I am the king of the dead

Chapter 793 Seeing the Dragon in the Field, the Civilization of the World

Chapter 793 Seeing the Dragon in the Field, the Civilization of the World

Hu Wei stayed here specifically to fulfill his vocation as a master, to be responsible for debating scriptures and explaining some issues. He also stayed for a purpose, and wanted to share some of his thoughts with His Majesty.

He is old, and he has seldom managed the affairs of the Ministry of Rites. Most of them are teaching the emperor's heirs, especially the prince Zhu Jiancheng. He is planning to retire. Before leaving, he wants to say goodbye to His Majesty.

It's just that Hu Wei, who takes protecting etiquette and law as his own responsibility and has fought for it all his life, his retirement and farewell are different.

"Your Majesty, civilization will perish, and the civilization named Rome has already perished." Hu Wei talked about a very broad and broad issue, about civilization, quite solemnly.

This made everyone present sit upright.

"What is civilization, see the dragon in the field, and the world is civilized." Hu Wei first explained the meaning of civilization.

The Canglong Qisu in the East Palace, Jiao, Kang, Di, Fang, Xin, Wei, and Kei are collectively called the Dragon Star.

Every spring, the Qisulong star rises from the horizon of the field, which is called seeing the dragon in the field, and in summer, the Qisulong star moves to the mid-heaven, which is called the flying dragon in the sky.

In autumn, the Qisu dragon star sinks to the horizon, which is called Kanglong Yougui, and in winter, the Qisu dragon star sinks below the horizon, which is called Qianlong Wuyong.

This is the philosophy of the four seasons of the pre-Qin period, which is a unique romance of looking up at the starry sky.

Seeing a dragon in the field means spring, high-spirited vitality, and the beginning of all things.

Civilization is opposed to barbarism. Civilization is a collection of all social and natural behaviors of a certain group of human beings that get rid of barbarism, including family ethics, production tools, language, writing, belief, religion, law, and country construction, etc. .

Zhu Qiyu could understand the word "civilization" that Hu Wei said, and quietly waited for Hu Wei to continue.

Hu Wei paused, and continued: "Taixi seems to be a mess, but it is actually very simple. The Romans conquered everywhere, conquered cities, established a vast country, and then the pirates on the northern islands began to go south."

"These northern pirates plundered and occupied the land, multiplied and multiplied. They were mainly divided into three groups according to their tribes, the Franks, the Anglo-Saxons, and the Germans."

"For example, on the island of England to the north of Taixi, the Romans drove out the indigenous Celts, and then a pirate tribe named Anglo-Saxon took advantage of the weakness of Rome to occupy the island of England and established a tribe under the name of the tribe. Kingdom of England."

Zhu Qiyu was quite surprised and asked: "Franks, Anglo-Saxons and Germans are the same ancestor? Are they all pirates on the northern islands?"

Hu Wei said with great conviction: "Yes, Your Majesty, all the messy countries in Thailand and the West are actually from barbarian pirates."

"For example, the ancestors of the Duchy of Normandy were Saxons. Of course, Tessie prefers to call them Vikings, and Vikings are no different from Franks, Anglo-Saxons, or Germans."

"The establishment of the Duchy of Normandy was when the pirates occupied Normandy, forced the King of France to recognize the Duchy of Normandy, and found a place to live for their poor relatives."

"The Earl of Anjou, a handsome man from the Duchy of Normandy, married the daughter of King Henry I of England, and gave birth to Henry II, who inherited the throne of England and the territory of the Duchy of Normandy."

"So far, England and France have waged a century-long war for the ownership of the Duchy of Normandy. When the Roman envoy Nicolaus set off, England and France had just ended the war."

"These robbers from the north destroyed the Roman Empire, the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire successively. They absorbed the Roman culture and took it as their own. They took away the Roman characters and modified them a little, and they became the language of the robbers. Then, They started to define Rome."

"The civilization called Rome is destroyed."

At this time, the Middle Ages was in absolute darkness, under the dark sky, with nothing to rely on, and even the gods could not be their sustenance. The descendants of the robbers in Taixi yearned for the glory and prosperity of Rome, and started a cultural movement of worshiping ancient times. , known as the Renaissance.

The code name given to Eastern Rome by history is Byzantium.

The day when Fatih took Constantinople was the day when the Middle Ages in Tessian history ended.

When Rome disappeared, the definition of the Holy Roman Empire, which was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire, replaced the meaning of Rome itself.

Hu Wei said solemnly: "Your Majesty, civilization will perish. The Chinese civilization has a long history and has a long history. Since the three generations of enlightenment, the Chinese civilization has demonstrated its strong resilience, inclusiveness and assimilation."

"But this kind of resilience is not unbreakable, this kind of tolerance is not unchangeable, and this kind of assimilation will also cause confusion. This process is painful."

When Hu Wei said this, he paused for a moment. He thought that His Majesty or others would refute him. At this time, Da Ming was full of vitality and everything was bursting out. Da Ming, who had just stepped out of the winter sequence, was full of high spirits and passion.

At this time, it is somewhat inappropriate and alarmist to discuss the decline and fall of civilization.

