I am the king of the dead

Chapter 761 Has Emperor Ming really put down his hatred?

"I'm Wang Yue." Standing outside the door was naturally Daming's pier Yuanhou, Wang Yue.

"This is a local wine from Kang. You can try it." Wang Yue put the wine on the table and said with a smile, "Thank you for helping me in Batu Salai."

The relationship between Wang Yue and Ivan III is very good, and the activities in many principalities of the Golden Horde have become much smoother because of Ivan's help.

Ivan can speak a few simple Chinese, while Wang Yue is proficient in Latin and Greek.

Learning a language, especially a phonetic script that is much simpler than classical Chinese, is easy for a Jinshi of the Ming Dynasty.

In contrast, Wang Yue still remembers the helplessness after memorizing "Li Sao" by rote. Wang Yue knew how to memorize it, but he didn't fully understand all the meanings of "Li Sao" until he was 13 years old.

Wang Yue's Latin is excellent, even better than that of Ivan and some clerics of the Principality of Ross.

"This wine is called Jintao wine. In the 11th year of Zhenguan, Samarkand offered gold peaches and silver peaches. In the 21st year of Zhenguan, Kangguo offered gold peaches again to Tian Khan's tent. Therefore, the wine is called Jintao. The title is: Looking at Han from afar. The teal head is green, just like the first wine of grapes." Wang Yue introduced his wine.

Because of the abundant sunshine, the grapes in the Fergana Valley are top-quality whether they are used to make raisins or make wine. Wang Yue brought the top Fergana wine in Kangguo and named it Jintao Wine.

This name, of course, is in order to sell more wine, and the poem inscribed by Wang Yue is Li Bai's "Song of Xiangyang". Li Bai loves wine very much, and wine is no problem.

On the vast plains of Suiye City, Tashkent, Samarkand and Bukhara, there are more than 12 hectares of vineyards, which is also the largest crop output in Kang.

The biggest consumer of these grapes is none other than Daming.

After Wang Yue sat down, he looked out of the window and said in a daze: "Before, when the Timur Kingdom was in Samarkand, the people planted the most Luma, Moheyan, and Yingsu flowers, and planted them Pressed into cakes, passed through the ancient trade routes, and even sold to the sky."

"Most of the people in the country of Kang take these blessings and three treasures, and there is no distinction between people and ghosts."

"It took Kang Guogong five years to build water conservancy projects to build so many vineyards, replacing the widely planted Fulu Sanbao."

Daming has its own high moral disadvantages. Regarding the harm of the three treasures of Fulu, the Taiyuan Hospital of Ming Dynasty gave the conclusion that after taking a large amount, it will look like a bone in a tomb, and its spirit will be like a stubborn object. Feces are sweet.

After receiving the report from the Imperial Hospital, the Emperor of Ming Dynasty drew a painting called "Spirits, Monsters, Qu Youde". After taking a large amount of Fulu Sambo, he looked like a ghost in the world. (Chapter 381).

After Wang Fu presided over government affairs, he has been changing the local planting structure, turning the Yingsu orchards everywhere into continuous vineyards and pasture areas.

The income of a millet orchard without any irrigation and orderly planting is much lower than that of a vineyard with good irrigation and intensive cultivation. Livestock breeding becomes easier and costs lower because of the large amount of pasture planting.

Drinking wine has become a custom in Kang country, and the quality of wine is also rising steadily.

"Yes, I can see that Kang Guogong's governance is like polishing the dust on the gem, and he bestowed Kang Guofu'an." Ivan said with a slightly exaggerated tone.

This strengthened Ivan's determination to go to Daming, and Daming was able to cultivate such a character as Wang Fu.

He wanted to see for himself and learn how to become a king. Just when he thought he was qualified enough to be a king, Daming suddenly appeared in front of him.

Wang Yue frowned and said, "I'm here to remind you that when Duke Kang goes south to Herat, you'd better not do anything, otherwise even I cannot guarantee your safety."

There are many spies from the Black Sheep Kingdom, the Timurid Kingdom, the Ottoman Kingdom, and the Golden Horde in the city of Samarkand. Naturally, these spies will not sit back and watch the Kingdom of Kang occupy Herat to make up for the last shortcoming in their own territory. .

If Ivan III participated in the activities of destroying Kang's southward movement, the pier was far away, and he would definitely not show mercy.

Wang Yue kindly reminded Ivan III not to contact those spies, otherwise if any accident happened, the fault would be Ivan himself.

