I am the king of the dead

Chapter 912 Who is Emperor Xuan?

Chapter 912 Who is Emperor Xuan?

Using the spear of the son to attack the shield of the son is an impeccable stunt. I am better at your best weapon than you, so it will be invincible.

But this trick requires extremely high personal talents, and what Liu Ji does not lack is precisely talents.

In fact, He Zhang was somewhat dismissive of Liu Ji's previous behavior. Hu Wei's immorality and disrespect were for the sake of the Ming court's dignity.

Then why is Liu Ji shameless?And as far as the fighting power of the court is concerned, Liu Ji is at most slightly stronger than Ma Jin and his like, not to mention fighting against He Zhang.

In He Zhang's eyes, Liu Ji is the kind of person who can only study hard, has some talents, and is willing to sprinkle water to wash the ground for His Majesty, but he is somewhat not worthy of the status of Hu Wei's closed disciple. He Zhang claims to be Hu Wei's disciple , although Hu Wei didn't object, but Hu Wei didn't respond. When He Zhang mentioned the things in Hu Wei's house, he always mentioned them and brought them back.

Now, Hu Wei is so old that he can no longer preside over the affairs of the Ministry of Rites, Yao Kui is more than right, but not flexible enough, looking at the court, there is no one who even sprinkles water to wash the ground for His Majesty, He Zhang is also in a hurry, His Majesty may not care Personal reputation, but if this high ground of public opinion is not occupied, it will definitely be occupied by the enemy. If it is really so powerful, it will be difficult for even a wise majesty to deal with it.

Zhu Qiyu is very pleased with Liu Ji's change. Shameless is indeed omnipotent, but shameless and immoral are all hated by others. Liu Ji has indeed grown up, which is progress.

"The Battle of Lu City." Liu Ji shook his head and said, "It is said that Wolong is good at literature but not martial arts. This statement is wrong."

In "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Zhuge Liang used soldiers like a god, and was the number one military division in the Three Kingdoms. But in the official history, Zhuge Liang's image seems to be more internal affairs. So, does Zhuge Liang have military talent?
"Xuanhuang pacified Mengda. From Wancheng to Xincheng, he traveled [-] miles day and night with stars. He rushed to the journey in three days. He besieged the city and killed Mengda. He broke the strategy of combining forces between Shu and Wu and became famous. Xuanhuang conquered Liaodong and attacked Gongsunyuan. , Depart in the first month, from August to September, it is as fast as the wind, and it invades like fire." Liu Ji talked about Xuanhuang, and talked eloquently.

If you want to discuss it, you must first deny Zhuge Liang. It is really too difficult to deny this Zhuge Liang who has entered the Confucian Temple and the Martial Temple.

"I have never thought that there is anything wrong with Yu Shaobao's use of grain and grass as bait. This grain and grass are also used for logistics. Isn't logistics used for consumption? How the front line consumes food and grass is the front line's business. If the logistics is not replenished, then It was my fault."

Sima Yi's use of troops highlights one of vigorous and resolute, and one of clean and neat.

"Don't give up, run around for state affairs, rewards and punishments will last forever."

"Article 96 of the "Gangxian Regulations" was revised by Yu Shangshu and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. I am familiar with the Gangxian. He Zongxian did not make false accusations. Every sentence is true. What is the crime? This Fengtian Temple belongs to the Ming Dynasty. Where the magic weapon is, Zongxian He is dedicated to the public, and where the responsibility lies, there is nothing wrong with it."

He Zhang bowed his head and said, "I understand."

Sima Yi's fighting style, starting from the pacification of Mengda, was swift as the wind and aggressive as fire, as if I was stronger than you, and he could win no matter what he fought.

Zhu Qiyu watched Yao Kui leave, and waited for a while before speaking: "He Aiqing, do you...understand?"

Liu Ji continued: "But when Emperor Xuan met Zhong Wuhou in Wuzhangyuan, he was as Xu as a forest and as immovable as a mountain. Both civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty said that Sima Yi was as fearful of Shu as a tiger. Then I would like to ask Zongxian He, this Marquis of Wu, how can he?" will fight?"

As a unified dynasty, the Jin Dynasty was not called by temple titles, but by the word Huang, which was a shame. When Sima Yi was named, he was also called Xuanhuang, not Jin Gaozu. All dynasties did not respect the Jin Dynasty very much, and the title was inferior. This is because the Jin Dynasty did not respect itself, so others would naturally not respect him.

"Marquis Zhongwu doesn't know how to fight, so how could he be Marquis Wu?" He Zhang said with a bit of embarrassment.