However, Zhu Qiyu understood Hu's worry very well, because this kind of severance of civilization happened once, that is, there is no China after Yashan, which was talked about by the Japanese Hino family all day long.

The weakness of the military in the Song and Song Dynasties plunged Chinese civilization into a century of darkness until Zhu Yuanzhang announced the establishment of the Ming Dynasty in Yingtianfu.

Zhu Qiyu leaned forward and asked very sincerely: "Hu Shangshu thinks, what should Ming do to avoid becoming a sinner in Chinese history?"

Xiang Wang Zhu Zhanqian once said that the Ming Dynasty is going to perish after all, and if you get more good families, it will only last for a few more years.

After Zhu Qiyu heard about it, he agreed with it very much. He himself couldn't help the ministers of the Ming Dynasty scolding him as the king of subjugation. Naturally, why and how the country was subjugated are also within the scope of discussion.

Just as no one can live forever, no dynasty can last forever.

How to avoid the Ming Dynasty, not a sinner in Chinese history, has become a topic that can be discussed.

Hu Wei looked around, and the courtiers of the Ming Dynasty seemed to have gotten used to such a political atmosphere thoughtfully, and discussed this issue as something that might happen.

He said with a smile: "How to keep civilization from becoming extinct, I think there are only two points. The first is the ethnic group, and the second is to reform the old."

"The ethnic group is the carrier of everything. Without a huge ethnic group, no matter how brilliant the culture is, it will eventually become a shooting star across the sky for people to recall."

"Renewing the old and reforming the past is constantly looking back at the past, admitting imperfections, admitting defects, making up for mistakes, improving defects, and constantly eliminating ourselves, in order to hope that civilization will last forever."

Hu Wei summed up the two reasons for the demise of Rome, one is not having children, the ethnic group weakened rapidly, and eventually lost the carrier of civilization, and was occupied by the barbarian Li Daitao;
The other is not to admit mistakes and defects, and eventually miss the opportunity to correct mistakes, the more mistakes the more afraid, and finally be plagued by tedious diseases and disappear in the long river of history.

"Hu Shangshu's words are reasonable." Zhu Qiyu agrees with Hu Min's remarks. Ming Dynasty can perish, but China cannot.

How to do it?

In short, it is to have more children to occupy more land, and to have more children to occupy more land, and so on.

In addition to having children, it is to reform the past and reform the new.

Zhu Qiyu said to everyone: "I found that as long as the word change is involved, it will definitely touch the interests of some people. It is impossible to do things without touching anyone's interests."

"Sometimes, some people don't want to do sinner's things, they are afraid of being hated, and they often don't want to offend anyone, but offend everyone."

"If you don't want to offend people, just be an insignificant person. Only an insignificant person will not be hated. When you are divided and eaten, you can't even resist, because resistance is also hated."

"If you want to do something, the knife goes down, and if you see blood, you have to continue, because this is a matter of life and death."

"This is the so-called: Kindness does not govern soldiers and gentleness does not govern, kindness does not serve as an official and does not establish prestige, benevolence does not do business and righteousness does not accumulate wealth."

The Ming Dynasty Zong in history was definitely a good man, he didn't want to offend anyone, and in the end, he offended everyone, even his son, wife, and ministers who supported him were not able to keep.

Hu Yi bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty is wise, if this is the case, I will have no regrets. I am old and decayed. I beg for the bones to support my life."

Lai has been in this position for so many years, and Daming finally forges ahead on the road to being great again. Hu Wei is finally willing to let go of the power in his hands.

Zhu Qiyu nodded and shook his head and said: "The Ministry of Rites can be put aside, and the Eastern Palace has to rely on Hu Shangshu."

Hu Yi bowed his head and said: "It's only natural, I can still walk, so naturally I won't slack off."

After Wang Zhi became an official and handed over the affairs of the official department to Wang Ao, he did not leave Beijing. Instead, he still lived in the official residence and served as the prince's junior teacher, responsible for teaching the heirs of the Tai'an Palace.

Hu Wei's resignation is to get rid of the political officials and affairs officials, but not completely from the political center. Once there is a change in the government and needs to be sprinkled and washed, Hu can still come out to deal with emergencies.

"Who does Hu Shangshu think is suitable for the position of Minister of the Ministry of Rites?" Zhu Qiyu asked the candidates for the Ministry of Rites again. Zhu Qiyu preferred Liu Ji. In terms of etiquette, it is still very trustworthy.

The only problem is that Liu Ji is too young and not qualified enough.

Hu Wei took out two memorials from his sleeve and said: "Xiao Tun, the left governor of Huguang, No. 1 in the second class in the second year of Xuande. Suitable candidates."

"Yao Kui, the censor of the governor's capital of Yunnan, can return to Beijing to be the assistant of Xiao Min."

Zhu Qiyu knew something about the two of them, Yao Kui naturally needless to say, last year, Yao Kui counselor Qian Guogong Mu Lin military affairs, went to Jiaozhi, participated in the battle of Annan in the county, his resume was impeccable.