"Thank you for your suggestion, my dear friend." Ivan smiled sincerely and replied very sincerely. At this time, this reminder is a warning and an advice among friends.

Ivan thought for a while, and said very solemnly: "I swear on the honor of the heir of the Grand Duke Ross. During this tour, I will never do anything harmful to the country of Kang in Samarkand. You know me: honor is mine." Life."

The Principality of Ross is a typical Orthodox country. They value honor and disgrace more than life, especially nobles like Ivan. Once they are humiliated, they will use duels to resolve honor and disgrace.
Only then did Wang Yue breathe a sigh of relief and said, "That's good, I don't want you to die here."

"Friend, can I ask you a few questions? I really can't think clearly about these questions myself." Ivan asked after hesitation. He was really confused.

Wang Yue was full of smiles. This kind of dialogue often appeared in the communication between the two of them. He nodded and said, "You ask, if I can answer."

Ivan leaned on the back of the chair, his face was full of confusion and said: "You know, I always think that I am a smarter person. Some of my previous confusions were solved when I came to Samarkand, but then What followed was even deeper confusion."

First of all, why is it possible to rule the king and hegemony in Helin, but when they arrive in Kangguo, they betray their relatives?Ivan figured it out.

Just like many small countries in Thailand and Western countries, it doesn't matter who is the king, because these small countries, or groups, can only be called gangs of bandits.

A small country has no political affairs to deal with, and is naturally raised, so there is no need for the king to do anything.The king's personal accomplishments, talents, and governance lines are all irrelevant.

But after the establishment of the Kang Kingdom, with its vast territory, millions of people, complex diplomatic environment, different beliefs and even different appearances, it is obviously unreasonable to continue to implement the rules of the bandits and bandits. Take the way of death.

Therefore, King Fu of the Kingdom of Kang is the king of the Kingdom of Kang. Whoever works for the people can be the lord of the people.

Ivan said with piercing eyes: "I heard you said that there was a war near the capital of the Ming Dynasty. The emperor of the Ming Dynasty seemed to be captured by Oirat, and then Oirat had to return it to the emperor due to the strong national power of the Ming Dynasty..."

Wang Yue interrupted Ivan's words, and said in an emphatic tone: "That is King Jili, please respect Daming's final conclusion on King Jili."

Ivan hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything else, it should be like this."

"I'm just curious about the relationship between Daming and Kang. Daming has a blood feud with the Wala people. In the war that happened near Daming, Daming lost nearly 30 people, which is even larger than the population of some duchies."

"I really can't understand the relationship between Daming and Kang Guo."

After Wang Yue heard Ivan's question, he fell into deep thought. The young man's question was as sharp as ever, and went straight to the point.

What is the relationship between Daming and Kang Guo?
Under the blood feud, where will the relationship between Daming and Kang go?

The reason why Ivan is so concerned about this issue is that from the beginning of Kang Guo’s establishment, it was nominally because of the conquest of the Daming Expeditionary Army, and Kang Guogong was granted the title of Daming, but Daming and the Wala people had a blood feud.

This is contradictory.

If Kang and Ming had no relationship, or had a hostile relationship, then it would be extremely beneficial for the Principality of Ross to unify the three principalities that Ross split from, and even annex the Golden Horde.

Wang Yue pondered for a long time before saying: "First of all, Kang is the country of the Kang people, not the Kang country of the Wala people. The relationship between Daming and Kang is not exactly the relationship between Daming and the Wala people."

Wang Yue suddenly discovered that when Kang Guogong formulated the basic national policy, he had already thought deeply about this issue.

In the territory of Kang, there are only less than 30 Wala people, while Kang has more than 700 million people.

The four cities of Suiye City, Tashkent, Bukhara, and Samarkand each have more than 50 people, as well as farmers and herdsmen.

Wang Yue continued: "In fact, your majesty has never forgotten the blood feud, and has been mobilizing his troops. He has always been vigilant against the Oirats who are advancing westward. After King Jili was captured, his majesty ascended the throne as emperor. Before the throne was warmed, the Oirats besieged the capital."

Wang Yue didn't know that the emperor of Ming Dynasty went south twice, and he brought the spirit tablet from the Imperial Study Room of the Jiangwu Hall. It was the spirit tablet of the battle of Tumubao. Stick incense.

Only Xing'an and His Majesty knew about this matter, even Yu Qian and other Daming masters only knew that Daming's Imperial Study Room enshrined a flipped spirit tablet, and did not know whose name was written on it.