He Zhang bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, if I am the Duke of Jun, and I come back to Beijing to visit, Your Majesty will wait for the king's gift, and I can only hang myself to thank God. Some holy family members can't stand it."

"It is reasonable for Marquis Zhongwu to use food and roads as bait to determine victory, and it is also reasonable for Marquis Wen'an to use food and grass as bait. Zongxian He can't say that Yu Shaobao can't fight."

"Who is Emperor Xuan?" Ma Jin asked a censor next to him in a low voice. Almost half of the court officials looked at Ma Jin when he asked this question.

What does He Zhang understand?I understand that His Majesty still regards civil servants as enemies in his heart. The security fee of 50 silver a year in Tai'an Palace is not for generals, but for civil servants. His Majesty has never really trusted civil servants other than Yu Shaobao, even when entering and leaving Tai'an. The same is true for Hu Wei of the palace.

"I dare not, I will die." He Zhang staggered in fright, and hurriedly bowed his head to plead guilty.

When Hu Wei talked about history and explained this passage, he also talked about civil and natural changes. Hu Wei said bluntly that if His Majesty and Yu Shaobao hadn't turned the tide and helped the building to collapse, the Ming Dynasty might have turned into the Jin Dynasty. When later generations judged the emperors of the Ming Dynasty, they all commensurate with the emperor.

"That Ma Jin from the Procuratorate, it's fine if you don't work hard. What's the matter with this knowledge? Emperor Xuan didn't know who it was, so he sent him to the Imperial Academy to study for a while." Zhu Qiyu's words obviously contained disgust.

But, is His Majesty's anger really just for Yao Kui?Any ideas for tapping?

Zhu Qiyu didn't blame Ma Jin for not knowing who Emperor Xuan was. Zhu Qiyu only knew about it when he heard Hu Wei mention it when he was going to the study to make up lessons.

"It's reasonable, then follow the Ministry of Rites and make preparations." Zhu Qiyu agreed with He Zhang's rhetoric and asked the Ministry of Rites to make preparations.

To say that Yu Qian does not know how to fight is to speak nonsense with open eyes. After the emperors of the Western Jin Dynasty and Northern Song Dynasty were captured, the Western Jin Dynasty’s journey to the south became the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and the mud horse crossing the river in the Northern Song Dynasty became the Southern Song Dynasty. Is Xu Youzhen the only one?Even Yu Shiyue sent his wife and children away.

He Zhang stood still, in fact, he was in a cold sweat. If he hadn't made a memorial in advance, which showed the nature of a scholar and expressed his heart in advance, whether His Majesty would go down the slope today, and if he pleaded guilty, His Majesty would directly agree and let him go. It's not possible to kiss, but it's possible to let him out of Beijing.

"He Zongxian!" Zhu Qiyu said with a little dissatisfaction: "You have to take care of the affairs of the Ministry of War, and the affairs of the Ministry of Rites, do you also take care of the affairs of the Ministry of Rites? Maybe someday, you will also take care of the affairs of Tai'an Palace!"

When Cao Pi passed away, Sun Quan felt that the new funeral of the king of Wei was a good time to attack Wei. Sun Quan sent troops to attack Wei in August of the seventh year of Huangchu. Sima Yi defeated Sun Quan and Zhuge Jin within a hundred days. Ba, this is before the mobilization of troops. In December of the seventh year of Huangchu, Sima Yi's troops were promoted to General Biao Hussars.

Does Zhuge Liang have military talent?Of course there is, military talent is military talent, this thing is rare, there is no need to distinguish between high and low.

In fact, Sima Yi is indeed the one who can fight the most after Cao Cao died of illness and the veterans couldn't fight.

"Your Majesty obeys the decree, and I will leave." Yao Kui was startled by His Majesty's anger just now, and hurriedly left Fengtian Hall. When Yao Kui stepped forward with one foot, Yao Kui heard His Majesty's words.

"I obey the order." He Zhang bowed his head and took the order.

Only then did Zhu Qiyu say, "Tell me the reason."

At the beginning when Xiao Yi was implicated by Qian Pu and Zhu Qiyu came forward, He Zhang would not give up a single step. If Zhu Qiyu hadn't come up with a bad idea to let Xiao Yi take the case, it could be regarded as an confession and an explanation.

Cochin Thirteen Division’s ocean-covering ships have entered Mizhou Shipsi, and the ship unloads and goes south to Songjiang City Shipsi, because the harbor of Mizhou Shipsi will freeze, and if you don’t go, you will have to go next spring when the ice and snow melt, and Chen Mao himself came to the capital with high taxes, and the Ministry of Rites discussed the etiquette accordingly.