But this Xiao Xun, besides being honest and honest, is only a human being. He is 20 years younger than Hu Shangshu, but his body is weak. Xiao Xun may even walk ahead of Hu Xun.

Do you love power?Why did Lian Quan want to become an official?
Zhu Qiyu thought for a while and suddenly realized that the real candidate for the Minister of Rites recommended by Hu Wei was not Xiao Jun, but Yao Kui, but Yao Kui had never served as a Beijing official and was not familiar with things in Beijing, so Yao Kui was given a period of learning and adaptation. time.

After reading these two memorials, Zhu Qiyu asked, "What about Liu Ji, who was cultivated by Hu Shangshu with all his heart? What are you doing?"

Hu Wei thought for a while and said: "It is more appropriate to go to Liaodong to be the military affairs counselor of Liaodong, Fan Guang."

No place to practice, but still want to do six books?If you don't have enough experience, that means you don't have enough hard conditions, so go to Liaodong to suffer a little bit, and then you can better serve your majesty when you come back.

"Then take it to the court for discussion." Zhu Qiyu handed the memorial to Yu Qian. Yu Qian is the head of all the officials. The appointment of the new Minister of Rites and the court's push are more appropriate because Qian presides over it.

Zhu Qiyu chatted with several courtiers about government affairs, and then ended the performance.

Yu Qian, Hu Wei, He Zhang, and Shen Yi stood up and resigned, and then returned to Yousi to be on duty.

Hu Yi unloaded the burden, naturally he had nothing to do, and wandered back to the house to toss about his small attic.

When Hu Wei returned home, the mansion was deserted and deserted. Hu Changxiang was not on duty at the Taiyuan Hospital today, but was also at home.

"What are you doing?" Hu Yan looked at Hu Changxiang who was sitting cross-legged on the ground writing and drawing, and asked with a smile.

Hu Changxiang said in a low voice: "Raise rats. Father, keep your voice down. The female rat will eat the offspring when she hears a loud noise. This rat is the most precious, and the second most expensive, it is very rare. Rats used in hospitals have to be taken from the house." I'll get it here."

Female rats eat young, while male rats are good at fighting.

Hu Changxiang turned his home into a zoo, but Hu Yan never accused Hu Changxiang of this incident.

Firstly, Hu Changxiang raised these things for the advancement of medical skills in the Taiyuan Hospital; secondly, Hu Changxiang raised them all in the breeding room and never ran out once.

"I'm retiring. His Majesty came back yesterday. I told His Majesty today about the matter of becoming an official. Your Majesty agreed." Hu found a bench and sat down, looked at the mice in the breeding room, and said with a smile.

Hu Changxiang said quite relaxedly: "It doesn't matter if my father retires, he has worked hard and worked hard all his life, and he is full of infamy. If he retires, he will take his grandson to the Imperial Hospital to improve his medical skills and do what he wants to do. "

Hu Wei said with a little apology: "At the beginning, you were blocked from the imperial examination and you were not allowed to become an official. Now that I have withdrawn, if you want to take the imperial examination, there is still time."

Hu Changxiang waved his hands again and again, and said with disgust: "There is no better way to know a son than a father. Father doesn't know me yet? Is that where I should go?"

"I'm soft-tempered. When I come to the biggest Vanity Fair in the officialdom, I'm afraid that there will be no scum left that I have been eaten for a long time, and my father will be involved. I am fine in the Tai Hospital. I don't want to take the exam, and I can't pass the exam."

Hu Changxiang really likes to be on duty in the Imperial Hospital. He did not inherit his father's political wisdom, but his father's medical talent. Hu Changxiang enjoys studying medicine.

Hu Changxiang is tired of watching the intrigues in the officialdom for so many years.

"What are you writing about? Tell me about it." Hu Yan asked with interest. His son has been working on these breeding rooms for almost ten years. What exactly is he working on? He was busy in the past and never paid attention to it.

Hu Changxiang hesitated for a while and said: "These mice, in fact, it is the female mice that decide the family, not the male mice."

"When female mice do not reap the benefits of bonding with a male mouse, such bonding does not occur."

"Based on this premise, two conclusions are drawn."

"First: All the benefits that male mice have provided to female mice in the past do not sustain future relationships."

"Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, so they fly separately when disaster strikes?" Hu Wei asked tentatively.

Hu Changxiang nodded repeatedly, and said excitedly: "Yes, yes, yes."

"Second, any current benefits offered by male mice to maintain future relationships with female mice are ineffective and futile."

"For example, the No. [-] male rat saved a lot of food for the female rat before, but yesterday the male rat lost to other male rats and was injured. The female rat left after eating the food."

Hu Yan looked at the mouse that Hu Changxiang pointed to with great interest. This mouse was seriously injured, and he might not be able to collect food in the future.

"Are you just talking about mice?" Hu Yan asked with a smile.

Hu Changxiang shook his head and said, "It's not just mice, cats, dogs, lions, tigers, bears, and so on."

Hu Yan laughed, he was making excuses, and his son was seriously discussing natural phenomena.

 Metonymy is a rhetorical technique, which refers to calling it by the name of another thing related to it instead of directly saying the name of the thing to be said.Ask for a monthly ticket, woo! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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