougeng Lane to 32 Lane.In Fujian, clans have been very powerful in fighting with weapons since ancient times, and martial arts are extremely abundant, and there are all kinds of earthen buildings and bunkers, so it is normal to fight when something happens.Ask for a monthly ticket, woo!
(End of this chapter)

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