Where is the vigilance here?

This is obviously wishing to eat his flesh and sleep his skin, so as to relieve the hatred in his heart.

"However, a stable Kang country is more in the interests of Ming Dynasty, because Ming Dynasty wants to reopen the Western Regions, and reopening the Western Regions is by no means as simple as overwhelming the territory. It is not a long-term solution."

"So, when you ask about the relationship between Daming and Kang, I can only say that doing so is in the best interest of Daming." Wang Yue answered the question.

In the eyes of Wang Yue and Wang Fu, the courtiers of the pier and Yuanhou, His Majesty has been wronged in this matter.

Blood debt and humiliation can only be washed away with blood.

His Majesty was besieged by the capital when he ascended the throne, and even when King Jili cooperated with Wala in the battle, His Majesty had to take the lead in the battle and capture the flag.

This humiliation gave way to Daming's interests, this is His Majesty's grievance.

"So that's the case, thank you for your teaching." Ivan's eyes flickered, and the relationship between Daming and Kang Guo was completely understandable to Ivan.

Kang State is not the Kang State of the Oala people themselves, and the relationship between Daming and Kang State is not the same as the relationship with Oala.

But Ivan didn't believe it, he didn't believe that Emperor Ming would let go of this enmity like this, this is a blood feud, and only blood revenge can resolve it, and only when this enmity is resolved with blood can the relationship between Daming and Kang be solid foundation.

This is Ivan's intuition, and he feels that his intuition is very accurate.

Although Wang Yue never said it, Ivan could feel that Daming's dominance was everywhere. Now that the Oirats are pawns in the Western Regions to explore the way, can Daming come to pick the fruit in the future?
But Wang Yue's answer was impeccable, and even created a feeling that the emperor of Ming Dynasty had been wronged for granted.

This is taken for granted, isn't it a kind of domineering?
Ivan didn't get too entangled in this question, but asked the second question, which was his confusion, or the dilemma of the Principality of Ross.

Ivan said solemnly: "The Tatars went south and occupied the north, and then went south and occupied the south. After a hundred years, the emperor of Ming established the Ming. How did the Ming deal with the Tatars? What about the relationship?"

Ivan I gained the power to levy taxes from the Golden Horde before it developed and became the principality of Rus today. How to deal with the relationship between the Rus and the Tatars became the content of Ivan III's thinking.

Daming also needs to deal with this problem and is dealing with it.

Wang Yue glanced at Ivan III, and sure enough, there was a reason for this young man to travel to the east.

When Wang Yue heard Ivan III's question, he said with a smile: "More than 600 years ago, the Qin people were called barbarians by the other six countries, but everyone was actually a vassal state of Zhou."

"At the beginning of the Han Dynasty, Han Wangxin surrendered to the Xiongnu, and joined forces with the Huns to attack Han in the south. Han Wangxin was defeated in Canhecheng, and was beheaded by Chai Wu. Han Gaozu was besieged by the Huns in Baideng Mountain." (Here is Han Wangxin, not the soldier Han Xin. )
"Later, Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty made an alliance with the Xiongnu Huhanxie Shanyu by killing the white horse. They agreed: From now on, the Han and the Huns will become one family, and they will never cheat and attack each other. People joked: Han and Xiongnu merged."

"Since the Xiongnu, there have been Donghu, Xianbei, Wuhuan, Rouran, Turks, Huihe, Khitan, and Mongolia. For the Ming Dynasty, it is not difficult to deal with this problem."

Ivan III couldn't wait to ask: "Who are these people? Then how should we deal with them?"

But Wang Yue stood up and said: "It's getting late, so I won't bother you any more. If you really want to know, you have to go to Daming to see, hear, and understand for yourself."

"Let me tell you, I don't understand."

The history of Ming Dynasty is very long. From Wang Yue’s point of view, familiar characters are extremely unfamiliar to Ivan. There are also cultural differences, which make it difficult for Wang Yue to explain the details to Ivan. Ivan needs to think for himself.

Ivan III desperately wanted to know about this relationship, but Wang Yue only spoke half of what he said. In the Principality of Ross, if he only spoke half of his words, he would have his tongue cut off!

In the early morning a few days later, Ivan III was invited to the camp outside the city of Samarkand, and this day was the day when the army of the Kingdom of Kang went south to Herat.

In the past few days, the city of Samarkand has been undercurrents, but none of them can stop Kang Guogong's determination to go south.

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