"He Zongxian, what kind of situation do you put your majesty in? If you make a mistake today, won't your majesty want a judgment that is not as good as the empress lord of Shu?"

Zhu Qiyu looked at Liu Ji, Liu Ji was a little proud, but Zhu Qiyu knew too well that He Zhang was merciful, it was He Zhang who didn't want to win, it wasn't Liu Ji who won, Liu Ji was good at learning, but He Zhang was not. ?Zhu Qiyu has studied the battle of Lucheng, and He Zhang wants to impeach Yu Qian, can he not make preparations?
Especially after He Zhang heard Liu Ji mention the Battle of Lu City, He Zhang started to release water. To be precise, He Zhang has been releasing water from the very beginning.

"No fault, no guilt, excuse me." Zhu Qiyu had a smile on his face, and He Zhang did not make a false accusation. The facts were clear. As a courtier, as a courtier, and as the chief constitution of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, it was his duty to raise objections.

Liu Ji will put Qianqian and Zhuge Zhuang on the same page, is Yu Qian worthy?In Zhu Qiyu's own opinion, Yu Qian is of course worthy of it, and in the eyes of civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, Yu Qian is also worthy of it. Zhuge Liang is a character who lives in the history books, and Yu Qian is a living supporter of the sky, Bo Yunzhu, and Haizijin Liang.

Zhu Qiyu felt that Chen Mao and the other princes should be given gifts, but the Ministry of Rites was very insistent on this matter, resolutely insisting on the state's official ceremony. Zhu Qiyu is the emperor, and a gentleman's words are hard to follow. If you make a promise, how can you withdraw it?But the Ministry of Rites could even be said to be stubborn in this matter, Zhu Qiyu asked Yao Kui and He Zhang to stay for further discussion.

"Do you know what I want you to do?" Zhu Qiyu said with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for clarifying the confusion." Ma Jin felt like being pardoned, and hurriedly thanked her. It was thanks to His Majesty who gave her a step, otherwise Ma Jin would not be able to step down for the second time today.

The demise of the Western Jin Dynasty was the capture of two emperors, the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty was the capture of two emperors, King Jili was captured, and the Ming Dynasty did not become the Jin Dynasty, relying on the efforts of His Majesty and Yu Shaobao to turn the tide.

In this court hall, there is a scene of fratricide between members of the same sect. Although Hu Wei shouldn't, he didn't deny it. In the eyes of outsiders, isn't He Zhang Hu Wei's disciple?Covering the sky with one hand to congratulate President Zongxian, to whom should I salute as a disciple?This Liu Ji is Hu Wei's formal recognition of his apprentice. Everyone watched this drama of fighting each other with great enthusiasm. The Fengtian Hall was extremely quiet. Ma Jin's opening immediately attracted everyone's attention.

He Zhang was silent for a moment, then bowed his head to the emperor on the platform and said, "Yu Shaobao naturally has military talent, Your Majesty, I have no objection."

The censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate want to bite people, and Yu Shaobaogui is the head of all officials, so it is not impossible to bite people. The procuratorate doesn't care about this, Jinyiwei can't manage it, and the East Factory can't manage it, so wouldn't it be necessary to set up a West Factory to take care of it?

Sima Yi's whole life of fighting is a quick battle, coming and going like the wind. In the Three Kingdoms era after Cao Pi became emperor, if Sima Yi hadn't met Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi would be the brightest boy in the Three Kingdoms. I will win if I fight anyone , chopped melons and vegetables, and won quickly, the mustache had to call out Patriarch when he saw Sima Yi.

This Emperor Xuan is Sima Yi. This is the title of the emperors of the Jin Kingdom in all dynasties. They are called emperors, not emperors. The word Xuanhuang.

Zhu Qiyu looked around, and was stunned that no one gave Ma Jin a step down, so Ma Jin's face flushed in embarrassment. At this time, the same family is fighting each other, and it's not easy to speak casually, so Zhu Qiyu coughed softly and said: " Emperor Xuan is Sima Yi, Emperor Gaozu of Jin."

"Do you have any objections?" Zhu Qiyu sat up straight, inspected the circle and asked.

"Start playing if there is something to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do." Xing'an said loudly, flicking his whisk.

"Is Emperor Xuan afraid of the Kingdom of Shu, or of Marquis Wu?"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your forgiveness." He Zhang thanked Xie En again before getting up and returning to work.

What happened after Sima Yi met Zhuge Liang?

On the original historical line, if Zhu Jianshen had a way, he would leave the East Factory and Jinyiwei unused, and insist on setting up a West Factory?

"Your Majesty, I am guilty of impeaching Yu Shaobao for no reason." He Zhang flicked his sleeves and knelt on the ground to plead guilty.

As soon as the words He Aiqing came out, He Zhang knew that His Majesty was not really angry. After all, the temper just now was sent to Yao Kui.

To put it bluntly, His Majesty wants him to be a water monkey like this time.

This is Yu Qian's de facto achievement.

The court meeting was still going on, and the state affairs were in turmoil. Apart from the great event of the triumphant return of the Northern Expedition, the biggest event was that Duke Jun Chen Mao escorted Jiaozhi Autumn Grain to Beijing with high taxes.

Zhu Qiyu waited for a while, but still no one came out to argue with Liu Ji. As the emperor, as the referee, Zhu Qiyu said: "If you don't speak, I will assume that you have no objections. Take history as a mirror to know the ups and downs, Liu Ji What the doctor said won my heart deeply."

Zhuge Liang sent the woman to dress up, and Sima Yi was so humiliated that he still stood still. What tactics, what formations, what tricks, what quick victories, what others criticized, all four words, shrinking his head like a turtle.

Zhu Qiyu stood up cheerfully and said: "Xing'an, bring some shark beads and put a curtain on Zongxian He. If it's not appropriate, take a thousand silver. The curtain can't be spent, but silver coins are fine. If you have merit, you will be rewarded, this time Mr. He has worked so hard on this matter, if you have merit, you should be rewarded."

In the 14th year of orthodoxy, the Ming emperor was captured. Instead, Daming fought a beautiful counterattack under the capital city, and then made persistent efforts, forcing Walaxi to run away without a trace.

"If it is because of Yu Shaobao's conspiracy that he has to judge his merits and demerits, then Zhongwuhou used the food road as a bait to make a conspiracy, and he did not see the empress of Shu punish Zhongwuhou, saying that Zhongwuhou should not have done so."

"Just admit it." Seeing that He Zhang did not object, Liu Ji continued: "In the battle of Lucheng, Zhong Wuhou used the grain road as a bait. The Battle of Lucheng almost became the place where Emperor Xuan fell into battle, and since then, Emperor Xuan has gained the reputation of being as fearful of Shu as a tiger."

Seeing that the heat was almost ready, He Zhang chose to admit defeat. This was to withdraw the impeachment against Qian. In the case of the Duke's Mansion, He Zhang impeached him to the end.

"Your Majesty, I think what the Ministry of Rites said makes sense." After He Zhang stayed behind, he also agreed with the Duke's welcome and gift method of the Ministry of Rites, not the prince.

In this round of merits and demerits, Liu Ji beat He Zhang, and Zhu Qiyu, as the referee who was already biased, characterized the matter of Yu Qian's use of grain and grass as bait this time for the consumption of grain and grass. That is to fight against the emperor, and the winner takes all, whether it is on the battlefield or at the negotiating table.

Using grain, grass and luggage as bait, Zhongwu Hou Zhuge Liang used it, so Wen'an Hou used it?

"Some things are inconvenient for His Majesty, the East Factory is not suitable, Jin Yiwei is too ostentatious, and it is just right for me to do it." He Zhang said concisely.

Compiling history is a very serious matter, with many rules and ways.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Long En." He Zhang didn't refuse. This matter is settled today, and we can't make any fuss in the future. If we bring it up again in the future, Yu Shaobao will inevitably be forced to ignore the matter. Wen Yuwu started from Yu Shaobao, and if he didn't trip Yu Shaobao, there was nothing he could do to promote Wen Yuwu.

Seeing that His Majesty took out the silver reward, He Zhang also felt relieved. His Majesty just acted out for Yao Kui when he was angry and happy just now. Art does not mean beating.

His Majesty the Emperor even took out the silver as a reward, which shows that His Majesty the Emperor is very satisfied with He Zhang's mission.

A whole thousand silver!

 Solemnly declare that the author has no intention of whitewashing Sima Yi. Sima Yi can be three horses in the same boat and be a powerful minister. Naturally, he has two brushes. For example, after Cao Pi died, Sima Yi beat Sun Quan and was invincible for a hundred days. Marquis Wu can only put away his tail that is raised to the sky, just wanting to express this meaning.Ask for a monthly ticket, woo! ! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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